- ▶️ A knight of chaos.
- ▶️ Chaos Knight.
- ▶️ Chaos rides.
- ▶️ Chaos rides.
- ▶️ Knight in blackest armor.
- ▶️ We descend into chaos.
- ▶️ Armageddon comes.
- ▶️ By shield and blade.
- ▶️ I bequeath chaos!
- ▶️ Feel the chaos.
- ▶️ Chaos reigns.
- ▶️ All that is light shall be cast in darkness.
- ▶️ Chaos Knight.
- ▶️ Haerghhh.
Entering battle
- ▶️ Like the heads of my enemies, this one is in the bag.
Beginning battle
- ▶️ We descend into chaos.
6 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ Yes.
- ▶️ Yes.
- ▶️ Indeed.
- ▶️ Giddyup.
- ▶️ Ahead, steed.
- ▶️ Amble on.
- ▶️ Through your paces.
- ▶️ Ahead, Armageddon.
- ▶️ The beaten path.
- ▶️ Ride on.
- ▶️ Gallop.
- ▶️ By drought and blade.
- ▶️ Armageddon comes.
- ▶️ Hitherto.
- ▶️ By shield and blade.
- ▶️ A chaotic path.
- ▶️ Hya!
- ▶️ Leap ahead.
- ▶️ Meet in battle.
- ▶️ Where ride the horsemen, death shall follow.
- ▶️ From other planes I come.
6 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ Mounted attack.
- ▶️ Well hewn.
- ▶️ Part your flesh.
- ▶️ I cast you aside.
- ▶️ Strike!
- ▶️ No match.
- ▶️ Taste my cudgel.
- ▶️ Smash you down.
- ▶️ Split wide.
- ▶️ I sow chaos!
- ▶️ Charge!
Ordering a spell cast
Only when distance is at least 2x the cast range, 4 seconds cooldown
Chaos Bolt
On cast
50% chance
On cast
50% chance
Leveling up
- ▶️ Chaos expands.
- ▶️ A new edifice.
- ▶️ Usurpation of power.
- ▶️ Yes. Yes!
- ▶️ Chaos increases!
- ▶️ Feel the chaos.
- ▶️ Chaos reigns.
Killing an enemy
- ▶️ I'll trample your bones to dust.
- ▶️ Now you exist on one less plane.
- ▶️ Your time on this plane is ended.
- ▶️ You were unworthy to the task.
- ▶️ Our grievance is settled.
- ▶️ Testimony to your weakness.
- ▶️ Your flesh achieves a lower state of order.
- ▶️ Chaos and corruption take your corpse.
- ▶️ You were no match.
- ▶️ I'll set you bouncing on Armageddon's flank.
- ▶️ Another trophy for my horse.
- ▶️ Hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Hm hm hm heh he he he he ha ha ha haa!
- ▶️ Hm hm hm hm heh ha ha ha ha ha haaa!
- ▶️ Hah!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Mm ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Oh ho hoh.
Killing a specific enemy
25% chance
- ▶️
I send you to your final redemption.
- ▶️
What true knight has no horse?
- ▶️
Had you a horse, this might have been a fair fight.
- ▶️
A knight on foot is no knight at all.
- ▶️
He who stood for the Light now lies in his grave.
- ▶️
Omniknight, my second most hunted prey.
- ▶️
A knight like none I've seen before.
- ▶️
A knight worthy of his armor.
- ▶️
Long have I hunted you, Ezalor.
- ▶️
The universe has no place for a rogue Fundamental.
- ▶️
Hem, the besotted one dies.
- ▶️
I spill your keg, and split your head.
- ▶️
Defeat is a bitter brew, is it not?
- ▶️
We were not so different, you and I.
- ▶️
So dies another agent of chaos.
20% chance
- ▶️
I would trample your bones to dust, if you had any.
- ▶️
Where is your Omniscient One now?
- ▶️
The Light is lost from this plane.
- ▶️
I'll see you purged from every plane.
15% chance
- ▶️
Knight takes king.
- ▶️
I would trample your bones to dust, if you had any.
- ▶️
You call that a horse?
- ▶️
That is an ugly horse you ride.
- ▶️
What pitiful contraption was that?
- ▶️
You taught your horse to fly?
5% chance
- ▶️
I consign you to dust.
- ▶️
You did need a steed, didn't you?
- ▶️
You died well.
- ▶️
My antithesis rides no more.
- ▶️
Aha, come back, and I shall kill you again.
- ▶️
Your light is snuffed out.
- ▶️
The light goes out from your eyes.
First Blood
Meeting an ally
During earlygame, within 1000 radius
- ▶️
r Your flying horse is…quite impressive.
- ▶️
r Ride with me, brother.
- ▶️
r Join me in battle.
- ▶️
r Ah, Tidehunter, can I offer you a seabiscuit?
- ▶️
r Your reputation precedes you.
Last hitting
60 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ In service to chaos.
- ▶️ Ye of little consequence.
- ▶️ Eh, cower.
- ▶️ I'll shoe my steed with your gold.
- ▶️ My adversaries pay.
- ▶️ None can endure.
- ▶️ You oughtn't have tried.
- ▶️ Heh, another falls before my hooves.
- ▶️ Mine.
Requires visible enemy player within 1000 radius, 60 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Uh-uh.
- ▶️ Uh-uh.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Uh-uh.
- ▶️ No.
- ▶️ I think not.
- ▶️ Forbidden.
- ▶️ You may not have it.
- ▶️ I refuse you.
- ▶️ Consider yourself denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
Acquiring an item
Acquiring a specific item
- ▶️
r Blink dagger.
- ▶️
r My steed shall leap between the planes.
- ▶️
r Ah, scepter.
- ▶️
r None shall turn my blade.
- ▶️
r Manta style.
- ▶️
r Helm of the Dominator.
- ▶️
r Heart of Tarrasque.
- ▶️
r Assault Cuirass.
- ▶️
r Satanic.
- ▶️
r Sange and Yasha.
- ▶️
r Pipe of Insight.
- ▶️
r Armlet.
- ▶️
r Black King Bar.
- ▶️
r Heaven's Halberd.
- ▶️
25% chance
- ▶️
My existence is assured.
- ▶️ Ugh, no.
- ▶️ Reined in.
- ▶️ Ride on, Armageddon.
- ▶️ Knight…has fallen.
- ▶️ I die on the field of glory.
- ▶️ Dismounted.
- ▶️ Put down, eh.
- ▶️ Thrown…from my steed.
- ▶️ To another plane.
- ▶️ Armageddon…out of here.
- ▶️ With a renewed gait.
- ▶️ We stand again at the gates of chaos.
- ▶️ Again I unleash Armageddon.
- ▶️ The dark horseman rides anew.
- ▶️ I'm back from hinter planes.
- ▶️ Vengeance shall be achieved.
- ▶️ The dark rider returns.
- ▶️ The warhorse rises from the grave.
- ▶️ I am born anew to this plane.
- ▶️ All that is light shall be cast in darkness.
- ▶️ Feel the thunder of Armageddon's hooves.
- ▶️ I ride again.
- ▶️ Armageddon comes.
- ▶️ Quick redress shall be mine.
Bottling Runes
Activating runes
- ▶️ 300 Heemm.
- ▶️ 300 At last.
- ▶️ Illusion!
25% chance
- ▶️ Our hooves thunder.
- ▶️ Invisibility!
25% chance
- ▶️ Armageddon, where did you go?
- ▶️ Regeneration!
25% chance
- ▶️ A second wind.
Ability on cooldown
First attempt within 10 seconds
Second attempt within 10 seconds
Third and more attempts within 10 seconds
Not enough mana
First attempt within 10 seconds
Second attempt within 10 seconds
Third and more attempts within 10 seconds
Taking damage
3 seconds cooldown
25% chance
- ▶️ 120 I'm under attack!
5 consecutive clicks on the hero
- ▶️ All creation is order which must be scattered to the wind.
- ▶️ I shall profane their lands with my hoofbeats.
- ▶️ Bestride Armageddon, I ride down my enemies.
- ▶️ The light shall be blackened, and chaos shall reign.
- ▶️ I am a Fundamental of the universe.
- ▶️ Chaos is Fun...damental.
Chat responses
Lane missing
thx, thanks, ty, or ally casts certain spell on player, 30 seconds cooldown
/laugh, haha, lol, 15 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ Hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Hm hm hm heh he he he he ha ha ha haa!
- ▶️ Hm hm hm hm heh ha ha ha ha ha haaa!
- ▶️ Ho ho hoh!
- ▶️ Hah!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Mm ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Oh ho hoh.
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah!
- ▶️ Hmm hmm hmm heh heh heh heh heh heh.
- ▶️ Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha heh heh!
- ▶️ Oo ho ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Oo he he he hah hah hah hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Heh ehh heh ehh ehhhhh.
Match end
Cosmetic item drop
- ▶️ Heemm.
- ▶️ Mm ha ha ha ha!
Rare and higher
- ▶️ At last.
- ▶️ u Shitty wizard!
- ▶️ u Crummy wizard!