Dota 2 Вики
Dota 2 Вики
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Reflection (6.75-6.84)
Блокируется Linken's Sphere. Блокируется невосприимчивостью к магии. QC
Reflection icon
Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of the targeted enemy Hero. The enemy Hero is slowed and attacked by the reflection for a short duration.
Дальность применения: 325
Замедление скорости передвижения: 60%
Замедление скорости атаки: 60
Illusion Damage Dealt: 40%/60%/80%/100%
Длительность: 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Reflection Slow
In the fractal prison of Foulfell, Terrorblade learned the truth of this old tale: you are your own worst enemy. Now it is a lesson he teaches others.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Reflection icon Reflection in the 6.85 gameplay patch.
  • Reflection illusions are invulnerable, untargetable and uncontrollable.
  • Reflection illusions have 522 movement speed and have free pathing.
  • The illusion attempts to attack the target. If it cannot be attacked, it follows the target close enough until it can be attacked again.
  • The illusion does not lose track when the target turns invisible, hidden or moves in the Fog of War. Though it needs vision to attack.
  • The illusion is completely immune to every spell, even those who affect invulnerable units (Dispel Magic (Storm) icon Dispel Magic).
  • The illusion benefits from any passive skill or item the target has (given illusions can make use of them).
  • The slow debuff and the illusion are independent from each other. Purging the slow does not remove the illusion.

Reflection (Pre 6.75)
Блокируется невосприимчивостью к магии. QC
Reflection icon
Действует на
Terrorblade brings forth a dark reflection of all enemy units in a small area. Affected units are slowed and attacked by their reflections.
Дальность применения: 600
Радиус: 350
Замедление скорости передвижения: 20%/25%/30%/35%
Замедление скорости атаки: 20/25/30/35
Illusion Damage Dealt: 35%/45%/55%/65%
Длительность: 5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Reflection Slow
In the fractal prison of Foulfell, Terrorblade learned the truth of this old tale: you are your own worst enemy. Now it is a lesson he teaches others.

  • This ability got reworked into the following Reflection icon Reflection in the 6.75 gameplay patch.
  • Reflection illusions are invulnerable, untargetable and uncontrollable.
  • Reflection illusions have 522 movement speed and have free pathing.
  • The illusions attempt to attack their targets. If they cannot be attacked, they follow their targets close until they can be attacked again.
  • The illusions do not lose track when the targets turns invisible, hidden or move in the Fog of War. Though they need vision to attack.
  • The illusions are completely immune to every spell, even those who affect invulnerable units (Dispel Magic (Storm) icon Dispel Magic).
  • The illusions benefit from any passive skill or item the targets have (given illusions can make use of them).
  • The slow debuffs and the illusions are independent from each other. Purging the slow does not remove the illusion.

Частично используется иллюзиями. Проходит сквозь невосприимчивость к магии. WZ
Unknown icon
Действует на
Increases your attack speed and health regeneration.
Доп. скорость атаки: 20/30/40/50
Доп. восстановление здоровья: 2/3/4/5
Частично используется иллюзиями.
Примечания иллюзий:
Illusions benefit from the attack speed bonus, but not from the regeneration.

  • This ability got replaced by Conjure Image icon Conjure Image in the 6.75 gameplay patch.

Metamorphosis (6.72-6.74c)
Metamorphosis icon
Действует на
Transform Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack while also creating illusions of him.
Доп. дальность атаки: 422
Доп. урон: 20/25/30/35
Movement Speed Loss: 10
Number of Illusions: 0/1/1/2
Illusion Damage Dealt: 0%/10%/15%/20%
Illusion Damage Taken: 0%/250%/250%/250%
Длительность: 30
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Нельзя развеять
Temper, temper. The rage rises up and takes control. Meet Terrorblade's own worst self.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Metamorphosis icon Metamorphosis in the 6.75 gameplay patch.
  • Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
  • Increased Terrorblade's attack range to 550 and reduced movement speed to 300.
  • It also gives him ranged unit properties, meaning all items with ranged and melee differences (Manta Style icon Manta Style) use their ranged values. His attack projectile travels at a speed of 900.
  • The illusions are created 0.5 seconds after cast right in front of Terrorblade, so the illusions also are in demon form and benefit from the attack damage bonus.
  • When dying while in Metamorphosis, all bonuses, except the illusions are lost.
  • The illusions take purge damage.

Soul Steal (6.67-6.71b)
Блокируется Linken's Sphere. Блокируется невосприимчивостью к магии. QE
Unknown icon
Действует на
Врагов / Союзников
Transfers the life energy from one unit to another. Can be used to transfer life to allies or away from enemies.
Дальность применения: 400
Link Break Distance: 600
Health Transfer per Second: 20/40/60/80
Длительность: 5/6/7/8
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Soul Steal
Нельзя развеять

  • This ability got replaced by the following Reflection icon Reflection in the 6.72 gameplay patch.
  • The link breaks when the target gets out of vision, turns invulnerable, exceeds the break distance, or runs out of health.
  • When cast on allied units, Terrorblade can manually cancel it.
  • The health restored equals the amount of damage dealt per tick after all reductions. This means that magic resistance does influence the amount of health restored.
  • Drains 5/10/15/20 health in 0.25 second intervals, starting 0.25 seconds after cast, resulting in 32 instances.
  • Instantly destroys targeted enemy illusions on the first instance. Does not destroy allied illusions.

Metamorphosis (pre 6.72)
Metamorphosis icon
Действует на
Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack.
Доп. дальность атаки: 422
Доп. здоровье: 0/50/100/150
Доп. скорость передвижения: 20
Длительность: 30/40/50/60
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Нельзя развеять
Temper, temper. The rage rises up and takes control. Meet Terrorblade's own worst self.

  • This ability got reworked into the following Metamorphosis icon Metamorphosis in the 6.72 gameplay patch.
  • Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
  • Increased Terrorblade's base attack damage from 26-32 to 26-37, attack range to 550 and movement speed to 320.
  • It also gives him ranged unit properties, meaning all items with ranged and melee differences (Manta Style icon Manta Style) use their ranged values. His attack projectile travels at a speed of 900.
  • When dying while in Metamorphosis, all bonuses are lost.

Soul Steal (pre 6.67)
Блокируется Linken's Sphere. Блокируется невосприимчивостью к магии. QE
Unknown icon
Действует на
Врагов / Себя
Strangles the soul of a target enemy unit and extracts bits and pieces of it.
Дальность применения: 500
Max Channel Time: 8
Link Break Distance: 600
Health Drain per Second: 20/40/60/80
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Soul Steal
Нельзя развеять

  • This ability got reworked into the following Soul Steal in the 6.67 gameplay patch.
  • The link breaks when the target gets out of vision, turns invulnerable, exceeds the break distance, or runs out of health.
  • The health restored equals the amount of damage dealt per tick after all reductions. This means that magic resistance does influence the amount of health restored.
  • Drains 5/10/15/20 health in 0.25 second intervals, starting 0.25 seconds after cast, resulting in 32 instances.
  • Instantly destroys targeted enemy illusions on the first instance.