Dota 2 Wiki
Black King Bar
Wielders The Black King
Associated With
Heroes Dawnbreaker minimap icon Dawnbreaker
Races Giants
▶️ Black King Bar. To think wizards live in fear of this.
Princess Mirana on this weapon's reputation

The Black King Bar is a powerful anti-magic item in the lore of Dota 2.


The strength of giants and the power to defy all magic imbues this powerful staff, yet its power lessens with each use.[1] It once belonged to the long gone Black King.[2][3]



The staff's Black King was inimical with Dawnbreaker minimap icon Dawnbreaker, who calls them a wretched sort of being.[3]

Muerta minimap icon Muerta thinks that the Black King's Bar has done more than what he has done in life.[4]


Most, if not all, sorts of powerful divinities wield and make use of the renowned Black King Bar.[5][6]


  1. Voidstorm Asylum response: ▶️ Black King Bar (4050) A dwindling power to be used as I see fit.
  2. Conduit of the Blueheart response: ▶️ Black King Bar (4050) r The echoes of the Black King's reign will ring until the end of time.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dawnbreaker response: ▶️ Black King Bar (4050) r All that remains of a wretched foe.
  4. Muerta response: ▶️ ▶️ r Black King Bar (4050) The Black King's life pales in the shadow of this Bar.
  5. Mars response: ▶️ Black King Bar (4050) r I thought this came standard...
  6. Claszian Apostasy response: ▶️ Black King Bar (4050) r Even gods make use of you...