Dota 2 Вики
DotaCinema XMG Captains Draft 2.0 Ticket
Cosmetic icon DotaCinema XMG Captains Draft 2.0 Ticket
Не указано 16067
Редкость: Rare
Слот: Билет

DotaCinema presents the second version of their popular Captains Draft tournament. Eight of the best western teams battle in the unique Captains Draft mode, from which its limited hero pool is sure to keep team captains on their toes. 25% of each bundle will contribute to the prizepool.
DotaCinema Presents the XMG Captains Draft 2.0
DotaCinema XMG Captains Draft 2.0 Ticket
Набор смайликов от DotaCinema
Загрузочный экран: DotaCinema
Набор «Frozen Emperor»
Sapphire Sabre-Lynx
Загрузочный экран: Sapphire Sabre-Lynx
DotaCinema HUD

Предметы набора

DotaCinema XMG Captains Draft 2
DotaCinema XMG Captains Draft 2.0 Ticket