Dota 2 Вики

Реплики Techies "разделены", чтобы дать каждому персонажу определённый шанс что-либо сказать.

  • Если все 3 имени указаны в категории, то Скви имеет шанс 55%, Сплин — 40%, а Спун — шанс 5%.
  • Если Спун не указан, тогда Скви имеет шанс 55%, а Сплин — шанс 45%.
  • Если ни одно имя не указано, тогда все реплики имеют одинаковый шанс.


  • ▶️ Techies!
  • ▶️ We're Techies Demolitions! Hey, how you doing?
  • ▶️ Techies Demolitions! We put the tech in tech-nically we meant to do that.
  • ▶️ If you want explosions. Accept no substitutes!
  • ▶️ I am Squee! I'm Spleen! And I'm Spoon!
  • ▶️ They call me Squee! They call me Spleen! They don't know I'm here. Who said that?
  • ▶️ Get 'em!
  • ▶️ Let's light the fuse!
  • ▶️ This is gonna be fun! Ha ha ha!
  • ▶️ He he he he! Oh, this is gonna be fun!
  • ▶️ Did we put the right fuse on that one?
  • ▶️ Trap is set! Oh ho ho oh boy!

Стадия планирования



Вход в битву

  • ▶️ Techies!
  • ▶️ We're Techies Demolitions! Hey, how you doing?
  • ▶️ Techies Demolitions! We put the tech in tech-nically we meant to do that.
  • ▶️ If you want explosions. Accept no substitutes!
  • ▶️ I am Squee! I'm Spleen! And I'm Spoon!
  • ▶️ They call me Squee! They call me Spleen! They don't know I'm here. Who said that?


  • ▶️ This one is in the bag! Uh, but the fuses are in there!
  • ▶️ This one is in the barrel! Um, just me in here.

Начало битвы

  • ▶️ Measurements made. Bombs built. Powder's dry. Okay, let's blow something up!


Перезарядка 6 секунд




Перезарядка 6 секунд



Sticky Bomb icon Sticky Bomb
При применении

while no other mines are present


Reactive Tazer icon Reactive Tazer
При применении
Шанс 75%

Шанс 5%

Шанс 1%

При убийстве
Шанс 75%

Suicide Squad, Attack! icon Suicide Squad, Attack!
Убийство врага

Шанс 15%


Шанс 15%

Proximity Mines icon Proximity Mines
При применении


Убийство врага
Шанс 25%

Шанс 15%

Шанс 5%

Получение уровня

Шанс 5%

Убийство врага

Шанс 5%

Убийство определенного героя
Шанс 20%

Шанс 3%

  • ▶️ Doom minimap icon They're going to have to glue you back together! Yeah, in Hell!

Первая кровь

  • ▶️ First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awww.. No blood?
  • ▶️ First blood! Start with a bang!

Шанс 10%

  • ▶️ First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awwww.. No blood? Nope.

Встреча союзника

Во время ранней игры, в радиусе 1000

  • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon п So they say your alchemy blew up an entire mountain? How'd you do it?
  • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon п Just have a seat right over there. And let the smart people work.
  • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon п Keep your breath off our powder and we'll do just fine, Jakiro.
  • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon п Hey Pudge! Give us a hand. We'll cook your dinner for ya!
  • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon п Tiny! Could you help us test a few weight triggers?
  • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon п Vacuums? Explosives? Hey Dark Seer, I have an idea!
  • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon п I've heard bot guy never disappoints!


Перезарядка 60 секунд

Шанс 5%

Добивание союзного юнита

Требует нахождения видимого врага в радиусе 1000, перезарядка 60 секунд

Получение предмета

  • ▶️ п Let's grind it down! Could be something useful in there.
  • ▶️ п You think it'll fly? If we throw it.
  • ▶️ п Ah, more bang for our buck. That was a lot of bucks.

Получение специального предмета

Шанс 25%

Шанс 20%

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ Claymore (1350) п Claymore! But not that kind of claymore.



Шанс 75%

  • ▶️ Suicide Squad, Attack! icon Okay, let's not do that again. Why not?
  • ▶️ Suicide Squad, Attack! icon Oh my ears are still ringing. Huh?
  • ▶️ Suicide Squad, Attack! icon We're back! Success!
  • ▶️ Suicide Squad, Attack! icon Not running that experiment again. Huh, no kidding.
  • ▶️ Suicide Squad, Attack! icon Everybody make it back? I think so. Yep. Who keeps talking?


Наполнение бутылки

  • ▶️ Was that the bottle the nitro was in? Auh, one of em.
  • ▶️ We might need this in a bit. Why, what're you planning?

Активация рун

Руна волшебства Руна волшебства

  • ▶️ 300 Is that for me? It's for all of us!

Руна богатства Руна богатства

Руна усиления урона Руна усиления урона

Шанс 5%

  • ▶️ Double damage! But there's three of us.

Руна ускорения Руна ускорения

Шанс 25%

Руна иллюзий Руна иллюзий

Шанс 5%

Руна невидимости Руна невидимости

Шанс 25%

Руна регенерации Руна регенерации

Шанс 25%

Способность на перезарядке

Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд

Две попытки в течение 10 секунд

Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд

Нехватка маны

Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд

Две попытки в течение 10 секунд

Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд

Получение урона

Перезарядка 3 секунды



Шанс 25%

Редкие фразы

5 быстрых нажатий по герою

  • ▶️ Okay, whatever you do, don't hit that button till I tell you to. What, this button? Stop!
  • ▶️ Spoon was in the workshop when it exploded, right? I think so. No I wasn't. You know, sometimes I can still hear his voice.
  • ▶️ Explosives are only as dangerous as the person who builds them. Uh oh.
  • ▶️ Who said we couldn't count to three, huh?

Реплики в чате

Враг ушёл с линии

thx, thanks, ty, или если союзник применяет некоторые заклинания на игрока, перезарядка 30 секунд

Шанс 5%

/laugh, haha, lol, перезарядка 15 секунд



  • ▶️ п Huh! Heh hehe he he he he he he he he. What're you giggling about?
  • ▶️ Ah ha hm hm.

Окончание матча


Шанс 5%


Шанс 5%

Шанс 3%

Выпадение косметического предмета



Шанс 10%

  • ▶️ Is that for me? It's for all of us! Even me?

Rare и выше

  • ▶️ I'm just not gonna tell the guys about this.


Stasis Trap icon Stasis Trap
При применении

При оглушении противника


  • ▶️ н Bomb has been defused. Darn!
  • ▶️ н Premature detonation. Don't worry—happens to a lot of explosives.
  • ▶️ н A mine is a terrible thing to waste.
  • ▶️ н I was told there'd be a mushroom cloud!




Здесь указаны реплики со Спуном без обработки его голоса
