Dota 2 Вики
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  • Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation.
  • Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
  • ▶️ Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target.



Sticky Napalm[]


  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Batrider upon releasing the projectile.
  • ▶️ Target sound plays at the targeted area when the projectile reaches it.
  • ▶️ Full sound example.


  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Batrider upon cast.
  • Loop sound plays on Batrider upon cast and lasts as long as Firefly does, gets louder while moving (70% vol).
  • ▶️ Full sound example.

Flaming Lasso[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Batrider upon cast.
  • ▶️ Loop sound plays on the target upon cast and lasts as long as the lasso does.
  • ▶️ End sound plays whenever the lasso expires or is broken.
  • Full sound example.