Dota 2 Вики
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Mars minimap icon Mars, Первый сын небес
Марс, первый сын небес, всю свою долгую жизнь провёл в нескончаемой войне и видел, как под стягами его древнего имени ведутся бесчисленные боевые кампании. Войны ради завоеваний и ради мести. Справедливые и беспричинные... Всегда жестокие. Подобно своему отцу, Марс подчинялся низменным инстинктам — с куда более варварскими намерениями, чем у Зевса, — и приносил другим неописуемые страдания.

Но как эпохи пролетали перед глазами Марса, так и всё очевиднее становился эгоизм отца, присущий, впрочем, многим презирающим его божествам. Но пришёл день, когда войны ради войны стало недостаточно. Тогда, впервые за свою вечную жизнь, бог войны начал задаваться вопросом: в нужную ли сторону он направляет своё копьё?

Богини судьбы подсказали решение: сражаться ради высшей цели, чтоб его герб пробуждал в людях не только скорбь и дикость. Теперь бог войны стремится к тому, на что имеет право с рождения — сжечь пантеон прежней эпохи и построить новую империю на пепле своего народа. Лишь тогда Марс будет удовлетворён, и лишь тогда молва о его величии облетит весь мир.

Mars Preview 10
Ассоциируется с
Герои Zeus minimap icon Zeus
Io minimap icon Io
Broodmother minimap icon Broodmother
Фракции Ash Legion
The Continuum
Места Квойдж
Боги Селемине
Flayed Twins
Персонажи Sheragndar


  • Марс отказался от своего наследия в своем стремлении создать новую империю.[1] Он имел старое имяподаренное ему отцом, от которого он отказался.[2]
  • Марс получает и требует принесения ему жертв.[3]
  • Однажды Марс убил одного из своих наставников, которого сравнивает с Rubick.[4]


Mars has fought in countless wars, including the Stygian Conquests, the Wightfall Invasion and caimpaigns against The Continuum. He fought against a mysterious figure named Sheragndar,[5] and was responsible for creating Quoidge as a result of his wars.[6]

The Ash Legion[]

Lore Ash Legion

An undead warrior of the Ash Legion.

The Ash Legion, a group of supreme warriors who found thrill in combat, was slain by Mars after challenging the god to a fight. Their undead bodies now rise willingly at Mars' command, forming an Arena of Blood in which combatants can fight without interference.[7]

The Witch[]

One of Mars' exploits involved helping a village defeat a witch, who was possessing and turning the villagers against one another. After the villagers sacrificed their last bull to Mars, he took up arms to storm the witch's fortress, killing her converted minions, and eventually slew the witch herself. The villagers returned to normal after this, and Mars expects that they rejoiced greatly with songs dedicated to Mars.[8]

Друзья и соперники[]

Mars mentions several other gods of the Greek pantheon. His father is Zeus, his mother is Hera, his uncles are Poseidon and Hades.[9] He also makes reference to Vulcan, the god of fire and blacksmithing who forged his spear.[10][11]

He is estranged from Zeus, his father, whose pantheon he wishes to topple.[12] Because of his enmity towards his father, Mars also hates lightning, which reminds him of Zeus' thunderbolts.[13]

Aside from the Greek gods, Mars has hostile relationships with the gods of Dota 2, seeking to hunt down and kill Selemene and the Flayed Twins.[14][15] He is neutral towards the Omniscience.[16]

Mars is close with Io, describing it as his oldest friend who helped him through dark times.[17] He also has a strange desire for Black Arachnia's brood and eggs.[18]



  1. Реплика Mars: ▶️ I disown my heritage, and vow that the flight of my spear will never again be so petty.
  2. Реплика Mars: ▶️ I don't answer to that name anymore, you old fool.
  3. Реплика Mars: ▶️ The requisite sacrifices may be lacking, but I find the competition intriguing for once...
  4. Реплика Mars: ▶️ You remind me of a tutor I once killed.
  5. Реплика Mars: ▶️ Where have all the good wars gone? The Stygian Conquests, the Wightfall Invasion... the centuries-long campaigns against the the forces of the Continuum... Battles that mattered, had consequence. In the final push against Sheragndar, I didn't halt the song of my spear for the full cycle of an Ultorian moon. The bodies in my wake, enough to fill mortal worlds! Hmmmm. It's not like today. Today's war is...tedium. The same fight in a different trench. Each stake smaller than the last. But there's a great war left out there somewhere... I'll do whatever it takes to find it.
  6. Реплика Mars: ▶️ You know, Quoidge wouldn't even exist without me.
  7. Описание Arena of Blood.
  8. Реплика Mars: ▶️ The villagers sacrificed their last bull. Obviously, I felt compelled to help them. Damn the costs! But the witch's magic claimed more and more of the simple folk, turning them against their kin ? against even me! I slew scores of them to reach the hag's stronghold. But, once I took her head, every single possessed villager who was still alive returned mostly to normal. Yes, I expect there was much rejoicing as the families collected their dead... And songs in my name. What a sight!
  9. Реплика Mars: ▶️ Say hello to my uncle!
  10. Реплика Mars: ▶️ Thank Vulcan!
  11. Описание Spear of Mars.
  12. Реплика Mars: ▶️ I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. It's time for you to die!
  13. Реплика Mars: ▶️ I hate lightning!
  14. Реплика Mars: ▶️ This is going to be fun. Oh, and when we're done here, tell the Flayed Twins I'm coming for them. Happy hunting!
  15. Реплика Mars: ▶️ Your mistress is next.
  16. Реплика Mars: ▶️ I had no quarrel with your worthless god...only with you!
  17. Реплика Mars: ▶️ My oldest friend... You've helped me through some dark times.
  18. Реплика Mars: ▶️ Now to harvest the eggs!