Chaos Knight's spawn animation has 9 empty frames at the beginning
The first 9 frames of Chaos Knight's spawn animation are completely identical, so that Chaos Knight is basically frozen at the beginning of the animation.
The first 9 frames of Chaos Knight's spawn animation are completely identical, so that Chaos Knight is basically frozen at the beginning of the animation.
Chaos Knight's default items are missing some backfaces
Chaos Knight's default horse is missing backfaces on its chest armor and on the cloths at its neck. His shoulder item is missing backfaces as well. Finally, his pants, which are part of the model and not a separate item, are missing backfaces as well.
Chaos Knight's default horse is missing backfaces on its chest armor and on the cloths at its neck. His shoulder item is missing backfaces as well. Finally, his pants, which are part of the model and not a separate item, are missing backfaces as well.
Chaos Bolt[]
Chaos Bolt's stun duration display over the target is inaccurate
Chaos Bolt shows the stun duration it randomed above the target, along with the random damage. This display is currently inaccurate, because it rounds the value to the next integer. For example, if stuns for 2.5 seconds, it will show 3 above the target, 0.5 more than it did. When rolling 2.4 seconds, it will show 2 above the target, 0.4 less than it did. It should show decimals as well, two at best.
Chaos Bolt shows the stun duration it randomed above the target, along with the random damage. This display is currently inaccurate, because it rounds the value to the next integer. For example, if stuns for 2.5 seconds, it will show 3 above the target, 0.5 more than it did. When rolling 2.4 seconds, it will show 2 above the target, 0.4 less than it did. It should show decimals as well, two at best.
Chaos Bolt has an unnecessary screen shake effect on the projectile
Chaos Bolt currently has a screen shake effect attached to the endcap effect of the projectile. This screen shake is only applied to players who have the spell target selected as the projectile hits it. This means usually, only the targeted enemy gets their screen shaked. This is mainly pointless, since the stun itself already causes a screen shake on its own, so that the bolt's own shake does not add anything to it. Furthermore, this screen shake happens even when the projectile gets avoided in any way except disjoints. When it hits while spell immune, invulnerable or hidden, or when it gets blocked by Spell Block, it still causes the screen shake, despite it not having affected the target. When disjointed, the screen shake does not happen. Therefore, it should not have its own screen shake effect.
Chaos Bolt currently has a screen shake effect attached to the endcap effect of the projectile. This screen shake is only applied to players who have the spell target selected as the projectile hits it. This means usually, only the targeted enemy gets their screen shaked. This is mainly pointless, since the stun itself already causes a screen shake on its own, so that the bolt's own shake does not add anything to it. Furthermore, this screen shake happens even when the projectile gets avoided in any way except disjoints. When it hits while spell immune, invulnerable or hidden, or when it gets blocked by Spell Block, it still causes the screen shake, despite it not having affected the target. When disjointed, the screen shake does not happen. Therefore, it should not have its own screen shake effect.
Reality Rift[]
Reality Rift doesn't reliably make Chaos Knight and the target face each other
Reality Rift is supposed to make Chaos Knight and the target face each other. However, currently, it does not do this properly. Although it does make them face each other, Chaos Knight and the target (and all of Chaos Knight's pulled illusions) then automatically turn away to face where it was facing before. This only happens under certain conditions:
Reality Rift is supposed to make Chaos Knight and the target face each other. However, currently, it does not do this properly. Although it does make them face each other, Chaos Knight and the target (and all of Chaos Knight's pulled illusions) then automatically turn away to face where it was facing before. This only happens under certain conditions:
- The target will immediately face away when its last order was not a stop order.
- Chaos Knight and his illusions will immediately face away when the target cannot be attacked/is attack immune.
Reality Rift's armor reduction does not update on refresh
When recasting Reality Rift on the target, only the duration gets refreshed. The armor reduction value does not update.
When recasting Reality Rift on the target, only the duration gets refreshed. The armor reduction value does not update.
Reality Rift's cast animation and sound don't cancel upon canceling cast
When canceling a spell cast, the animations usually reset to the idle animation and if it has a pre-cast sound effect, that sound fades off quickly. However, Reality Rift does neither of these. The cast animation always gets fully finished, even when the spell gets canceled. Its sound always completely finishes as well, instead of fading off. Only the particle effects get canceled properly.
When canceling a spell cast, the animations usually reset to the idle animation and if it has a pre-cast sound effect, that sound fades off quickly. However, Reality Rift does neither of these. The cast animation always gets fully finished, even when the spell gets canceled. Its sound always completely finishes as well, instead of fading off. Only the particle effects get canceled properly.
Reality Rift particles and sound play on allied illus when having shared control over them
When casting Reality Rift, all illusions of Chaos Knight within range around him are pulled along with him. This only affects illus owned by Chaos Knight. However, the sound effect and the particle effects upon cast play on all illusions he has control over. This includes illusions of allies who have shared control enabled.
When casting Reality Rift, all illusions of Chaos Knight within range around him are pulled along with him. This only affects illus owned by Chaos Knight. However, the sound effect and the particle effects upon cast play on all illusions he has control over. This includes illusions of allies who have shared control enabled.
Reality Rift doesn't make Chaos Knight's illusion play the cast animation
When casting Reality Rift, all illus of Chaos Knight within 1375 range are pulled along with Chaos Knight. However, the illusions do not play the Reality Rift animation. They just stand still and wait to get teleported.
When casting Reality Rift, all illus of Chaos Knight within 1375 range are pulled along with Chaos Knight. However, the illusions do not play the Reality Rift animation. They just stand still and wait to get teleported.
Phantasm malfunctions when getting Aghanim's Scepter during cast time
When acquiring Aghanim's Scepter during the cast time of Phantasm, the spell goes on cooldown and expends the mana, but does nothing at all besides that. It gets completely wasted.
When acquiring Aghanim's Scepter during the cast time of Phantasm, the spell goes on cooldown and expends the mana, but does nothing at all besides that. It gets completely wasted.
When no target is set, the ability should default to the caster as the target, instead of doing nothing.
Weaver's Time Lapse has this issue as well.
Phantasm's unit formatting gets messed up based on when Chaos Knight gets positioned
Illusions are always spawned using the same pattern:
Illusions are always spawned using the same pattern:
- First illusion: To the east of the unit
- Second illusion: To the north of the unit
- Third illusion: To the west of the unit
- Fourth illusion: To the south of the unit
This goes for every illusion that spawns.
On top of this, Phantasm also shuffles Chaos Knight's position with that of the illusions. This shuffling, however, has an issue currently. It happens in between the illusion spawns. This means, depending on when Chaos Knight gets shuffled, some illusions spawn based on the caster's original location, while the remaining illus spawn based on the caster's new location. This breaks the formation.
Naga Siren's Mirror Image and Manta Style's Mirror Image have this issue as well.
Casting aghs upgraded Phantasm on a Phantasm illusion from a previous cast creates 1 hp illusions
Usually, when the Phantasm target dies during the split time, the spell gets canceled. This is the intended behavior. However, this does not happen when targeting Phantasm illus. In this case, the illusions are spawned, but with 1 health. It should either create illusions with health and mana equal to the targeted Phantasm illusion before it got destroyed by the re-cast, or it should get canceled or be unable to target Phantasm illusions.
Usually, when the Phantasm target dies during the split time, the spell gets canceled. This is the intended behavior. However, this does not happen when targeting Phantasm illus. In this case, the illusions are spawned, but with 1 health. It should either create illusions with health and mana equal to the targeted Phantasm illusion before it got destroyed by the re-cast, or it should get canceled or be unable to target Phantasm illusions.
Chaos Hound Set's item pieces are not marked as set pieces
Instead of marked as set pieces, all pieces of the The Hounds of Chaos set are marked as bundle items. This means they cannot be demo'd all together, since only set items appear together, while bundle items have to be selected individually. The items are not recognized as a set by the game.
Instead of marked as set pieces, all pieces of the The Hounds of Chaos set are marked as bundle items. This means they cannot be demo'd all together, since only set items appear together, while bundle items have to be selected individually. The items are not recognized as a set by the game.
The mount of the Chaos Hound set makes hoofstep sounds, despite not being a horse/having paws instead of hooves
The Hounds of Chaos set has a mount which is not a horse, but a hound. But it still uses the default hoof sounds when moving, which are unfitting. It should have different, fitting sounds.
The Hounds of Chaos set has a mount which is not a horse, but a hound. But it still uses the default hoof sounds when moving, which are unfitting. It should have different, fitting sounds.
Blade of Burning Turmoil & Cudgel of Baleful Reign use default weapon particles, instead of having them disabled
The weapons of the Arms of Burning Turmoil and the Charge of the Baleful Reign sets use Chaos Knight's default weapon particle effect. The effect does not fit those items, and should therefore be disabled for them, like how it was done for other custom weapons on which the effect didn't fit.
The weapons of the Arms of Burning Turmoil and the Charge of the Baleful Reign sets use Chaos Knight's default weapon particle effect. The effect does not fit those items, and should therefore be disabled for them, like how it was done for other custom weapons on which the effect didn't fit.
Blade of Chaos Incarnate and Hellfire Edge don't use the default weapon particles, despite being designed to support them
There are some custom weapons of Chaos Knight which were designed so that the default weapon particle effect still fits them. These items have designated holes on the weapon where the particle effect is supposed to be. But the particle effect is missing on them. This goes for the following items:
There are some custom weapons of Chaos Knight which were designed so that the default weapon particle effect still fits them. These items have designated holes on the weapon where the particle effect is supposed to be. But the particle effect is missing on them. This goes for the following items:
Furthermore, the following items, although not having a designated spot, are built so that the default particle effect still fits them well
Arms of Burning Turmoil set is missing some back faces
On the Arms of Burning Turmoil Set, the horse is missing backfaces on the chain leash, and on all its armor pieces. The shoulder item is missing backfaces as well.
On the Arms of Burning Turmoil Set, the horse is missing backfaces on the chain leash, and on all its armor pieces. The shoulder item is missing backfaces as well.
Chaos Legion set is missing some back faces
On the Chaos Legion Set, the mount's nose cover is missing backfaces, as well as the two metal plates hanging down from its head on both sides. The shoulder pice is missing backfaces as well, especially the cape connected to it, which completely disappears when viewed from the front.
On the Chaos Legion Set, the mount's nose cover is missing backfaces, as well as the two metal plates hanging down from its head on both sides. The shoulder pice is missing backfaces as well, especially the cape connected to it, which completely disappears when viewed from the front.
Charge of the Baleful Reign set is missing some back faces
On the Charge of the Baleful Reign set, the mount's neck armor is missing backfaces, as well as the back side of the helmet piece and the shoulder piece.
On the Charge of the Baleful Reign set, the mount's neck armor is missing backfaces, as well as the back side of the helmet piece and the shoulder piece.
Embers of Endless Havoc set is missing some back faces
On the Embers of Endless Havoc Set, the mount's chest plate is missing backfaces, along with the cloths hanging down from its sides. The shoulder pice is missing backfaces as well.
On the Embers of Endless Havoc Set, the mount's chest plate is missing backfaces, along with the cloths hanging down from its sides. The shoulder pice is missing backfaces as well.
Rising Chaos set is missing some back faces
On the Rising Chaos set, the weapon is missing backfaces when viewed from the handle's side. The entire skull disappears from this angle. The bone entire bone armor of the horse is missing backfaces as well, disappearing from several angles. The shoulder piece has missing backfaces as well.
On the Rising Chaos set, the weapon is missing backfaces when viewed from the handle's side. The entire skull disappears from this angle. The bone entire bone armor of the horse is missing backfaces as well, disappearing from several angles. The shoulder piece has missing backfaces as well.
The Hounds of Chaos set is missing some back faces
On The Hounds of Chaos set, the shoulder piece is missing backfaces on the underside, so it can be seen through in the hero loadout.
On The Hounds of Chaos set, the shoulder piece is missing backfaces on the underside, so it can be seen through in the hero loadout.
Catastrophe is missing some back faces
The Catastrophe mount is missing backfaces on the cloths hanging down on both sides of its neck.
The Catastrophe mount is missing backfaces on the cloths hanging down on both sides of its neck.
Atramentos the Apocalyptic is missing some back faces
The Atramentos the Apocalyptic mount is missing backfaces on its leash.
The Atramentos the Apocalyptic mount is missing backfaces on its leash.
Chaos Knight's Armlet of Mordiggian is missing some back faces
The Chaos Knight's Armlet of Mordiggian off-hand weapon is missing backfaces on its entire inner side. It can be completely seen through in the hero loadout.
The Chaos Knight's Armlet of Mordiggian off-hand weapon is missing backfaces on its entire inner side. It can be completely seen through in the hero loadout.