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История версий[]
- Улучшение от Aghanim's Shard:
- Telekinesis Land больше не уменьшает перезарядку при применении на себя или на союзника.
- Таланты:
- УР. 10урон от приземления у Telekinesis Land уменьшен с 175 до 150.
- Базовый урон от атаки увеличен с 24‒30 до 27‒33.
- Базовая броня увеличена с 0 до 1.
- Telekinesis: расход маны уменьшен со 125 до 110.
- Fade Bolt: снижение урона за скачок уменьшено с 7% до 6%.
- Telekinesis: длительность подъёма увеличена с 0,8/1,2/1,6/2 до 1,2/1,5/1,8/2,1.
- Spell Steal
- Rearm больше нельзя украсть.
- Перезарядка уменьшена с 20/15/10 до 20/12/4 сек.
- Улучшение от Aghanim's Scepter:
- Spell Steal
- Больше не уменьшает перезарядку до 6/4/2.
- Теперь Aghanim's Scepter позволяет украсть 2 способности [?].
- Spell Steal
- Базовое восстановление маны увеличено с 0 до 0,5.
- Fade Bolt
- Снижение урона от атак усилено с 10%/18%/26%/34% до 14%/21%/28%/35%.
- Снижение урона за скачок ослаблено с 8% до 7%.
- Базовое восстановление здоровья увеличено с 0 до 0,25.
- Spell Steal
- Скорость снаряда увеличена с 900 до 1200.
- Перезарядка уменьшена с 26/20/14 до 20/15/10 сек.
- Таланты:
- Левый талант 10-го уровня: Fade Bolt крадёт урон героев ➜ +10% к снижению урона жертв у Fade Bolt.
- Правый талант 15-го уровня: +100 к базовому урону ➜ 25% сек. перезарядки украденных способностей.
- Telekinesis: длительность оглушения увеличена с 1/1,25/1,5/1,75 до 1,2/1,4/1,6/1,8 сек.
- Telekinesis
- Радиус разрушения деревьев уменьшен с 325 до 150.
- Перезарядка уменьшена с 34/30/26/22 до 28/26/24/22 сек.
- Улучшение от Aghanim's Shard
- Telekinesis: бонус к дальности броска союзников увеличен с 60% до 85%.
- Таланты:
- Правый талант 10-го уровня: +150 к здоровью ➜ Приземление от Telekinesis наносит 175 урона.
- Левый талант 15-го уровня: +100 к базовому урону ➜ +0,6 сек. подъёма от Telekinesis.
- Правый талант 15-го уровня: +100 к дальности применения ➜ +100 к базовому урону.
- Arcane Supremacy: бонус к дальности применения увеличен с 75/125/175/225 до 100/150/200/250.
- Arcane Supremacy
- Способность больше не увеличивает время действия отрицательных эффектов на 16%/24%/32%/40%.
- Теперь даёт бонус 75/125/175/225 к дальности применения.
- Spell Steal
- Теперь способность увеличивает время действия украденных эффектов на 10/20/30%
- Перезарядка изменена с 20/18/16 до 26/20/14 сек.
- Улучшение от Aghanim's Scepter:
- Spell Steal: перезарядка увеличена с 2 на каждом уровне до 6/4/2 сек.
- ДОБАВЛЕНОУлучшение от Aghanim's Shard для Rubick:
- Позволяет применить Telekinesis на себя или союзника, при этом дальность броска больше на 60%, а перезарядка меньше на 30%. Уменьшает задержку перед броском союзного существа до 0,5 секунды.
- НТеперь также усиливает все украденные с помощью Spell Steal способности при наличии у них улучшений от Aghanim's Shard.
- Таланты:
- Левый талант 10-го уровня: +50 к базовому урону ➜ Fade Bolt крадёт урон у героев.
- Левый талант 15-го уровня: Fade Bolt крадёт урон у героев ➜ +100 к базовому урону.
- Базовая скорость атаки уменьшена со 110 до 100.
- Базовый урон от атаки изменен с 22‒32 до 24‒30.
- Базовая скорость атаки увеличена со 100 до 110.
- Fade Bolt
- ИЗМЕНЕНОСнижение урона от атаки героев изменено с фиксированного 20/25/30/35 на 10%/18%/26%/34%.
- ИЗМЕНЕНОСнижение урона от атаки героев изменено с фиксированного 10/13/15/17 на 10%/18%/26%/34%.
- Урон увеличен с 80/160/240/320 до 100/175/250/325.
- Расход маны уменьшен со 135/140/145/150 до 120/130/140/150.
- Таланты:
- Левый талант 10-го уровня: +50 к урону от атаки ➜ +50 к базовому урону.
- Левый талант 15-го уровня: +80 к уменьшению урона героев от Fade Bolt ➜ Fade Bolt крадёт урон у героев.
- Левый талант 10-го уровня: бонус к урону от атаки уменьшен с 60 до 50.
- Правый талант 10-го уровня: бонус к здоровью уменьшен с 200 до 150.
- Левый талант 15-го уровня: бонус к уменьшению урона героев от Fade Bolt ослаблен с 75 до 60.
- Правый талант 15-го уровня: бонус к дальности применения уменьшен со 125 до 100.
- Левый талант 20-го уровня: бонус к дальности броска у Telekinesis уменьшен с 300 до 240
- Правый талант 20-го уровня: уменьшение перезарядки Fade Bolt ослаблено с −5 сек. до −4 сек.
- Левый талант 25-го уровня: бонус к урону от украденных способностей уменьшен с 50% до 40%.
- Правый талант 25-го уровня: уменьшение перезарядки Telekinesis ослаблено с −15 сек. до −12 сек.
- Arcane Supremacy: доп. время действия эффектов уменьшено с 20%/28%/36%/44% до 16%/24%/32%/40%.
- Прирост интеллекта увеличен с 2,7 до 3,1.
- Telekinesis: длительность подъёма уменьшена с 1/1,4/1,8/2,2 до 0,8/1,2/1,6/2 секунд.
- Левый талант 15-го уровня: доп. снижение урона у героев от Fade Bolt увеличено с 45 до 60.
- Telekinesis
- Длительность подъема уменьшена с 1,1/1,5/1,9/2,3 до 1/1,4/1,8/2,2
- Перезарядка увеличена с 28/26/24/22 до 34/30/26/22
- Прирост силы увеличен с 1,8 до 2.
- Базовая ловкость и её прирост увеличены с 14 + 1,6 до 19 + 2,1.
- Прирост интеллекта увеличен с 2,4 до 2,7.
- Базовый урон увеличен с 19-29 до 22-32
- Базовое восстановление здоровья уменьшено с 1,5 до 0.
- Базовое восстановление маны уменьшено с 0,9 до 0.
- Способность Null Field заменена на Arcane Supremacy
- Arcane Supremacy
- Знания тайной магии позволяют герою наносить больше урона от способностей, а его заклинания действуют на врага дольше обычного.
- Увеличение урона заклинаний: 14%/18%/22%/26%
- Увеличение длительность дебаффов: 20%/28%/36%/44%
- Примечания: увеличение длительности эффектов действует только на дебаффы (с красной рамкой), но не на баффы
- Spell Steal: анимация применения украденных способностей увеличена с 0 до 0,15 [?]
- Правый талант 15-го уровня: доп. дальность применения увеличена со 100 до 125
- Правый талант 20-го уровня: «+5% к эффекту Null Field» заменён на «-5 сек. перезарядки Fade Bolt»
- Левый талант 25-го уровня: урон от украденных способностей украденных способностей уменьшен с 75% до 50%
- Базовый интеллект уменьшен с 27 до 25.
- Базовый урон увеличен с 17-27 до 19-29.
- Telekinesis: длительность подъема изменена с 1,5/1,75/2/2,25 на 1,1/1,5/1,9/2,3
- Telekinesis: перезарядка увеличена с 22 до 28/26/24/22 секунд.
- Базовое восстановление здоровья увеличено с 0 до 1,5.
- Базовое восстановление маны увеличено с 0,01 до 0,9.
- Telekinesis
- Neutral creeps targeted by Telekinesis now draw aggro and can be auto-attacked again.
- Removed Telekinesis' cliffing restriction. [?]
- Null Field
- Can now be toggled between increasing allied magic resistance and reducing enemy magic resistance.
- The toggle has a 30 seconds cooldown.
- Радиус увеличен с 900 до 1200.
- Переработаны таланты:
- Старые:
- 10-й уровень: +60 к урону или +60 золота в минуту
- 15-й уровень: +15 к интеллекту или +150 к здоровью
- 20-й уровень: +8% spell damage amplification или +75 cast range
- 25-й уровень: +400 Telekinesis throw distance или 20% cooldown reduction
- Новые:
- 10-й уровень: +60 к урону или +200 к здоровью
- 15-й уровень: +35 Fade Bolt hero attack damage reduction или +100 cast range
- 20-й уровень: +300 Telekinesis throw distance или +5% Null Field magic resistance bonus/reduction
- 25-й уровень: +75% spell damage amplification for stolen spells или -15 сек. перезарядки Telekinesis
- Прирост силы увеличен с 1,5 до 1,8.
- Базовое восстановление здоровья уменьшено с 0,25 до 0.
- Дальность атаки уменьшена с 600 до 550.
- Telekinesis: расход маны увеличен со 120 до 125.
- Таланты:
- Левый талант 10-го уровня: +50 attack damage increased to +60.
- Fade Bolt
- Урон увеличен с 75/150/225/300 до 80/160/240/320
- Bounce damage reduction increased from 4% to 8%
- Добавлены таланты:
- 10-й уровень: +60 золота в минуту или +50 к урону
- 15-й уровень: +150 к здоровью или +15 к интеллекту
- 20-й уровень: +75 Cast Range или +8% Spell Amplification
- 25-й уровень: 20% Cooldown Reduction или +400 Telekinesis Land Distance
- Скорость поворота увеличена с 0,5 до 0,7.
- Fade Bolt: базовый урон увеличен с 70/140/210/280 до 75/150/225/300.
- Increased Null Field magic resistance bonus from 5%/10%/15%/20% to 10%/14%/18%/22%.
- Fade Bolt
- Increased hero attack damage reduction from 14/20/26/32 to 20/25/30/35.
- Increased non-hero attack damage reduction from 7/10/13/16 to 10/13/15/17.
- Null Field now also affects creeps.
- Fade Bolt: расход маны уменьшен со 150 до 120/130/140/150.
- Stolen spells no longer get refreshed when they get restolen after having a different spell in-between.
- Reduced Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Spell Steal cooldown from 5 to 2.
- Telekinesis: перезарядка увеличена с 18 до 22.
- Spell Steal can no longer steal the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade of the enemy if they have a scepter and Rubick doesn't.
- Добавлено улучшение от Aghanim's Scepter для Rubick: Reduces Spell Steal cooldown from 20/18/16 to 5 on each level, increases cast range from 1000 to 1400 and makes all stolen spells be considered to have their Aghanim's Scepter upgrade.
- Скорость передвижения уменьшена с 300 до 290.
- Reduced Fade Bolt bounce radius from 500 to 440.
- Добавлен в Captain's Mode.
- Telekinesis: расход маны уменьшен со 160 до 120.
- Fade Bolt
- Расход маны увеличен с 90/95/100/105 до 150.
- Перезарядка увеличена с 10 до 16/14/12/10.
- Fixed a bug with Spell Steal projectile reaching Rubick while dead.
- Fixed being able to get units stuck with Telekinesis.
- Reduced Fade Bolt bounce radius from 600 to 500.
- Fixed interaction between Spell Steal and Whirling Axes.
- Fixed Telekinesis interaction with Elder Dragon Form.
- Fixed Cheese and the lowest level of Black King Bar being stealable.
История обновлений[]
30 сентября 2022
- Fixed the following abilities' interactions with Spell Steal:
- Counterspell granting permanent aura.
- Astral Spirit granting permanent spell immunity.
- Terror Wave
- Malefice
- Sproink not launching Impetus arrows.
- Nature's Attendants
- Fixed the following abilities' damage not being increased by Arcane Supremacy:
- Fixed Battle Hunger ability damage tooltip not being increased by Arcane Supremacy.
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal and cooldown resetting sources with The Magus Cypher equipped, leaving Spell Steal particles in the air for the rest of the game.
- Fixed the following abilities' interactions with Spell Steal:
29 сентября 2022
- Updated Spell Steal ability notes.
27 сентября 2022
- Fixed casting the following abilities several times resulting in the affected target not landing on the last chosen location:
- Fixed the following Spell Steal abilities' interactions:
- Time Walk not showing its cast range.
- Fixed the following abilities not showing their effect radius upon acquiring:
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Shadow Strike not being upgraded unless Scream of Pain is also acquired.
- Fixed being able to acquire two Decay abilities.
- Fixed ability interactions between Decay, Flesh Golem and Telekinesis Land.
27 сентября 2022
- Fixed ability interactions between Telekinesis and Hitch A Ride.
- Added ability landing indicator for the following abilities:
25 сентября 2022
- Fixed Telekinesis Land (Aghanim's Shard) casting on allies from crashing the game.
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal acquired Doom and Doom.
23 сентября 2022
- Telekinesis Land (Aghanim's Shard)
- Fixed ability cooldown not being affected by cooldown reduction sources.
- Fixed missing ability landing indicator.
- Fixed Arcane Supremacy increasing the radius indicator of the following No Target abilities: [?]
- Spell Steal
- Fixed ability interactions with Arctic Burn.
- Fixed spell damage amplification not calculating the bonus damage with Alt.
- Fixed stolen sub-abilities and counterpart abilities (e.g. Lucent Beam and Eclipse) not being hidden on illusions.
- Telekinesis Land (Aghanim's Shard)
20 сентября 2022
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal and Counterspell.
14 сентября 2022
- Updated Telekinesis ability descriptions.
1 сентября 2022
- Fixed Sticky Napalm occupying two slots with Spell Steal.
12 июля 2022
- Updated default hero model.
- ADDED☐ Помощь выключена support for Telekinesis Land (Aghanim's Shard).
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal and Cold Embrace's Splinter Blast.
- Fixed Splinter Blast projectiles released after an acquired Cold Embrace still being sourced to Winter Wyvern and crediting the damage/deny to her.
- Fixed the ability interactions between Spell Steal with Death Ward and Voodoo Switcheroo.
- Fixed server crash with acquiring Ethereal Jaunt with Spell Steal.
- Spell Steal
- The following abilities are no longer granted when acquiring another ability:
- Move Astral Spirit from acquiring Astral Spirit.
- Bushwhack from acquiring Decoy. However, Decoy still applies Bushwhack when cast.
- Fixed preventing illusions from having correct animations based on acquired abilities (e.g. Fiend's Grip).
- Fixed the following abilities not working when acquired:
- The following upgraded abilities can now be acquired:
- Juxtapose can now be acquired.
- Hunter in the Night
- Gravekeeper's Cloak
- Fireball can be acquired independently of Elder Dragon Form, and is no longer granted automatically.
- The following abilities now swaps in the same ability slot as the acquired ability:
- Time Walk and Reverse Time Walk
- Dismember and Eject, now also ejects the ally if another ability is acquired in its place.
- Illusory Orb and Ethereal Jaunt
- Gobble Up and Spit Out
- Fixed various ability upgrades of Aghanim's Scepter and Aghanim's Shard. The upgrades now grants its intended effects regardless if Rubick has the required counterpart ability:
- The following abilities are no longer granted when acquiring another ability:
- Updated Spell Steal ability tooltips.
- Updated Spell Steal ability descriptions.
- Updated default hero model.
- Fixed Spell Steal not acquiring the Solar Guardian Land sub-ability when stealing Solar Guardian.
- Fixed Telekinesis stun debuff modifiers missing descriptions.
- Updated ability particle effects of Aether Remnant acquired by Spell Steal.
- Updated default hero and The Magus Cypher model.
- Updated default hero and The Magus Cypher model and animations.
- Updated default hero and The Magus Cypher model and animations.
- Added several responses for Bushwhack and Sharpshooter.
- Increased max polygon counts.
- Updated default hero model.
- Updated default hero and The Magus Cypher model.
- Fixed Spell Steal not remembering how many charges and recharge time they had remaining when re-stealing them.
- Aether Remnant now uses Rubick's model, instead of Void Spirit's model.
- Fixed Torrent Storm not working.
- Added response rules for casting Firesnap Cookie, and for killing with Mortimer Kisses and Astral Step.
- Added several new animations for Rubick to use for the reworked and new abilities.
- Spell Steal
- No longer applies Multicast passive to stolen abilities.
- Fixed being able to use abilities when in Supernova.
- Fixed Rubick disappearing after using Battle Trance inside Supernova.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Fixed Borrowed Time not working when cast by Rubick.
- Fixed Rubick's Воин шторма not getting Cinder Brew.
- Fixed Skeleton Walk not spawning Skeleton Archers upon losing invisibility.
- Fixed not acquiring the correct amount of charges when stealing Fire Remnant.
- Fixed Song of the Siren not affecting enemies if stolen and used by Rubick.
- Fixed Shield Crash not triggering Swashbuckles when cast.
- Spell Steal no longer has an instant cast time for Terrorize.
- Fixed Fade Bolt hero damage reduction bonus talent showing a wrong value.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed using Strafe causing Rubick to dodge his own Spell Steal return projectile.
- Fixed Walrus PUNCH! effects not being destroyed reliably.
- Fixed illusion copying the incorrect state of Null Field.
- Fixed ability interactions with Morphling.
- Fixed Telekinesis crashing the server.
- Fix to the disappearing abilities on extra ability slots for Spell Steal.
- Updated Null Field tooltip modifier description to match the changes in 7.07.
- Null Field
- Updated ability description to match changes in 7.07.
- Added a new tooltip modifier and description.
- Spell Steal
- Added a tree model for stealing tree-based abilities from Tiny.
- New particles have been added for Rubick's Tree Throw projectile.
- Null Field
- Fixed level 10 talents sometimes not being upgraded properly.
- Fixed Telekinesis missing cast animations.
- Telekinesis Land
- Fixed the sub-ability being unable to throw units over protected cliffs, or down from such cliffs.
- Fixed missing cast animations.
- Fixed various areas where you could still cliff an enemy with Telekinesis.
- Fixed Spell Steal interaction with Spirits.
- Telekinesis
- Fixed Telekinesis Land' malfunctioning when the target is close to or on a protected cliff.
- Fixed ability and its sub-ability missing cast animations.
- Fixed level 10 talents sometimes not being upgraded properly.
- Fixed Telekinesis anti-cliffing mechanic not working and updated which cliffs are affected and which are not.
- Spell Steal
- Spell Steal notification UI has been updated.
- Is now displayed for all allies.
- Fixed a bug which prevented Spell Steal from stealing a higher level of the ability he currently has stolen.
- Fixed a bug with Spell Steal unit targeting.
- Null Field
- Fixed interrupting channeling abilities upon toggling Вкл / Выкл.
- Fixed illusions of Rubick not copying Null Field's current toggled state.
- Fixed talent bonus not taking effect until the aura is toggled.
- UFixed ability toggle proccing on-cast effects.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Walrus PUNCH!'s visual effect not being destroyed reliably when used by Rubick.
- Fixed Strafe cast losing a charge to Spell Steal projectile upon reaching Rubick.
- Updated Morph model size.
- Fixed Rubick's talents showing up incorrectly after casting Spell Steal.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Death Pulse not removing its regeneration bonus when the ability is expired.
- Fixed the user interface incorrectly displaying talents for stolen abilities.
- Updated default item build.
- Added custom animations for the following Spell Steal abilities:
- When stealing and casting Tree Dance.
- Shadowraze - Not active yet.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Freezing Field bug.
- Fixed Homing Missile ability interactions.
- Fixed Shrapnel charges on Rubick.
- Fixed client crash with stealing and casting Torrent.
- Fixed not having cast point when charging up with Blast Off!.
- Fixed the following ability interactions:
- Fixed the ability interactions between Spell Steal, Overgrowth and Land Mines.
- Extra ability slots for Spell Steal now have tooltip stating
Stolen Spell
rather thanEmpty Slot
- Fixed Spell Steal stealing Midnight Pulse after previously stealing Black Hole.
- Added Руна волшебства responses.
- Added Russian voiceover lines.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed stealing abilities with multiple states (e.g. Chakram).
- Fixed channeled abilities not ending correctly when Spell Steal duration expires and when Arc Warden's Tempest Double is re-summoned.
- Rubick's Tempest Double can no longer use Spell Steal.
- Fixed the interaction when Rubick steals Tempest Double and then uses the clone to steal Nether Swap with Aghanim's Scepter equipped.
- Fixed Rubick's Stifling Dagger not doing damage on projectile impact immediately.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed a number of cases where stealing spells in quick succession could cause ability Горячая клавиша to get scrambled.
- Fixed Spell Steal to consistently work on sub-abilities.
- Fixed Break Tether sub-spell initially appearing in a separate slot.
- Fixed acquiring Spirits when Io's last cast ability was one of its sub-abilities
- Fixed Charge of Darkness not ending on Rubick's death.
- Fixed stolen Ignite not getting Multicast bonuses.
- Fixed not flying properly with Firefly and Arctic Burn.
- Fixed not using the riding staff animation with Arctic Burn.
- Fixed Return Astral Spirit sub-ability being in a separate slot.
- Fixed Arctic Burn granting Rubick flying vision.
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal and Tempest Double.
- Fixed Rubick's Burrowstrike not applying Caustic Finale.
- Fixed having permanent Split Shot.
- Fixed ability interactions between Enchant and Spell Steal Enchant.
- Fixed Echo Shell allowing Rubick to steal Spell Steal.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Rubick being permanently burrowed after losing Burrow.
- Echo Shell no longer reflects the ability.
- Fixed Sanity's Eclipse not applying Astral Imprisonment when cast.
- Spell Steal
- UFixed cases where an acquired Winter's Curse would credit kills wrongly when cast by Rubick.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed being able to teleport Undying Zombies towards Rubick with Test of Faith (Teleport) .
- Fixed casting Global Silence not applying Curse of the Silent.
- Fixed charge-based abilities behavior with Spell Steal.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Spell Steal not being able to acquire Hand of God when he has Holy Persuasion.
- Fixed Eyes In The Forest acquired by Spell Steal not disappearing when the stolen ability duration ends.
- Fixed ability interactions between Spell Steal and Second Chakram.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed cast behavior with Land Mine, Стазисный капкан and Радиоуправляемая мина.
- No longer can cast more than the max allowed number of the following units:
- Techies' Mines
- Пси-ловушка
- Fixed being unable to steal Suicide Squad, Attack!.
- Fixed Focused Detonate only destroying one mine.
- Telekinesis
- Fixed an allied Pounce interrupting the ability.
- The stun will no longer be interrupted if the ability is interrupted.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed the following transformation abilities allowing heroes to attack Рошан from outside of the pit:
- Fixed stealing Nightmare End sub-ability not granting Nightmare as well.
- Fixed losing Duel not granting the damage bonus to the duel winner.
- Spell Steal no longer can acquire Stone Remnant.
- Added support for Remnant-based ability effects.
- Cosmetics equipped Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit and Earth Spirit will apply its appearance to all of their Remnants in-game, and will be properly mimic when acquired by Spell Steal.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed being unable to acquire Call of the Wild: Кабан.
- Fixed Black Hole not doing bonus Midnight Pulse damage.
- Fixed Primal Split brewlings not gaining their respective secondary abilities.
- Fixed acquired Plague Ward not having current Poison Sting ability level.
- Updated default hero cloth settings and skinning.
- Updated default hero cloth settings and skinning.
- Fixed a crash with Spell Steal and Primal Split.
- Fixed gaining infinite no-collision if Rubick cast Spell Steal while following the Spectral Dagger path.
- Telekinesis
- Fixed two ledges (below the two rune spots) where units can be stuck with using ability.
- Adjusted position of location restrictions while using ability.
- Added two additional restricted locations for the ability (across the river from the existing ones).
- Fixed Berserker's Rage acquired by Spell Steal not restoring the original attack type (i.e. Melee or Ranged) on death.
- Fixed having too much range in Berserker's Rage form.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed the following ability interactions:
- Chakram
- Return Chakram sub-ability
- Fixed the following ability interactions:
- Fixed Chakram still remaining after acquiring another ability.
- Нетленный зомби no longer spawn other zombies from Tombstone acquired by Spell Steal.
- Fixed Spell Steal being able to acquire Precision Aura.
- Fixed Telekinesis Land sub-ability proccing Magic Stick-based items.
- Fixed various bounce abilities (i.e. Fade Bolt) malfunctioning if the target dies during it.
- Fixed Spell Steal duration not refreshing when stealing an ability Rubick already has acquired.
- UAdded the following ability animations for Rubick:
- Spell Steal
- Familiars are now killed when another ability is acquired.
- Spirit Form
- Fixed acquiring Illuminate (Spirit Form) when Keeper of the Light does not have Spirit Form active.
- Fixed acquiring Illuminate when stealing Release Illuminate (Spirit Form).
- Fixed Rubick not getting the ability visual effect when using ability.
- Spirit Form
- Soul Assumption can now be acquired properly.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Shadow Word refreshing its debuff version when stolen and cast as a buff.
- Fixed Weave refreshing its debuff version when stolen and cast as a buff.
- Fixed re-stealing an ability (stealing another ability in-between) not resetting its cooldown.
- Fixed Spell Steal not acquiring the Song of the Siren End sub-ability.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed being able to steal abilties from being toggled off.
- Fixed getting stuck in Flesh Golem form when respawning with the buff.
- Fixed some abilities being broken when re-stealing them, now re-stealing an ability will have no effect on your currently stolen ability.
- UAdded the following ability animations for Rubick:
- ADDEDto Captain's Mode.
- Telekinesis Land
- Fixed ability effect radius triggering Spellblock.
- Added an ability effect marker to indicate where the target lands.
- Fixed Fade Bolt stopping when Rubick dies.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed Holy Persuasion not killing persuaded creeps when ability is removed.
- Fixed Relocate not teleporting teammates who are linked with an acquired Tether.
- Fixed toggleable abilities not being acquirable.
- Fixed not getting flying vision or flying height with Firefly.
- Fixed Attribute Shift (Ловкость), Attribute Shift (Сила) and Replicate not working correctly.
- Fixed abilities acquired from Invoker having broken Legacy.
- UAdded the following ability animations for Rubick:
- Blink, Mana Void
- Culling Blade
- Brain Sap, Fiend's Grip
- Earth Spike, Mana Drain, Finger of Death
- Void, Crippling Fear, Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Ability_ID на строке 62: Не найдено данных Cargo для "Darkness (5.61-7.20)".
- Dismember
- Shadow Strike, Blink, Scream of Pain, Sonic Wave
- Viper Strike
- Fixed and updated various visual effects.
- Fixed a rare case where Rubick could get permanently stuck with Telekinesis Land.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed a bug where Rubick would gain permanent Spectral Dagger buffs until he died.
- Fixed Shadow Poison Release that would cause Rubick to steal the wrong ability from Shadow Demon.
- UAdded the following ability animations for Rubick:
- Fissure, Enchant Totem, Echo Slam
- Dragon Slave, Light Strike Array, Laguna Blade
- Sprout, Teleportation, Nature's Call, Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Ability_ID на строке 62: Не найдено данных Cargo для "Wrath of Nature".
- Shrapnel, Assassinate
- Charge of Darkness, Nether Strike
- Static Remnant, Electric Vortex, Ball Lightning
- Earthshock, Overpower, Enrage
- Death Ward
- Fixed Break Tether being acquirable by Spell Steal instead of Tether.
- Fixed some crashes with Rubick.
- Spell Steal
- Fixed ability interaction with attack modifiers.
- Fixed the following abilities not having a cast time:
- ADDEDRubick.
- Added the following ability animations:
- Disabled Rubick from saying other hero's voice lines.
- Fixed a number of effects attachement points on the default hero model.
- Telekinesis will now destroy trees around the landing point.
- Fade Bolt can no longer target Катапульта.
- Spell Steal
- Now can cast ability on spell immune enemies.
- Rubick now determines the ability to acquire when the Spell Steal is cast, not when the projectile arrives.
- No longer castable on illusions to scout them.
- Fixed being able to cast ability on invalid targets (i.e. on allies).
- Unacquireable abilities no longer count as the last ability cast, so they can no longer be used to block Spell Steal. The following abilities are unacquirable:
- Fixed server crash due to linear and tracking projectiles not reference-counting their ability references.
- Fixed Паутина not disappearing when the Spin Web ability is removed.
- Fixed Elder Dragon Form extending attack range.
- When the Summon Spirit Bear ability is removed, the summoned Дух-медведь will now drop any items it is holding.
- Fixed casting Rabid crashing the server.
- Fixed the following abilities not being acquired properly:
- Spell Steal
- All acquired abilities that are non-instant-cast abilities now have a 0.1 cast point.
- Fixed hero selection not working properly with Primal Split.
- Fixed crash when Death Prophet had used Exorcism and losing it when the Spell Steal duration ends.
- Now properly Eject from whoever Rubick is Infested in.
- Fixed the following abilities not using the current Greater Bash level:
- Elder Dragon Form now correctly support the ability being used by other units (i.e. Acquired via Spell Steal).
- Fixed Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Ability_ID на строке 62: Не найдено данных Cargo для "Darkness (5.61-7.20)". not granting unobstructed vision.
- Fixed model floating in the air when casting Spectral Dagger.
- Fixed animations getting stucked when casting Rearm.
- Дух-медведь
- Reverted Spirit Bear change. Now Spirit Bear does not drops items when the Summon Spirit Bear ability is removed.
- Fixed divide-by-zero crash that would happen with Spirit Bear dying with empty inventory.
- Spell Steal