Attack On Hero
Survive and defend the gate in a holdout-style game against 36 waves of unique and challenging monsters.
Workshop: Attack On Hero
Players: up to 5
Teams: 1 (PvE)
Creator: Sunryze
Created: 2015-09-24
Last update: 2016-10-17
Latest version: Unknown
Average duration: ~60 minutes
GitHub: Unknown
Discord: Unknown
Website: Unknown
Attack On Hero is a custom game played on a custom Dota 2 map, with teams of 5 players Survive and defend the gate in a holdout-style game against 36 waves of unique and challenging monsters. This custom game is inspired by the popular Attack on Titan Anime .
Gameplay [ ]
The goal of the game is to defend the gate and survive against 36 waves of unique and challenging monsters
Many hero skills are edited
Some hero skills are replaced with such from other heroes or new custom spells
Some custom items
Purchase unlimited tomes (+1 to STR/AGI/INT for 160g) later in the game to improve your character
Dedicated Servers
All dead heroes respawn with full HP/MANA at each end of each wave on the spot they died
General Strategy [ ]
Restrictions [ ]
Some heroes are not available in this custom game:
Waves [ ]
Forge Spirits
Blademaster (Juggernaut)
Mushroom Force (Natures Prophets, NP Treants, Treant Protector)
Chaos Realm (Chaos Knight, Dark Seers)
Witch Doctor
Tormented Souls (Lechracs, Ghost campers)
Lucifer (Doom)
Ice & Fire (Jakiro into Phoenix and Winter Wyvern)
Bristledog (Bristleback, big Bristleback)
Night Stalker
Demolitions Squad (Bears, Beastmaster)
Slithereen Guardians (Slardars, Naga)
Beware the Wolf (ulted Lycan, Wolves)
Errant Soldier (Legion Commander, melee Dragon Knights)
Spooky (Lifestealers)
Fundamental of Gravity (Enigma)
Lightning Revenant (Razor)
Spirit Breaker
Crypt Swarm (Nyx, Weavers)
Infernal Golem (Chaotic Offering)
Leviathan (Tidehunter, Morphlings)
Mechatron (Tinker, Cogs)
Attack of the Bots (Clockwerk, Tinkers, Techies)
One True King (Wraith King, Skeletons, Skeletal Archers)
Ethereal Plane (Puck)
Shadow Friends (Shadow Feind, Shadow Demons)
The Veiled Sisters (Phantom Assassins)
The Free Spirits (Ember, Storm and Earth Spirits)
Worldsmith (Elder Titan, Totems)
The Greatest Magus (Rubick)
Phantom Menace (PL)
The Magic Ends Here (AM)
Demon Marauder (Terrorblade)
Lich King (Lich)
Screenshots [ ]
Custom Games 20 Players
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