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Unreleased Content
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
25 + 2.9
18 + 1.6
16 + 1.2
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 670 1550 2452 2826
+0.25 +2.5 +6.15 +9.84 +11.33
Mana 75 267 459 747 843
+0 +0.8 +1.64 +2.84 +3.24
Armor -1 2 5.73 10.4 12.07
Magic Resist 25% 26.6% 28.28% 30.68% 31.48%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.69/s 0.83/s 0.99/s 1.05/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.7
Projectile Speed 0
Move Speed ▶️ 305 (Nighttime 335)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_beastmaster
Summons beasts to aid his hunt.
Raised in the royal menagerie of Slom, Karroch learned to converse with beasts from a young age. With this unique talent, the Beastmaster is able to summon to his side a trusty poison-spitting Boar and a scouting Hawk. In addition to his companions, Karroch has mastered the art of throwing Wild Axes, cutting down trees and foes before returning to his hands. The Beastmaster awakens the Inner Beast of nearby allies, increasing their attack speed. Should an enemy attempt to flee, Karroch lets loose a piercing Primal Roar, incapacitating the target and clearing the path to its demise.
Wild Axes
Call of the Wild Boar
Call of the Wild Hawk
Call of the Wild Hawk
Inner Beast
Drums of Slom
Drums of Slom
Primal Roar
Roles: Initiator Initiator Disabler Disabler Durable Durable Nuker Nuker
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Bearded, Horns, Red, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Beastmaster minimap iconKarroch, the Beastmaster
▶️ "I run with the rabbit and hunt with the hounds."
Karroch was born a child of the stocks. His mother died in childbirth; his father, a farrier for the Last King of Slom, was trampled to death when he was five. Afterward Karroch was indentured to the king's menagerie, where he grew up among all the beasts of the royal court: lions, apes, fell-deer, and things less known, things barely believed in. When the lad was seven, an explorer brought in a beast like none before seen. Dragged before the King in chains, the beast spoke, though its mouth moved not. Its words: a plea for freedom. The King only laughed and ordered the beast perform for his amusement; and when it refused, struck it with the Mad Scepter and ordered it dragged to the stocks.

Over the coming months, the boy Karroch sneaked food and medicinal draughts to the wounded creature, but only managed to slow its deterioration. Wordlessly, the beast spoke to the boy, and over time their bond strengthened until the boy found he could hold up his end of a conversation. He could, in fact, speak now to all the creatures of the King's menagerie. On the night the beast died, a rage came over the boy. He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds. The Last King was mauled in the mayhem. In the chaos, one regal stag bowed to the boy who had freed him; and with Beastmaster astride him, leapt the high walls of the estate, and escaped. Now a man, Karroch the Beastmaster has not lost his ability to converse with wild creatures. He has grown into a warrior at one with nature's savagery.


Wild Axes icon
Enemies / Self
Beastmaster sends his axes flying and calls them home again, slicing through enemy units and trees along their path. Each axe can hit an enemy once, and amplifies subsequent damage from Beastmaster and his units.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.47
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1500
Axes Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 175
Axes Travel Distance: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1500
Axes Spread Distance: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
Damage per Axe: 35/65/95/125
Damage Amp per Stack: 6%/8%/10%/12% (Talent 8.5%/10.5%/12.5%/14.5%)
Stack Duration: 12
Cooldown symbol
 8 (Talent 3)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
While learning to maneuver in nature alone, the Beastmaster also mastered the use of a pair of tomahawks, adept at cutting down trees as well as adversaries.

  • The axes either travel at a speed of 1200 or reach the target point in 1 second, whichever is faster. The same applies upon returning.
    • Upon returning, their speed periodically adapts based on their distance to Beastmaster and the remaining travel time.
    • This means the axes fly a maximum of up to 2 seconds, up to 1 second towards the point and up to 1 second back.
  • Both axes spread up to 450 distance away from each other, before moving back together while traveling towards the targeted point.
    • Their minimum travel distance is 450 as well, so when targeting a point closer than 450 range, they still intersect 450 range away.
    • The axes fly in arcs, so that the axe coming from Beastmaster's left hand travels back toward his right hand, and vice versa.
    • They destroy trees within 175 radius they come in contact with, while providing 350 radius flying vision as they travel. This vision does not last.
  • The axes first apply the debuff, then the damage. This means they effectively amplify their own damage as well.
    • Uses one debuff on hit targets for all stacks. The debuff has a number on it, showing the number of stacks.
    • Since the axes work separately, one of the axes always benefits from 2 stacks of the debuff, if both hit.
    • Successive hits on the same unit fully refresh the whole stack's duration.
  • Applies generic incoming damage amplification on affected enemy units. Stacks additively with other sources of generic incoming damage manipulation.
    • Affects all damage types the targets receive from Beastmaster, including from all his abilities, and damage from all of his player-controlled units.
    • Does not amplify the following damage sources:
      • Damage flagged as HP removal.
      • Damage sources from allies.
  • Each axe can hit the same unit only once per cast, so the maximum possible damage per axe is 37.1/70.2/104.5/140 (Talent 37.98/71.83/106.88/143.13) before reductions.

Call of the Wild Boar
Call of the Wild Boar icon
No Target
Beastmaster calls forth a Boar to aid in the battlefield. The Boar has a passive poison attack that slows attack and movement speeds.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.67
Number of Boars: 1
Boar Duration: 60
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Toggling Autocast off swaps this ability out with Call of the Wild Hawk icon Call of the Wild Hawk. Their cooldowns are separate.
After befriending the strange beast of his childhood, Beastmaster has learned to call to animals in times of need.

  • Does not instantly kill the previous summons if this ability is used again before the previous Beastmaster Boar icon Boar expires.
  • The Boar spawns facing the same angle as Beastmaster at a random location within 100 radius.

Call of the Wild Hawk
Call of the Wild Hawk icon
No Target
Beastmaster summons a hawk that circles around Beastmaster and dive-bombs at enemies with a base attack rate of every s, damaging and rooting them. Attack rate increases with the Hawk's attack speed. Prioritizes heroes.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.67
Number of Hawks: 1 (With Aghanim's Shard 2)
Orbital Radius: 280
Attack Radius: 500
Seconds per Revolution: 4
Hawk Duration: 25
Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon Hawk Dive Bomb
Base Attack Interval: 4
Dive Damage: 60/90/120/150
Root Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1
Cooldown symbol
 45/40/35/30 (With Aghanim's Shard 35/30/25/20)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Reduces Hawk cooldown by 10s and summons an additional Hawk.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Toggling Autocast on swaps this ability out with Call of the Wild Boar icon Call of the Wild Boar. Their cooldowns are separate.
After befriending the strange beast of his childhood, Beastmaster has learned to call to animals in times of need.

Beastmaster Hawk model
Summoned Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Armor Armor 5
Magic Resistance 30%/40%/50%/60%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Speed 0.25 attack(s) per second. 100 • 4s BAT
Move Speed 460 (100)
(Talent 480)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (F) 600/650/700/750
Bounty Gold 30/40/50/60
Experience 40/50/60/70
Abilities Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon Dive Bomb
Notes Uncontrollable

  • Upon cast, 1 Beastmaster Hawk icon Hawk is summoned at a random position around Beastmaster within 280 radius and flies clockwise.
    • Based on the first cast Hawk's position, additional casts may accelerate gradually to its position, so that the Hawks always fly symmetrically apart from each other, within the same range from the Beastmaster.
    • Therefore, the Aghanim's Shard icon Ability Upgrade places both Hawks 180° apart each other immediately upon cast.
  • The summoned Hawk(s) orbits around Beastmaster based on its current movement speed.
    • It cannot be controlled and does not instantly kill previous summons if this ability is used again before the previous summon expires.
    • While Beastmaster is moving, the summoned Hawk(s) may spiral and accelerate to keep their position symmetrically apart, with each Hawk making 6.25 revolutions over the summon's total duration.
    • Grants the Hawk movement speed bonus based on the distance between it and Beastmaster, with its movement speed still capped at .
      • When the Hawk is within 280 ‒ ≈1500 range away from Beastmaster, it has movement speed and gradually decreases until reaching the orbital radius.
      • When the Hawk is more than ≈1500 range away from Beastmaster, it is moved along with Beastmaster coordinates.
        • Therefore, it does not disjoint projectiles upon teleporting.
  • Movement speed increasing sources neither affect the orbit radius nor the revolution time.
    • However, movement speed slow sources reduce the Hawk orbit radius but do not affect the revolution time.
  • Hawk(s) casts Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon Dive Bomb on valid enemy units automatically, prioritizing heroes, within 500 radius.
    • Treat clones, illusions and the Lone Druid Spirit Bear icon Spirit Bear as heroes, and creep-heroes as creeps.
    • With the orbital radius and the attack radius, Hawks can dive on enemy units up to 530 range away.
    • The dive interval is based on the Hawk(s)' current attack speed and base attack time.
      • It can be defined as
        (100 × 4) / (ΣAS × 1)
    • The first dive interval starts upon the first Dive Bomb cast of the Hawk. Each Hawk has its own dive interval depending on the enemy units within the orbital radius.
    • Dive Bomb notes fully apply.
  • Hawk(s) dies upon Beastmaster's death.

Inner Beast
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. DB
Inner Beast icon
Untaps the inner fury of nearby allies, passively increasing their attack speed.
Radius: 1200
Attack Speed Bonus: 10/22/34/46 (Talent 20/32/44/56)
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Bestows and benefits from the aura.
Modifiers [?]
Beastmaster's ability to incite the innate strength of animals was seen in the mauling of the king of Slom.

  • The aura's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.

Drums of Slom
Drums of Slom icon
Enemies / Allies
Attacks from Beastmaster or a nearby unit he controls will cause him bang his drum, dealing damage to nearby units and healing Beastmaster and units under his control for a portion of the damage dealt. Every attack decreases the interval between drum hits down to a minimum of 0.4s between hits after 20 attacks. If no attacks are made, the intervals gradually increase.

Using Primal Roar counts as 10/15/20 attacks, based on the current level of Primal Roar.
Effect Radius: 600
Max Stacks: 20
Stack per Attack: 1
Primar Roar Cast Stack Bonus: 10/15/20
Min Interval: 0.4
Max Interval: 3
Stack Decay Time: 1
Damage per Interval: 90
Hero Damage as Heal: 25%
Creep Damage as Heal: 5%
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Requires drafting Primal Roar icon Primal Roar to be unlocked.
Nature's rage is timeless, and for those who know the secrets, it's easy to stir the echoes of ire that rejoiced in the downfall of Slom.

  • Grants stacks in the following conditions:
    • Beastmaster's attacks, including instant attack sources.
    • Beastmaster's player-controlled unit(s)' attacks within 1200 radius, except ward-type units.
    • Primal Roar icon Primal Roar
  • Does not grant stacks from other spell damage sources of Beastmaster.
  • Deals damage and heals in the same interval upon proc.
    • The procced pulse(s) do not stop even when Beastmaster is disabled.
  • The intervals passively start at 3-second intervals at 1 stack and reduce to 0.4 seconds between intervals at 20 stacks.
  • The healing value is based on the damage dealt, damage manipulation sources (e.g. amplifying damage with Wild Axes icon Wild Axes) fully affects the healing value.
    • However, the damage applied to illusions are not amplified by the illusion's Incoming Damage Manipulation incoming damage manipulation values.
    • The healing value itself can still be subjected to heal manipulation despite the floating values shown.

Primal Roar
Primal Roar icon
Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed. Additionally, Beastmaster and his units gain 40% movement speed for 2.75/3.25/3.75 seconds.
Cast Animation: 0.5+0.63
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600
Move Speed Bonus Radius: 900
Area Width: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 300
Knockback Distance: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
Knockback Duration: 1
Damage: 150/225/300
Enemy Move Speed Slow: 60%
Enemy Attack Speed Slow: 60
Slow Duration: 3/3.5/4
Ally Move Speed Bonus: 40%
Move Speed Buff Duration: 3/3.5/4
Stun Duration: 2.75/3.25/3.75
Cooldown symbol
 100/80/60 (Talent 70/50/30)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Drums of Slom ability.
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked fully only when primary target.
Modifiers [?]
The Beastmaster has learned to channel his primal instincts into an animalistic roar, causing devastation in the ranks of enemies.

  • Only enemy units are shoved aside from the path of Primal Roar. Roshan icon Roshan is not affected by the knockback.
    • Affected units are fully disabled during the knockback.
  • Can be cast on Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers to stun and damage them.
    • They are also affected by the knockback as secondary targets.
  • Knocks units aside at a speed of 450, up to 450 range away, resulting in a knockback duration of 1 second.
    • Units hit by the knockback destroy trees within 100 radius and are made to face toward the direction they are getting pushed.
  • The knockback and slow have a dynamic range, based on the distance between Beastmaster and the primary target.
    • For every 2 distance between Beastmaster and the target upon cast, the knockback range increases by 1.
    • For example, when the target is 600 range away, the knockback hits units up to 300 range behind the target and behind Beastmaster.
    • The width of the knockback area is fixed at 300, so the affected area is always stadium-shaped.
  • Considering the dynamic range, the knockback and slow can hit units up to 900 range away.
  • When an enemy is perfectly aligned with Beastmaster and his Primal Roar target, it does not get knocked aside.
    • However, the slow and damage are still applied, and the target is still disabled for the knockback duration.
  • On the primary target, the roar first applies the debuff, then the damage.
    • On secondary targets, the roar first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • The movement speed bonus only affects Beastmaster and his units. Other nearby allies are not buffed.

Movespeed Aura
Can be used by illusions. Not disabled by Break.
There is no description for this ability.
Radius: Global
Move Speed Bonus: 20
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Bestows and benefits from the aura.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
This Talent talent is bound to Call of the Wild Hawk icon Call of the Wild Hawk.

  • Affects Beastmaster and all of his player-controlled units immediately, including invulnerable or hidden units, upon learning the Talent talent.

Max Health Aura
Can be used by illusions. Not disabled by Break.
There is no description for this ability.
Radius: Global
Health Bonus: 250
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Bestows and benefits from the aura.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
This Talent talent is bound to Call of the Wild Boar icon Call of the Wild Boar.

  • Affects Beastmaster and all of his player-controlled units immediately, including invulnerable, but not hidden units, upon learning the Talent talent.
    • Does not affect Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers.
    • The aura is even while Beastmaster is dead.
  • Increases the max health capacity while keeping the current health percentage.

Beastmaster Boar icon Boar[]

Beastmaster Boar model
Summoned Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 60
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
20/35/50/65 (Talent 55/70/85/100)
Attack Range Ranged 550
Acquisition Range 600
Attack Speed 0.8 attack(s) per second. 100 • 1.25s BAT
Attack Animation 0.5+0.47
Projectile Speed 1500
Move Speed ▶️ 320/330/340/350 (100)
(Talent 340/350/360/370)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1400800
Bounty Gold 2638
Experience 60/70/80/90
Abilities Poison (Boar) icon Poison

Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Poison (Boar) icon
Inflicts a poison that slows attack and movement speeds.
Move Speed Slow: 10%/18%/26%/34%
Attack Speed Slow: 10/20/30/40
Slow Duration: 3
Modifiers [?]

  • The attacks first apply their damage, then the debuff.
  • Successive attacks do not increase the slow value but refresh the duration.

Beastmaster Hawk icon Hawk[]

Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon
Flies towards the target enemy, dealing damage and rooting it.
Cast Range: Global
Damage: 60/90/120/150 (Talent 90/120/150/180)
Root Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1
Attack Rate Divisor as Interval: 1
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Cannot be reflected.
Modifiers [?]

  • The Hawk casts Dive Bomb on valid targets within 280 radius upon summoning, prioritizing heroes.
  • Does not target Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers.
    • Despite being an active ability, Beastmaster cannot cast this ability because the Hawk is uncontrollable.
  • The Hawk automatically casts Dive Bomb every 4 seconds.
    • The cast interval is based on the Hawk's current attack speed and base attack time.
    • It can be defined as
      (100 × 4) / (ΣAS × 1)
    • With the attack speed limits, the min and max possible cast intervals are 0.571 ‒ 20 seconds plus a server tick per dive respectively.
    • The interval is not set upon cast. After each cast, the interval updates based on its current attack rate.
  • The reveal modifier is placed on the Hawk as soon as it begins casting.
  • The hawk dives in an arc for 0.4 seconds, so the speed varies based on the distance.
    • The speed does not instantly adapt if the distance changes, but rather accelerates or decelerates at a very slow rate.
  • Uses forced movement to move the Hawk. This means it can be interrupted by applying other sources of forced movement to it.
    • The dive cannot be interrupted by anything else. Fully ignores all disables.
    • Although taunt, fear and hypnotize sources do not affect the Hawk's movement path, it prevents casting.
  • Dive Bomb first applies the damage, the root.


Hero Talents
-30s Primal Roar icon Primal Roar Cooldown25-5 Wild Axes icon Wild Axes Cooldown
+250 Max Tal3left Max Health Aura to Beastmaster and his units20+30 Beastmaster Boar icon Boar and Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon Hawk Damage
+10 Inner Beast icon Inner Beast Attack Speed15+20 Tal2right Movespeed Aura to Beastmaster and his units
+2.5% Wild Axes icon Wild Axes Damage Amp Per Stack10+30 Damage
  • Both the health and movement speed bonus Talent talents are provided by two different auras.

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Increased Inner Beast icon Inner Beast Bonus Attack Speed from 10/20/30/40 to 10/22/34/46
  • Reduced base armor from 0 to -1.
  • Beastmaster Hawk icon Hawk
    • Reduced Dive Bomb (Hawk) icon Dive Bomb root duration from 1 on each level to 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango allow you to stay longer in lane without having to return to the fountain.
  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch is a very cheap item that provides a bit of attributes; use with Tango icon Tango for more heal.

Early game:

  • Magic Stick icon Regular Stick provides nothing, not useful to sustain Beastmaster.
  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed offers additional movement speed to get Beastmaster in cast range of his abilities.

Mid game:

  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand grants some attributes and even more burst health and mana than Magic Stick.
  • Tranquil Boots icon Tranquil Boots gives health regeneration and large movement speed bonus, easing Beastmaster's initiation with Primal Roar.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger adds mobility and allows Beastmaster to engage on slippery targets to cast Primal Roar.
  • Helm of the Dominator icon Helm of the Dominator provides the ability to control a creep that comes with its own abilities and auras, and benefits from Inner Beast and other auras.

Late game:

  • Refresher Orb icon Refresher Orb allows you to use Primal Roar two times in quick succession. It will also allow you to summon an extra boar and hawk.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar increases survivability of Beastmaster with spell immunity and strength, so he can contribute with Wild Axes and Inner Beast which improve overall damage output during fights.
  • Helm of the Overlord icon Helm of the Overlord, upgrade for the Helm of the Dominator icon Helm of the Dominator provides the ability to control a creep that comes with its own abilities and auras, and benefits from Inner Beast and other auras while also giving Beastmaster and his allies damage, lifesteal, mana regeneration and armor.

Situational items:

  • Quelling Blade icon Quelling Blade grants bonus damage against creeps so Beastmaster can last hit easier.
  • Soul Ring icon Soul Ring sustains Beastmaster with strength and health regeneration, as well as providing mana to use abilities.
  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance provides health, gives you much needed mana, and increases your ability to get in range to use Primal Roar on enemies. It also further increases the attack speed of your Boar.
  • Vladmir's Offering icon Vladmir's Offering synergizes well with Inner Beast, since it boost your teams's damage as well as survivability. Also, Beastmaster is able to stay outside of base thanks to the lifesteal.
  • Solar Crest icon Solar Crest gives additional armor, attributes, and mana regeneration. Together with Inner Beast and summons, you can help teammates bring down Roshan earlier in the game.
  • Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn allows Beastmaster to silence an enemy hero and make them more vulnerable to damage while also causing all of the attacks of Beastmaster and his boar to have true strike on the affected target, which can synergize greatly with Wild Axes, Inner Beast and Beastmaster's Boar from Call of the Wild, giving Beastmaster another handy disable in his arsenal.
  • Pipe of Insight icon Pipe of Insight is another strong aura item for your team and helps with pushing. It counters team with strong magical damage lineup.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass stacks with Inner Beast, granting aura of armor and attack speed to friendly units.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque makes you extremely tanky, but be wary of getting it too early as you have less utility than with other item choices.
  • Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel can be bought in the late game, powerful when teleporting to the Hawk to kill a lone target or push buildings.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Multi Hero Wild Axes icon Wild Axes
Relic Rare icon
Wild Axes icon Wild Axes Kills
Relic Rare icon
Primal Roar icon Primal Roar Leading To Kills
Relic Rare icon
Heroes Pushed By Primal Roar icon Primal Roar
Relic universal icon
Controlled Unit Tower Damage
Relic universal icon
Blink Dagger icon Blink Stuns
Relic universal icon
Stuns Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Blink Dagger icon Blink Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Slows Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Triple Kills
Relic universal icon
Mega Kill Streaks
Relic universal icon
Towers Destroyed
Relic universal icon
Kill Assists
Relic universal icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6
  • ▶️ It's not the size of the beast in the fight but…well, actually, size kinda helps.



  • Beastmaster's original name was Rexxar, a character in the "Warcraft "universe.
    • Rexxar was the main playable character of the bonus campaign in "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne".
  • Beastmaster's item the "Shrieking Razorback" design seems to be based on the Shriekers from Tremors II: Aftershocks.[1]
  • ▶️ "I'll be creeping while you are sleeping" is a reference to the lyrics of said song.


