- ▶️ Who said you could stroll in my woods?
- ▶️ Watch your step, eh? Heaps of danger about.
- ▶️ There's no end to the things I can do to you.
- ▶️ Throw down your gold, I might let you live.
- ▶️ Say hello to my little friend.
- ▶️ Don't even think about it, I can drop the lot of you before you can spit.
- ▶️ Let's not get squirrely now, it'd be a shame to have to kill you.
- ▶️ I'm sorry, did you think you were hunting me?
- ▶️ Where do you think you're going?
- ▶️ Who said you could stroll in my woods?
- ▶️ And don't think I'll run out of ammo. I've always got another stash.
- ▶️ Drop your gold and run along then.
- ▶️ Cross me and I'll cross you out.
- ▶️ The wood teaches one rule: step fast or you're snack meat.
- ▶️ I'm mean as, and twice as quick!
- ▶️ I step through the forest like it's not even there.
- ▶️ Everything's a bit of a game if you ask me!
- ▶️ You ever hear the one about the tortoise and the hare and the squirrel that shot 'em both?
- ▶️ Touch my rig and you lose a finger.
- ▶️ Hey, hold this target for a sec.
Шанс 3%
Стадия планирования[]
- ▶️ Rippah!
- ▶️ Aww mate!
- ▶️ Watch your step, eh? Heaps of danger about.
- ▶️ Don't even think about it, I can drop the lot of you before you can spit.
- ▶️ Let's not get squirrely now, it'd be a shame to have to kill you.
- ▶️ Maybe I'll get straight to the point.
- ▶️ н Allow me to introduce myself.
- ▶️ Hoodwink!
- ▶️ Hoodwink.
- ▶️ What's this then, some kind of fight?
- ▶️ What's this, amateur hour? I'll hand out a few pointers.
- ▶️ Hey, side bets on the body count?
- ▶️ Oh wow! I've never seen so many interesting people to kill in one place! I'm sure heaps'll be friendly too.
- ▶️ Cross me and I'll cross you out.
- ▶️ The wood teaches one rule: step fast or you're snack meat.
- ▶️ I'm mean as, and twice as quick.
- ▶️ I step through the forest like it's not even there.
- ▶️ Better watch where you're going, never know what's lurking in the deep wood.
- ▶️ Ehhh, there's some nice woodland around here. Guess I could be bothered.
- ▶️ I'm not for hire... But this does pique my interest.
- ▶️ Everything's a bit of a game if you ask me!
- ▶️ Fair's for you to worry about.
- ▶️ Gonna stand here all day, or sniff out a bit of fun?
- ▶️ If you've heard of me, I must be doing something wrong...
- ▶️ What do I look like, a hunter? I'm a vegetarian... most of the time.
- ▶️ My aims are my own, best you don't end up as one of them.
- ▶️ Civilization always looked an awful lot like a boot heel.
- ▶️ Criminals are the ones obsessed with fire, so what if I burned some of their stuff?
- ▶️ I've been dodging Durana Beasts since before I could crawl. What's this lot gonna do to me?
- ▶️ All them idiots can keep the big smoke. Out here's where a body is really free!
- ▶️ No worries really only applies to me. That bunch should have heaps of worry.
- ▶️ You ever hear the one about the tortoise and the hare and the squirrel that shot them both?
- ▶️ Every time you hear a twig snap, that's me about to end your run.
- ▶️ I was born with nothing to lose. There's nothing they can do to stop me.
- ▶️ Why would I name it? It just a piece of wood. A really awesome piece of wood, but still.
- ▶️ Let's chase down a few bolt holes.
- ▶️ Surviving adolescence was a harder fight than this.
- ▶️ Rippaah!
- ▶️ Touch my rig and you'll lose a finger.
- ▶️ You want a bag? I can get you a bag. What kind of bag?
- ▶️ I don't care what's in the bag. I just know I'm not about to let the other lot have it.
Шанс 15%
- ▶️ There's a lot of more we could do with a bag if you ask me. Which no one ever does. Because why on earth would they? We're not exactly talking about geniuses are we? Honestly, there's a real lack of imagination around here.
Начало битвы[]
- ▶️ I don't see what all the fuss is about. For me the battle never stops.
- ▶️ So we keeping score now? Gotcha.
- ▶️ I don't know the rules, but I'll learn along the way.
- ▶️ They say whoever wins this fight will get to call all the shots, but me, I don't want anybody calling the shots.
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ There's something hauntingly familiar about all this.
Шанс 1%
- ▶️ Step fast and shoot straight. It's gonna be a hell of a fight.
Перезарядка 6 секунд
- ▶️ 240 Yeah.
- ▶️ Probably the right way.
- ▶️ 240 Sure.
- ▶️ 240 I'm keen.
- ▶️ п What's over here?
- ▶️ Did you see a branch move?
- ▶️ One in the groove.
- ▶️ It's how I live.
- ▶️ н Nah, yeah.
- ▶️ Wicked.
- ▶️ 90 I'll suss it.
- ▶️ This way.
- ▶️ No, this way.
- ▶️ п No, that way.
- ▶️ What, this way?
- ▶️ Now you tell me.
- ▶️ It's all on the way.
- ▶️ Listen!
- ▶️ You smell something?
- ▶️ Time to kill something?
- ▶️ Paws a' peddlin.
- ▶️ Who we fightin?
- ▶️ Trampin' time.
- ▶️ Rippah.
- ▶️ Got any scrog?
- ▶️ 240 Any bloodtrails?
- ▶️ 240 When's the murder start?
- ▶️ No worries.
- ▶️ 240 Yep.
- ▶️ 240 Yep.
- ▶️ 240 Yeah.
- ▶️ 240 Yeah.
- ▶️ 240 Uh huh.
- ▶️ 240 Uh huh.
- ▶️ That's the one.
- ▶️ 240 I'm keen.
- ▶️ Just follow my trail.
- ▶️ Just follow my tail.
- ▶️ Yeah I see it.
- ▶️ Always a step ahead.
- ▶️ I'm always on the right trail.
- ▶️ My tail's a sail.
- ▶️ You couldn't stop me.
- ▶️ Leave it.
- ▶️ I'll lead the way.
- ▶️ Anyone know where we're going?
- ▶️ 240 Nah, yeah...
- ▶️ 240 Nah, yeah.
Шанс 15%
Шанс 1%
- ▶️ п I'm keen, not literally of course.
Передвижение с менее 20% здоровья
- ▶️ Not far is it?
- ▶️ Nah yeah, I know I know.
- ▶️ Nah yeah, I know I know.
- ▶️ We're all goods yeah.
- ▶️ Come again?
- ▶️ Nah, yeah...
- ▶️ Do I look tired?
- ▶️ I'm just about knackered...
- ▶️ Glorious.
- ▶️ Choice.
- ▶️ Bloody genius.
Перезарядка 6 секунд
- ▶️ Heard up!
- ▶️ What do you reckon?
- ▶️ Incoming!
- ▶️ Throw down your gold!
- ▶️ Let her rip!
- ▶️ What's a warning shot?
- ▶️ I aim to please.
- ▶️ Yeah nah.
- ▶️ Get stuffed!
- ▶️ 240 Rippaah!
- ▶️ Catch one!
- ▶️ Hey, did you hear?
- ▶️ Hey, you!
- ▶️ Have a squizz!
- ▶️ I'll make ya famous!
- ▶️ Look at this clown.
- ▶️ п Hey, you ever been shot?
- ▶️ Gidday then.
- ▶️ See my point?
- ▶️ Time to kill something!
- ▶️ Lets do this the easy way.
- ▶️ Hey listen to this.
- ▶️ Rack off!
- ▶️ Enough yaking!
- ▶️ Time to die!
- ▶️ Heads up!
- ▶️ A reckoning!
- ▶️ How do you like my rig?
- ▶️ п Where do you think you're going?
- ▶️ Drop your gold and run along then.
- ▶️ п Are you gonna be a problem?
- ▶️ Hey you wanna see something really cool?
- ▶️ Hey, hold this target for a sec.
- ▶️ н Hur ah!
- ▶️ н Rah!
- ▶️ н Hrah!
Шанс 15%
Атака врага, имея менее 20% здоровья
- ▶️ Do us a favor and stand real still.
- ▶️ I can still clobber!
- ▶️ Come at me!
- ▶️ It's why you came, isn't it?
- ▶️ Aim for the face!
- ▶️ Claw em' to death if I have to.
- ▶️ Better hope I miss!
- ▶️ Steady...
- ▶️ That's a hard crank.
- ▶️ Serves you right.
Применение заклинания[]
Только есть расстояние превышает в 2 раза дальность применения, перезарядка 4 секунд
- ▶️ 120 So you ready?
- ▶️ 120 Take yer hiding!
- ▶️ 120 You crossed the line!
- ▶️ 120 Look here real quick.
- ▶️ 120 They're bloody asking for it.
- ▶️ 120 Time to flush 'em out.
- ▶️ 120 Have some!
- ▶️ 120 Yeah nah , let's not.
Шанс 15%
Применение заклинания, имея менее 20% здоровья
- ▶️ 120 So you ready?
- ▶️ 120 Take yer hiding!
- ▶️ 120 This is nothing.
- ▶️ 120 Gonna take more n' that...
- ▶️ 120 Hrr!
- ▶️ 120 Hrah!
- ▶️ 120 Ahh!
- ▶️ 120 Uah!
Шанс 15%
Применение заклинания, середина игры и далее
- ▶️ 120 I've been patient enough.
Применение заклинания, имея 20% здоровья и мене, середина игры и далее
Acorn Shot
Применение заклинания, цель — крип
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ Say hello to old painless.
При применении
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ Rippah.
При применении, цель — герой
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ You nuthead.
- ▶️ You earned it.
- ▶️ Here's one from my stash
- ▶️ That'll knock your noggin'.
- ▶️ This is gourmet cooking around here.
- ▶️ Nutbuster!
- ▶️ Acorn in your eye!
- ▶️ Oaknut!
- ▶️ Food for thought.
- ▶️ Just desserts.
- ▶️ What an egg!
- ▶️ No reason to get aggro.
- ▶️ Bang on of course.
- ▶️ How about a warm fuzzy?
- ▶️ п Hey you!
При применении, цель — крип
Шанс 75%
При применении, цель — точка на земле
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ Sprout shot!
- ▶️ Just doing my part.
- ▶️ Can always use more trees.
- ▶️ I got heaps of 'em.
- ▶️ Functional AND feelgood.
- ▶️ Now to kill some fertilizer.
- ▶️ A forest from the trees.
- ▶️ Here's a happy little fella.
- ▶️ Spruce the place up a bit.
- ▶️ Yeah, I throw some shade.
Шанс 5%
Убийство врага
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ п Nutbuster!
При связывании врага
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ 300 Well, ain't this cute?
- ▶️ 300 Hey, how ya going in there?
- ▶️ 300 Get a bit caught up then?
- ▶️ 300 It's more for fun than sport.
- ▶️ 300 Always always always watch where you're walking.
- ▶️ 300 You look all sorts of wrong.
- ▶️ 300 Guess what comes next?
- ▶️ 300 Caught ya in your stubbies did we?
- ▶️ 300 Ever seen someone bleed out in a net? No? Let's get started.
- ▶️ 300 I usually like my trees to myself, but I'll make an exception.
- ▶️ 300 It's not even my birthday. Oh, I guess it could be...
- ▶️ 300 All wrapped up for takeaway.
- ▶️ 300 Got ya!
- ▶️ 300 Got ya!
- ▶️ 300 Got ya!
- ▶️ 300 In ya go!
- ▶️ 300 In the stringer!
- ▶️ 300 You're a treehugger.
- ▶️ 300 Wanna see what we do for fun around here?
- ▶️ Yes!
- ▶️ Yes!
При промахе
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ 300 For the record, I did hit the tree.
- ▶️ 300 Just keeping it loose.
- ▶️ 300 Maybe my finger got twitchy...
- ▶️ 300 Ah, more fun this way.
- ▶️ 300 Mate...
- ▶️ 300 Aw, mate...
- ▶️ 300 Stupid net.
- ▶️ 300 Well they could've been invisible...
- ▶️ 300 Bad intel?
- ▶️ 300 I'll get over it.
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ п No!
При применении
- ▶️ How about a short cut?
- ▶️ Gap it!
- ▶️ Go go go!
- ▶️ Go go!
- ▶️ Mind the branch!
- ▶️ This way looks clear.
- ▶️ Dip this way.
- ▶️ Nothing to it.
- ▶️ Piece of piss.
- ▶️ I know just the tree.
- ▶️ Tail a'trailing.
- ▶️ Watch it!
- ▶️ Flat out!
- ▶️ Bush it!
- ▶️ Rattle the dogs.
- ▶️ Stay in the trees.
- ▶️ Now I'm the dodgy one.
- ▶️ Scurry out of it.
- ▶️ It's what I do.
Шанс 15%
- ▶️ 120 Hey!
- ▶️ 120 Whoa!
- ▶️ 120 Hoo!
- ▶️ 120 Hey!
- ▶️ 120 Woo!
- ▶️ 120 Hah!
- ▶️ 120 Hey!
- ▶️ 120 Woah!
- ▶️ 120 Jeepers!
- ▶️ 120 Ha!
- ▶️ 120 Ha!
- ▶️ 120 Ha!
- ▶️ 120 Huh!
- ▶️ 120 Hah!
- ▶️ 120 Huh!
- ▶️ 120 Huh!
- ▶️ 120 Huh!
- ▶️ 120 Woo!
- ▶️ 120 Whoa!
- ▶️ н Haah.
- ▶️ н Huh!
- ▶️ н Hey!
- ▶️ н Huhf!
- ▶️ н Huff!
При применении
- ▶️ You're going to regret this!
- ▶️ Any second now.
- ▶️ Good news! I've decided how I'm gonna kill you!
- ▶️ Stand right there.
- ▶️ Ok now? Now I'm mad!
- ▶️ I'm done with talking!
- ▶️ Sure, wind me up. Great idea.
- ▶️ Right. So it's the hard way.
- ▶️ Chin up. This'll only hurt quite a bit.
- ▶️ I can take the kick. Can you?
- ▶️ Ready for some kick?
- ▶️ It'll go the distance.
- ▶️ It's a solid workout.
- ▶️ Pick a lung!
- ▶️ Better than a goat's foot.
- ▶️ It's funny, cause it's really unwinding for me.
- ▶️ н Never even see it coming!
- ▶️ п Ugh!
- ▶️ п Ugh!
- ▶️ п Urgh!
- ▶️ н Uuuurch!
- ▶️ п Uuuuurch!
Шанс 15%
При попадании
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ Hahah. What's wrong?
- ▶️ Oh did that clip you?
- ▶️ I can't believe you just stood there!
- ▶️ That's a bingo!
- ▶️ Break it up!
- ▶️ Hello!
- ▶️ Bang on.
- ▶️ Clanger!
- ▶️ Now you gotta work for it.
- ▶️ Nothing's ever easy eh?
- ▶️ Not my fault they don't duck.
- ▶️ Yess!
- ▶️ Yes!
При промахе
- ▶️ п Hey!
- ▶️ п Hmmnah!
- ▶️ What!
- ▶️ No way.
- ▶️ Come on!
- ▶️ Aww nuts!
- ▶️ Aww nuts!
- ▶️ Bit wide.
- ▶️ Eh, I'm easily distracted.
- ▶️ Damn.
- ▶️ Wide? How?
- ▶️ п Uughh!
- ▶️ п Bloody... Grr rah!
- ▶️ Barkrot!
Убийство врага
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ Yeah!
- ▶️ Yeah!
- ▶️ Yeah!
- ▶️ How's that for a wallop?
- ▶️ Backbreaker!
- ▶️ Right in the eye!
- ▶️ I don't relish hurting folks. But it can be funny. And sometimes I do relish it a bit.
- ▶️ Blows you back a bit eh?
- ▶️ Ohh, satisfying.
- ▶️ You're better off dead.
- ▶️ A bolt from the blue.
- ▶️ This is why I get outta bed in the morning.
Шанс 1%
- ▶️ п Damn.
End Sharpshooter
При применении
- ▶️ Early release!
- ▶️ Launch it!
- ▶️ Launch it.
- ▶️ Yoinks.
- ▶️ Fire fire!
- ▶️ Now!
- ▶️ Now!
- ▶️ Now or never!
- ▶️ There it is!
- ▶️ Whoops!
- ▶️ Three-tw-NOW!
- ▶️ Rip and run!
- ▶️ Displace!
- ▶️ Eat this!
- ▶️ Wing it!
- ▶️ Can't hit nothing if you don't pull the trigger.
Шанс 15%
- ▶️ п Rip and run!
Шанс 5%
Ironwood Tree
При применении
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ п We can make a little fort!
- ▶️ 540 Hello tree!
- ▶️ п Evergreen possibilities!
- ▶️ п Bringing back arbor ardor.
- ▶️ п I'll just cozy up with this one.
Town Portal Scroll
При применении
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ п Looks like this is goodbye.
- ▶️ п Here we go again.
- ▶️ п Am I here and there...or neither here nor there?
- ▶️ п Who doesn't love the swirly bits?
- ▶️ п You ever feel really exposed?
- ▶️ п Hope I read it right.
- ▶️ п Better not end up anywhere suss.
- ▶️ п I'm not sure this isn't killing me!
При применении, имея менее 20% здоровья
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ п Anywhere's better than here.
- ▶️ п And that's all that.
- ▶️ п Good thing there's not a blood price.
- ▶️ п Please work - please work.
- ▶️ п It's definitely one way to travel.
- ▶️ п Hope it's not a one-way ticket.
- ▶️ п Did I do it right?
- ▶️ п I had a good run.
Захват Аванпоста[]
- ▶️ Another one of these bloody things?
- ▶️ Who even keeps these up? I should boost 'em.
- ▶️ There's some abandoned ones of these round where I grew up. Fun to play in.
- ▶️ I don't want it. But they sure as heck aren't getting it.
- ▶️ Wait, we're not burning it? I already got the pine pitch...
- ▶️ Whose stupid idea was it to put these things here anyway?
Повышение уровня[]
- ▶️ Nice. Do it again.
- ▶️ Just adding on to perfect.
- ▶️ It doesn't hurt the other side's proper thick.
- ▶️ Always was a bright spark.
- ▶️ It's almost like divine intervention. If I believed in that sorta stuff. Which I do not.
- ▶️ You could bottle my essence.
- ▶️ That all went straight to the tail.
- ▶️ Everything's above board here.
- ▶️ Right on. Keep at it.
- ▶️ п Just cuz I'm never gonna grow old doesn't mean I don't wanna level up.
- ▶️ Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
- ▶️ I'm a quick study.
- ▶️ There's good, there's better, and then there's plain old me.
- ▶️ п Don't any of you ever get tired of congratulating yourselves?
- ▶️ Yeah yeah, don't get a big head.
- ▶️ I'm field smart.
- ▶️ Everything just got a little bit keener.
- ▶️ п Rip and roll.
- ▶️ Always on the level.
- ▶️ I'll punch a Durana right in its stupid eye and take a tentacle for snarlers!
- ▶️ Oh sweet. Wanna see something really cool? We'll need a handy target.
- ▶️ п Woah.
- ▶️ I didn't get this good NOT to kill stuff.
- ▶️ My oh my. Now's when we get to the good stuff.
- ▶️ OK, so this is what a god complex feels like. Cool.
- ▶️ Starting to feel a bit nutty.
- ▶️ п Look, I don't need to be a god here. Let's just win this thing already.
- ▶️ If someone asks me if I'm a god, I'll say yes.
- ▶️ Might need to get myself a new shooting rig if this keeps up.
- ▶️ Call me critter now!
Убийство врага[]
- ▶️ Watch your step eh? Heaps of danger about.
- ▶️ There's no end to the things I can do to you.
- ▶️ Well, who were you expecting?
- ▶️ What's this then? Not gonna pay the toll?
- ▶️ Got yourself in a bit of a quandary eh?
- ▶️ Say hello to my little friend!
- ▶️ Could have had you a ways back, but I always pick my spots.
- ▶️ Let me tell you a little story about your gold, and my pocket.
- ▶️ I'm sorry, did you think you were hunting me?
- ▶️ п You don't even have anything interesting.
- ▶️ And don't think I'll run out of ammo, I've always got another stash.
- ▶️ Well there's your problem.
- ▶️ You should have stayed out of the woods.
- ▶️ Stay out of the pines!
- ▶️ Quit packin' a sad, eh? You lost fair-ish n' square.
- ▶️ I was born for this. You're just a pretender.
- ▶️ Am I this good or is my weapon blessed?
- ▶️ Another notch for the Hood.
- ▶️ Wish you made better choices?
- ▶️ Yeah nah, don't get ahead of yourself.
- ▶️ That one's a bit suss eh? Maybe poke him with a stick.
- ▶️ You're lucky I didn't do worse, but I got time.
- ▶️ You? On a battlefield? Yeah right.
- ▶️ Let's not get too worked up about it.
- ▶️ Don't let it get you down. I'm good. Really, really good
- ▶️ п You might take this time to reflect upon why you messed with me in the first place.
- ▶️ п You might not think it to look at me, but I've racked up quite the body count.
- ▶️ Not today, drongo!
- ▶️ About carked it, eh?
- ▶️ Try not getting caught with your trousers down.
- ▶️ Do you mind? I'm trying to celebrate.
- ▶️ If I'd known you were a bloody winger, I'd have aimed for the mouth.
- ▶️ п Now I should tell you, I don't usually kill my victims straight away.
- ▶️ п I could have toyed with you a bit, but you're just not that interesting.
- ▶️ Did you fall out of the nest as a baby?
- ▶️ Any life experience you'd like me to collect on your behalf?
- ▶️ Barked up the wrong tree, I reckon.
- ▶️ п Could I kill you just as easy without the crossbow? Of course! But it'd make a helluva mess.
- ▶️ I don't need to gloat. That'd get exhausting.
- ▶️ I got a knack for that.
- ▶️ Clincher!
- ▶️ All's well that ends with me winning.
- ▶️ Catch ya later dingleberry!
- ▶️ That's crack up!
- ▶️ Hands off the tail, cuz.
- ▶️ Hands off the tail, bro.
- ▶️ You bloody egg.
- ▶️ I got blisters on me fingers.
- ▶️ What else you planning that I can ruin?
- ▶️ Read the tail.
- ▶️ Ahahahahahah!
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha haa haa!
- ▶️ Ha eh eh he he!
- ▶️ Eh he he ha ha ha ha!
Шанс 15%
- ▶️ п Chill, bro.
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ People say I talk too much.
Убийство определённого героя
Шанс 45%
- ▶️ п See keen, shoot keen. It's simple really.
- ▶️ п Nothing personal Tinker, I'm just prejudiced.
- ▶️ п Eat that, you powder-using puffer!
- ▶️ п One keen down, but plenty more to go.
- ▶️ п Should I tell you what I got planned for your little contraption?
- ▶️ п That's for ruining such a choice word!
- ▶️ п Choke on your black powder, scumbags.
- ▶️ п If I see one more of you little bastards in my trees, I'll rain down blood on every last one of ya! Dig?
- ▶️ п That's what happens when you get a bruiser to fight your battles for you. You get soft.
- ▶️ п Don't cry for the likes of her.
- ▶️ п Ignorance isnt innocence!
- ▶️ п I don't know what that horse had against me, but enough is enough.
- ▶️ п Hate to shatter your dreams, you frigid idiot.
- ▶️ п You eh? To be honest I was hoping for the other one.
- ▶️ п The other one might have had better luck.
- ▶️ п This one's heaps of fun! Get to kill him again and again!
- ▶️ п Glad I didn't get zapped.
- ▶️ п If I had a gold piece for every Oglodi I kill, I'd have enough to start using acorns for impractical purposes.
- ▶️ п I'll never burn that sight outta my brain!
- ▶️ п That bat had a giant parasite. I probably did him a favour.
- ▶️ п Look, you knew we weren't gonna get along just on general bloody principle.
- ▶️ п You're better off drinking maple syrup.
- ▶️ п Oh, mate. This one must really sting for you, eh?
- ▶️ п I'm getting tipsy just from the stench!
- ▶️ п Neath those pickers, you're mince like all the rest.
- ▶️ п Choice. I needed some silk!
- ▶️ п I reckon this one was worthy of at least a little respect.
- ▶️ п What's more chaotic than that?
- ▶️ п If I say what I feel, my tongue might turn black and fall off.
- ▶️ п This one feels better than most.
- ▶️ п You're lucky we never ran into each other when you were alive. You never would have survived to be cursed!
- ▶️ п Yeah you were pretty chill, shame really.
- ▶️ п Cheer up eh. Now you can stop whining about your great sacrifice.
- ▶️ п Yay for the mischief, but what's with the greed? That's just a waste of your time.
- ▶️ п Are they bloody serious with these people? Where does someone like that even come from?
- ▶️ п Never had much time for pity parties. Where do you get off?
- ▶️ п Oops, killed 'em both 'steada just one.
- ▶️ п As you can see, I'm somewhat of a disruptor myself.
- ▶️ п All that power... just another case of a stunning lack of imagination.
- ▶️ п Wait a second. That dragon could have chosen anyone, and it chose you?! What the hell is wrong with this world.
- ▶️ п You obviously weren't born for this. I'm surprised nobody showed you sooner.
- ▶️ п Hey, what a coincidence! My first hard targets to practice with were little rolling rocks. I guess they prepared me better than I thought!
- ▶️ п It was like aiming at a broadside of an oak. What could be easier?
- ▶️ п See the trick is, never set limits for yourself. I never set out to kill a Titan, but I never thought I couldn't neither.
- ▶️ п Shooting out candles and torches is easy. But destroying the essence of flame itself? Yeah I'll take it.
- ▶️ п You can't tell me what to do! I tell me what to do!
- ▶️ п How can someone with no face look so damn smug?
- ▶️ п Ha ha look, I gave him a proper face. Let's just call those bloodstains tears.
- ▶️ п I'm all out of pity for the likes of you.
- ▶️ п That's for singing the fur.
- ▶️ п Dying light's already a cliché after all.
- ▶️ п Yeah, magic's pretty neat and all, but nothing compares to a heavy bolt and a dead shot eye.
- ▶️ п Those two dragons crashed together so hard they merged into one dumber slower dragon.
- ▶️ п Hoods are way better than masks. Just saying.
- ▶️ п Hey old-timer. The sun sets on everybody. Whether they like it or not.
- ▶️ п You can think of these trees as masts, if it helps you die in peace.
- ▶️ п I'm not joining your bloody legion.
- ▶️ п Wait there's one of you here too?!
- ▶️ п Bro she is not going to be happy that I killed you. Oh well, she already had it out for me anyway.
- ▶️ п You cold dead guys are all the same. Don't you have a convention to be at or something?
- ▶️ п Did you see that bloke? There's no way he's not thanking me. And if he's not, he should be.
- ▶️ п You singed the fur. There's no coming back from that mate.
- ▶️ п Don't mind me. I'm just gonna lop that hand off. I heard I could trade some favors for it in some dumb wizard town.
- ▶️ п I'm not here to explain what went wrong. It's just obvious that something did. I mean, otherwise...
- ▶️ п I reckon a lot of people felt you had this coming. But that lot's just a bunch of bloody whingers. I did this for fun.
- ▶️ п Yeah with how fast you are, you got no one to blame here but yourself. I mean you could have been literally anywhere else.
- ▶️ п Spare me your noble sob story. What's it got to do with me?
- ▶️ п Okay okay. This is a real feather in my cap. Sure as.
- ▶️ п Yeah, dodging snakes is nothing new for me lady. What else you got?
- ▶️ п Sorry Meepo. You shouldn't have looked at where I was digging. That was classic misdirection.
- ▶️ п Even if the lady hadn't been crazy, I'd have had to kill the cat. Can't have mass murderers running around.
- ▶️ п Looks like I'm the king of mischief now.
- ▶️ п Aw, mate. That kinda makes me need to go. You know?
- ▶️ п Heck, with that singing voice it was either bolt or bolt her. And I felt like staying.
- ▶️ п Look, I told you I'm not big on affiliations. Stay outta wherever I am.
- ▶️ п Yeah sorry. People with your attitude just rub me the wrong way.
- ▶️ п My uncle used to tell me bedtime stories about you. Those were some great adventures. Real happy to have killed you.
- ▶️ п Who doesn't like squishing bugs?
- ▶️ п Yeah I got a fair bit of luck myself. My uncle used to say I was right blessed. You know, on account of not dying like all my other kin.
- ▶️ п Hey just what this place needed, another self-righteous metal marcher on some higher quest.
- ▶️ п Wait wait, I want to think of one you never heard before or after.
- ▶️ п Yeah, I'm not real keen on what you said about dying in a fire. That's what my crossbow likes to call a trigger warning.
- ▶️ п Heard you were some kind of big hullabaloo. I didn't come here to prove anything, but I guess I just did.
- ▶️ п Bloody muppet. What were you thinking?
- ▶️ п Roll along home you silly bastard.
- ▶️ п I can hit anything. Doesn't matter how blurry.
- ▶️ п Wouldn't it been better to die all peaceful like, dangling a pole in the river? Not with two bolts in the dome...
- ▶️ п When I was just a little bit, I used to wish upon shooting stars. Then I realized that was stupid and just learned to shoot instead.
- ▶️ п They used to tell stories about this one in the Tomo'kan. Quite the little troublemaker. This'll gain me even more respect.
- ▶️ п Ugh uh, the stench though! How do you get that taste outta your mouth?
- ▶️ п You coddled little tail-jerker! Someone shoulda done this ages ago!
- ▶️ п Ma'am. This is a forest, not...wherever it is you think you're supposed to be.
- ▶️ п You shoulda gone to ground.
- ▶️ п Yeah we're light years apart, mate.
- ▶️ п Whatever can be made can be unmade, I figure.
- ▶️ п Had to leave you cracked and bleeding.
- ▶️ п I could smell those fakes a mile away.
- ▶️ п Shadowtail over Shadow Demon.
- ▶️ п That's what you get for hoarding!
- ▶️ п Shadowtail over Shadow Fiend.
- ▶️ п I said no snakes of any kind!
- ▶️ п Shadowtail over Shadow Shaman.
- ▶️ п Yeah, a lot of people have tried to shut me up. This is how it always plays out.
- ▶️ п Anyone feeling peckish?
- ▶️ п I don't take kindly to being punched by fish!
- ▶️ п I told you to stay off my turf, gill boy.
- ▶️ п No one's gonna miss you. Not even you.
- ▶️ п On this plane you're just a bobby after all.
- ▶️ п Sorry. I didn't feel like staying in today.
- ▶️ п Looks like the power grid's out, mate.
- ▶️ п My first thought was your sword's impractical. But now I see it's actually impracticable.
- ▶️ п Never had much time for book smarts. And this right here's the reason why.
- ▶️ п I don't need books to argue a point.
- ▶️ п Don't you ever get tired of yourself?
- ▶️ п Oh bloody hell. This one's corpse is gonna reek.
- ▶️ п I've known some Tinies in my time. You, sir, are no Tiny.
- ▶️ п Bummer, I think he had some of my stash. Ah well. I'll find more.
- ▶️ п Chill, bro.
- ▶️ п What, did you think I got a problem with snow? I'm right at home.
- ▶️ п Wonder if I can turn these horns into some sorta charm.
- ▶️ п That's a smell'll strip bark off trees!
- ▶️ п Got enough critters in these woods already.
- ▶️ п Everyone's got problems, lassie. Yours ain't mine.
- ▶️ п Eh, I'd eat slug if times were tight. But they ain't.
- ▶️ п Lot harder to fly with all those arrows in you.
- ▶️ п Even if I cared for your rules, it's not even close to my time yet.
- ▶️ п Guess you shoulda showed up sooner.
- ▶️ п So you cut down trees to turn 'em into books about demons? Yeah, you had this coming.
- ▶️ п Honestly, I just saw him out of the corner of my eye and started shooting. Was instinct really.
- ▶️ п Couldn't take my word for it, could ya?
- ▶️ п Yeah, friends is kind of a loose term for me. Sorry.
- ▶️ п I don't know if we were enemies, but that poem was depressing as all get out.
- ▶️ п Think I'll pass! My uncle went to the doctor once and never came back.
- ▶️ п You want these little bones of mine? Gonna have to do better than that!
- ▶️ п Since you're not a god anymore, I feel like I can ask you: why are you so messed up?
- ▶️ н You think you're special or something?
- ▶️ н We coulda been great together. But you always get blinded by the floodlights...
- ▶️ н I'm gonna get huge props for this back home.
- ▶️ н Yeah if you don't mind I'm gonna help myself to some of your gear.
- ▶️ н I don't even know enough about you to care you're dead.
- ▶️ н Stay outta my lane!
Первая кровь
- ▶️ First blood!
- ▶️ First blood!
- ▶️ First blood!
- ▶️ First blood. Always the sweetest.
- ▶️ First blood. Well that sets a tone.
- ▶️ First blood! Gotta be quick when I'm around.
- ▶️ First blood! And it's still pulsing.
- ▶️ First blood. And just a crazy amount of it really.
Встреча противника[]
Любой герой
- ▶️ п Who said you could stroll in my woods?!
Ранняя-средняя игра, любой герой
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ п Better not catch you littering, bro.
Ранняя игра, встреча любого героя, кроме Snapfire
Шанс 1%
- ▶️ п Anyone seen an ugly little goblin lady riding a big dumb lizard?
Встреча союзника[]
Во время ранней игры, в радиусе 1000
Шанс 30%
- ▶️ п Right. See the key to throwing a rider is misdirection. Lemme show you.
- ▶️ п I played around with concoctions when I was younger. But now I prefer the natural path.
- ▶️ п Hey, you ever been shot?
- ▶️ п I'm not keen on frost, yeah? Let's keep it to a minimum.
- ▶️ п You do your thing, Anti-Mage. I'll go take care of this lot.
- ▶️ п If I had a nut for every bloke who came through these parts with a big head and stories to match...
- ▶️ п Yah, I get the loner thing, Axe. Just easier that way, eh?
- ▶️ п So like what's your personal favorite nightmare, Bane?
- ▶️ п Why you let that fella ride you around then?
- ▶️ п Who said you could be on my team Beastmaster? Go on, get out of here.
- ▶️ п Yeah, hunting's only really fun if it's not work. So you're doing it wrong, is what I'm saying, Bloodseeker.
- ▶️ п I know you think you're collecting contracts, Bounty Hunter, but all I see is selling yourself one piece at a time.
- ▶️ п No thanks, Brewmaster. I'm a nasty drunk.
- ▶️ п There's a fella can handle his handles.
- ▶️ п Who says you need a good reason to fight, Bristleback? Sometimes you just gotta rain hell for the kicks.
- ▶️ п None of these ugly mugs are going to keep up with us, Broodmother.
- ▶️ п Get that scepter first, Centaur. Then you can join the fun. But lay off the trees eh.
- ▶️ п I'm gonna have to rethink some things if you're the god of chaos.
- ▶️ п Okay first I'm gonna murder all of them, Chen, and then I'm definitely gonna get back around to you.
- ▶️ п There's gotta be an easier way to light your arrows than the whole self-immolation thing...
- ▶️ п Look, I can blame whoever I want for whatever I want, Clockwerk. So why don't you just back off?
- ▶️ п Hey, another bubbly little killer. This is going to be a great time.
- ▶️ п There are plenty of things I hate more than military commanders, Dark Seer. But I still hate them quite a bit.
- ▶️ п Hey, Mireska, you ever leave Jex's cage in a tree? Might be we could set up some real neat traps.
- ▶️ п I don't understand a word you're saying, Dazzle. But I was barely listening, so's probably ok?
- ▶️ п There's a dealth cult that worships in the Tomo'kan. You ever been there Death Prophet?
- ▶️ п Which one of you's the smart one?
- ▶️ п We all got issues, Doom. Deal with 'em. In a way that's better than this.
- ▶️ п Why are all you dragon kind so stingy with the piggy backs eh?
- ▶️ п Look, social skills are like any other, Traxex. You gotta miss a few shots before you start hitting the mark.
- ▶️ п I nicked a statue that looked kinda like you once. Yeah, threw it by the side of the road. Wonder if somebody grabbed it.
- ▶️ п Which direction is Nishai from here anyway?
- ▶️ п You made a world, yeah? How about making me some new bolts?
- ▶️ п On behalf of my tail, I'd kindly ask you to keep about ten paces off at all times. Killer.
- ▶️ п What'd you bring me, Auntie A? Something good?
- ▶️ п Yeah, I'm good, Auntie. Feeling strong and my rig here's doing all right.
- ▶️ п Hey, Faceless Void. What do those glyphs mean? I saw a bunch just like em on some broken archway I found in a cave.
- ▶️ п Yeah nah, I think you actually wished people liked you, Grimstroke. This loner thing's all just an act.
- ▶️ п I haven't decided on you yet, Gyrocopter. But I'm leaning towards dislike.
- ▶️ п Who teaches these maniacs how to make fire?
- ▶️ п Know where I've always wanted to go, Io? Hah, what am I saying. Of course you do!
- ▶️ п Did you have anything to do with the curses of the Tomo'kan?
- ▶️ п I dunno how you do it. That level of cooperation's beyond me.
- ▶️ п Hey, give us your mask for sec?
- ▶️ п I kind of wanted to sleep in today, gramps.
- ▶️ п I'm not real interested in sea legs. Tree legs is more my style.
- ▶️ п Oh you're gonna make things easy for me today, Tresdin.
- ▶️ п Move along.
- ▶️ п Who asked you anyway Lich?
- ▶️ п Get back to me when you learn something 'telligible.
- ▶️ п Long as you're carefull, I think we're gonna get on like gangbusters.
- ▶️ п Not real interested in your life philosophy, Lion.
- ▶️ п Oh, what a cutie. I wouldn't even guess he's not real.
- ▶️ п Keep the saliva in your mouth, Nova. Or I'll pin it shut.
- ▶️ п You stop having fun just to join some cult?
- ▶️ п I've run across some shapeshifters in the dark wood. They move around a lot, but I can tell you about where.
- ▶️ п I'll get an acorn ready, Magnus. This is gonna be bloody epic.
- ▶️ п That song's really catchy, Mars. Too bad you're tonedeaf.
- ▶️ п So...do the snakes get hungry? Asking for a friend...
- ▶️ п Hey Meepo, got that special varnish I ordered? 'Member? I paid you up front.
- ▶️ п Still slummin' in that temple life, Mirana?
- ▶️ п I see you eyin' me, Sagan. Not bloody likely.
- ▶️ п I heard you came to my neck of the woods once, Wu Kong. But it was before I was born.
- ▶️ п Yeah, but like, in a pinch could someone drink ya?
- ▶️ п Sweet as! Let me grab my togs.
- ▶️ п So were you like really weirded out the first time you heard your voice on dry land?
- ▶️ п You always think you know best, Prophet. I don't care who sprout you, no one bosses me around in my woods.
- ▶️ п Here come's double the fun.
- ▶️ п So do you miss thinking for yourself? Guess not, else you'd still be doing it.
- ▶️ п I'm not interested in my future. Now's all I need.
- ▶️ п I'm all in for your shenanigans, Donté.
- ▶️ п How do they grow 'em so big in your place?
- ▶️ п Someone's been looking for you, Puck. I got a message.
- ▶️ п You're a polarizing figure, mate.
- ▶️ п So is that how people dress where you're from or are you making a statement?
- ▶️ п Want me to give you some tips on how I roll?
- ▶️ п Just gonna tell you now: nothing shuts me up.
- ▶️ п Wings up, chooka boy. Time to stop moping about.
- ▶️ п Do you even know what you did to me, Snapfire? To everyone?!
- ▶️ п I don't blame you, Mortimer. But your saddle partner's gotta die.
- ▶️ п Stay away from me with that stink wagon.
- ▶️ п You don't seem to be friends with that wretched lady, Kardel. Maybe you're all right...
- ▶️ п How do I hitch a lift?
- ▶️ п Why's all my hair standing on end?
- ▶️ п That sword's bigger'n you are. Pretty neat!
- ▶️ п Oh bugger, it's these kegheads.
- ▶️ п I'm gonna have to learn to compartmentalize if I wanna get through this.
- ▶️ п Your stuff's worse than powder. Remind me to show you something after the fight.
- ▶️ п Is it time, Tiny? Is it time?
- ▶️ п Hey can I check out your upper branches? It'll only take a sec.
- ▶️ п Your style is right by me, Troll. I think everyone but me is an idiot, too.
- ▶️ п I need to suss out some peppermint or something.
- ▶️ п I'm down with Dipper.
- ▶️ п Vengeance can be bloody good fun, lady. I think you're missing most of the point.
- ▶️ п Can you magic me up a portal into Krimwohl big enough for a Durana swarm?
- ▶️ п There's heaps of musty old spellbooks scattered around the Tomo'kan. Most of 'em are half rotten. But you might find something stupid enough to catch your eye.
- ▶️ п I don't think we've got much in common, Weaver. But have a nice one.
- ▶️ п Nothing like a choice bit of green, eh Windranger?
- ▶️ п I bet I get twice as many notches as you, Lyralei.
- ▶️ п I'm just saying, a squirrel riding a dragon into battle would be pretty damn epic.
- ▶️ п Yeah, nice cask bro.
- ▶️ п I grok'd smoking was bad for you, Ostarion, but this is bloody nuts!
- ▶️ п I don't care what you can turn into. The answer's always gonna be no.
- ▶️ н Where do you find the time for all this?
- ▶️ н I know I'm a born star, but the answer's still no.
- ▶️ н Nah yeah...thought I might be seeing you when I noticed your leash was nicked. No hard feelings?
- ▶️ н We used to be friends, a long time ago. What say we give it another run?
- ▶️ н I couldn't have known everything'd go nuts up like that. Honest!
- ▶️ н What's the good word from the Crow's Nest?
Перезарядка 60 секунд
- ▶️ Gotta pay the tiller tax.
- ▶️ Sleep tight little guy.
- ▶️ The shoppie'll appreciate it.
- ▶️ Crack shot I tell ya.
- ▶️ It's a precision instrument.
- ▶️ Chocka!
- ▶️ Chocka!
- ▶️ Good as gold. Worthless, useless gold.
- ▶️ Sweet as!
- ▶️ Cadge a coin?
- ▶️ I'll bury this later.
- ▶️ н Oh yay, gold. Like I haven't seen that before.
- ▶️ Any of you creeps got something better?
- ▶️ I could go for a bit of brekkie.
- ▶️ I'm all snarked out.
- ▶️ What another one?
- ▶️ How many of these creeps are there?
- ▶️ That's gotta be the last one.
- ▶️ Oh yay, gold.
- ▶️ Like I haven't seen that before.
- ▶️ I don't care about money.
- ▶️ I just like taking what's yours.
- ▶️ Clincher.
Добивание, имея менее 20% здоровья
- ▶️ That takes some sting out.
- ▶️ How's that help!?
- ▶️ Chock-a-block.
- ▶️ Put some plaster on it!
- ▶️ Why do I even bother?
- ▶️ Don't I have better things to do?
- ▶️ I'd rather be healing.
- ▶️ Worse than ticks, this lot!
- ▶️ Worse than fleas, this lot!
- ▶️ You don't see me crying.
- ▶️ Skinned and skint.
Добивание союзного юнита[]
Требует нахождения видимого врага в радиусе 1000, перезарядка 60 секунд
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ That would be: no!
- ▶️ No, see? This is my sorry face.
- ▶️ Just teachin' ya a lesson for next time.
- ▶️ And you were looking proper stoked too...
- ▶️ Yeah nah, cuz.
- ▶️ Hehehe.
- ▶️ I'm gutted, really.
- ▶️ Keep your brass on.
- ▶️ Less gawking, more aiming.
- ▶️ No need to get snooty over it.
- ▶️ Bugger all for you!
- ▶️ Look at that one!
- ▶️ You were just, like a second too slow.
- ▶️ I make a very fine point.
- ▶️ Don't bust a gut on me.
- ▶️ It's better this way.
- ▶️ Whad do you know?
- ▶️ Perfection!
- ▶️ Yeah, nah.
- ▶️ Yeah, nah.
- ▶️ Yeah nah.
- ▶️ Nope.
- ▶️ Nnnope.
Ранняя игра
- ▶️ п Yeah, still nah.
Добивание, имея менее 20% здоровья
- ▶️ п Yeah, still nah.
- ▶️ I thought we talked about this.
- ▶️ You look a bit crook, mate.
- ▶️ Thought I'd miss that, eh?
- ▶️ Still a steady hand.
- ▶️ The crank does most of the work!
- ▶️ I never said he was my friend.
- ▶️ He looked unsteady!
- ▶️ He won't hold it against me.
- ▶️ Suck it up!
Получение предмета[]
Шанс 30%
- ▶️ п Don't know why you'd want any of this dumb gold, but I'll definitely take your wares.
- ▶️ п That's choice merch bro.
- ▶️ п Aren't you getting a bit ripped off?
- ▶️ п Now that's proper flash.
- ▶️ п I coulda just flogged it.
Получение определённого предмета
- ▶️ п Blink Dagger
- ▶️ п Hop, skip and a blink.
- ▶️ п And you thought I was hard to keep track before.
- ▶️ п What's this? Some sort of big deal or something?
- ▶️ п Oh wow, that feels nice. Wanna kill something?
- ▶️ п You take this off that Aghanim fella yourself?
- ▶️ Immortality!
Шанс 75%
- ▶️ п All new meaning to the term critter!
- ▶️ п I like the aesthetic.
- ▶️ п Abyssal Blade.
- ▶️ п Here what's this then?
- ▶️ п You've ever look through one of these?
- ▶️ п I don't normally go for footwear, but these are kind of nice.
- ▶️ п I'm the strongest critter that ever lived!
- ▶️ п I didn't think this would fit.
- ▶️ п Basher.
- ▶️ п Battle Fury.
- ▶️ п I'll take it over faith any day.
- ▶️ п Now I'm a porcupine!
- ▶️ п Bloodstone.
- ▶️ п Bloodthorn.
- ▶️ п Is there a sole-less version?
- ▶️ п This cost how much?! I'm in the wrong business.
- ▶️ п Butterfly.
- ▶️ п A cool, refreshing drink.
- ▶️ п This side goes towards the enemy.
- ▶️ п Ehhh... That's not good as a hood.
- ▶️ п How'd I get swindled into paying for this?
- ▶️ п I'm just throwing money away at this point.
- ▶️ п There's a proper cronker.
- ▶️ п Crystalys.
- ▶️ п There's always something funny about a good zap.
- ▶️ п I'll try not to cut myself.
- ▶️ п Desolator.
- ▶️ п Diffusal Blade.
- ▶️ п What even is this?
- ▶️ п It's like it was made for me.
- ▶️ п Drums of Endurance.
- ▶️ п Dust of Appearance.
- ▶️ п Sure, I sing sometimes. But only by myself.
- ▶️ п Echo Sabre.
- ▶️ п I prefer a waterskin, but magic's magic.
- ▶️ п Hey, hey. Anyone else feeling like really, really ready right now?
- ▶️ п Ethereal Blade.
- ▶️ п Eul's Scepter of Divinity.
- ▶️ п Force Staff.
- ▶️ п Nothing better than a boost.
- ▶️ п Gem of True Sight.
- ▶️ п Ghost Scepter.
- ▶️ п Glimmer Cape.
- ▶️ п Hand of Midas.
- ▶️ п Skull it!
- ▶️ п Heart of Tarrasque.
- ▶️ п Heaven's Halberd.
- ▶️ п Helm of the Dominator.
- ▶️ п What's this thing do anyway?
- ▶️ п Yea, already have one mate.
- ▶️ п Hurricane Pike.
- ▶️ п Sorry everybody, trouble just found you.
- ▶️ п Hyper! What are you implying?
- ▶️ п They could barely see me as it is.
- ▶️ п Kaya.
- ▶️ п Kaya and Sange.
- ▶️ п Lotus Orb.
- ▶️ п Maelstrom.
- ▶️ п I always do stir up a storm.
- ▶️ п Yea, sure, a Magic Stick, you're lucky I like sticks.
- ▶️ п Manta Style.
- ▶️ п Mask of Madness.
- ▶️ п They give out medallions for that now?
- ▶️ п Mekansm.
- ▶️ п Meteor Hammer.
- ▶️ п How am I even lifting it?
- ▶️ п Does that Monkey guy know you nicked his stuff?
- ▶️ п Mystic Staff.
- ▶️ п What's this even say? Klaatu...barada...whatnow?
- ▶️ п Null Talisman.
- ▶️ п Nullifier
- ▶️ п Honestly, this is a battle I need to get started.
- ▶️ п Octarine Core.
- ▶️ п Orb of Venom.
- ▶️ п Orchid Malevolence.
- ▶️ п Perseverance.
- ▶️ п It's not just a phase!
- ▶️ п Solving the world's problems one sesh at a time.
- ▶️ п I like to swap on the fly!
- ▶️ п That's the devil's tool.
- ▶️ п Radiance.
- ▶️ п Refresher Orb.
- ▶️ п I love it when they stand real still, just whimpering and begging for their miserable lives. What now?
- ▶️ п Guess I could bulk up a bit.
- ▶️ п Sange and Yasha.
- ▶️ п Deadly grace.
- ▶️ п This'll start a panic.
- ▶️ п This'll suss out any sneaky little scumbags.
- ▶️ п Scythe of Vyse.
- ▶️ п Shiva's Guard.
- ▶️ п Silver Edge.
- ▶️ п Eye of Skadi.
- ▶️ п Oh, this stuff's the best.
- ▶️ п Everybody's laughing, everybody's happy.
- ▶️ п Soul Ring.
- ▶️ п Linken's Sphere.
- ▶️ п Spirit Vessel.
- ▶️ п Insidious little bugger this.
- ▶️ п Tome of Knowledge.
- ▶️ п Sweet as, I should get heaps of these.
- ▶️ п Pretty neat sceptery thingy.
- ▶️ п Urn of the Shadowtail.
- ▶️ п Vanguard.
- ▶️ п Like a blanket of strife.
- ▶️ п Some primal vitality.
- ▶️ п Yasha time.
- ▶️ п I'm a casual fan, yeah.
- ▶️ п Yasha and Kaya.
- ▶️ п What a lovely pair. Or I guess together we're a trio.
- ▶️ п That's good feed.
- ▶️ п Oh those.. are kind of comfy.
- ▶️ п Gleipnir.
- ▶️ п Gleipnir.
- ▶️ п Wait, if the Gleipnir's here. Then he's... I gotta go.
- ▶️ п Jeez, this thing was impossible to make, how did you get your hands on it?
- ▶️ п You really should've left this thing where it was, for all our sakes.
- ▶️ п Aw mate, do you know how hard I had to work to get that thing the first time I needed it?
Шанс 50%
- ▶️ п Okay, lets see if I can murder all of you before I lose the first one.
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ п Barkrot!
- ▶️ Aww nuts.
- ▶️ Watch the tail, eh. That's genuine fur.
- ▶️ I'll shake this off...ugh.
- ▶️ I beat the odds, lasting this long...
- ▶️ That's what I get for being distracted...
- ▶️ We'll call it...knackered...
- ▶️ Stink one...
- ▶️ Well that plan's munted...
- ▶️ They're gonna regret this...
- ▶️ Toss that one in the dunny...
- ▶️ Well bloody good on you...
- ▶️ Sure stuffed that one up...
- ▶️ Make something nice...outta me.
- ▶️ From one muppet to another...
- ▶️ Of course I underestimated you. Look at you!
- ▶️ Served up like a snack...
- ▶️ Where...do you get off...
- ▶️ Gizza minute eh?
- ▶️ How could you...you monster...
- ▶️ We'll get you...in the end...
- ▶️ Have you ever seen...a more beautiful corpse?
- ▶️ Before I die...I just need you to know...you suck.
- ▶️ Noooo!
Ранняя-средняя игра
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ п Right. Plan B it is. Hunt down their families.
- ▶️ Blimin fools...
- ▶️ Barkrot!
- ▶️ One good cock up deserves another.
- ▶️ That'd rark anybody up.
- ▶️ The last laugh? They can have it. I'm not gonna be laughing after what I do to 'em. That's just sick.
- ▶️ We'll see who's carked it next time. And it'll be you. It'll be the whole bloody lot of you!
- ▶️ What on earth was that all about?
- ▶️ Some people take things way too personally.
- ▶️ Get off. I'll be right.
- ▶️ Well that's a cracker of a day.
- ▶️ Guess I don't need to worry about the afterlife just yet. Unless this is the afterlife!
- ▶️ I think I just sussed out what went wrong.
- ▶️ Let's keep that between you me and the trees.
- ▶️ Always knew I'd come back. I'm way too cute to die.
- ▶️ It looks like the same tail. But is it really? Am I even me?
- ▶️ What did we learn from that? That even eggheads get lucky.
- ▶️ Note to self: extract bloody vengeance. Preferably before lunch.
- ▶️ Let off a minute. I've got to liberate some souls from some bodies.
- ▶️ I've always got another stash.
- ▶️ Just a bit of respite.
- ▶️ Ugh, hang on a sec. Gotta stretch.
- ▶️ Rig's in one piece. So that's covered.
- ▶️ If I kept a journal, I'd leave that dying part out.
- ▶️ Guess that just happens round these parts.
- ▶️ I resent the implication.
- ▶️ That'll grind your teeth.
- ▶️ That's enough to make me wish I could vomit.
- ▶️ I'm not looking for trouble. It's looking for me.
- ▶️ Why's everyone always blame me?
- ▶️ You bloody egg.
- ▶️ Less talking more shooting.
Средняя игра и дальше
Шанс 3%
- ▶️ Have to admit. This really is a beautiful place to do some murder.
- ▶️ You know, you're right. It's important to take care of the mind as well as the body. It can't just be run run run, kill kill kill all the time.
- ▶️ They'll sing songs about this one.
- ▶️ Nothing makes an epic like a bunch of wet blankets all standing around.
- ▶️ Sorry, was off with the faeries.
- ▶️ How it going mate?
- ▶️ Why are we just standing here?
- ▶️ I generally only like standing around when turning a crank.
- ▶️ Anybody seen any action?
Наполнение бутыли[]
- ▶️ Ripe for new purpose.
- ▶️ Nothing I can't use.
- ▶️ Yep yep. That's coming with.
- ▶️ Scoop it up.
- ▶️ Just chunk it on in there.
- ▶️ Who doesn't like preserves?
- ▶️ Just a little nick.
- ▶️ Never skint in the woodlands.
Активация рун[]
Руна богатства
Шанс 50%
Шанс 40%
- ▶️ п I'm not opposed to taking the occasional bounty.
Шанс 15%
- ▶️ п Guess it's my shout!
Шанс 5%
- ▶️ п You know, I finally get the compulsion to touch the tail, but unlike most of you maniacs, I'm a model of self-control.
- ▶️ Regeneration!
- ▶️ Regeneration.
- ▶️ Luxurious as ever.
- ▶️ п Oh, that'll get the grot off.
- ▶️ Best to be of sound constitution if you're aiming to murder folks.
Способность на перезарядке[]
Первая попытка в течение 10 секунд
Вторая попытка в течение 10 секунд
- ▶️ I'm not ready eh?
- ▶️ Yeah right.
- ▶️ I said I'm on it.
- ▶️ I'm trying! I'm trying!
- ▶️ Settle down.
- ▶️ These things take time.
Третья попытка в течение 10 секунд
- ▶️ I'm not ready!
- ▶️ Just... OKAY!
- ▶️ I'm on it!
- ▶️ This isn't easy you know!
- ▶️ Are you gonna be a problem?
- ▶️ I said these things take time!
Нехватка маны[]
Первая попытка в течение 10 секунд
Шанс 20%
Вторая попытка в течение 10 секунд
Шанс 20%
Третья попытка в течение 10 секунд
Шанс 20%
Получение урона[]
Перезарядка 3 секунды