- ▶️ Axe!
- ▶️ There is no team in Axe!
- ▶️ Axe here!
- ▶️ Enemies need killing!
- ▶️ Taste my blade!
- ▶️ Here comes the axe!
- ▶️ Axe swings his blade.
- ▶️ Let the carnage begin.
- ▶️ Axe is ready!
- ▶️ The Axe-man comes!
- ▶️ Axe charges!
- ▶️ Axe is a cut above!
Стадия планирования
- ▶️ Axe!
- ▶️ Grrrr!
Вход в битву
- ▶️ Axe!
- ▶️ There is no team in Axe!
- ▶️ Axe here!
- ▶️ A cut above the rest.
- ▶️ Axe in hand.
- ▶️ н Axe lives!
- ▶️ Axe is ready!
- ▶️ The Axe-man comes!
Начало битвы
Перезарядка 6 секунд
- ▶️ Cut and run!
- ▶️ Rest is for the dead!
- ▶️ Forward!
- ▶️ To battle!
- ▶️ Axe goes!
- ▶️ Axe charges!
- ▶️ Into war's teeth!
- ▶️ To the enemy!
- ▶️ Axe runs!
- ▶️ Enemies need killing!
- ▶️ Good day to fight!
Перезарядка 6 секунд
- ▶️ Attack!
- ▶️ Taste my blade!
- ▶️ A slice of the action!
- ▶️ Here comes the axe!
- ▶️ Axe brings the axe!
- ▶️ Axe trades in death!
- ▶️ Whet my blade!
- ▶️ н Here you break.
- ▶️ Axe hacks!
- ▶️ Axe attacks!
Использование заклинания
Только когда дистанция превышает 2 дальности применения, перезарядка 4 секунды
Berserker's Call
При применении на 1 и более героя
- ▶️ Get some!
- ▶️ Come and get it!
- ▶️ Come to Axe!
- ▶️ To me!
- ▶️ н Yar! [?]
- ▶️ Har!
- ▶️ Rah!
- ▶️ Rah!
- ▶️ Ha!
При применении не на героя
Battle Hunger
При применении
Culling Blade
Убийство противника
Шанс 30%
Убийство противника спустя 2 и менее секунды после использования Blink Dagger
Шанс 30%
- ▶️ You been blinked!
Получение уровня
- ▶️ Axe grows stronger!
- ▶️ Axe gains strength!
- ▶️ Axe rises in rank!
- ▶️ Axe is a cut above!
- ▶️ Axe sharpens!
- ▶️ Axe is promoted!
- ▶️ Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Huh huh ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha!
Убийство врага
- ▶️ Not so fast!
- ▶️ No escaping Axe!
- ▶️ Yes, Axe kills you!
- ▶️ Cut you like cordwood!
- ▶️ Your life on my steel!
- ▶️ Axe chops you down to size!
- ▶️ This ends you!
- ▶️ You fought badly—died worse.
- ▶️ All must die—you first!
- ▶️ Axe warms his blade in your guts!
- ▶️ Feel the axe of Axe!
- ▶️ Axe hews your bones!
- ▶️ Axe fells you!
- ▶️ Twenty hacks from the axe of Axe!
- ▶️ Hew and cry some more!
- ▶️ Sheathe my axe in your bowels!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ho ho ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha yeah!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha yes!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha yeah!
- ▶️ Axe kills you!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ Heh heh yeah ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ What happened? Axe happened!
- ▶️ Axe-actly!
Убийство определенного героя
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ Cold cut!
- ▶️ Cut and dried!
- ▶️ Catch some Z's!
- ▶️ You might have been a fancyman in Heaven, but down here you are nothing next to Axe.
- ▶️ You call that an axe?
- ▶️ Axe has no time for all this jibber jabber.
- ▶️ Blade versus book. Blade wins.
- ▶️ Warlock, you should have picked a sharper weapon.
- ▶️ Warlock, who is the smart one now?
- ▶️ Axe hates to kill Oglodi, but it must be done.
- ▶️ Even kin must die.
- ▶️ We are blood, true. But most of yours came out.
- ▶️ You were handsome like Axe. Axe doesn't like that.
- ▶️ Too much talking, not enough fighting.
- ▶️ Big words cannot keep you safe from Axe.
- ▶️ The Treant brought much wood for Axe to chop.
- ▶️ More things for Axe to chop!
- ▶️ Who said Axe fears spiders? Axe wants to know their name.
- ▶️ н Doom Bringer brings doom. Axe brings axe!
- ▶️ Taste the Axe. Not this Axe, that axe!
- ▶️ н Your name is not Axe-world Destroyer!
- ▶️ What is a tiny razor to a mighty Axe?
- ▶️ Each of Ursa's claws is like a little axe. Axe reluctantly approves.
- ▶️ Axe has no time for such nonsense!
- ▶️ I said good night stalker!
- ▶️ Axe knows you not, fiend.
- ▶️ Your free ride is over.
- ▶️ Ride no more, smallkeen!
- ▶️ Smallkeens should be scoured from the land!
- ▶️ A Keen worthy to fight.
- ▶️ For the Keenfolk, you weren't half bad.
- ▶️ н Axe hates the Keenfolk!
- ▶️ н Axe cut you in four!
- ▶️ н Axe cut you into more than four.
- ▶️ н Axe cut you into more than four. Nine?
- ▶️ н Axe cut you into more than four. Twenty?
- ▶️ н Axe cut you into more than four. Hundreds?
Первая кровь
Встреча союзника
Во время ранней игры, в радиусе 1000
- ▶️ п Axe has a cousin?
- ▶️ п You look like Axe, only slightly less.
- ▶️ п Oglodi fight side by side.
- ▶️ п That is a fearsome creature you ride, Disruptor.
- ▶️ п Side by side, the Oglodi fight.
- ▶️ п The Oglodi shall take this fight.
- ▶️ п Warlock brings a book. Axe brings an axe.
- ▶️ п Nice choppers! Axe approves!
- ▶️ п Axe is curious. Where did your face go?
- ▶️ п Undying, don't order Axe around and we'll get along just fine.
- ▶️ п Don't worry, Treant, Axe does not come to chop you.
- ▶️ п Witch doctor, our enemies are in need of Axe-amination!
- ▶️ п Tinker, eh? War is an Axe-act science!
Перезарядка 60 секунд
- ▶️ Yes!
- ▶️ Axe takes all!
- ▶️ Soldier of fortune!
- ▶️ Gold for steel!
- ▶️ Coin of the realm!
- ▶️ Axe takes your coin!
Добивание союзного юнита
Требует нахождения видимого врага в радиусе 1000, перезарядка 60 секунд
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied!
- ▶️ Denied!
- ▶️ You get nothing.
- ▶️ You get nothing!
- ▶️ Axe defies you!
- ▶️ None for you!
- ▶️ You deserve nothing!
- ▶️ Nuh-uh!
- ▶️ Uh uh!
- ▶️ No!
- ▶️ Not this time.
- ▶️ Mwa ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha!
Получение предмета
Получение специального предмета
- ▶️ п Ah, scepter!
- ▶️ п Ah, scepter!
- ▶️ п Ah, scepter!
- ▶️ п Ah, scepter!
- ▶️ п Blink dagger!
- ▶️ п Don't worry, precious axe. Blink Dagger does not come to chop.
- ▶️ Oooh!
- ▶️ п Heart of Tarrasque!
- ▶️ п Vanguard!
- ▶️ п Blade Mail!
- ▶️ п Black King Bar!
- ▶️ п Urn of Shadows!
- ▶️ п Assault Cuirass!
- ▶️ п Hood of Defiance!
- ▶️ п Radiance!
- ▶️ п Shiva's Guard!
- ▶️ Immortality!
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ The Axe's edge will never dull!
- ▶️ No!
- ▶️ Axe dies…
- ▶️ Here a hero dies…
- ▶️ A soldier's death…
- ▶️ Axe falls in battle…
- ▶️ Axe is blunted…
- ▶️ Axe cuts no more…
- ▶️ The cruelest cut…
- ▶️ You and what army?
- ▶️ Death cuts both ways.
- ▶️ Axe lives to cut again!
- ▶️ Axe is back!
- ▶️ Back in AXEtion!
- ▶️ The Axe's edge is keen again!
- ▶️ Axe cuts anew!
- ▶️ Axe is all the reinforcement this army needs!
- ▶️ From the Red Mist, Axe returns!
- ▶️ A blunted Axe is resharpened!
- ▶️ Better red than dead!
- ▶️ Axe returns. The war may now continue!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Time for a re-en-axe-ment!
- ▶️ Axe is back and ready to whack! And also hack!
Наполнение бутылки
- ▶️ Saved for later.
- ▶️ For another time.
- ▶️ When the time is right.
- ▶️ Axe does not need this, but no one else shall have it.
Активация рун
- ▶️ 300 Oh, Axe like!
- ▶️ 300 Oooh!
- ▶️ Double damage!
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ Cuts two ways!
- ▶️ Haste!
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ Haste lays waste.
- ▶️ Illusion!
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ Invisibility!
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ Axe fades from sight!
Способность на перезарядке
Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд
Две попытки в течение 10 секунд
Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд
Нехватка маны
Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд
Две попытки в течение 10 секунд
Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд
Получение урона
Перезарядка 3 секунды
Шанс 25%
- ▶️ 120 Axe is under attack!
Редкие фразы
5 быстрых нажатий по герою
- ▶️ So many skulls to cleave. So many bodies to throw on the pile.
- ▶️ No business but war. No family but death. No mercy but the grave!
- ▶️ Axe brings the Red Mist!
Реплики в чате
Враг ушёл с линии
- ▶️ Axe reports top is missing.
- ▶️ Axe says middle is missing.
- ▶️ Bottom is missing according to Axe.
thx, thanks, ty, или если союзник применяет некоторые заклинания на игрока, перезарядка 30 секунд
/laugh, haha, lol, перезарядка 15 секунд
Окончание матча
Выпадение косметического предмета
Rare и выше
Превращён в животное
- ▶️ 30 Axe is not Axe!
Превращён в овцу
Превращён в свинью
- ▶️ н Shitty wizard!
- ▶️ н Crummy wizard!
- ▶️ н Ooh!