Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
23 + 2.5
23 + 2.5
23 + 2.5
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 20 526 1296 2110 2418
+0.25 +2.55 +6.05 +9.75 +11.2
Mana 80 356 776 1220 1388
+0 +1.15 +2.9 +4.75 +5.48
Armor 1 4.83 10.67 16.83 19.25
Magic Resist 25% 27.3% 30.8% 34.5% 35.95%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.72/s 0.93/s 1.15/s 1.23/s
Attack Range Ranged 400 (750)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.7
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 305 (Nighttime 335)
Turn Rate Takes 0.262s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 1200)
Gib Type Ethereal
Internal npc_dota_hero_bane
This article is about the hero. For other uses, see Bane (Disambiguation)
Puts his enemies to sleep, incapacitating them.
Formed from the ichor of Nyctasha, Atropos is the vaporous embodiment of pure fear. Sheer terror Enfeebles his enemies, diminishing their efficiency on the battlefield. The Bane Elemental puts heroes to sleep, sending them into a restless and contagious Nightmare as he feeds on their vital energies by Sapping their Brains. Some will never wake. Caught in the Fiend's Grip, Bane's victims can only swing at imagined phantoms as fear chokes the life from their bodies.
Brain Sap
Brain Sap
Fiend's Grip
Fiend's Grip
Roles: Support Support Disabler Disabler Nuker Nuker Durable Durable
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: BadTeeth, Flying
Legs ( 4 )


Bane minimap iconAtropos, the Bane
▶️ "I dreamt a field of war…and woke to find myself upon it."
When the gods have nightmares, it is Bane Elemental who brings them. Also known as Atropos, Bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess Nyctasha. A force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. He is the essence of fear. Mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. He calls to the hidden fear in every Hero's heart. Wakefulness is no protection, for Bane's black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. In the presence of Bane, every Hero remembers to fear the dark.


Enfeeble icon
Deals damage every second and lowers the enemy's total attack damage and cast range.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.57
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800/900/1000/1100
Damage per Second: 12/18/24/30 (Talent 25/31/37/43)
Attack Damage Reduction: 55%/60%/65%/70%
Cast Range Reduction: 30% (Talent 50%)
Duration: 9
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Each tendril of fear that Atropos weaves increases the vulnerability of his victims to arcane and unknown arts.

  • Stacks additively with other percentage-based cast range reduction sources, and is calculated after all flat cast range bonuses.
    • Does not reduce any ability's cast range beyond the 150 minimum cast range.
  • The debuff of successive casts on the same target does not stack but refreshes the ability values and duration.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting when cast, resulting in up to 10 instances.
    • Can deal up to 120/180/240/300 damage.

Brain Sap
Brain Sap icon
Enemies / Self
Feasts on the vital energies of an enemy unit, healing Bane and dealing damage.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.5
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 625
Damage: 90/160/230/300 (Talent 340/410/480/550)
Damage as Heal: 100%
With Aghanim's Shard Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 550
With Aghanim's Shard Secondary Damage as Heal: 30%
Cooldown symbol
 17/15/13/11 (Talent 14/12/10/8) (With Aghanim's Shard 14/12/10/8, With Aghanim's Shard and Talent 11/9/7/5)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Reduces cooldown by 3. Causes Brain Sap to become a 550 AoE spell. Secondary targets only heal for 30%.
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon cast.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Blocked fully only when primary target.
Atropos finds no greater pleasure than to harvest the fear he creates.

  • Despite the visual effects, the healing happens instantly after the damage is dealt, there is no travel time.
  • Adds a 550 radius to this ability. The ability must be centered over a unit still.
    • Can target secondary invisible units and secondary units inside the Fog of War.
    • From secondary targets, it can only heal for 27/48/69/90 (Talent 102/123/144/165) health.

Nightmare icon
Enemies / Allies
Puts the target enemy or friendly Hero to sleep. Sleeping units are awakened when damaged. If the target was directly attacked, the Nightmare passes to the attacking unit. Bane can attack nightmared targets freely.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0.57
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 500/550/600/650
Set Vision Range: 200
Self Attack Speed Bonus: 15/25/35/45
Sleep Duration: 3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5
Invulnerability Duration: 1
Cooldown symbol
 24/21/18/15 (Talent 21/18/15/12)
Mana symbol
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon cast.
Blocked upon attacking a unit affected by an enemy Nightmare.
Partially usable by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
The innate component fully benefits illusions.
Does not grant attack speed bonus to illusions.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Bane keeps his innate ability to attack Nightmared units.
The drafting hero and their illusions can attack Nightmared units as well.
A stolen prowess from the goddess Nyctasha is to put his prey into forever sleep.

  • The Nightmared target wakes up in the following conditions:
  • When waking up with an attack, the Nightmare is transferred to the attacking unit at the start of an attack point, not when the attack hits.
  • When Nightmare is transferred by attack the Nightmared unit or from Spell Reflection sources, its duration is refreshed, including the 1-second invulnerability.
    • The nightmare duration transferred is based on the duration of the first affected target.
    • Therefore, status resistance sources on the first affected target affects the following transferred Nightmare durations.
  • Sleeping units are never automatically attacked, regardless of auto-attack settings.
    • This means that sleeping units are never attacked by lane creeps, neutral creeps, towers and fountains.
    • They are also not considered targets for secondary attacks (e.g. Moon Glaives icon Moon Glaives).
    • Player-controlled units can still force an attack order on the target (Keyboard White Mouse Right Right Click or A) to transfer the Nightmare to themselves.
  • As long as a unit is affected by Nightmare from Bane, Nightmare is replaced by the Nightmare End icon Nightmare End sub-ability which allows Bane to wake the unit up.
  • Grants flat attack speed bonus only to the caster, during its attack point against the Nightmared unit, as long as the caster is attacking the Nightmared unit.
    • The attack speed is no longer granted upon the Nightmared unit waking up.
  • Nightmare's invulnerability status effect uses the default invulnerability icon, instead of its own ability icon.

Nightmare End
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast. EE
Nightmare End icon
Ends all ongoing Nightmares.
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Replaces Nightmare icon Nightmare until there is no Nightmare debuff from Bane active.
  • Does not interrupt Bane's channeling abilities upon cast.
  • Can wake a unit up at any time during a Nightmare, even during the 3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5-second invulnerability.
  • Wakes up all units that were put asleep by Nightmare, no matter who put them asleep.

Fiend's Grip
Fiend's Grip icon
Enemies / Self
Grips an enemy unit, disabling it and causing heavy damage over time, while stealing mana every 0.5 second based on the unit's maximum mana.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 625
Max Channel Time: 4.75/5.25/5.75 (Talent 7.75/8.25/8.75)
Damage per Second: 70/110/150
Max Mana Drain per Second: 5% (Talent 10%)
With Aghanim's Scepter Number of Illusions: 2
Illusions Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip Illusions
With Aghanim's Scepter Damage Taken: 200%
With Aghanim's Scepter Duration: 20
Cooldown symbol
 120/110/100 (With Aghanim's Scepter 75/65/55)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Reduces Fiend's Grip cooldown by 45 seconds. Fiend's Grip now creates two uncontrollable illusions that are also channeling Fiend's Grip on the target. Illusions takes incoming damage and immediately die if they are interrupted. Damage does not stack.
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon cast.
If the affected target has both Spell Block and Spell Reflection, it is reflected instead.
Modifiers [?]
Victims of Atropos are frequently torn apart by vivid conjurations of their own nightmares.
Bane aghs

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip illusion and their formation as they appear to allies, channeling the ability for Bane.

  • Deals 35/55/75 damage and drains 2.5% (Talent 5%) mana in 0.5-second intervals, starting immediately as the channeling begins, resulting in up to 9.5/10.5/11.5 (Talent 15.5/16.5/17.5) instances.
    • Can deal up to 332.5/577.5/862.5 damage (before reductions).
    • Can drain up to 23.75%/26.25%/28.75% (Talent 47.5%/52.5%/57.5%) of the target's max mana.
    • TALENT
      • With the duration increasing Talent talent, it can deal up to 542.5/907.5/1312.5 damage and drain up to 38.75%/41.25%/43.75% of the target's max mana.
      • With both Talent talents, it can drain up to 77.5%/82.5%/87.5% of the target's mana for its full duration.
  • Fiend's Grip first applies the damage on each interval, the self mana restore, then the mana loss.
  • Unlike other targeted abilities, the caster vision of Fiend's Grip lasts for the entire channel duration, even when it gets canceled, instead of just 2 seconds.
  • Casting Fiend's Grip on Nightmare icon Nightmared units automatically wake them up.
  • Fiend's Grip now spawn 2 illusions 400 range towards Bane's right and left side, facing towards the target whenever casting Fiend's Grip.
    • The illusions are able to cast abilities and are automatically ordered to cast an instance of Fiend's Grip based on the current level onto the same target, with an Instant Cast Animation (DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IMMEDIATE) instant cast time.
    • Items' passive abilities (e.g. Phylactery icon Empower Spell) fully work on the spawned illusions.
    • The illusions can be given any order normally, except for item cast orders. Doing so interrupts the channeling and kills the illusion.
  • The illusions' Fiend's Grip places a different modifier than the real hero does. This modifier only stuns the target if the real hero's modifier is present.
    • However, as soon as the real hero's modifier disappears, the illusions' modifier continues dealing damage and draining mana in its place.
    • In this case, the damage and mana drain is sourced to the illusion, not to Bane.
    • The illusions have a maximum duration of seconds, hard-capping the maximum time they can spend channeling.
    • Since the illusions are actually casting Fiend's Grip as well, this upgrade does not work for heroes who do not have Fiend's Grip (e.g. Spell Reflection).
    • The Fiend's Grip Illusions neither have gold nor an experience bounty.
  • Can be cast on the Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Fiend's Grip illusion. Spell Steal icon Spell Steal goes into cooldown and consumes mana, but does not acquire abilities.
  • Prematurely ending the channeling only cancels Fiend's Grip on the originally targeted enemy and does not affect the channeling on the other target, even with the leash debuff expired.


Hero Talents
+3s Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip Duration25+250 Brain Sap icon Brain Sap Damage/Heal
+30 Movement Speed20-3s Nightmare icon Nightmare Cooldown
+5% Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip Max Mana Drain15+13 Enfeeble icon Enfeeble Damage Per Second
+20% Enfeeble icon Enfeeble Cast Range Reduction10-3s Brain Sap icon Brain Sap Cooldown

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Brain Sap icon Brain Sap
    • Increased damage from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 100/120/140/160 to 120/130/140/150.
  • Increased Nightmare icon Nightmare cast range from 425/500/575/650 to 500/550/600/650.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
  • Brain Sap icon Brain Sap now pierces debuff immunity.
  • Nightmare icon Nightmare
    • Affected units are now not awakened by any incoming damage and damage instance from Bane minimap icon Bane.
    • Now grants 15/25/35/45 self attack speed bonus against affected units.
  • Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip now removes Nightmare icon Nightmare debuff from the targeted enemy.

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango keeps Bane's health pool up in the early game. It also destroys trees to make chain pulling of neutral camps easier.
  • Healing Salve icon Healing Salve restores health to Bane or a teammate.
  • Clarity icon Clarity gives Bane mana replenishment, sustaining his abilities like Nightmare, allowing him to set up kills more frequently.
  • Observer Ward icon Observer Ward provides vision around the map to spot enemy movements, setting up ganks or avoiding them.
  • Enchanted Mango icon Enchanted Mango provides Bane with a small amount of passive health regeneration, allowing him to mitigate harass damage. More importantly, it gives him burst mana restoration in the early game, allowing him to get off one more ability for a key moment in ganks.

Early game:

  • Arcane Boots icon Arcane Boots increase the size of Bane's mana pool and gives him some additional movement speed, allowing him to get into position to use abilities more often. They also replenish mana to him and teammates.
  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand provides even more burst health and mana than Magic Stick.
  • Infused Raindrop icon Infused Raindrops grants cheap mana regeneration and some protection against magical nukes.
  • Sentry Ward icon Sentry Ward allows Bane to deward or spot invisible foes, also use it to block enemy pull camps.
  • Phylactery icon Phylactery will give Bane more health, mana and attributes while also allowing all of Bane's single-targed abilities to deal bonus damage and slow down enemies by 50% for 1,5 seconds every 6 seconds.

Mid game:

  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger boosts mobility, allowing Bane to play with perfect position.
  • Aether Lens icon Aether Lens is completed from disassembling Arcane Boots, and provides mana regeneration for Bane to use abilities. It also increases Bane's cast range of his abilities and items, keeping him further away from enemy aggression.
  • Blade Mail icon Blade Mail will give Bane bonus attack damage, armor and the ability to return all the damage inflicted onto him back at enemies who try to attack him for it's duration. Blade Mail icon Blade Mail can also be used while channeling Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip, making it hard for enemies to interrupt Bane without hurting themselves in process.
  • Force Staff icon Force Staff provides intelligence and health regeneration to use abilities. The active can get Bane and allies to the right position, or break Linken's Sphere, opening up opportunities for disables.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter will reduce the cooldown for Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip, allowing Bane to use it more often. And it will also allow it to spawn two uncontrollable illusions that will also channeling Fiend's Grip on the target. Allowing Bane to freely attack and damage enemy heroes affected by Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip with his attacks, abilities and items while they are present. However, illusions from Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip will take incoming damage and will immediately die if they are interrupted. Also, bear in mind that the damage from illusions channeling Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip does not stack.

Late game:

  • Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike will give Bane both, escaping and chasing tool, and will also provide him with extra attack range.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard will allow Brain Sap icon Brain Sap to deal damage in a 550 radius, giving Bane exceptionally needed multi-targeted capabilities. Secondary targets for Brain Sap icon Brain Sap will also heal Bane for 30% of it's normal power.
  • Gleipnir icon Gleipnir will give Bane more health, intelligence, attack damage, passive chain lightning that will allow Bane's attacks to damage multiple enemies at once and the active root in an area that will allow Bane to root multiple enemies at once. Gleipnir icon Gleipnir is a very important item for a hero with no AoE capabilities like Bane.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse provides a large intelligence bonus and mana regeneration that alleviates Bane's casting problems, while also providing all-around attributes to increase survivability. The active allows him to utilize an instant hex.

Situational items:

  • Urn of Shadows icon Urn of Shadows and its upgrade Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel gives Bane more utility while also providing useful bonuses. As he is already a strong ganker, Bane can easily get charges that can then be used to heal teammates or add additional damage to ganks. Additionally, it stacks with Enfeeble's heal reduction.
  • Ghost Scepter icon Ghost Scepter gives Bane a way to shield himself from physical attacks for a short duration, gaining him time to use his abilities or to retreat. Use with Fiend's Grip to prevent the enemy from killing him with physical attacks. Ghost Scepter icon Ghost Scepter can later be upgraded into Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade for additional mana regeneration, spell amplification and disarm.
  • Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape brings invisibility and magic resistance to Bane and his allies, allowing them to initiate on enemies or escape from engagements. Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape can be used while channeling Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip to conceal Bane from enemies.
  • Solar Crest icon Solar Crest weakens the armor of target, including Roshan, allowing allies to deal more physical damage to them, and the passive mana regeneration helps Bane to maintain his mana pool.
  • Meteor Hammer icon Meteor Hammer grants strength, intelligence, and regeneration. The item's channel time benefits from Nightmare's long duration disable, ensuring the stun on targets. The item also applies damage to enemy buildings and creeps, helping Bane push and clear waves.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity gives increased movement speed, allowing Bane to position for abilities, and the intelligence and strong scaling mana regeneration greatly help with his casting. The active provides yet another disable that Bane can use on the enemy to set up ganks or hinder them in teamfights, or use on Bane himself to provide a short duration of invulnerability while also dispelling debuffs such as silences.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb grants armor, regeneration, and Echo Shell that can be used on Bane or allies to remove debuffs and reflect targeted abilities.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard provides Bane with armor and attack speed slow aura, increasing his resilience against physical attacks. The added intelligence improves his damage and expands his mana pool; the active adds more damage in teamfights and slow movement speed of enemies.
  • Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade will give Bane bonus mana regeneration, spell amplification, and the ability to disarm enemy heroes and defend himself against heroes reliant on direct attacks to be effective. Bear in mind, however, that the pure damage output from Enfeeble icon Enfeeble, Brain Sap icon Brain Sap and Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip used on units affected by Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade will remain same as Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade only amplifies magical damage output.
  • Revenant's Brooch icon Revenant's Brooch can give Bane bonus intellgence, attack speed, armor, bonus attack projectile speed and true strike every 9 seconds. And it's active ability will allow Bane to have his next five attacks have true strike, deal magic damage, weaken magic resistance by 20% for 3 seconds and to attack ethereal units if they are also disabled with Nightmare icon Nightmare or with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip.
  • Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves restores mana and health to team while removing debuffs from Bane. The armor and health regenerating aura works better on heroes at low HP, potentially saving them from deaths.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Brain Sap icon Brain Sap Kills
Relic Rare icon
Brain Sap icon Brain Sap Healing
Relic Rare icon
Nightmare icon Nightmare Duration
Relic Rare icon
Kills Under Fiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip
Relic universal icon
Teleports Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Allies Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape Duration
Relic universal icon
Channels Cancelled
Relic universal icon
Smoke of Deceit icon Smoke Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Dominating Kill Streaks
Relic universal icon
Dust of Appearance icon Dust Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Enemy Observer and Sentry Wards icon Wards Kills
Relic universal icon
Observer and Sentry Wards icon Wards Placed
Relic universal icon
Kill Assists
Relic universal icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • The origin of the name "Atropos" comes from Greek mythology. One of the Moirai Sisters (commonly referred to as the Sisters of Fate), Atropos was the sister in charge of cutting the "Life Thread" of those who were going to die. Her name literally means 'the no-Turning One' (> α 'no, without' + τρέπειν 'to turn'), referring to the irreversible and inevitable destiny of death.
  • The theme and abilities of Bane are based on the game Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis. In this game, there is a Bane "element" which provides spells that are named Enfeeble, Brain Sap, Nightmare and Fiend's Grip, with a similar theme of Bane in Dota 2.
  • His move line ▶️ "Sleep no more!" is a reference to Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in particular, his famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet reasons over whether to take his own life or carry on: "To die, to sleep-. No more-and by a sleep we say to end..."
  • His Last hit Response "▶️ "The wages of fear" is a reference to the film of the same name.
  • Bane is the only hero in Dota that has both the same base value as well as the same growth value on all 3 attributes. Even when general attribute value adjustments have been made on other heroes through different versions, Bane has still kept this peculiarity in every version, intentionally.

