Anti-Mage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slashes his foes with mana-draining attacks. | |
Among the ascetic monks of Turstarkuri, only a young acolyte was fortunate enough to escape the fallen legion's assault on the monastery. Now, vowing to eliminate not only the magic of the Dead God, the Anti-Mage returns to eradicate magic altogether. With sheer focus, he Counters Spells thrown at him and his Allies, returning them to their senders. No wizard's trick is enough to contain or elude the Anti-Mage, as he Blinks out of any trap, while at the same time being capable of sending a Fragments of himself to pursue targets in return. With each swing of his unorthodox blades, the Anti-Mage steps closer to his goal of erradicating all magic, Breaking apart Mana, setting up the depleted caster to perish in a crushing Mana Void. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() |
Adjectives: | NicePecs, Parent, Nose Legs ( 2 )
▶️ "They who live by the wand shall die by my blade."
The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery as wave after wave of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. Then came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to replace all local worship with their unliving lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the assault, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sat on their silken cushions. Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be admitted to the monastery. He watched in horror as the monks to whom he had served tea and nettles were first slaughtered, then raised to join the ranks of the Dead God's priesthood. With nothing but a few of Turstarkuri's prized dogmatic scrolls, he crept away to the comparative safety of other lands, swearing to obliterate not only the Dead God's magic users--but to put an end to magic altogether.
AM, Wei
Mana Burned per Hit: 25/30/35/40
Burned Mana as Damage: 50%
Move Speed Slow on Full Drain: 25%/30%/35%/40%
Slow Duration: 0.75
Mana Burned per Hit: 12.5/15/17.5/20
A modified technique of the Turstarkuri monks' peaceful ways is to turn magical energies on their owner.
- Deals 12.5/15/17.5/20 bonus damage + 0.8%/1.2%/1.6%/2% (
1.3%/1.7%/2.1%/2.5%) of the target's max mana as damage (before reductions).
- Illusions deal a reduced amount of bonus damage, since the bonus damage is based on the mana burned.
- Illusions deal 6.25/7.5/8.75/10 bonus damage + 0.4%/0.6%/0.8%/1% (
0.65%/0.85%/1.05%/1.25%) of the target's max mana as damage.
- Burned mana as damage is considered as a conditional attack damage bonus.
- Although the attack damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly added to Anti-Mage's attack damage.
- The attack damage bonus values are not considered by the following sources:
- Critical strike sources.
- Mana loss manipulation sources, despite burning less mana and the affected target losing less mana.
- However, it is considered by lifesteal and cleave, and it can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.g. damage block).
- Since it is considered bonus attack damage, it is not affected by percentage-based attack damage bonuses or reductions.
- Mana Break applies the mana burn, the attack damage, and then if the target has no mana left, the movement speed slow debuff.
- Does not work against allied units when attacking them.
- Does not apply the movement speed slow to units without mana.
- Successive movement speed slow debuffs do not stack but refresh its duration.
- Plays a different sound effect when the attacked target is below 50% max mana.
- Fully stacks with other Mana Break sources.
Target Point
Target Point
Short distance teleportation that allows Anti-Mage to move in and out of combat.
Cast Range: Global
Min Blink Distance: 200
In his encounter with the Dead Gods, Anti-Mage learned the value of being elusive.
- Blink disjoints projectiles upon cast.
- Attempting to blink less than the min distance will blink for 200 range instead.
- Does not blink for the full distance when targeting closer than the max distance.
- When targeting beyond the max blink distance, Anti-Mage blinks for the max distance towards the targeted point.
- COSMETICHas a cast backswing of 0.66 with
The Disciple's Path equipped.
No Target
No Target
Passively grants magic resistance. Counterspell may be activated to create an anti-magic shell around Anti-Mage that blocks and sends any targeted spells back towards enemies instead.
Shield Duration: 1.2
Grants the Counterspell Ally ability.
Creates an illusion of Anti-Mage next to an enemy caster upon reflecting their spell. Illusion deals 75% damage, takes 100% damage and has a duration of 4 seconds.
Creates an illusion of Anti-Mage next to an enemy caster upon reflecting their spell. Illusion deals 75% damage, takes 100% damage and has a duration of 4 seconds.
Modifiers [?]
With the proper focus, Anti-Mage turns innate resistance into calculated retaliation.
- Interrupts Anti-Mage's channeling abilities on cast.
- Stacks multiplicatively with other
magic resistance sources.
- Increases Anti-Mage's magic resistance to 36.25%/43.75%/51.25%/58.75%.
- With the magic resistance bonus from this source, every 10 points of intelligence further increases the total magic resistance by 0.85%/0.75%/0.65%/0.55%. [?]
- There is no limit to how many unit-targeted abilities that can be blocked and reflected while active.
- Counterspell has the highest priority of all Spell Block and Spell Reflection abilities, which causes Linken's Sphere, Lotus Orb, Mirror Shield and an allied Planar Pocket to not trigger for Anti-Mage while Counterspell is active.
- However, unlike other spell reflection sources, Counterspell does not reflect Phantom Strike and Blink Strike. They do get blocked still.
- Does not stack with Soulbind, preventing it from duplicating spells onto a chained ally.
- Counterspell now creates an illusion facing the same direction as the caster per reflected unit-targeted ability.
- The illusion cannot act and is uncontrollable. However, it is not invulnerable and can be attacked and killed normally.
- The illusion is permanently phased.
- The illusion has a expr
2 × IllusionLVL
- Counterspell is cast simultaneously by the created illusion whenever Anti-Mage casts it.
- The illusion ignores the player's auto-attack settings and is always in auto-attack mode.
- When no enemies are nearby, the illusion idles in place, only moving when getting aggroed.
- The Counterspell-illusion spawns at different distances depending on the caster and affected target's collision size as follows:
- The illusion spawns 58-distance away from the affected target in the following conditions:
- If both the caster and the affected target have the same collision size.
- If the affected target's collision size is 27 while the caster's collision size is 18 or vice versa.
- The illusion spawns 87-distance away from the affected target only when the target's collision size is greater than the caster's collision size.
- The illusion spawns 58-distance away from the affected target in the following conditions:
Blinks an illusion to the target enemy or location, which attacks for a brief time. Counterspell is replicated on the Blink Fragment illusion. Has 3 Charges.
Modifiers [?]
Requires drafting Mana Void to be unlocked.
- Requires Aghanim's Scepter to be unlocked.
- The cast range of this ability is equal to Blink's max travel distance.
- The illusion is created facing the same direction as the caster, along with Blink's ability particles, sounds, and animations.
- Counterspell is cast simultaneously by the created illusion whenever Anti-Mage casts it.
- The illusion cannot act and is uncontrollable. However, it is not invulnerable and can be attacked and killed normally.
- When targeting an enemy, the Blink Fragement-illusion attacks that enemy.
- When ground-targeted, the illusion relies on ◉ Standard auto-attack rules.
- The illusion ignores the player's auto-attack settings and is always in auto-attack mode.
- When no enemies are nearby, the illusion idles in place, only moving when getting aggroed.
- When ground-targeted, the illusion spawns at different distances depending on the caster and affected target's collision size as follows:
- The illusion spawns 58-distance away from the affected target in the following conditions:
- If both the caster and the affected target have the same collision size.
- If the affected target's collision size is 27 while the caster's collision size is 18 or vice versa.
- The illusion spawns 87-distance away from the affected target only when the target's collision size is greater than the caster's collision size.
- The illusion spawns 58-distance away from the affected target in the following conditions:
- COSMETICHas a cast backswing of 1 with
The Disciple's Path equipped.
Target Unit
Target Unit
Allied Heroes
Allied Heroes
Counterspell Ally may be activated to create an anti-magic shell around an allied hero that blocks and sends any targeted spells back towards enemies instead. Any time a spell is reflected by Counterspell or Counterspell Ally, an illusion of Anti-Mage will be created next to the enemy.
Number of Illusions per Counterspell: 1
Shield Duration: 1.2
Modifiers [?]
Requires drafting Counterspell to be unlocked.
- Requires Aghanim's Shard to be unlocked.
- Counterspell Ally can be cast without having to face toward the targeted unit, as long as the targeted unit is within the cast range.
- Counterspell is cast simultaneously by the created illusion whenever Anti-Mage casts it.
- Treats creep-heroes as heroes.
- Neither requires Counterspell to be leveled to be unlocked nor relies on it to work.
- Counterspell-illusion notes fully apply.
Mana Void
For each point of mana missing by the target unit, damage is dealt to it and surrounding enemies. The main target is also mini-stunned.
Stun Duration: 0.3
Grants the Blink Fragment ability.
After bringing enemies to their knees, Anti-Mage punishes them for their use of the arcane arts.
- The targeting reticule must be centered over an enemy unit.
- The damage is based on the difference between the primary target's max and current mana and is applied to all enemies within the radius.
- Casting ability on units without mana applies the stun only.
- Mana Void first applies the debuff, then the damage.
- Plays a sound effect during the cast point, which is audible to everyone.
- COSMETICHas a cast backswing of 1.23 with
The Disciple's Path equipped.
Hero Talents | ||
-50s Mana Void Cooldown | 25 | +20% Counterspell Magic Resistance |
+150 Blink Cast Range | 20 | +0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier |
-1s Blink Cooldown | 15 | +1% Max Mana Mana Burn |
+150 Mana Void Radius | 10 | +9 Strength |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- LVL 15+0.6% Mana Break max mana burned per hit increased to +1%.LVL 20+0.15 Mana Void damage per missing mana increased to +0.2.
- REWORKEDAghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Counterspell
- OLDGrants two passive outgoing spell damage reduction auras that stacks additively.
- Now creates a 4-second illusion that deals 75% damage and receives 100% damage upon reflecting a unit-targeted ability while active.
- Grants Anti-Mage the Counterspell Ally ability.
- Counterspell
- Counterspell Ally
- Creates a Counterspell shell around the targeted ally. This shell similarly creates an illusion of Anti-Mage upon reflecting an enemy spell.
- Cast range: 600
- Shield duration: 1.2
- Mana cost: 45
- Cooldown: 3
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango provides Anti-Mage with health regeneration in the early game.
- Healing Salve gives Anti-Mage a massive boost of health restoration.
- Iron Branch gives Anti-Mage an additional attribute boost in the lane. It can build into Magic Wand or be consumed for extra Tango healing.
- Quelling Blade provides bonus damage against creeps to help Anti-Mage get last hits. It builds into Battle Fury, your main farming item.
Early game:
- Cornucopia builds into Battle Fury and helps sustain Anti-Mage's health and mana while farming and laning.
- Power Treads provide Anti-Mage with attack speed and attributes switch, keeping him alive with strength, or sustaining his abilities usage with intelligence.
- Magic Wand is a good idea to pick up if the enemy is using a lot of spells since that gives Anti-Mage a lot of regeneration in case of an emergency.
Mid game:
- Battle Fury provides Anti-Mage with HP and mana regeneration, and gives Anti-Mage's attacks cleave that allow Anti-Mage to farm and push much faster.
- Manta Style provides attributes that benefit Anti-Mage well. The illusions benefit from Mana Break, greatly improving Anti-Mage's damage and pushing potential, and it can also dispel problematic debuffs.
- Aghanim's Scepter unlocks Blink Fragment to let Anti-Mage harass, scout, and burn mana without having to jump in and make himself vulnerable, while also providing more illusions to improve his damage in a fight.
Late game:
- Abyssal Blade gives Anti-Mage a damage boost, a chance to bash enemies when attacking, and a guaranteed stun that goes through spell immunity. It also gives Anti-Mage some strength and health that will increase his health pool.
- Butterfly offers a very substantial damage boost through raw bonuses and Agility, and helps him stand up to enemy carries in the late game with armor and evasion bonuses.
Situational items:
- Black King Bar grants debuff immunity so Anti-Mage can attack without worrying about enemy disables; Counterspell makes this unnecessary against magic damage, so its primary use is against heavy crowd control.
- Satanic increases strength and lifesteal, giving Anti-Mage much more survivability.
- Heart of Tarrasque provides an ultimate tankiness boost so that Anti-Mage can lead pushes and manfight the enemies in the late game.
- Monkey King Bar gives additional damage and attack speed, and more importantly gives an answer to enemies with evasion.
- Disperser gives a lot of Agility to boost Anti-Mage's damage output, more Mana Break for him and his illusions, and helps pin enemies down with its active ability.
- Eye of Skadi provides an excellent balance of health, damage, and lockdown, while also debilitating enemies reliant on healing, regen, or lifesteal.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- In DotA, Anti-Mage's full name and title was "Magina, the Anti-Mage"; in Dota 2, his name was removed for unspecified reasons.
- In DotA, Anti-Mage has a chance to spawn with "BurNIng" as name, instead of Magina, which is a tribute to the professional DotA player.
- In DotA, Anti-Mage and Terrorblade were brothers.
- This was to be kept in Dota 2 based on certain responses Anti-Mage made in Terrorblade's presence, but upon Terrorblade's release, these relations were severed and thus the lines went unused.
- In DotA, Anti-Mage was blind, due to the model of the Warcraft III character he used, Illidan Stormrage, who was blind.
- Blink Fragment uses the same ability icon as the Desecrate ability from the now removed Ancient Prowler Shaman.