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Bad against...[]

Ancient Apparition icon
  • Ice Blast icon Ice Blast can prevent healing from Hand of God icon Hand of God and kill Chen's creeps.
  • Ancient Apparition can easily harass Chen on lane with Chilling Touch icon Chilling Touch due to it's high range and damage. This can get even worse if Ancient Apparition buys Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter and combines it with items that can give him bonus attack damage and attack speed.
  • Chilling Touch icon Chilling Touch combined with Ice Vortex icon Ice Vortex makes it impossible for Chen to escape from Cold Feet icon Cold Feet. Ice Vortex icon Ice Vortex can also make Chen's creeps more vulnerable to Ancient Apparition and his allies's magical damage.
Bounty Hunter icon
  • Track icon Track allows Bounty Hunter to keep Chen under watch whenever he jungles and to give Bounty Hunter and his allies a huge gold gain whenever Chen is killed while under effects of Track icon Track.
  • Shadow Walk icon Shadow Walk allows Bounty Hunter to bypass Chen's creeps and sneak on Chen and finish him off with Jinada icon Jinada and Shuriken Toss icon Shuriken Toss.
  • However, Bounty Hunter's single-targeted ability arsenal can make it difficult for him to clear waves of Chen's creeps.
Clinkz icon
  • Clinkz's Skeleton Walk icon Skeleton Walk allows him to easily sneak on Chen and bypass his creeps. It also allows him to escape from them.
  • Clinkz can easily kill Chen's creeps with Death Pact icon Death Pact and gain gold, health, damage and abilities from them when upgraded with Death Pact icon Death Pact Steal creep abilities talent.
  • Clinkz naturally loves buying Gleipnir icon Gleipnir, which allows him to easily root Chen and his creeps and to kill them more easily with Burning Barrage icon Burning Barrage from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard.
  • Clinkz can kill Chen or any of his allies with his physical damage burst from Strafe icon Strafe, Tar Bomb icon Tar Bomb and Burning Barrage icon Burning Barrage from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard before he can use Hand of God. Especially when Clinkz has Gleipnir icon Gleipnir and Daedalus icon Daedalus. Clinkz can also buy Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn to prevent Chen from even trying to use Hand of God.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Frostbite icon Frostbite roots and disarms Chen's creeps for 10 seconds.
  • Crystal Maiden has a lot of AOE damage between Crystal Nova icon Crystal Nova and Freezing Field icon Freezing Field to clear Chen's creeps out side and during team fights.
Enchantress icon
  • Enchantress can turn Chen's own creeps against him with Enchant icon Enchant. The creeps still keep the health buff Holy Persuasion granted them. Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard gives Enchantress Little Friends icon Little Friends ability, which allows her to turn multiple of Chen's creeps all at once against him.
  • Untouchable icon Untouchable and Nature's Attendants icon Nature's Attendants make her difficult to kill.
Earthshaker icon
  • Echo Slam icon Echo Slam will deal immense damage due to the amount of creeps Chen will have.
  • Fissure icon Fissure and Enchant Totem icon Enchant Totem deal large amounts of AOE damage, wearing down non-ancient creeps that Chen converts.
Enigma icon
  • Demonic Conversion icon Demonic Conversion can be used to instantly kill Chen's creeps and give Enigma gold in process.
  • Midnight Pulse icon Midnight Pulse can greatly damage Chen and his creeps and disrupt Chen's jungling.
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole combined with follow-ups from Enigma's allies can often finish Chen or any of his allies before he can use Hand of God icon Hand of God. To make things worse, Chen has no way to cancel Black Hole icon Black Hole on his own, especially if Enigma chooses to channel Black Hole icon Black Hole in center, and must rely on outside from Centaur Conqueror icon Centaur Conqueror or Mud Golem icon Mud Golem under his control.
Legion Commander icon
  • Chen's fragility and low mobility make him an enticing Duel icon Duel target.
  • Overwhelming Odds icon Overwhelming Odds and Moment of Courage icon Moment of Courage can take advantage of converted creeps's numbers.
  • With enough damage from Duel icon Duel stacks, Legion Commander can also often kill any of Chen's unfortunate allies before he can use Hand of God.
Sven icon
Dawnbreaker icon
  • Starbreaker icon Starbreaker can deal huge damage to Chen and clear waves of his creeps.
  • Celestial Hammer icon Celestial Hammer can deal damage over time to both, Chen and his creeps, which may force Chen to use Hand of God icon Hand of God prematurely.
  • Solar Guardian icon Solar Guardian allows Dawnbreaker to counter Chen's pushing attempts and to rejoin her team with Solar Guardian when they require it. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Solar Guardian icon Solar Guardian can also give Dawnbreaker's allies evasion while Dawnbreaker is airborne for it's duration, wasting much of Penitence icon Penitence's power.
Lina icon
Luna icon
Medusa icon
  • Medusa's Split Shot icon Split Shot can easily kill Chen's creeps.
  • Mystic Snake icon Mystic Snake can quickly kill Chen's creeps and deal intense damage for every killed creep while also draining their mana with each bounce. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Mystic Snake icon Mystic Snake can also disable both, Chen and his creeps upon impact.
  • Mana Shield icon Mana Shield will make it impossible for Chen to burst down Medusa.
  • Stone Gaze icon Stone Gaze can disable Chen from using Hand of God icon Hand of God to save himself or his allies.
Monkey King icon
Dazzle icon
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch severely slows down Chen, deals damage over time and weakens his armor every time he gets attacked by Dazzle or any of his allies. Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgraded Poison Touch icon Poison Touch can hex Chen and prevent him from saving his allies with Hand of God icon Hand of God.
  • Neither Chen nor his converted creeps have burst damage at all, so Dazzle will always have plenty of time to save his allies with Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave.
  • Dazzle can use Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave can heal his allies, kill Chen's creeps and damage Chen himself.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju can weaken Chen's armor, and the armor of his creeps every time Dazzle casts a spell while strengthening armor of Dazzle's allies.
Huskar icon
  • Inner Fire icon Inner Fire can damage and disarm Chen's creeps.
  • Burning Spear icon Burning Spear's high damage over time that grows stronger the more it stacks can force Chen to use Hand of God prematurely, potentially wasting a chance to save his allies during a teamfight.
  • Berserker's Blood icon Berserker's Blood makes it impossible for Chen and his creeps to kill Huskar.
  • Life Break icon Life Break can deal huge damage to Chen and slow him down.
Venomancer icon
  • Venomancer's damage over time can force Chen to use Hand of God prematurely, potentially wasting a chance to save his allies during a teamfight.
  • Venomancer's Poison Nova icon Poison Nova, Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale and Plague Ward icon Plague Ward can easily kill Chen's creeps.
Jakiro icon
Sand King icon
Timbersaw icon
  • With Timber Chain icon Timber Chain, Timbersaw can slow, catch up with, or escape from Chen and his creeps.
  • Chakram icon Chakram and Flamethrower icon Flamethrower from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard can clear Chen's creeps and slow him.
  • Attacks from multiple creeps will quickly build Reactive Armor icon Reactive Armor stacks, making attacks of Chen and his creeps only tickle Timbersaw.
Doom icon
  • Doom can easily kill Chen's creeps and obtain their abilities with Devour icon Devour.
  • Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth's area-of-effect can clear multiple of Chen's creeps at once.
  • Doom ability icon Doom renders Chen completely helpless, and unable to save himself or his allies with Hand of God icon Hand of God. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Doom ability icon Doom also allows Doom to cast Doom ability icon Doom on himself and disable both, Chen and his creeps around him.
Lifestealer icon
  • Rage icon Rage gives Lifestealer spell immunity, Chen and his converted creeps have little to no ways of fighting back against Lifestealer whenever he activates it.
  • Feast icon Feast allows Lifestealer to recover himself by damaging Chen's creeps.
  • Chen has no escape mechanisms, so he will often be unable to escape from slows applied with Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy.
  • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard can severely slow down Chen, and allow Lifestealer and his team to heal themselves by attacking Chen. Open Wounds icon Open Wounds can also fester and spread if Chen takes enough damage that will trigger the spread while he is affected with Open Wounds icon Open Wounds.
  • Infest icon Infest allows Lifestealer to infest into one of Chen's converted creeps and take control of it, which allows Lifestealer to either escape from Chen or surprise him. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Infest icon Infest can disarm Chen and allow Lifestealer to attack Chen from within, even if Chen is spell immune.
Necrophos icon
Weaver icon
  • Weaver can easily kill Chen's creeps and kite Chen with The Swarm icon The Swarm and Shukuchi icon Shukuchi.
  • Neither Chen nor his converted creeps have burst damage at all, so Weaver will always have plenty of time to save himself with Time Lapse icon Time Lapse or his allies with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Time Lapse icon Time Lapse.
Death Prophet icon
Dark Seer icon
Vengeful Spirit icon
  • Magic Missile icon Magic Missile can stun Chen and deal heavy damage to him.
  • Wave of Terror icon Wave of Terror weakens durability of Chen and his creeps.
  • Nether Swap icon Nether Swap can be used to separate Chen away from his creeps, often to certain death from Vengeful Spirit's allies.
Broodmother icon
  • Chen has no area-of-effect spells to deal with Broodmother's spiderlings and must rely on his creeps to take care of them.
  • Spawn Spiderlings icon Spawn Spiderlings can kill Chen's creeps and spawn spiderlings in their place.
  • Spin Web icon Spin Web allows Broodmother to disrupt Chen's jungling.
  • Silken Bola icon Silken Bola will cause Chen and his creeps's attack to miss more often while also making them more vulnerable to magical damage, especially if Broodmother picks 400 AoE Silken Bola icon Silken Bola talent.
  • Broodmother is a natural Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn wielder, which will allow her to prevent Chen from trying to save himself with Hand of God icon Hand of God while also making him more vulnerable to damage, and when combined with Insatiable Hunger icon Insatiable Hunger, it will spell a quick and certain death for Chen. Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn's passive ability will also reduce any spell damage Chen tries to inflict with his creeps.
  • Spinner's Snare icon Spinner's Snare from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter allows Broodmother to create invisible lines on her webs from Spin Web icon Spin Web that will root Chen and his creeps, deal damage over time to them and reveal them if they unwittingly steps on them, disrupting Chen's jungling even more while also alerting Broodmother on their attempts to ambush her and her allies.
Outworld Destroyer icon
Ursa icon
  • Earthshock icon Earthshock can slow down Chen and deal damage to both, Chen and his creeps.
  • Many stacks from Fury Swipes icon Fury Swipes combined with Overpower icon Overpower can guaranatee a kill for Ursa before Chen can save his allies with Hand of God icon Hand of God.
  • Enrage icon Enrage only makes Chen's attacks and his creeps's attacks tickle Ursa.
Pugna icon
Shadow Fiend icon
Spectre icon
  • Spectral Dagger icon Spectral Dagger can severely slow down Chen and allow Spectre to chase him down.
  • Spectre often buys Radiance icon Radiance, which allows her to clear waves of Chen's creeps and if Chen has no creeps beside himself, he will suffer serious damage from Desolate icon Desolate.
  • Dispersion icon Dispersion will make attacks from Chen's creeps only tickle Spectre while also killing themselves in process.
  • Haunt icon Haunt can find Chen anywhere on the map, no matter where he is.
Alchemist icon
  • Alchemist's Acid Spray icon Acid Spray can heavily damage Chen's creeps and disrupt his jungling.
  • Alchemist builds items like Radiance icon Radiance and Battle Fury icon Battle Fury, allowing him to quickly clear Chen's creeps.
  • Alchemist's Greevil's Greed icon Greevil's Greed will grant him more bonus gold as he kills Chen's creeps.
Razor icon
Naga Siren icon
  • Naga Siren can make landing Chen's combo very hard due to her being an illusion hero thanks to Mirror Image icon Mirror Image.
  • Rip Tide icon Rip Tide can deal big damage to Chen and reduce Chen's armor, as well as easily kill all of Chen's creeps.
  • Naga Siren often builds Radiance icon Radiance, which allows her to quickly clear Chen's creeps.
  • Ensnare icon Ensnare will prevent Chen from escaping.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, Naga Siren can get access to Reel In icon Reel In, which can separate Chen from his creeps and draw him closer to Naga Siren and her team to finish her off. To make things worse, Chen has no way to cancel Reel In icon Reel In on his own, and must rely on outside from Centaur Conqueror icon Centaur Conqueror or Mud Golem icon Mud Golem under his control.
  • Carry or Nuker Naga Siren can often finish off Support Chen before he can have a chance to activate Hand of God icon Hand of God.
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Shackles icon Shackles prevents Chen from acting, and damages him while healing Shadow Shaman, also allowing Shadow Shaman's allies to kill him faster. Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgraded Shackles icon Shackles can also summon four more Mass Serpent Ward icon Mass Serpent Wards to attack Chen while he is disabled. And to make things worse, Chen has no way to cancel Shackles icon Shackles on his own, and must rely on outside from Centaur Conqueror icon Centaur Conqueror or Mud Golem icon Mud Golem under his control.
  • Ether Shock icon Ether Shock and Mass Serpent Ward icon Mass Serpent Ward can often not only kill Chen's allies before he can save them with Hand of God icon Hand of God, but they can also be used to destroy Chen's creeps easily thanks to their high damage and area-of-effect.
  • Hex (Shadow Shaman) icon Hex will prevent Chen from any attempt to save himself or his allies with Hand of God icon Hand of God.
Phoenix icon
  • Phoenix's large damage over time with Icarus Dive icon Icarus Dive and Fire Spirits icon Fire Spirits can kill Chen's allies before he can use Hand of God.
  • Phoenix naturally buys Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel, which allows him to reduce healing from Divine Favor icon Divine Favor and Hand of God icon Hand of God.
  • Phoenix's Supernova icon Supernova cannot be damaged by Chen's creeps, and their normal speed means they will often not be able to kill Phoenix whenever he uses Supernova icon Supernova.
Elder Titan icon
  • Elder Titan's Astral Spirit icon Astral Spirit ability gives him bonus damage for each converted creep it passes through.
  • Echo Stomp icon Echo Stomp and Earth Splitter icon Earth Splitter will often kill him or any of his allies quickly before he has time to use Hand of God.
Batrider icon
Witch Doctor icon
Rubick icon
  • If Rubick can use Spell Steal icon Spell Steal to steal Holy Persuasion icon Holy Persuasion, he will be able to turn Chen's creeps against him, reducing much of Chen's efficiency.
  • Rubick can also steal Hand of God icon Hand of God and use it to save his teammates during teamfights and Penitence icon Penitence to slow down Chen and make Rubick and his allies attack him faster.
  • Telekinesis icon Telekinesis can be used to coordinate gank on Chen and prevent him from escaping.
  • Fade Bolt icon Fade Bolt can deal high damage to both, Chen and his creeps and weaken their damage output.
Axe icon
Underlord icon
  • Firestorm icon Firestorm will easily clear Chen's creeps.
  • Pit of Malice icon Pit of Malice will trap Chen and render him helpless.
  • Atrophy Aura icon Atrophy Aura gives bonus damage to Underlord for each killed creep and weakens Chen's damage output.
  • Fiend's Gate icon Fiend's Gate can counter Chen's pushing attempts, and he has nothing to intercept it.
Bane icon
  • Even though Bane has no abilities to deal with multiple Chen's creeps, skilled Bane can easily counter this problem by going for Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard, which will allow Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Brain Sap". to easily kill Chen's creeps and by buying either Gleipnir icon Gleipnir or Mjollnir icon Mjollnir.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". can disable Chen or any of his allies and often finish them before he can save them with Hand of God icon Hand of God. And to make things worse, Chen has no way to cancel Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". on his own, and must rely on outside from Centaur Conqueror icon Centaur Conqueror or Mud Golem icon Mud Golem under his control.
Lycan icon
Visage icon
  • Grave Chill icon Grave Chill can heavily slow down Chen and boost Visage and his familiars's attack speed and movement speed.
  • Chen's Holy Persuasion icon Holy Persuasion cannot convert Visage's familiars from Summon Familiars icon Summon Familiars at all, not even when upgraded with Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard that allows Chen to use it on ancient creeps as Visage's familiars are treated as creep-heroes, which could put Chen in disadvantage against Visage if his creeps die.
  • Skilled Visage can buy Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn to prevent Chen from any chance of retaliating or saving himself with Hand of God icon Hand of God and Gleipnir icon Gleipnir to clear waves of Chen's creeps and prevent them from escaping. This can get even better if Visage has access to Silent as the Grave icon Silent as the Grave ability from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter that will allow Visage and his familiars to be invisible, which they can use either to escape from Chen or to prepare a deadly surprise to him.
Beastmaster icon
Techies icon



Good against...[]

Arc Warden icon
  • Chen in the early game is a faster pusher than Arc Warden until Arc Warden buys Maelstrom.
Clockwerk icon
  • Due to Clockwerk's slow damage output, Chen can often save a trapped ally with Hand of God.
  • Clockwerk does not have any source of damage to deal with Chen Creeps.
  • Chen can use his creeps to block Clockwerk's attempts to use Hookshot icon Hookshot.
Pudge icon


  • Heroes with no stun and escape abilities such as Terrorblade minimap icon Terrorblade are vulnerable as Chen can easily gank lanes from the jungle early game and score kills using Penitence.
  • Heroes who lack area damage spells won't fare well against Chen as he can send his controlled units to push lanes without putting himself at risk.

Works well with...[]

Vengeful Spirit icon
Lycan icon
  • Summon Wolves icon Summon Wolves: Together with Chen's creeps they have a lot of lane pressure.
  • Howl icon Howl gives attack speed, armor and health regen to all of Chen's creeps.


  • Beastmaster's Inner Beast icon Inner Beast allows Chen's creeps to push towers quicker.
  • Enigma's Demonic Conversion icon Demonic Conversion together with Chen's creeps they have strong damage output during the laning phase, Especially towards squishy heroes as Lion minimap icon Lion, or Shadow Shaman minimap icon Shadow Shaman.

