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- Звук Пре-атаки играет во время анимации атаки.
- Пре-атака 1
- Пре-атака 2
- ▶️ Пре-атака 3
- Звук Удара играет, когда завершилась атака по цели. Каждая атака использует один главный звук удара, один звук звона клинка и один звук свиста клинка.
- Играет на каждом шагу при передвижении (30% громкости)
- Cast sound plays on Pangolier upon cast.
- Cast layer play on Pangolier upon cast.
- Attack sounds play on each of the attacks made (70% vol, -10% pitch)
- Attack 1
- Attack 2
- ▶️ Attack 3
- ▶️ Attack linger sound plays together with the attack sounds on each slash (60% vol, -20% pitch)
- Damage sound plays on each hit enemy
- Damage 1
- ▶️ Damage 2
- Damage 3
- Full sound example.
Shield Crash[]
- Cast sound plays on Pangolier upon cast.
- ▶️ Land sound plays on Pangolier upon landing.
- ▶️ Buff sound plays on Pangolier upon receiving the buff.
- ▶️ Full sound example with buff.
- ▶️ Full sound example without buff.
- Hero proc sound plays on the target hero upon proccing (75% vol) and a second time after the delay (100% vol, -10% pitch)-
- Creep proc sound plays on the target creep upon proccing.
- Creep activate sound plays after the delay on the creep.
- Full sound example on heroes.
- Full sound example on creeps.
Rolling Thunder[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Pangolier during the channeling (80% vol).
- ▶️ Loop sound plays on Pangolier while rolling (70% vol).
- ▶️ Loop layer sound together with the loop sound.
- ▶️ Bounce sound plays on Pangolier upon hitting a cliff.
- Bounce layer sounds play together with the bounce sound. These are responses used as ability sounds.
- ▶️ Stun sound plays on colliding enemies upon colliding with them (50% pitch if it is a creep).
- End sound plays on Pangolier whenever the rolling stops in any way.
- Full sound example.
- ▶️ Reveal sound played upon selecting Pangolier in the main menu announcement area.