Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
23 + 2.7
22 + 1.5
25 + 1.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 20 526 1340 2198 2550
+0.25 +2.55 +6.33 +10.23 +11.78
Mana 80 380 680 1040 1172
+0 +1.25 +2.51 +4.01 +4.56
Armor 0 3.67 7.17 11.67 13.25
Magic Resist 25% 27.5% 30.02% 33.02% 34.12%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.72/s 0.84/s 1/s 1.06/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (400)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.35 + 0.65
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 295 (Nighttime 325)
Turn Rate Takes 0.262s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_alchemist
Earns extra gold from unit kills and bounty runes.
Having broken out of prison with his ogre accomplice, Razzil Darkbrew embarks on the search for new materials to use in his transmutations. Learned in alchemy, he infuses his partner's weapons with Corrosive Substances and created toxic Sludge Acids to accelerate his Greevil's Greed — extracting extra gold from creeps and Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Runes. With enough resources, it is rumored that Razzil has the secret formula to Synthesize a buff into the body that equals the legendary scepter. The Alchemist brews, atop the shoulders of his companion, an increasingly Unstable Concoction that is ideally thrown before it explodes. In a pinch, Razzil slips his partner with an Unknown Potion, inducing a Chemical Rage in the ogre's body. Symptoms include unnatural speeds, rapid health regeneration, and a pleasant purple hue.
Acid Spray
Unstable Concoction
Corrosive Weaponry
Berserk Potion
Berserk Potion
Greevil's Greed
Chemical Rage
Chemical Rage
Aghanim's Scepter Synth
Roles: Carry Carry Support Support Durable Durable Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator Nuker Nuker
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Bearded, Potbelly, Steed, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Alchemist minimap iconRazzil Darkbrew, the Alchemist
▶️ "Failure is just another kind of success. The wrong kind."
The sacred science of Chymistry was a Darkbrew family tradition, but no Darkbrew had ever shown the kind of creativity, ambition, and recklessness of young Razzil. However, when adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold through Alchemy.

In an act of audacity befitting his reputation, Razzil announced he would transmute an entire mountain into gold. Following two decades of research and spending and preparation, he failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned for the widespread destruction his experiment wrought. Yet Razzil was never one to take a setback lightly, and sought escape to continue his research.

When his new cellmate turned out to be a fierce ogre, he found just the opportunity he needed. After convincing the ogre not to eat him, Razzil set about carefully concocting a tincture for it to drink, made from the moulds and mosses growing in the prison stone work. In a week's time, it seemed ready. When the ogre drank the potion, it flew into an unstoppable berserker rage, destroying the cell bars and exploding through walls and guards alike.

They soon found themselves lost somewhere in the forest surrounding the city with a trail of wreckage in their wake and no signs of pursuit. In the tonic's afterglow, the ogre seemed serene, happy, and even eager. Resolving to work together, the pair set off to collect the materials needed to attempt Razzil's Alchemic transmutation once more.


Acid Spray
Acid Spray icon
(Talent Allies)
Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Enemy units who step across the contaminated terrain take damage per second and have their armor reduced.
Cast Animation: 0.1+0.8
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 900
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 400/475/550/625
Damage per Second: 25/30/35/40
Enemy Armor Reduction: 3/4/5/6 (Talent 4/5/6/7)
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Duration: 15
Talent Ally Armor Bonus Multiplier: 1
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Using traditional Alchemy from the Darkbrew family, Razzil concocts an acid that dissolves even the toughest metals.

  • Both the armor reduction and ally armor increasing bonus are provided by an aura, its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
    • The damage is independent of the aura, and the damage of multiple instances of Acid Spray fully stacks.
    • However, the enemy armor reduction and ally armor bonus value does not.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, resulting in up to 16 instances.
  • When leveling up the ability while a cast is already active, the armor reduction value on already affected units does not update to the new value.
    • However, if an enemy receives the debuff after leveling it up, that enemy receives the new armor reduction value.
    • The damage value does not update and is always based on the level the ability was cast on.
    • TALENT
      The armor reduction notes fully apply to the ally armor bonus Talent talent.
      • Grants allies within the radius 3/4/5/6 (Talent 4/5/6/7) bonus armor.

Unstable Concoction
Unstable Concoction icon
No Target
Alchemist brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage in an area around the explosion. The longer the concoction brews, the more damage it deals and the longer the stun. Alchemist is faster while charging the concoction. After 5 seconds, the brew reaches its maximum damage and stun time. However, after 5.5 seconds, the concoction will explode on Alchemist himself if not thrown.
Concoction Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 250 (Talent 375)
Max Brew Time: 5
Max Throw Time: 5.5
Move Speed Bonus: 4%/8%/12%/16%
Min Damage: 0
Max Damage: 150/220/290/360 (Talent 550/620/690/760)
Min Stun Duration: 0.25
Max Stun Duration: 1.7/2.2/2.7/3.2
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Does not block blowing up on self.
Blocked by enemies within the area individually, including when blowing up on self.
Blocked upon impact.
If blocked by the primary target, area effects are still applied.
Modifiers [?]
A silver lining to the failure of turning a mountain into gold, this volatile solution has destructive potential.

  • Interrupts Alchemist's channeling abilities upon cast.
  • A timer above Alchemist's head shows how much time is left before the concoction blows up. This timer is visible to everyone.
  • While brewing the concoction, Alchemist has increased movement speed, and he can move around and act freely.
    • The increased movement speed buff lasts until the Unstable Concoction Throw icon Unstable Concoction Throw sub-ability is used or the concoction blows up.
    • The brewing animation and particles are visible to everyone. The Unstable Concoction buff is hidden.
  • The sound can be heard by enemies only when the ability is cast within their vision range.
  • The damage starts at 0 and increases by 3/4.4/5.8/7.2 (Talent 11/12.4/13.8/15.2) per 0.1 seconds brewed, reaching the full damage in 5 seconds.
  • The stun duration starts at 0.25 seconds and increases by 0.029/0.039/0.049/0.059 for each 0.1 seconds brewed, reaching 1.7/2.2/2.7/3.2 in 5 seconds.
  • The concoction first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Unstable Concoction always affects a 250 (Talent 375) radius around where it explodes, including when it explodes on Alchemist.
    • When Alchemist dies while brewing, it instantly blows up, damaging enemy units around Alchemist based on the brewed duration.
    • The self-inflicted damage is lethal, it can be used to deny oneself.
    Both the radius increasing and the maximum damage increasing Talent talents immediately updates all of Alchemist's currently brewing concoction and all of his currently flying concoction projectiles.
  • Instantly stun the caster for the total channel duration upon losing the ability.
  • Does not stun the caster upon losing the ability or while the countdown ends when the Morph icon Morph buff expires.

Unstable Concoction Throw
Unstable Concoction Throw icon
Throw it before it blows up!
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.5
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 775
Max Duration: 5.5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon impact by all units within the radius individually.
Modifiers [?]

  • The targeting reticule must be centered over an enemy unit.
  • The concoction travels at a speed of 900.
  • Once thrown, the Unstable Concoction stops brewing.
    • Can only be cast on at heroes and illusions.
    • Cannot be cast on, but can stun and damage non-hero units within the radius.
    • When connecting with an invulnerable or hidden target, it still applies its area effect, hitting nearby units.
  • Grants Unstable Concoction icon Unstable Concoction if this sub-ability is the last cast ability.

Corrosive Weaponry
Cannot be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity. EG
Corrosive Weaponry icon
Alchemist coats his weapons with an acid that applies a stacking slow and status resistance reduction to enemies hit. Slow and Status resistance increases when Alchemist is under the effect of Chemical Rage.
Max Stacks: 4/6/8/10
Move Speed Slow per Stack: 4%/5%/6%/7%
Status Resistance Reduction per Stack: 3%/4%/5%/6%
Debuff Duration: 4
Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage
Move Speed Slow per Stack: 5.5%/6.5%/7.5%/8.5%
Status Resistance Reduction per Stack: 4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5%
Modifiers [?]

  • Debuff of successive attacks stack additively and refreshes the duration.
  • Corrosive Weaponry places following debuffs on targets at max stacks:
  • While Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage is active, Corrosive Weaponry places following debuffs on targets at max stacks:
    • Movement speed reduced by up to 22%/39%/60%/85%.
    • Status resistance reduced by up to 18%/33%/52%/75%.
    • Immediately updates all debuff values upon casting Chemical Rage.

Greevil's Greed
Cannot be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. FF
Greevil's Greed icon
Alchemist synthesizes additional gold from his enemies and bounty runes. With each kill, Alchemist earns base bonus gold and extra bonus gold. If Alchemist kills another unit which yields gold within the next 36 seconds, an additional instance of Extra Bonus Gold is added to the total. Additionally, causes bounty runes to yield more gold.
Base Gold Bonus: 2
Extra Gold Bonus per Stack: 2
Gold Bonus Cap: 18
Stack Duration: 36
Bounty Rune Multiplier: 2
Talent Attack Damage Bonus per Stack: 4
Talent Attack Damage Bonus Cap: 36
Disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Does not disable the Bounty Rune Multiplier.
Disables the stacks gain.
Does not disable the Attack Damage Bonus.
Cannot be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Illusions have the buff but the ability is not functional on them.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Synth is bound to Greevil's Greed.
However, Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage must be drafted as well for the bonus attack damage and bonus spell amplification component to work.
While it is not a mountain, Razzil has mastered the conversion of smaller compounds to line his pockets.

  • This is innate to Alchemist and does not need to be learned.
  • All stacks work fully independently from each other. They last 36 seconds each and do not refresh each other.
    • The status buff icon shows how much extra Gold Gold Alchemist gains on his next last hit.
    • A second bounty number appears over Alchemist, showing the amount of extra gold earned. This number is only visible to Alchemist.
    • TALENT
      Grants flat bonus attack damage per stack, values displayed on the HUD are rounded up.
  • 8 last hits is required to reach the gold bonus and bonus attack damage cap within the 36-second stack duration.
  • Grants reliable gold bonus from the Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune multiplier.
    • Greevil's Greed does not change the gold type granted and only affects the amount of gold granted to Alchemist, regardless of whether the rune is activated by Alchemist, his allies, or from Bottle icon Store Rune.
    • Allies still gain the default team gold value.

Berserk Potion
Berserk Potion icon
Alchemist throws a potion at an ally, applying a basic dispel and giving them attack speed, movement speed and HP regen.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.63
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800
Move Speed Bonus: 30
Attack Speed Bonus: 50
Health Regen Bonus: 40
Buff Duration: 10
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Requires drafting Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage to be unlocked.

  • Applies a basic dispel on the target ally upon cast.
  • The projectile travels at a speed of 900.
  • Increases Alchemist's total movement speed to Expression error: Unexpected < operator., and to Lua error in Module:Calculate at line 35: in expression "30+30+<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-1">Lua error in Module:Show at line 24: attempt to index field &#039;?&#039; (a nil value).</span></strong>". (Talent Lua error in Module:Calculate at line 35: in expression "80+30+<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-3">Lua error in Module:Show at line 24: attempt to index field &#039;?&#039; (a nil value).</span></strong>".<) when combined with Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage.
  • Can regenerate up to 400 health over its full duration.

Chemical Rage
Chemical Rage icon
No Target
Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage, reducing base attack cooldown and increasing movement speed and health regeneration.
Transformation Time: 0.35
Base Attack Time: 1.2/1.1/1 (Talent 1.1/1/0.9)
Health Regen Bonus: 50/80/110 (Talent 100/130/160)
Move Speed Bonus: 30/45/60 (Talent 80/95/110)
Corrosive Weaponry Reduction Bonus: 1.5%
Rage Duration: 30
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Alchemist melts down Aghanim's Scepter to grant an allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter upgrades. Alchemist will gain bonus damage and spell amplification for each gifted Scepter.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Grants the Berserk Potion ability.
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Illusions created while the ability is active copy the modifier with matching duration.
Modifiers [?]
The brew Razzil gave to the Ogre during their prison bust has become a useful potion in the midst of combat.

  • Grants the following effects while active:
    • Increases Corrosive Weaponry icon Corrosive Weaponry movement speed slow and status resistance reduction values.
    • Increases total movement speed to Lua error in Module:Calculate at line 35: in expression "30+<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-5">Lua error in Module:Show at line 24: attempt to index field &#039;?&#039; (a nil value).</span></strong>". (Talent Lua error in Module:Calculate at line 35: in expression "80+<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-7">Lua error in Module:Show at line 24: attempt to index field &#039;?&#039; (a nil value).</span></strong>".<).
    • Sets his base attack time to 1.2/1.1/1 (Talent 1.1/1/0.9).
    • Can regenerate up to 1500/2400/3300 (Talent 3000/3900/4800) health over its full duration.
  • Chemical Rage is fully canceled on death.
  • Successive casts before the previous cast finishes refresh the duration and update all ability values to the current level.


Aghanim's Scepter Synth
Aghanim's Scepter Synth icon
Allied Heroes / Self
Alchemist melts down Aghanim's Scepter to grant an allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter upgrades. Alchemist will gain bonus damage and spell amplification for each gifted Scepter.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600
Attack Damage Bonus per Stack: 25
Spell Damage Amp per Stack: 5%
Cannot be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Illusions do not copy the synth buff.
Modifiers [?]
modifier_alchemist_scepter_bonus_damage (x)
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Requires drafting Greevil's Greed icon Greevil's Greed to be unlocked, instead of being innate to Alchemist.
However, Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage must be drafted as well for the bonus attack damage and bonus spell amplification component to work.

  • This is innate to Alchemist, despite Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage's in-game ability upgrade tooltip.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter has an active ability for Alchemist, allowing him to cast it on ally heroes.
    • Treats clones and illusions as creeps.
    • ↓↓ Double-tapping Aghanim's Scepter in the inventory automatically targets self.
    • Once cast, the Scepter is consumed and the target ally passively receives all of Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter's upgrades, as well as the item's attributes:
    • The 4200 Gold net worth of the item transfers from Alchemist to the target hero. Self-casting does not change the net worth.
    • Doing so does not change Alchemist's or the target's GPM.
    • A hero can only be targeted once by Aghanim's Scepter Synth.
  • If the target ally bought Aghanim's Scepter and has it in their inventory or backpack, it gets refunded, removing it and granting them 4200 Gold.
    • If the target ally already has Aghanim's Blessing icon Aghanim's Blessing or Aghanim's Blessing - Roshan icon Aghanim's Blessing - Roshan consumed, it gets refunded as well, granting them 5800 Gold.
    • It does not matter how the target acquired Aghanim's Blessing, the gold is always refunded to the target ally by Alchemist, except when targeting himself.
    • Gold refunded this way is granted as unreliable gold.
  • The number of stacks and amount of bonuses gained can be seen on the status buff icon. Grants the following bonuses to Alchemist upon cast on ally heroes:
  • Since up to 4 allies and Alchemist himself can be infused, Alchemist can gain up to 125 attack damage and 25% spell damage amplification bonus.


Hero Talents
+50 Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage Regeneration25+50 Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage Movement Speed
+400 Unstable Concoction icon Unstable Concoction Max Damage20-0.1s Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage Base Attack Time
+2 Damage per Greevil's Greed icon Greevil Greed stack15Acid Spray icon Acid Spray grants armor to allies
+125 Unstable Concoction icon Unstable Concoction Radius10+1 Acid Spray icon Acid Spray Armor Reduction

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Increased base armor from -1 to 0.
  • Increased Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage movement speed bonus from 20/40/60 to 30/45/60.

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango regenerates health so Alchemist can survive the lane.
  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch is cheap and gives small attribute bonuses.
  • Enchanted Mango icon Enchanted Mango gives health regeneration, and burst mana to use Acid Spray.

Early game:

  • Ring of Protection icon Ring of Protection is a relatively cheap item that alleviates early armor problems.Depending on the situation,it can be upgraded to Buckler icon Buckler.
  • Quelling Blade icon Quelling Blade helps Alchemist get last hits with increased attack damage against creeps.

Mid game:

  • Power Treads icon Power Treads increase attack speed and strength to help Alchemist obtain last hits. The bonus intelligence helps him use more Acid Spray in the early to mid game.
  • Armlet of Mordiggian icon Armlet of Mordiggian works well with Chemical Rage's health regeneration, countering the item's health draining effect.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger improves mobility so Alchemist can get in range and use Unstable Concoction on the enemies.
  • Radiance icon Radiance is a good pickup since Alchemist can get it quickly with Greevil's Greed, when the burn damage hurts the most. It deals heavy damage to the enemy team, as Alchemist can stay alive for prolonged periods with Chemical Rage.

Late game:

  • Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel allows Alchemist to split push lanes, and be present at while farming free lanes. Also, the movement speed boost greatly mitigates his weakness in mobility.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar protects Alchemist from most disables so he can continue to deal damage.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass lowers enemies' armor, which stacks with the armor reduction from Acid Spray. It also provides a useful aura to buff armor and attack speed the rest of your team.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter allows Alchemist to give the item to an ally, granting them it's upgrades for their abilities that are upgradable by it. And every time Alchemist gives Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter to an ally, he will gain bonus attack damage and spell amplification.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard will give Alchemist access to Berserk Potion icon Berserk Potion ability that will allow him to apply a basic dispel on his allies, and give his allies extra attack speed, movement speed and health regeneration, essentially giving them the benefits of Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage.

Situational items:

  • Manta Style icon Manta Style is excellent for sieging buildings and taking waves, particularly in conjunction with Radiance icon Radiance. It also provides Alchemist with a much needed disjoint mechanism.
  • Mjollnir icon Mjollnir increases Alchemist's attack speed greatly, and also gives a useful Static Charge to protect Alchemist or his teammates. Its lightning attack will also trigger often under Chemical Rage.
  • Blade Mail icon Blade Mail forces enemies to think twice about fighting back against Alchemist.
  • Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade goes well with Alchemist's high attack speed, and helps greatly in securing an enemy. It also gives bonus attack damage and greater survivability providing bonus HP and blocking damage from incoming attacks.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque gives Alchemist a massive amount of health. Combined with the health regeneration from Chemical Rage, Alchemist is extremely hard to take down.
  • Moon Shard icon Moon Shard grants increased attack speed to Alchemist without using any inventory slots. He can also use Moon Shard on an ally to give them the bonus attack speed instead.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Alchemist minimap icon Alchemist's Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Kills Under Acid Spray icon Acid Spray
Relic Rare icon
Multi-Hero Unstable Concoction icon Concoctions
Relic Rare icon
Damage During Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage
Relic Rare icon
Aghanim's Scepter Synth icon Aghanims Given
Relic strength icon
Debuffs Purged With Manta Style icon Manta
Relic strength icon
Damage With Active Armlet of Mordiggian icon Armlet
Relic strength icon
Radiance icon Radiance Damage
Relic strength icon
Stuns Leading To Kills
Relic strength icon
Channels Cancelled
Relic strength icon
Triple Kills
Relic strength icon
Mega Kill Streaks
Relic strength icon
Kill Assists
Relic strength icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
  • ▶️ Failure is just another kind of success. The wrong kind.
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • At one point during beta, Alchemist's bio consisted entirely of the following sentence: "Alchemist is named Al and is a chemist."
  • Alchemist's third ability name remained unchanged from its DotA counterpart until after the Diretide event, when it was changed from "Goblin's Greed" into "Greevil's Greed icon Greevil's Greed".
  • The Ogre's portion of the Caustic Steel cosmetic set may be a reference to Master Blaster from Mad Max: Beyond The Thunderdome, while the Alchemist's armor and hair are most likely a reference to Edward Elric, one of the two main protagonists of Fullmetal Alchemist.
  • Acid Spray icon Acid Spray's ▶️ sound effect has the same reprocessed sound of ▶️ Oil Platform building from game Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness, created by Blizzard.
  • ▶️ "Only ninety-eight percent pure?" is a direct reference to AMC's TV series Breaking Bad.[1]
  • ▶️ "Greed is good." is a reference to Gordon Gekko's speech in the 1987 film, Wall Street.[2] as well as the actual cheat code from Warcraft III which gives the player gold on single player campaign.
  • When activating Haste Rune minimap icon Haste Rune ▶️ "Run, buddy, run!" may be a reference to Forrest Gump, since sometime in the movie there is a line "Run, Forrest, Run!"[3]
  • ▶️ " Better living through alchemy!" is a reference to the phrase "Better Living Through Chemistry", a popular variant of a DuPont advertising slogan which later became a common phrase.


