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Этот список описывает все консольные команды в Dota 2.
- Примечание: Команды с "Да" в колонке "Чит?" требуют
sv_cheats 1
для функционирования.
Команда | Стандартное значение | Чит? | Описание |
_autosave | Автосохранение | ||
_autosavedangerous | Опасное автосохранение | ||
_bugreporter_restart | Перезагрузка Отчет об ошибках .dll | ||
_cl_minimapzoom | 1 | ||
_fov | 0 | Automates fov command to server. | |
_overview_mode | 1 | Overview mode - 0 = off, 1 = inset, 2 = full | |
_record | Record a demo incrementally. | ||
_resetgamestats | Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file | ||
_restart | Shutdown and restart the engine. |
Команда | Стандартное значение | Чит? | Описание |
achievement_debug | 0 | Да | Включить достижения отладки сообщ. |
achievement_disable | 0 | Да | Выключить достижения. |
actionpanel_frame | Набор действий панели кадров #. | ||
actionpanel_resize | Actionpanel force re-layout. | ||
activategameui | |||
addip | Add an IP address to the ban list. | ||
adsp_alley_min | 122 | ||
adsp_courtyard_min | 126 | ||
adsp_debug | 0 | ||
adsp_door_height | 112 | ||
adsp_duct_min | 106 | ||
adsp_hall_min | 110 | ||
adsp_low_ceiling | 108 | ||
adsp_opencourtyard_min | 126 | ||
adsp_openspace_min | 130 | ||
adsp_openstreet_min | 118 | ||
adsp_openwall_min | 130 | ||
adsp_room_min | 102 | ||
adsp_street_min | 118 | ||
adsp_tunnel_min | 114 | ||
adsp_wall_height | 128 | ||
ai_auto_contact_solver | 1 | ||
ai_block_damage | 0 | ||
ai_clear_bad_links | Clears bits set on nav links indicating link is unusable | ||
ai_debug_assault | 0 | ||
ai_debug_avoidancebounds | 0 | ||
ai_debug_directnavprobe | 0 | ||
ai_debug_doors | 0 | ||
ai_debug_dyninteractions | 0 | Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system. | |
ai_debug_efficiency | 0 | ||
ai_debug_enemies | 0 | ||
ai_debug_expressions | 0 | Show random expression decisions for NPCs. | |
ai_debug_follow | 0 | ||
ai_debug_loners | 0 | ||
ai_debug_looktargets | 0 | ||
ai_debug_los | 0 | Да | **NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. 1 = Highlights all things that currently block line of sight. 2 = Highlights all things that can potentially block line of sight as well (like disabled brushes that can be enabled).[1] |
ai_debug_nav | 0 | ||
ai_debug_node_connect | Debug the attempted connection between two nodes | ||
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets | 0 | ||
ai_debug_shoot_positions | 0 | Да | |
ai_debug_speech | 0 | ||
ai_debug_squads | 0 | ||
ai_debug_think_ticks | 0 | ||
ai_debugscriptconditions | 0 | ||
ai_default_efficient | 0 | ||
ai_disable | 0 | **Allows you to enable / disable the AI of all NPCs in the game. Disabled NPCs won't "think", but the rest of the game code continues to run.[2] | |
ai_drawbattlelines | 0 | Да | |
ai_drop_hint | Drop an ai_hint at the player's current eye position. | ||
ai_dump_hints | |||
ai_efficiency_override | 0 | ||
ai_enable_fear_behavior | 1 | ||
ai_expression_frametime | 0 | Maximum frametime to still play background expressions. | |
ai_expression_optimization | 0 | Disable npc background expressions when you can't see them. | |
ai_fear_player_dist | 720 | ||
ai_find_lateral_cover | 1 | ||
ai_find_lateral_los | 1 | ||
ai_follow_use_points | 1 | ||
ai_follow_use_points_when_moving | 1 | ||
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll | 1 | ||
ai_frametime_limit | 50 | Frametime limit for min efficiency AIE_NORMAL (in sec's). | |
ai_hull | Controls which connections are shown when ai_show_hull or ai_show_connect commands are used. Arguments: NPC name or classname (incomplete description) | ||
ai_lead_time | 0 | ||
ai_LOS_mode | 0 | ||
ai_moveprobe_debug | 0 | ||
ai_moveprobe_jump_debug | 0 | ||
ai_moveprobe_usetracelist | 0 | ||
ai_nav_debug_experimental_pathing | 0 | Draw paths tried during search for bodysnatcher pathing | |
ai_navigator_generate_spikes | 0 | ||
ai_navigator_generate_spikes_strength | 8 | ||
ai_next_hull | Cycles through the various hull sizes. Currently selected hull size is written to the screen. Controls which connections are (incomplete description). See also [3] | ||
ai_no_local_paths | 0 | ||
ai_no_node_cache | 0 | ||
ai_no_select_box | 0 | ||
ai_no_steer | 0 | ||
ai_no_talk_delay | 0 | ||
ai_nodes | **Toggles node display. First call displays the nodes for the given network as green objects. Second call displays the nodes' Hammer ID.[3] | ||
ai_norebuildgraph | 0 | ||
ai_path_adjust_speed_on_immediate_turns | 1 | ||
ai_path_insert_pause_at_est_end | 1 | ||
ai_path_insert_pause_at_obstruction | 1 | ||
ai_post_frame_navigation | 0 | ||
ai_radial_max_link_dist | 512 | ||
ai_reaction_delay_alert | 0 | ||
ai_reaction_delay_idle | 0 | ||
ai_rebalance_thinks | 1 | ||
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit | 0 | ||
ai_resume | If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step) will resume normal processing. | ||
ai_sequence_debug | 0 | ||
ai_set_move_height_epsilon | Set how high AI bumps up ground walkers when checking steps | ||
ai_setenabled | 0 | Like ai_disable but you manually specify the state (with a 0 or 1) instead of toggling it.
| |
ai_setupbones_debug | 0 | Shows that bones that are setup every think | |
ai_shot_bias | 1 | ||
ai_shot_bias_max | 1 | ||
ai_shot_bias_min | -1 | ||
ai_shot_stats | 0 | ||
ai_shot_stats_term | 1000 | ||
ai_show_connect | **Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Green, Blue, Cyan, Grey, Dark red, Bright red. See also [3] for more information. | ||
ai_show_connect_crawl | **Refer to ai_show_connect .
| ||
ai_show_connect_fly | **Refer to ai_show_connect .
| ||
ai_show_connect_jump | **Refer to ai_show_connect .
| ||
ai_show_graph_connect | **Toggles graph connection display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are connected to the selected node by the net graph will be drawn in red with magenta lines connecting to the selected node. Nodes that are not connected via the net graph from the selected node will be drawn in blue.[4] | ||
ai_show_grid | Draw a grid on the floor where looking. | ||
ai_show_hints | Displays all hints as small boxes: Blue - hint is available for use; Red - hint is currently being used by an NPC; Orange - Hint not being used by timed out; Grey - Hint has been disabled.[4] | ||
ai_show_hull | **Displays the allowed hulls between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Green - Ground movement; Blue - Jumping movement; Cyan - Flying movement; Magenta - Climbing movement.[4] | ||
ai_show_hull_attacks | 0 | ||
ai_show_node | Highlight the specified node | ||
ai_show_think_tolerance | 0 | ||
ai_show_visibility | Toggles visibility display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are visible from the selected node will be drawn in red with yellow lines connecting to the selected node. Nodes that are not visible from the selected node will be drawn in blue.[4] | ||
ai_simulate_task_overtime | 0 | ||
ai_spread_cone_focus_time | 0 | ||
ai_spread_defocused_cone_multiplier | 3 | ||
ai_spread_pattern_focus_time | 0 | ||
ai_step | NPCs will freeze after completing their current task. To complete the next task, use ai_step again. To resume processing normally use ai_resume .[4]
| ||
ai_strong_optimizations | 0 | ||
ai_strong_optimizations_no_checkstand | 0 | ||
ai_task_pre_script | 0 | ||
ai_test_los | Test AI LOS from the player's POV | ||
ai_test_moveprobe_ignoresmall | 0 | ||
ai_think_limit_label | 0 | ||
ai_use_clipped_paths | 1 | ||
ai_use_efficiency | 1 | ||
ai_use_frame_think_limits | 1 | ||
ai_use_think_optimizations | 1 | ||
ai_use_visibility_cache | 1 | ||
ai_vehicle_avoidance | 1 | Да | |
ainet_generate_report | Generate a report to the console. | ||
ainet_generate_report_only | Generate a report to the console. | ||
air_density | Changes the density of air for drag computations. | ||
alias | Псевдоним команды. | ||
all_pick_force_test | 0 | ||
-alt1 | |||
+alt1 | |||
-alt2 | |||
+alt2 | |||
anim_3wayblend | 1 | Toggle the 3-way animation blending code. | |
anim_showmainactivity | 0 | Да | Show the idle, walk, run, and/or sprint activities. |
askconnect_accept | Accept a redirect request by the server. | ||
asw_engine_finished_building_map | Notify engine that we've finished building a map. | ||
async_allow_held_files | 1 | Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead() | |
async_mode | 0 | Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous) | |
async_resume | |||
async_serialize | 0 | Force async reads to serialize for profiling | |
async_simulate_delay | 0 | Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation | |
async_suspend | |||
+attack | |||
-attack | |||
-attack2 | |||
+attack2 | |||
audit_save_in_memory | Audit the memory usage and files in the save-to-memory system | ||
autoaim_max_deflect | 0 | ||
autoaim_max_dist | 2160 | ||
autosave | Автосохранение | ||
autosavedangerous | Опасное автосохранение | ||
autosavedangerousissafe |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
-back | |||
+back | |||
banid | Add a user ID to the ban list. | ||
banip | Add an IP address to the ban list. | ||
bench_end | Ends gathering of info. | ||
bench_showstatsdialog | Shows a dialog displaying the most recent benchmark results. | ||
bench_start | Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into | ||
bench_upload | Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers. | ||
benchframe | Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo. | ||
bind | Bind a key. | ||
BindToggle | Performs a bind <key> 'increment var <cvar> 0 1 1' | ||
blackbox | 0 | ||
blackbox_dump | Dump the contents of the blackbox | ||
blackbox_record | Record an entry into the blackbox | ||
BlendBonesMode | 2 | ||
blink_duration | 0 | How many seconds an eye blink will last. | |
bot_mimic | 0 | Bot uses usercmd of player by index. | |
box | Draw a debug box. | ||
-break | |||
+break | |||
breakable_disable_gib_limit | 0 | ||
breakable_multiplayer | 1 | ||
broadcaster_openmenu | |||
buddha | Toggle. Player takes damage but won't die (Shows red cross when health is zero). | ||
budget | budget | ||
budget_averages_window | 30 | Number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes. | |
budget_background_alpha | 128 | How translucent the budget panel is. | |
budget_bargraph_background_alpha | 128 | How translucent the budget panel is. | |
budget_bargraph_range_ms | 16 | Budget bargraph range in milliseconds. | |
budget_history_numsamplesvisible | 100 | Number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
(incomplete description) | |
budget_history_range_ms | 66 | Budget history range in milliseconds | |
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction | 0 | Number between 0 and 1 | |
budget_panel_height | 384 | Height in pixels of the budget panel | |
budget_panel_width | 512 | Width in pixels of the budget panel | |
budget_panel_x | 0 | Number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel. | |
budget_panel_y | 50 | Number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel. | |
budget_peaks_window | 30 | Number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes. | |
budget_show_averages | 0 | Enable/disable averages in the budget panel. | |
budget_show_history | 1 | Turn history graph off and on. Good to turn off on low end. | |
budget_show_peaks | 1 | Enable/disable peaks in the budget panel. | |
budget_toggle_group | Turn a budget group on/off. | ||
bug | Show the bug reporting UI. | ||
bug_swap | Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again. | ||
bugreporter_console_bytes | 15000 | Max # of console bytes to put into bug report body (full text still attached). | |
bugreporter_includebsp | 1 | Include .bsp for internal bug submissions. | |
bugreporter_snapshot_delay | 0 | Frames to delay before taking snapshot. | |
bugreporter_uploadasync | 0 | Upload attachments asynchronously. | |
bugreporter_username | 0 | Username to use for bugreporter. | |
buildcubemaps | Rebuild cubemaps. | ||
building_cubemaps | 0 |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
c_maxdistance | 200 | ||
c_maxpitch | 90 | ||
c_maxyaw | 135 | ||
c_mindistance | 30 | ||
c_minpitch | 0 | ||
c_minyaw | -135 | ||
c_orthoheight | 100 | ||
c_orthowidth | 100 | ||
c_thirdpersonshoulder | 0 | ||
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist | 120 | ||
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist | 40 | ||
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight | 5 | ||
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset | 20 | ||
cache_print | cache_print [section]. Print out contents of cache memory. | ||
cache_print_lru | cache_print_lru [section]. Print out contents of cache memory. | ||
cache_print_summary | cache_print_summary [section]. Print out a summary contents of cache memory. | ||
cam_collision | 1 | When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls. | |
cam_command | Tells camera to change modes. | ||
cam_idealdelta | 4 | Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view. | |
cam_idealdist | 150 | ||
cam_ideallag | 4 | Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view. | |
cam_idealpitch | 0 | ||
cam_idealyaw | 0 | ||
cam_showangles | 0 | Да | When in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console. |
cam_snapto | 0 | ||
-camdistance | |||
+camdistance | |||
+cameragrip | |||
-cameragrip | |||
+camin | |||
-camin | |||
+cammousemove | |||
-cammousemove | |||
camortho | Switch to orthographic camera. | ||
-camout | |||
+camout | |||
+campitchdown | |||
-campitchdown | |||
+campitchup | |||
-campitchup | |||
+camyawleft | |||
-camyawleft | |||
+camyawright | |||
-camyawright | |||
can_show_full_ui | Check show full UI stat. | ||
cancelselect | |||
cc_captiontrace | 1 | Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud) | |
cast_hull | Tests hull collision detection. | ||
cast_ray | Tests collision detection. | ||
cc_captiontrace | 1 | Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud) | |
cc_emit | Emits a closed caption. | ||
cc_findsound | Searches for soundname which emits specified text. | ||
cc_flush | Flushes async'd captions. | ||
cc_lang | 0 | Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language). | |
cc_linger_time | 1 | Close caption linger time. | |
cc_minvisibleitems | 1 | Minimum number of caption items to show. | |
cc_norepeat | 5 | In multiplayer games don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds. | |
cc_predisplay_time | 0 | Close caption delay before showing caption. | |
cc_random | Emits a random caption | ||
cc_sentencecaptionnorepeat | 4 | How often a sentence can repeat. | |
cc_showblocks | Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async. | ||
cc_showmissing | 0 | Show missing closecaption entries. | |
cc_subtitles | 0 | If set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players). | |
centerview | |||
ch_createairboat | Spawn airboat in front of the player. | ||
ch_createjeep | Spawn jeep in front of the player. | ||
changelevel | Change server to the specified map. | ||
changelevel2 | Transition to the specified map in single player. | ||
chat_channel_debug | Print members of a chat channel. | ||
chat_clear | Clears all chat history. | ||
chat_dump_channels | |||
chat_join | Join a chat channel. | ||
chat_leave | Leave a chat channel. | ||
chat_say | Send a message to the specified channel. | ||
chat_sound | 0 | If enabled play sound when receiving chat messages. | |
chat_wheel_phrase_0 | 8 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_1 | 1 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_2 | 2 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_3 | 3 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_4 | 4 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_5 | 5 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_6 | 6 | ||
chat_wheel_phrase_7 | 7 | ||
+chatwheel | Opens chatwheel menu while held. | ||
-chatwheel | Executes the highlighted chatwheel menu item. | ||
chatwheel_say | Send a chatwheel message. Usage: chatwheel_say <messagenum>
| ||
chet_debug_idle | 0 | 1 = many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. 2 = super verbose info. | |
circle_paintsplat_alpha_offset | 1 | Да | Alpha offset from max radius of the splat circle, -1 = no offset |
circle_paintsplat_bias | 0 | Да | Change bias value for computing circle buffer. |
circle_paintsplat_enabled | 1 | Да | |
circle_paintsplat_max_alpha_noise | 128 | Да | Max noise value of circle alpha. |
circle_paintsplat_noise_enabled | 1 | Да | |
circle_paintsplat_radius | 4 | Да | Change the radius of circle in paintmap. |
cl_aggregate_particles | 1 | ||
cl_allowdownload | 1 | Client downloads customization files. | |
cl_allowupload | 1 | Client uploads customization files. | |
cl_ambient_light_disableentities | 0 | Disable map ambient light entities. | |
cl_anglespeedkey | 0 | ||
cl_animationinfo | Hud element to examine. | ||
cl_backspeed | 450 | Да | |
cl_biofeedback_collection_window | 120 | Number of seconds of biofeedback data to use in human player excitement calculation. | |
cl_blobulator_freezing_max_metaball_radius | 12 | Setting this can create more complex surfaces on large hitboxes at the cost of performance. | |
cl_blurClearAlpha | 0 | 0-255, but 0 has errors at the moment. | |
cl_blurDebug | 0 | ||
cl_blurPasses | 1 | ||
cl_blurTapSize | 0 | ||
cl_burninggibs | 0 | A burning player that gibs has burning gibs. | |
cl_cache_sendtable | 1 | Cache sendtables. | |
cl_camera_follow_bone_index | -2 | Да | Index of the bone to follow. -2 = disabled. -1 = root bone. 0+ is bone index. |
cl_chat_active | 0 | ||
cl_chatfilters | 31 | Stores the chat filter settings. | |
cl_class | 0 | Default class when joining a game. | |
cl_clearhinthistory | Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player. | ||
cl_clock_correction | 1 | Да | Enable/disable clock correction on the client. |
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount | 200 | Да | **Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount if the difference between the client and server clock is equal to or larger than cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset [5]
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset | 90 | Да | **As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards applying cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount of adjustment. That way, the response is small when the offset is small.[5]
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset | 10 | Да | If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied. |
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick | 999 | Да | Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it). |
cl_clock_showdebuginfo | 0 | Да | Show debugging info about the clock drift. |
cl_clockdrift_max_ms | 150 | Да | Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's. |
cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode | 0 | Да | Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's. |
cl_cmdrate | 30 | Max number of command packets sent to server per second. **Additional notes: cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are clamped between 20 - 40 on server side. Modifying this value outside the range will yield no additional benefit to the network connection between the server and client. [6]
| |
cl_colorfastpath | 0 | ||
cl_customsounds | 0 | Enable customized player sound playback. | |
cl_demoviewoverride | 0 | Override view during demo playback. | |
cl_detail_multiplier | 1 | Да | Extra details to create. |
cl_detaildist | 1024 | Distance at which detail props are no longer visible. | |
cl_detailfade | 400 | Distance across which detail props fade in. | |
cl_disable_ragdolls | 0 | Да | |
cl_disable_water_render_targets | 0 | ||
cl_dota_cd_captain_pick_time | 10 | Да | |
cl_dota_cm_captain_pick_time | 10 | Да | |
cl_dota_dump_econ_item_stringtable | |||
cl_dota_dump_modifier_stringtable | |||
cl_dota_showents | Dump entity list to console. | ||
cl_dota_speech_announcer_holiday | 0 | Set to enable special seasonal announcer | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_ancientattack | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'your ancient is under attack' lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_barracksattack | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'your rax is under attack' lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_barracksfalls | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'your rax has fallen' lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_enemybasefalls | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'enemy's tower/rax has fallen' lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_idles | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing announcers' idle lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_towerattack | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'your tower is under attack' lines. | |
cl_dota_speech_spec_towerfalls | 1 | Set to 0 to prevent hearing 'your tower has fallen' lines. | |
cl_downloadfilter | 0 | Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all, , nosounds) | |
cl_drawhud | 1 | Да | Enable the rendering of the HUD. |
cl_drawleaf | -1 | Да | |
cl_drawmaterial | 0 | Да | Draw a particular material over the frame. |
cl_drawmonitors | 1 | ||
cl_drawshadowtexture | 0 | Да | |
cl_dump_particle_stats | dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv .
| ||
cl_dumpplayer | Dumps info about a player. | ||
cl_dumpsplithacks | Dump split screen workarounds. | ||
cl_ejectbrass | 1 | ||
cl_enable_remote_splitscreen | 0 | Allows viewing of nonlocal players in a split screen fashion. | |
cl_ent_absbox | Displays the client's absbox for the entity under the crosshair. | ||
cl_ent_bbox | Displays the client's bounding box for the entity under the crosshair. | ||
cl_ent_rbox | Displays the client's render box for the entity under the crosshair. | ||
cl_entityreport | 0 | Да | For debugging, draw entity states to console. |
cl_extrapolate | 0 | Да | Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out. |
cl_extrapolate_amount | 0 | Да | Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for. |
cl_fastdetailsprites | 1 | Да | Whether to use new detail sprite system |
cl_fasttempentcollision | 5 | ||
cl_find_ent | Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring. Format: cl_find_ent <substring>
| ||
cl_find_ent_index | Display data for clientside entity matching specified index. Format: cl_find_ent_index <index>
| ||
cl_flushentitypacket | 0 | Да | For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet. |
cl_forcepreload | 0 | Whether we should force preloading. | |
cl_forwardspeed | 450 | Да | |
cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights | 1 | ||
cl_fullupdate | Forces the server to send a full update packet | ||
cl_globallight_debug | 0 | ||
cl_globallight_depth_bias | -999 | ||
cl_globallight_expansion | 200 | ||
cl_globallight_freeze | 0 | ||
cl_globallight_orig_calc_frustum | 1 | ||
cl_globallight_shadow_mode | 2 | ||
cl_globallight_slope_scale_depth_bias | -999 | ||
cl_globallight_use_alt_focus_region | 0 | ||
cl_globallight_use_optimized_calc_frustum | 1 | ||
cl_globallight_world_bottom_height | 0 | ||
cl_globallight_world_top_height | 1060 | ||
cl_idealpitchscale | 0 | ||
cl_ignorepackets | 0 | Да | Force client to ignore packets (for debugging). |
cl_inspect | Dump information on all script entities with a given name. You can also specify by number. | ||
cl_interp | 0 | Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings). | |
cl_interp_all | 0 | Disable interpolation list optimizations. | |
cl_interp_hermite | 1 | Да | Set to zero do disable hermite interpolation. |
cl_interp_npcs | 0 | Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past (or cl_interp , if greater)
| |
cl_interp_ratio | 2 | Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio/ cl_updaterate ).
| |
cl_interp_threadmodeticks | 0 | Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set. | |
cl_jiggle_bone_debug | 0 | Да | Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information. |
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints | 0 | Да | Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information. |
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints | 0 | Да | Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information. |
cl_jiggle_bone_invert | 0 | Да | |
cl_jiggle_bone_sanity | 1 | Prevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability. | |
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck | 0 | Player index of other player to check for position errors. | |
cl_lagcompensation | 1 | Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. | |
cl_language | 0 | Language (from Steam API). | |
cl_leafsystemvis | 0 | Да | |
cl_leveloverview | 0 | Да | |
cl_leveloverviewmarker | 0 | Да | |
cl_logofile | 0 | Spraypoint logo decal. | |
cl_maxrenderable_dist | 3000 | Да | Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered |
cl_modelfastpath | 1 | ||
cl_mouseenable | 1 | ||
cl_mouselook | 1 | Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server. | |
cl_observercrosshair | 1 | ||
cl_overdraw_test | 0 | Да | |
cl_panelanimation | blank for all panels>. | ||
cl_particle_batch_mode | 1 | ||
cl_particle_fallback_base | 4 | Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load. | |
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier | 0 | Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load. | |
cl_particle_forceinstantiate | 0 | Да | Force effects to simulate when far off screen. |
cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier | 5 | How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the
| |
cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms | 6 | Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions. | |
cl_particle_simulate | 1 | Да | Enables/Disables Particle Simulation |
cl_particles_dump_effects | |||
cl_particles_dumplist | Dump all new particles, optional name substring. | ||
cl_particles_show_bbox | 0 | Да | |
cl_particles_show_controlpoints | 0 | Да | |
cl_pclass | 0 | Да | Dump entity by prediction classname. |
cl_pdump | -1 | Да | Dump info about this entity to screen. |
cl_phys_block_dist | 1 | ||
cl_phys_block_fraction | 0 | ||
cl_phys_maxticks | 3 | Sets the max number of physics ticks allowed for client-side physics (ragdolls). | |
cl_phys_timescale | 1 | Да | Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls). |
cl_pitchdown | 89 | Да | |
cl_pitchspeed | 225 | ||
cl_pitchup | 89 | Да | |
cl_playback_screenshots | 0 | Allows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos. | |
cl_playerspraydisable | 0 | Disable player sprays. | |
cl_precacheinfo | Show precache info (client). | ||
cl_pred_doresetlatch | 1 | ||
cl_pred_error_verbose | 0 | Show more field info when spewing prediction errors. | |
cl_pred_optimize | 2 | Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2) | |
cl_pred_track | <entindex> <fieldname>: Track changes to entity index entindex, for field fieldname. | ||
cl_predict | 0 | Да | Perform client side prediction. |
cl_predictioncopy_describe | Describe datamap_t for entindex | ||
cl_predictionlist | 0 | Да | Show which entities are predicting |
cl_predictweapons | 1 | Perform client side prediction of weapon effects. | |
cl_ragdoll_collide | 0 | ||
cl_ragdoll_gravity | 386 | Да | Sets the gravity client-side ragdolls. |
cl_removedecals | Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair. | ||
cl_report_soundpatch | Reports client-side sound patch count. | ||
cl_resend | 6 | Delay in seconds before the client will resend the connect attempt.
| |
cl_retire_low_priority_lights | 0 | Low priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones. | |
cl_rr_reloadresponsesystems | Reload all response system scripts. | ||
cl_screenshotname | 0 | Custom Screenshot name | |
cl_script | Run the text as a script. | ||
cl_script_execute | Run a vscript file. | ||
cl_sendtable_cache_filename | 0 | Send tables cache file. | |
cl_SetupAllBones | 0 | ||
cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize | 512 | Да | |
cl_shadowtextureoverlayx | 200 | Да | |
cl_shadowtextureoverlayy | 100 | Да | |
cl_show_bounds_errors | 0 | ||
cl_show_clientmessage | 0 | Show protobuf client messages. | |
cl_show_splashes | 1 | ||
cl_show_usermessage | 0 | Shows the incoming user messages for this client and dumps them out the type and size of the messages to the console. Setting t (incomplete description) | |
cl_showanimstate_activities | 1 | Да | Show activities in the (client) animation state display. |
cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts | 0 | Show which entities are having their bones setup each frame. | |
cl_showdemooverlay | 0 | How often to flash demo recording/playback overlay (0 - disable overlay, -1 - show always) | |
cl_showents | Dump entity list to console. | ||
cl_showerror | 0 | Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas. | |
cl_showevents | 0 | Да | Print event firing info in the console |
cl_showfps | 0 | Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps, 3 = server MS, 4 = Show FPS and Log to file ) | |
cl_showhelp | 1 | Set to 0 to not show on-screen help | |
cl_showncustomtabhelp | 0 | ||
cl_showpausedimage | 1 | Show the 'Paused' image when game is paused. | |
cl_showpluginmessages | 1 | Allow plugins to display messages to you | |
cl_showpos | 0 | Draw current position at top of screen | |
cl_ShowSunVectors | 0 | ||
cl_showtextmsg | 1 | Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen. | |
cl_sidespeed | 450 | Да | |
cl_simdbones | 0 | Use SIMD bone setup. | |
cl_singleplayernetworkbackdoor | 0 | Enable network optimizations for single player games. | |
cl_skipfastpath | 0 | Да | Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering. |
cl_skipslowpath | 0 | Да | Set to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path. |
cl_smooth | 1 | Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors. | |
cl_smoothtime | 0 | Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds. | |
cl_sos_test_get_opvar | |||
cl_sos_test_set_opvar | |||
cl_soundemitter_flush | Flushes the sounds.txt system (client only). | ||
cl_soundfile | 0 | Jingle sound file. | |
cl_soundscape_flush | Flushes the client side soundscapes. | ||
cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo | Print soundscapes. | ||
cl_spec_mode | 1 | Spectator mode. | |
cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor | 0 | Rate multiplier when connected via hltv. | |
cl_spectator_interp_ratio | 2 | When connected to hltv or playing a demo, adjust the interp time by this ratio. | |
cl_sporeclipdistance | 512 | Да | |
cl_ss_origin | print origin in script format | ||
cl_sun_decay_rate | 0 | Да | |
cl_sunlight_depthbias | 0 | ||
cl_sunlight_ortho_size | 0 | Да | Set to values greater than 0 for ortho view render projections. |
cl_team | 0 | Default team when joining a game | |
cl_threaded_bone_setup | 0 | Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones()
| |
cl_threaded_init | 0 | ||
cl_timeout | 30 | After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself. | |
cl_tlucfastpath | 1 | ||
cl_tracer_whiz_distance | 72 | ||
cl_trade_steamid | Trade with a person by Steam ID. | ||
cl_tree_sway_dir | Sets tree sway wind direction and strength. | ||
cl_updaterate | 30 | Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server. **Additional notes: cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are clamped between 20 - 40 on server side. Modifying this value outside the range will yield no additional benefit to the network connection between the server and client. [6]
| |
cl_updatevisibility | Updates visibility bits. | ||
cl_upspeed | 320 | Да | |
cl_use_simd_bones | 1 | 1 use SIMD bones, 0 use scalar bones. | |
cl_view | Set the view entity index. | ||
cl_voice_buffer_time | 0 | Amount of time between receiving voice data and playing the audio. | |
cl_voice_filter | 0 | Filter voice by name substring. | |
cl_voice_hltv_buffer_time | 1 | Amount of time between receiving voice data and playing the audio when watching HLTV. | |
cl_voice_team_filter | -1 | Filter voice by team index. | |
cl_winddir | 0 | Да | Weather effects wind direction angle. |
cl_windspeed | 0 | Да | Weather effects wind speed scalar. |
cl_yawspeed | 210 | ||
clear | Clear all console output. | ||
clear_debug_overlays | Clears debug overlays. | ||
clientport | 27005 | Host game client port | |
clientportany | 0 | If set, use system allocated port. | |
closecaption | 0 | Enable close captioning. | |
cloth_debug | 0 | ||
cloth_editor | cloth_editor | ||
cloth_force | Creates a test force | ||
cloth_max_force | 5000 | ||
cloth_reload | Reload cloth files | ||
cloth_simulate | 1 | ||
cloth_static | Set cloth to a static pose | ||
cloth_test | 1 | ||
cloth_update | 1 | ||
cmd | Forward command to server. | ||
cmd1 | Sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1. | ||
cmd2 | Sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2. | ||
cmd3 | Sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3. | ||
cmd4 | Sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4. | ||
coach_toggle_studentview | Toggle in and out of in-perspective view of your student. Toggling in will return to the student you were last in the perspective. | ||
col_viz | Collision visualizer commands. | ||
collision_shake_amp | 0 | ||
collision_shake_freq | 0 | ||
collision_shake_time | 0 | ||
collision_test | 0 | Tests collision system. | |
colorcorrectionui | Show/hide the color correction tools UI. | ||
combine_disp_images | combine_disp_images | ||
+commandermousemove | |||
-commandermousemove | |||
commentary | 0 | Desired commentary mode state. | |
commentary_available | 0 | Automatically set by the game when a commentary file is available for the current map. | |
commentary_cvarsnotchanging | |||
commentary_finishnode | |||
commentary_firstrun | 0 | ||
commentary_showmodelviewer | Display the commentary model viewer. Usage: commentary_showmodelviewer <model name> <optional attached model name>
| ||
commentary_testfirstrun | |||
con_drawnotify | 1 | Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots). | |
con_enable | 0 | Allows the console to be activated. | |
con_filter_enable | 0 | Filters console output based on the setting of con_filter_text. 1 filters completely, 2 displays filtered text brighter than ot (incomplete description) | |
con_filter_text | 0 | Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate. | |
con_filter_text_out | 0 | Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate. | |
con_logfile | 0 | Console output gets written to this file. | |
con_notifytime | 8 | How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window. | |
con_nprint_bgalpha | 50 | Con_NPrint background alpha. | |
con_nprint_bgborder | 5 | Con_NPrint border size. | |
con_timestamp | 0 | Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
| |
con_trace | 0 | Print console text to low level printout. | |
condump | dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
| ||
connect | Connect to specified server. | ||
contimes | 8 | Number of console lines to overlay for debugging. | |
coop | 0 | Cooperative play. | |
cpu_level | 0 | CPU Level - Default: High. | |
crash | Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!). | ||
crash_assert | 0 | Да | Modifies all crash_* commands to trigger an assertion failure. 0 = off, 1 = assert then crash, 2 = assert and skip the crash. |
crash_error | Cause the engine to crash by spewing an error (Debug!!). | ||
crash_job | Cause the engine to crash in a job thread (Debug!!). | ||
crash_thread | Cause the engine to crash in a brand new non-main thread (Debug!!) | ||
create_flashlight | |||
CreatePredictionError | Create a prediction error. | ||
creditsdone | |||
crosshair | 1 | ||
cvarlist | Show the list of convars/concommands. | ||
cw_alignment | 0 | ||
cw_image_height | 12 | ||
cw_image_width | 12 | ||
cw_vspace | -8 |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
das_max_z_trace_length | 72 | Maximum height of player and still test for adsp. | |
das_process_overhang_spaces | 0 | ||
datacachesize | 32 | Size in MB. | |
dbghist_addline | Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>. | ||
dbghist_dump | Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id>. Categories: 0 - Entity I/O, 1 - AI Decisions, 2 - Sc (incomplete description) | ||
deathmatch | 0 | Running a deathmatch server. | |
debug_circle_splat | 0 | Да | |
debug_materialmodifycontrol | 0 | ||
debug_materialmodifycontrol_client | 0 | ||
debug_overlay_fullposition | 0 | ||
debug_paint_seam | 0 | Да | |
debug_physimpact | 0 | ||
debugsystemui | Да | Show/hide the debug system UI. | |
decalfrequency | 10 | ||
default_fov | 90 | Да | |
demo_analyze | 0 | Да | |
demo_analyze_all | Runs demo_analyze on all demo files found in the dota/demo_analysis/ directory.
| ||
demo_analyze_running | 0 | Да | |
demo_avellimit | 2000 | Angular velocity limit before eyes considered snapped for demo playback. | |
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed | 20 | Go this fast when starting to hold FF button. | |
demo_fastforwardramptime | 5 | How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed. | |
demo_fastforwardstartspeed | 2 | Go this fast when starting to hold FF button. | |
demo_goto | Skips to location in demo. | ||
demo_gototick | Skips to a tick in demo. | ||
demo_info | Print information about currently playing demo. | ||
demo_interplimit | 4000 | How much origin velocity before it's considered to have 'teleported' causing interpolation to reset. | |
demo_interpolateview | 1 | Do view interpolation during dem playback. | |
demo_pause | Pauses demo playback. | ||
demo_pauseatservertick | 0 | Pauses demo playback at server tick. | |
demo_quitafterplayback | 0 | Quits game after demo playback. | |
demo_recordcommands | 1 | Да | Record commands typed at console into .dem files. |
demo_resume | Resumes demo playback. | ||
demo_timescale | Sets demo replay speed. | ||
demo_togglepause | Toggles demo playback. | ||
demo_usefastgoto | 1 | Use fast frame skipping when available for demo_goto commands.
| |
demo_writefullupdate_rate | 60 | Interval time in seconds to write full updates to demo. | |
demolist | Print demo sequence list. | ||
demos | Demo demo file sequence. | ||
dev_simulate_gcdown | <state> Turn on/off simulated GC communications failure (GC is down in a way that we know it is down). | ||
dev_simulate_gcdown_server | <state> Turn on/off simulated GC communications failure (GC is down in a way that we know it is down). | ||
developer | 0 | Set developer message level | |
devshots_nextmap | Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist. | ||
devshots_screenshot | Used by the -makedevshots system to take a screenshot. For taking your own screenshots, use the screenshot command instead.
| ||
differences | Show all convars which are not at their default values. | ||
diretide_password | 0 | Password used to find diretide matches. | |
disable_static_prop_loading | 0 | Да | If non-zero when a map loads, static props won't be loaded. |
disconnect | Disconnect game from server. | ||
disp_dynamic | 0 | ||
dispcoll_drawplane | 0 | ||
display_elapsedtime | Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started. | ||
display_game_events | 0 | Да | |
displaysoundlist | |||
dlight_debug | Creates a dlight in front of the player. | ||
dota_ability_autocast | |||
dota_ability_debug | 0 | Да | |
dota_ability_dump_refcounts | Dumps the modifier refcounts of all hero abilities. | ||
-dota_ability_execute | |||
+dota_ability_execute | |||
dota_ability_execute | |||
dota_ability_learn_mode | Enter the mode where ability points can be spent. | ||
dota_ability_legacy_mode_quick_cast | 0 | ||
dota_ability_quick_cast | 1 | ||
dota_ability_quickcast | |||
dota_ability_refcount_modifiers | 0 | Да | |
dota_ability_self_cast_timeout | 0 | Maximum time between clicks to execute self-cast before a timeout. | |
dota_all_vision | 0 | Да | |
dota_allow_clientside_entities | 1 | ||
dota_allow_clientside_particles | 1 | ||
dota_allow_invalid_orders | 0 | Да | |
dota_allow_orders_while_paused | 0 | Да | |
dota_allow_pause_in_match | 1 | Allow players to pause in matchmade games. | |
dota_always_show_player_names | 0 | Всегда отображать ники игроков. | |
dota_ambient_creatures | 1 | ||
dota_ambient_creatures_pop | 1 | ||
dota_animation_force_modifier | 0 | ||
dota_animation_run | |||
dota_announcer_idle_speech_deathwait | 45 | Да | This many seconds must pass after a hero dies for an announcer to consider saying idle lines. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_debug | 0 | Да | If true print debug information about why announcers do or do not idle. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_herodamage_limit | 250 | Да | If any hero has taken more than this many hitpoints of damage recently no idles play. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_herodamage_window | 45 | Yes | If any hero has taken more than dota_announcer_idle_speech_herodamage_limit hitpoints of damage in
this many seconds no idles. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_interval | 240 | Да | After an announcer has said an idle line another can't play for at least this many seconds. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_minwait | 20 | Да | Announcers won't say idle speech unless at least this many seconds passed since the last time they said something. |
dota_announcer_idle_speech_starttime | 240 | Да | This many seconds must have passed since start of game before announcers poll for idle speech. |
dota_apm | |||
dota_auto_connect | 0 | Automatically connect to the specified server forever | |
dota_auto_create_proxy | 0 | Automatically create a proxy | |
dota_autoselect_bots | 0 | Да | If set, new bots will be autoselected. This is for the item icon editor. |
dota_autoselect_entity | 0 | Да | If set, new bots of the given type will be autoselected. This is for the item icon editor. |
dota_bio_debug | 0 | Show SCL value in UI | |
dota_bot_chat_throttle_duration | 4 | ||
dota_bot_client_debug | 0 | Draw some basic client-side debug info for each hero. | |
dota_bot_debug_assemble | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_debug_clear | Disables all bot debugging. | ||
dota_bot_debug_clear_all | Disables all bot debugging. | ||
dota_bot_debug_grid | 0 | ||
dota_bot_debug_grid_cycle | Cycles through grid modes. | ||
dota_bot_debug_lanes | 0 | ||
dota_bot_debug_minimap | 0 | ||
dota_bot_debug_minimap_cycle | Cycles through different minimap debug modes. | ||
dota_bot_debug_overview | 0 | ||
dota_bot_debug_overview_toggle | Toggles overview of all bot status | ||
dota_bot_debug_path | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_debug_path_avg | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_debug_path_draw | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_debug_pathing | 0 | ||
dota_bot_debug_potential_location | 0 | ||
dota_bot_disable | 1 | Да | |
dota_bot_disable_test | 0 | ||
dota_bot_disconnect_player | Disconnects the player owner of all bots | ||
dota_bot_dump_state | Dumps the entire bot state to the client | ||
dota_bot_failed_pathfind_warnings | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_force_pick | 0 | ||
dota_bot_give_gold | Gives all bots the specified amount of gold. | ||
dota_bot_give_item | Creates an item for all bots. | ||
dota_bot_give_level | Gives all bots the specified number of levels. | ||
dota_bot_level | 0 | If set,bots will be set to the level specified with appropriate gold on game start. | |
dota_bot_match_difficulty | 2 | Difficulty to play coop bot matches against. | |
dota_bot_match_game_modes | 2 | Bit masks of game modes to search for in co-op bot matchmaking. | |
dota_bot_mode | 0 | ||
dota_bot_populate | Populates the remaining slots with bots. | ||
dota_bot_potential_debug | Displays potential locations for this bot. | ||
dota_bot_practice_difficulty | 1 | Default difficulty for quick bot practice games. | |
dota_bot_practice_gamemode | 1 | Default game mode for bot practice games, AP = 1. | |
dota_bot_practice_start | 0 | Whether to start a local game when the map loads. | |
dota_bot_practice_team | 0 | Default team for quick bot practice games. | |
dota_bot_purchase_item_enable | 1 | ||
dota_bot_select_debug | Displays general bot debugging information. | ||
dota_bot_select_debug_gank | Displays gank bot debugging information. | ||
dota_bot_set_difficulty | Sets all bots to a particular difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = unfair). | ||
dota_bot_takeover_disconnected | 0 | Да | |
dota_bot_tutorial_boss | 1 | ||
dota_broadcast_debug | 0 | ||
dota_broadcaster_channel_country_name | 0 | Broadcaster channel country name. | |
dota_broadcaster_channel_description | 0 | Broadcaster channel description. | |
dota_building_defended_radius | 800 | Да | |
dota_building_health_loss_warn_interval | 9 | Да | Minimum seconds between announcer warning a particular building is under attack. |
dota_button_fade_in_time | 0 | ||
dota_button_ready_fade_time | 0 | ||
dota_button_ready_start_alpha | 100 | ||
dota_button_unlearned_saturation | 0 | ||
dota_camera_alternative | ? | Удалена из игры | |
dota_camera_accelerate | 50 | ||
dota_camera_center | Центрировать камеру на герое. | ||
dota_camera_disable_yaw | 1 | ||
dota_camera_disable_zoom | 0 | Приближение на колесико мыши | |
dota_camera_distance | 1200 | Да | |
dota_camera_drag_speed | 1 | ||
dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag | 1 | ||
dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_drag | 0 | ||
dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_inverse | 0 | ||
dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_max_speed | 25 | ||
dota_camera_drag_speed | 1 | ||
dota_camera_edgemove | 1 | ||
-dota_camera_follow | |||
+dota_camera_follow | |||
dota_camera_follow_doublepress_time | 0 | ||
dota_camera_getpos | Gets the camera position | ||
dota_camera_heightmap | 1 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_camera_height_percentage | 0 | % of the hero's hitbox height. | |
dota_camera_hero_inspector_camera_lookat_height_percentage | 0 | % of the hero's hitbox height. | |
dota_camera_hero_inspector_dist_max | 1000 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_dist_min | 150 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_drag_scale | 1 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_drag_speed_const | 100 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_drag_yaw_max | 89 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_drag_yaw_min | -60 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_duration | 0 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fog_end_max | 2200 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fog_end_min | 1700 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fog_start_max | 1200 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fog_start_min | 500 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fov_default | 60 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fov_max | 80 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fov_min | 50 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_direction_multiplier | 0 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_frametime_multiplier | 2 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_process_interval | 0 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_speed_const | 3 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_zfar_max | 4000 | ||
dota_camera_hero_inspector_zfar_min | 3500 | ||
dota_camera_lerp_duration | 2 | ||
dota_camera_listening_offset | 700 | ||
dota_camera_lock | 0 | **Centers the camera on the currently selected unit. The camera can no longer be moved around with moving the mouse to the edges of the screen. If another unit gets selected, the camera centers on this unit. There is no camera smoothing in this mode, which means that the camera will instantly follow if the unit ports around. | |
dota_camera_lock_mouse_lead | 220 | ||
dota_camera_lock_view_helper | 1 | ||
dota_camera_lock_view_helper_ratio | 0 | ||
dota_camera_reverse | 0 | ||
dota_camera_setpos | Sets the camera position. | ||
dota_camera_sixense_center_on_hero | 0 | ||
dota_camera_sixense_grab_speed | 3 | ||
dota_camera_sixense_invert_grab | 1 | ||
dota_camera_sixense_invert_pan | 0 | ||
dota_camera_sixense_pan_expo | 1 | ||
dota_camera_sixense_pan_speed | 4000 | ||
dota_camera_smart_follow_drag_distance | 500 | ||
dota_camera_smart_follow_edge_distance | 500 | ||
dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_reset | 8 | ||
dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_time | 1 | ||
dota_camera_smooth_count | 8 | ||
dota_camera_smooth_distance | 96 | ||
dota_camera_smooth_enable | 1 | ||
dota_camera_smooth_sample_timer | 0 | ||
dota_camera_smooth_time | 0 | ||
dota_camera_spectate_distance | 1600 | Да | |
dota_camera_speed | 3000 | Скорость прокрутки камеры по краю экрана. | |
dota_camera_stage_fov | 15 | ||
dota_camera_stage_pitch | 0 | ||
dota_camera_stage_rotate | 0 | ||
dota_camera_stage_x | 25 | ||
dota_camera_stage_y | -600 | ||
dota_camera_stage_yaw | 90 | ||
dota_camera_stage_z | 225 | ||
dota_camera_yaw_rotate_hold_time | 1 | ||
dota_camera_yaw_rotate_speed | 0 | ||
dota_cancel_GG | |||
dota_cd_captain_pick_time | 10 | Да | |
dota_cd_pick_time | 150 | Да | |
dota_cd_pool_size | 24 | Да | |
dota_center_message | Да | Show a message in the center of the screen. | |
dota_chat_test | 0 | Print some text to the chat. | |
dota_cheap_water | 0 | ||
dota_clickmove_instant_restart | 0 | Show clicks in the world in alternate manner. | |
dota_client_filesystem_warnings | 0 | Set fs_warning_level and fs_warning_mode to warn on synchronous file warnings.
| |
dota_cm_captain_pick_time | 10 | Да | |
dota_cm_claim_hero_test | |||
dota_cm_setup_test | |||
dota_combatlog_dump | |||
dota_combatlog_summary | |||
dota_combatlog_update | |||
dota_combine_models | 1 | ||
dota_commander_report | Prints a snapshot of the commander's state. | ||
dota_companion_enable | 0 | ||
dota_competitive_game_modes | 65536 | Bit masks of game modes to search for in ranked matchmaking. | |
+dota_control_group | |||
-dota_control_group | |||
dota_courier_burst | Hey courier, go go go! | ||
dota_courier_deliver | Hey courier, bring me my stuff. | ||
dota_create_bot_wearing_item | Creates a bot wearing a given item def index. | ||
dota_create_bot_wearing_set | Creates a bot wearing a given set of items from a bundle object. | ||
dota_create_fake_clients | Populates the remaining slots with fake clients. | ||
dota_create_hero_model | Creates a hero model. | ||
dota_create_item | Creates an item for the selected unit. | ||
dota_create_lan_lobby | Create a LAN lobby. | ||
dota_create_modified_unit | Creates a unit with a mesh modifier. | ||
dota_create_neutral_hero | Creates a unit. | ||
dota_create_unit | Creates a unit. | ||
dota_credits_fade_delay | 1 | ||
dota_credits_fade_time | 2 | ||
dota_credits_interval | 2 | ||
dota_credits_scroll_time | 23 | ||
dota_creep_stack_nearby_hero_radius | 3000 | ||
dota_creeps_no_spawning | 0 | Да | |
dota_custom_channels | 0 | List of custom channels to join on startup. | |
dota_custom_game_win_score | 11 | ||
dota_cycle_selected | |||
dota_damage_flash | 1 | Flash when enemies take damage from the player. | |
dota_dashboard | 0 | Enable dota dashboard. | |
dota_dead_unit_delete_time | 1 | Да | |
dota_dead_unit_disappear_time | 4 | Да | |
dota_debug_global_light | 0 | Да | |
dota_debug_location_x | 0 | ||
dota_debug_location_y | 0 | ||
dota_debug_rewardanim | Test a reward animation. Parameter should be the item ID of the item to display. | ||
dota_debug_so_cache | 0 | Log SO cache messages. | |
dota_debug_stuck | 0 | Да | |
dota_debug_today_message_sorting | 0 | Print out unsorted and sorted today messages to the console. | |
dota_default_gold | 625 | Да | |
dota_demo_mode | 0 | ||
dota_demo_mode_time | 15 | ||
dota_dev | DotA dev commands | ||
dota_director_debug | 0 | ||
dota_director_shoulder_view_chance | 10 | ||
dota_disable_bot_lane | 0 | ||
dota_disable_mid_lane | 0 | ||
dota_disable_range_finder | 0 | **Value "1" makes you see the range of your skills by hovering their icons. Value "0" makes them visible while selecting target. | |
dota_disable_showcase_view_button | 0 | Disable the Showcase View button unless sv_cheats is enabled.
| |
dota_disable_top_lane | 0 | ||
dota_disable_unit_ring | 0 | ||
dota_dump_all_player_stats | |||
dota_dump_bot_state | |||
dota_dump_buff_message_count | |||
dota_dump_creep_stats | Displays stats on creep denies/lasthits/kills. | ||
dota_dump_inventory | |||
dota_dump_keybindings | 0 | ||
dota_dump_server_inventory | |||
dota_dump_tournament | Dump tournament state | ||
dota_easy_mode | 0 | ||
dota_econ_randomiseitems | Randomises the items on the hero under your cursor. | ||
dota_effective_creep_spawn_time | 0 | Да | If non-zero, the time the creep spawner uses for deciding what to spawn. |
dota_embers | 1 | ||
dota_endgame_cinematic_disable | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_b | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_b_cb | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_g | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_g_cb | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_r | 0 | ||
dota_enemy_color_r_cb | 1 | ||
dota_entity_count_grace_threshold | 128 | Number of entities to reserve when we're getting close to the limit. Stops some entities from spawning. | |
dota_equip_fan_item | |||
dota_fake_battle_bonus | 0 | Да | |
dota_fanfare_disable | 0 | ||
dota_fantasy_draft_early_entry_time | 5 | Да | Time displayed for how early you can enter a fantasy draft before it begins. |
dota_fantasy_stat_update_interval | 10 | Да | How often the server updates the GC with player fantasy stats. |
dota_fill_empty_slots_with_bots | 0 | Set automatically by matchmaking to fill slots with bots. | |
dota_find_source_tv_games | Request game news from the GC. | ||
dota_force_bot_cycle | 0 | Set automatically by matchmaking to fill slots with bots. | |
dota_force_cooldown | 0 | ||
dota_force_end_scores | 0 | Да | |
dota_force_gamemode | 1 | Force the game mode to a specific one. AP = 1, CM = 2, RD = 3, SD = 4, INTRO = 6, HW = 7, REVERSE CM = 8, XMAS = 9. | |
dota_force_night | 0 | Да | |
dota_force_pick_allow | 0 | ||
dota_force_right_click_attack | 0 | Позволяет добивать союзных крипов/героев правой кнопкой мыши | |
dota_force_upload_match_stats | 0 | Да | If enabled, server will upload match stats even when there aren't human players on each side. |
dota_fountain_idle_minimum_time | 600 | How long into the game we need to be before we boot players for being intentionally idle. | |
dota_fow_grid_size | 64 | ||
dota_free_camera | 0 | ||
dota_free_ids | Shows next free ID for items, abilities and heroes. | ||
dota_friendly_color_b | 0 | ||
dota_friendly_color_b_cb | 1 | ||
dota_friendly_color_g | 0 | ||
dota_friendly_color_g_cb | 0 | ||
dota_friendly_color_r | 0 | ||
dota_friendly_color_r_cb | 0 | ||
dota_full_ui | 1 | Unlock the full UI. | |
dota_game_account_debug | Prints game account info. | ||
dota_gamescom_althack | 0 | QWE and ASD + Alt = inventory keys. | |
dota_gamestate | Print current game state. | ||
dota_generalinfo_panel | In game DOTA general information (HTML) panel. | ||
dota_gg_call_time | |||
dota_glyph | Trigger the Glyph of Fortification for your team. | ||
dota_gold_redistribute_time | 1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_black_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_blue_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_green_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_orange_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_purple_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_red_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_seed | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_white_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_greevil_yellow_essence | -1 | Да | |
dota_gridnav_show | 0 | Да | |
dota_grinder_snap_to_damage | 0 | Да | |
dota_hack_delay_start | 0 | ||
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max | 0 | ||
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min | 0 | ||
dota_health_hurt_delay | 0 | ||
dota_health_hurt_threshold | 0 | ||
dota_health_marker_major_alpha | 255 | ||
dota_health_marker_minor_alpha | 128 | ||
dota_health_per_vertical_marker | 250 | Величина сегмента на шкале здоровья с делениями (при dota_hud_healthbars = 3). | |
dota_health_regen_disable | 0 | Disable constant health regeneration. | |
dota_height_fog_scale | 1 | Да | |
dota_hero_auto_graball | 0 | ||
dota_hero_multiple_kill_time | 18 | ||
dota_hero_selection_announcer_use_rr | 1 | If enabled, use response rules for hero selection announcer lines. | |
dota_hero_tooltip | 1 | Style of the hero tooltip. 0 = Corner, 1 = Overhead, 2 = Inline overhead. | |
dota_hero_undying_max_zombies | 64 | Maximum amount of zombies that can be spawned. | |
dota_heropicker_ad_select_time | 10 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_ap_select_time | 60 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_ar_select_time | 10 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_fh_select_time | 60 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_intro_select_time | 180 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_rd_select_time | 20 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_sd_select_time | 60 | Да | |
dota_heropicker_tutorial_select_time | 599 | ||
dota_hide_cursor | 0 | If set, mouse cursor is always hidden. | |
dota_hide_wearables | 0 | Да | If set, wearables (default body parts) will be hidden. This is for the item icon editor. |
dota_highlight_reel | 0 | ||
dota_highlight_reel_debug | 0 | Да | |
dota_highlight_reel_leadin_seconds | 13 | ||
dota_highlight_reel_leadout_seconds | 5 | ||
dota_highlight_reel_matchid | 0 | ||
dota_highlight_reel_playerid | -1 | ||
dota_highlight_reel_running_time | 180 | ||
dota_hold | |||
dota_html_panel | 0 | Enable dota html control in dashboard. | |
dota_html_zoom | 1 | Scaling method for HTML displays (0 = Bilinear Texture Scaling, 1 = CEF Pixel Accurate Zoom). | |
dota_html_zoom_override | 99 | ||
dota_hud_colorblind | 0 | Use color blind versions HUD elements. | |
dota_hud_debug_name_all_entities | 0 | If set, shows debug names for all entities. | |
dota_hud_flip | 0 | Hud layout with minimap on the right. | |
dota_hud_healthbar_hoveroutline_alpha | 200 | Mouse hover outline brightness on healthbars. | |
dota_hud_healthbar_number | 1 | If set, your own hero's health number will be shown on the floating health bar over his head. | |
dota_hud_healthbar_number_critical | 20 | Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns red (value between 1 - 100). | |
dota_hud_healthbar_number_danger | 40 | Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns orange (value between 1 - 100). | |
dota_hud_healthbars | 3 | Отображать шкалу здоровья: 0 = не отображать, 1 = сплошная без делений, 3 = с делениями. | |
dota_hud_show_overhead_events | 1 | Show Crit, Gold, XP, etc. Overhead Event Messages. | |
dota_hud_unit_info | 0 | Show health bars, etc. | |
dota_hugeportrait | 0 | ||
dota_ice_grip | 500 | ||
dota_ice_grip_skates | 2000 | ||
dota_ice_slide | 1 | ||
dota_ice_slide_slack | 25 | ||
dota_idle_acquire | 1 | Да | |
dota_idle_rare_interval_max | 25 | Да | |
dota_idle_rare_interval_min | 15 | Да | |
dota_idle_time | 300 | How long a player needs to be idle before he counts as disconnected. | |
dota_ignore_nonfriend_guild_invites | 0 | If set, guild invites from non-friends are ignored. | |
dota_ignore_nonfriend_invites | 0 | If set, party invites from non-friends are ignored. | |
dota_intro_mode | 0 | ||
dota_inventory_combine_ground_items_radius | 200 | Да | |
dota_invite_debug | Prints local invite objects. | ||
dota_item_execute | |||
dota_item_free_disassemble_interval | 10 | Да | |
dota_item_fullprice_buyback_interval | 10 | Да | |
dota_item_quick_cast | |||
dota_joystick | 0 | ||
dota_keybind_hero | 0 | ||
dota_keybindings_cloud_disable | 0 | ||
dota_kill_all_bots | Destroys all bots. | ||
dota_kill_buildings | Kill buildings. | ||
dota_kill_creeps | Kill creeps. | ||
dota_killcam_history_time | 20 | ||
dota_killcam_show | 0 | ||
dota_last_hit_multiple_kill_time | 8 | ||
dota_learn_stats | Spend an ability point on hero stats. | ||
dota_leaver_status | List leaver status of players. | ||
dota_legacy_demo_combine | 1 | ||
dota_lenient_idle_time | 480 | How long a player needs to be idle before he counts as disconnected during the end stages of the game. | |
dota_load_all_hero_sounds | Loads all hero sound entries, for diagnostics. | ||
dota_loadgame | |||
dota_lobby_debug | Prints local lobby objects. | ||
dota_local_custom_difficulty | 0 | ||
dota_local_custom_enable | 0 | ||
dota_local_custom_game | 0 | ||
dota_local_custom_map | 0 | ||
dota_log_server_connection | 1 | Log connections to the server. | |
dota_log_server_connection_logfile | 0 | Name of the file to log server connections too. | |
dota_magic_stick_enabled | 0 | ||
dota_mana_regen_disable | 0 | Disable constant mana regeration. | |
dota_map_locations_debug | Prints map location objects. | ||
dota_map_ping_multi_key_press | 0 | If true, we can ping the map even if we have multiple keys pressed on the keyboard. Otherwise map pinging will only occur if all (incomplete description) | |
dota_match_details | Show match details for a specific matchID. | ||
dota_match_game_modes | 65564 | Bit masks of game modes to search for in unranked matchmaking. | |
dota_match_languages | 2 | Bit masks of languages to search for in matchmaking. | |
dota_match_map_preference | 3 | 1 = Classic only, 2 = Themed map (if available), 3 = either. | |
dota_matchgroups | 2 | Bit masks of match groups to search in for matchmaking. | |
dota_matchgroups_version | 3 | Used to reset matchgroups setting when regions change. | |
dota_max_disconnected_time | 300 | How long a player needs to be disconnected before he counts as a leaver and gets punished. | |
dota_max_hero_select_time | 90 | How long a player has to choose their hero before being marked as AFK. | |
dota_max_invade_path_length | 1000 | Да | |
dota_minimap_always_draw_hero_icons | 0 | ||
dota_minimap_create | Does a bunch of work to create a minimap. | ||
dota_minimap_creep_scale | 1 | ||
dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera | 1 | ||
dota_minimap_draw_fow | 1 | Да | |
dota_minimap_filter_amount | 0 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_name_shadowsize | 8 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_scalar | 0 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_scalar_distance | 12 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_scalar_minimum | 500 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_size | 900 | Размер иконок героев на миникарте. | |
dota_minimap_hero_spread | 0 | ||
dota_minimap_hero_spread_distance | 2 | ||
dota_minimap_hide_background | 0 | ||
dota_minimap_misclick_time | 0 | Minimum time after the mouse enters the minimap before we accept a move command. Used to prevent misclicks. | |
dota_minimap_ping_duration | 3 | ||
dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration | 10 | ||
dota_minimap_rune_size | 500 | ||
dota_minimap_show_hero_icon | 1 | If set, will show hero icons when you hold alt down. | |
dota_minimap_simple_colors | 0 | Включает двухцветное отображение существ на миникарте. | |
dota_minimap_simple_filter | 1 | ||
dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance | 500 | ||
dota_minimap_use_dynamic_mesh | 1 | ||
dota_modifier_debug | 0 | Да | |
dota_modifier_dump | Dump all modifiers on all entities. | ||
dota_modifier_test | Creates a test modifier on unit: dota_modifier_test <entityindex> <modifiername> <duration>
| ||
dota_mouse_spectator_window_lock | 0 | If enabled, mouse will be locked to the window when ingame. | |
dota_mouse_window_lock | 1 | If enabled, mouse will be locked to the window when ingame. | |
dota_music_battle_debug | 0 | ||
dota_music_battle_distance | 1000 | ||
dota_music_battle_duration | 2 | ||
dota_music_battle_enable | 1 | ||
dota_music_battle_pre_time | 2 | ||
dota_music_battle_rest_time | 10 | ||
dota_music_battle_weight_trigger | 40 | ||
dota_music_enable_spectator_mode | 1 | ||
dota_music_gank_enemy_timer | 2 | ||
dota_music_spectator_battle_average | 30 | ||
dota_music_spectator_battle_min | 15 | ||
dota_music_spectator_debug_enable | 0 | ||
dota_mute_cobroadcasters | 0 | ||
dota_neutral_color_b | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_color_b_cb | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_color_g | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_color_g_cb | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_color_r | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_color_r_cb | 1 | ||
dota_neutral_initial_spawn_delay | 30 | Да | Time after 0:00 to spawn the first wave of creeps. |
dota_neutral_spacing_radius | 100 | Да | Range that neutrals will be spaced apart from each other. |
dota_neutral_spawn_interval | 60 | Да | Time between neutral creep camp respawns, starting at 0:00. |
dota_new_user_keybind | 0 | ||
dota_no_minimap | 0 | Отключает миникарту. | |
dota_no_render | 0 | ||
dota_no_simulate | 0 | ||
dota_no_vgui | 0 | ||
dota_ogs_report_interval | 120 | When in 'heartbeat' dota_ogs_report_vprof mode, the number of seconds between reports.
| |
dota_ogs_report_vprof | 0 | Control reporting of vprof data to ogs. 0 - no report, 1 - database report at end of game, 2 - report every
| |
dota_ogs_report_vprof_force_now | testing only | ||
dota_ogs_report_vprof_fraction | 0 | If nonzero, then only one in this many servers will run vprof if dota_ogs_report_vprof is set.
| |
dota_ogs_snapshot_interval | 300 | ||
dota_old_client_projectile | 0 | ||
dota_onstage_stat_cycle_early | 10 | ||
dota_onstage_stat_cycle_late | 6 | ||
dota_onstage_stat_cycle_mid | 8 | ||
dota_onstage_stat_end_early_game_mins | 10 | ||
dota_onstage_stat_end_mid_game_mins | 25 | ||
dota_orders_update_bots_immediately | 1 | Да | |
dota_overhead_damage_threshold_percent | 15 | ||
dota_pain_debug | 0 | ||
dota_pain_decay | 0 | ||
dota_pain_factor | 3 | ||
dota_pain_fade_rate | 3 | ||
dota_pain_multiplier | 0 | ||
dota_particle_fow_debug | 0 | Да | |
dota_particle_offset_x | 0 | ||
dota_particle_offset_y | 300 | ||
dota_party_debug | Prints local party objects. | ||
dota_pause | Send a game pause request. | ||
dota_pause_cooldown | 2 | Да | |
dota_pause_cooldown_time | 300 | Number of seconds before a player is allowed to pause again. | |
dota_pause_count | 3 | Number of times a player is allowed to pause the game. | |
dota_pause_force_unpause_time | 300 | Number of seconds after which the game will automatically unpause. | |
dota_pause_game_pause_silently | 0 | Да | |
dota_pause_same_team_resume_time | 5 | Number of seconds resuming is restricted to the same team, after that either team can pause. | |
dota_pause_same_team_resume_time_disconnected | 30 | Number of seconds resuming is restricted to the same team if someone disconnected, after that either team can pause. | |
dota_ping | Print out latency information. | ||
dota_play_landing_tab | 10 | ||
dota_play_tab_web_panel | 1 | ||
dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection | 0 | Автовыделение призванных существ. | |
dota_player_auto_purchase_items | 0 | Автозакупка предметов. | |
dota_player_multipler_orders | 1 | By setting this to 1, you will issue an order to all controllable units by holding down the CTRL key when you click. | |
dota_player_simplified_controls | 0 | ||
dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast | 0 | ||
dota_player_status | Gives a status update on all players. | ||
dota_player_units_auto_attack | 1 | ||
dota_pods_flashcheck | 1 | ||
dota_portrait_animate | 1 | Анимация портрета героя. | |
dota_portrait_debug_draw_frustum | 1 | Да | |
dota_portrait_debug_item_def_index | 0 | Да | Enables icon modification shader for specific item def index. |
dota_portrait_debug_mode | 0 | Да | Enables editing of portrait camera/lighting. 1 = HUD portrait, 2 = Full body hero picker, 3 = item icon editor , 4 = hero select. |
dota_portrait_debug_mode_sensitivity | 0 | Да | |
dota_portrait_debug_no_modifier | 0 | Да | |
dota_portrait_debug_preview_letterbox | 16 | Да | |
dota_portrait_export_icon | |||
dota_portrait_export_icon_data | |||
dota_portrait_hide_hero | 0 | Да | |
dota_portrait_model | Sets the model used in the portrait editor. | ||
dota_portrait_reload | Reload portrait data. | ||
dota_portrait_thinkfast | 1 | ||
dota_portrait_toggle_hero | |||
dota_post_game_survey_player_count | 3 | The first N player id slots will be surveyed for match quality. | |
dota_powerbar_baseline | 0 | ||
dota_preview_hero | Pick hero for previewing. | ||
dota_preview_hero_pitch_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_preview_hero_roll_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_preview_hero_x_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_preview_hero_y_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_preview_hero_yaw_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_preview_hero_z_offset | 0 | Да | |
dota_privatebeta_teamswap | 0 | ||
dota_purchase_quickbuy | Attempt to purchase an item out of the quickbuy. Priority is left to right, skips over items not purchasable due to secret shop. | ||
dota_purchase_stickybuy | Attempt to purchase an item out of the sticky slot. Skips over items not purchasable due to secret shop. | ||
dota_query_inhibit_time | 0 | ||
dota_quit_after_game | 1 | Quit after a game is completed, do not hibernate. | |
dota_quit_immediate | 0 | If enabled, Dota will quit immediately rather than prompting to confirm. | |
dota_random_strength | 0 | ||
dota_range_display | 0 | Yes [7] | Displays a ring around the hero at the specified radius. |
dota_rare_line_click_count | 5 | ||
dota_recent_event | |||
dota_reconnect_idle_buffer_time | 45 | How much extra time the player has after reconnecting before he gets marked as AFK. | |
dota_record_blend_scale | 1 | Scales rate of crossfade between 1st and 3rd idle cycles. A value of 10 means the 1st cycle is fully blended in by 1/10th of a (incomplete description). | |
dota_record_hero | Pick hero for recording. | ||
dota_record_hero_next | Switch to next hero. | ||
dota_record_hero_prev | Switch to prev hero. | ||
dota_recorder_auto_advance | 1 | Да | Automatically start recording the next hero when the current ends. |
dota_recorder_cycles | 3 | Да | How many cycles of the animation to record. |
dota_recorder_mode | 1 | Да | 0 = avi of idle anim, 1 = tga sequence of idle anim, 2 = single tga from start of idle anim |
dota_recorder_use_card_portrait | 0 | Да | Use the hero selector card portrait setup. |
dota_recorder_use_fullbody_portrait | 0 | Да | Use the fullbody portrait setup. If 2, use Morphling's position for all heroes. |
dota_recorder_use_portrait_position | 1 | Да | Use camera position/activity from the portrait setup. |
dota_recruitment_check_interval | 30 | ||
dota_ref_winner_dire | Causes the dire team to win. | ||
dota_ref_winner_radiant | Causes the radiant team to win. | ||
dota_remap_alt_key | 0 | Specify a key to use instead of the alt key in-game. | |
dota_render_crop_height | 148 | ||
dota_render_y_inset | 31 | ||
dota_replay_upload_script | 0 | Name of the script used to upload replay files. | |
dota_reset_camera_on_spawn | 0 | If enabled, camera will reset to your hero when you respawn. | |
dota_restrict_partner_type_chat | 1 | Disallow chat between certain partner types. | |
dota_roshan_halloween_game_end_time | 3 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_phase2_start_time | 960 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_spawn_time | 480 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_start_time_delay | 300 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_start_time_delay_min | 10 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_time_limit | 120 | Да | |
dota_roshan_halloween_time_limit_bonus | 30 | Да | |
dota_roshan_spawn_timer | 600 | Да | Time after death that Roshan will respawn. |
dota_scale_unit | Scales the unit to the target multiplier. | ||
dota_scoreboard_buyback_border | 0 | ||
dota_screen_shake | 0 | ||
dota_scripted_replay | 0 | ||
dota_scripted_replay_camspeed | 1 | ||
dota_scripted_replay_file | 0 | ||
dota_select_all | |||
dota_select_all_others | |||
dota_select_courier | Attempt to select a courier. | ||
dota_select_scale | 0 | ||
dota_selection_stage_enable | 0 | ||
dota_selector_advfilter_attack | 0 | Stores the attack filter of the Hero Selector. | |
dota_selector_advfilter_myhero | 0 | Stores the stats filter of the Hero Selector. | |
dota_selector_advfilter_role | 0 | Stores the role filter of the Hero Selector. | |
dota_selector_fulldeck_dynamic | 1 | If set, choose the full deck mode dynamically (Legacy for All Heroes, Turntable for subsets (SD/RD)). | |
dota_selector_fulldeck_mode | 0 | 0 = Turntable Heroes, 1 = Legacy Mode. Can be overridden by dota_selector_fulldeck_dynamic .
| |
dota_server_lobby_debug | Prints server lobby object. | ||
dota_set_lobby_details | Set game/team names. | ||
dota_sf_force_ready_up_dialog | 0 | 1 to force dialog immediately, 2 to force ready dialog when we lose focus. | |
dota_sf_game_end_delay | 10 | Задержка перед появлением таблицы результатов в конце игры. | |
dota_sf_hero_selection_seen | 1 | Has this player seen the hero picker yet? | |
dota_sf_hud_actionpanel | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_betting | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_channelbar | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_chat | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_chat_wheel | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_chat_wheel_debug | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_combat_log | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_error_msg | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_broadcaster_selection | 0 | Set to 1 to force broadcaster selection panel to be visible. Set to -1 to force panel to be always hidden. | |
dota_sf_hud_force_captainsmode | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_heroselection | 0 | Да | |
dota_sf_hud_force_inline_ready | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_inspect | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_killcam | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_mm_ready | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_spec | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_force_teamname | 0 | Показывать имена команд при выборе героя | |
dota_sf_hud_gameend | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_header_display_time | 7 | ||
dota_sf_hud_herodisplay | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_heroselection | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_inventory | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_killcam_local_player_items | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_overlay | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_questlog | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_report_dialogue | 0 | Да | |
dota_sf_hud_shared_content | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_shared_units | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_shop | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_shop_tree_animtime | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_stats_dropdown | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_survey | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_top | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_voicechat | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_voicechat_loud_value | 1 | ||
dota_sf_hud_voicechat_quiet_value | 0 | ||
dota_sf_hud_waitingforplayers | 1 | ||
dota_sf_max_reward_wait | 4 | Max time we wait for reward message from the GC. | |
dota_sf_old_heropedia | 0 | ||
dota_sf_party_invite | 0 | ||
dota_sf_spectate_teamname_dire | 0 | International 2012: for testing, override the team ID # for the dire. | |
dota_sf_spectate_teamname_overrides | 1 | International 2012: enable override of 'radiant's turn to ban' with 'navi's turn to ban'. | |
dota_sf_spectate_teamname_radiant | 0 | International 2012: for testing, override the team ID # for the radiant. | |
dota_sf_store_feature | 1 | ||
dota_sf_store_feature_test_local | 0 | ||
dota_sf_victory_message_duration | 4 | Duration victory message is shown in game end. | |
dota_shop_force_hotkeys | 0 | ||
dota_shop_recommended_open | 0 | ||
dota_shop_view_mode | 1 | ||
dota_show_combatlog | |||
dota_show_hero_finder | 1 | If set, will show hero indicator when alt is held down. | |
dota_show_itempickups | 1 | ||
dota_show_loadgame | Open the Load Game dialog. | ||
dota_show_object_obstructions | 0 | Да | |
dota_show_spectator_tournament_drops | 1 | Set to 1 for spectators directly connected to the game server to be able to see tournament drop messages. | |
dota_sixense_draw_grid | 1 | ||
dota_sixense_draw_pan_control | 1 | ||
dota_sixense_enabled | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_grab_filter | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_grab_is_toggle | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_grab_wand_length | 600 | ||
dota_sixense_joystick_pan_enabled | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_left_joystick_threshold | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_motion_pan_enabled | 1 | ||
dota_sixense_mouse_enabled | 1 | ||
dota_sixense_right_joystick_threshold | 0 | ||
dota_sixense_select_hero_on_grab | 0 | ||
dota_smart_camera_toggle | |||
dota_spawn_creeps | Force spawn of all lane creeps. | ||
dota_spawn_neutrals | Force spawn of all neutrals. | ||
dota_spawn_rune | Spawns a rune. | ||
dota_special_attack_delay | 0 | Да | |
dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games | 0 | Automatically spectate available games. Set to a LeagueID to auto spectate games from that league. | |
dota_spectator_autospeed | 0 | Toggle Directed mode auto speed control. | |
dota_spectator_autospeed_fast | 2 | ||
dota_spectator_autospeed_fastest | 4 | ||
dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo | 1 | ||
dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo_slow | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo_slowest | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_debug | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_decreasereplayspeed | |||
dota_spectator_directed_bonusz | 75 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_hero_timer | 2 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_maxdistance | 820 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_mouse_bias | 400 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_mouse_control | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_player_perspective | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_directed_spline_time | 1 | ||
dota_spectator_fog_of_war | -1 | Set fog of war spectator mode. -1:All, 2:Radiant, 3:Dire | |
dota_spectator_fowtoggle | |||
dota_spectator_graph_interval | 3 | Seconds between each graph update. Each update will update one stat for one player. | |
dota_spectator_graph_networking_enabled | 1 | 0 to disable graph data networking for perf comparisons. | |
dota_spectator_graph_networking_override | 0 | 1 to enable graph data networking for all clients. | |
dota_spectator_graph_per_player_stats | 0 | Set to enable creation and networking of per player stats. | |
dota_spectator_graph_print | Prints spectator graph debug info | ||
dota_spectator_graph_team_interval | 10 | Seconds between each team graph update. | |
dota_spectator_hero_index | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_increasereplayspeed | |||
dota_spectator_mode | 0 | Toggles the spectator mode: 0 = Directed, 1 = Free Cam, 2 = Hero Chase, 3 = PlayerView | |
dota_spectator_pausetoggle | |||
dota_spectator_resetreplayspeed | |||
dota_spectator_revertcameraview | |||
dota_spectator_rewind | |||
dota_spectator_select_under_mouse | |||
dota_spectator_selectnexthero | |||
dota_spectator_selectprevioushero | |||
dota_spectator_shoulder_view | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_shoulder_view_forward | -300 | ||
dota_spectator_shoulder_view_override_angles_pitch | 25 | ||
dota_spectator_shoulder_view_right | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_shoulder_view_up | 75 | ||
dota_spectator_stats_panel | 0 | Current spectator stats panel. 1 = scoreboard, 2 = gold+xp, 3 = items, 4 = graph, 5 = fantasy. | |
dota_spectator_statstoggle | |||
dota_spectator_test_spectator_view | 0 | ||
dota_spectator_use_broadcaster_stats_panel | 1 | Follow the broadcasters choice of stats display. | |
dota_spectator_watching_broadcaster | 0 | Indicates if you are watching a broadcaster in player view, so that the handling of selection can be treated differently. Meaning (incomplete description). | |
dota_speech_emotes | 1 | Set 0 to disable emotes. | |
dota_speech_hardcoded_respeak_delay | 1 | Да | Certain speech concepts will not be said more than once per (n) seconds. Set to 0 to disable. |
dota_speech_level | 2 | Mutes certain parts of the units speech: 0 = no speech, 1 = only events, 2 = all. | |
dota_speech_meepo_pitch | 5 | Да | Increase the pitch of every successive meepo voice by this many %. |
dota_speech_missinglane_call_interval | 10 | Да | Bots will call 'missing' on a lane no more than once per this many seconds. |
dota_speech_missinglane_call_threshold | 8 | Да | Bots will call 'missing' on a lane if an opponent has been gone this many seconds. |
dota_speech_mute_time | 1 | ||
dota_speech_proximity_interval | 5 | Да | Once per (n) seconds, one hero will poll for TLK_ALLY_NEARBY. Because there are ten heroes this means each hero will poll once (incomplete description). |
dota_speech_proximity_radius | 500 | Да | Heroes nearer than this distance will poll for the TLK_ALLY_NEARBY concept. |
dota_speech_shop_dawdle_interval | 15 | Play 'dawdling' line from shopkeeper after hero has been in shop this long. | |
dota_speech_shop_enter_interval | 30 | At least this many seconds must pass between shopkeeper greeting someone to his shop. | |
dota_speech_shopkeeper | 0 | Да | Enable or disable shopkeepers' speech. |
dota_speech_test | Play an arbitrary speech VCD as if it were coming out of the local player. | ||
dota_speech_test_cycle | |||
dota_spew_connected_players | 0 | If enabled,server will spew connected player GC updates. | |
dota_start_ai_game | 0 | ||
dota_startup | 0 | ||
dota_state_disconnect | Transition to disconnect state on a listen server. | ||
dota_statmanager_debug | 0 | Enables debug spew for the stat manager. 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = verbose. | |
dota_steam_workshop_download_dir | 0 | The directory you're downloading workshop submissions to import from. | |
dota_steam_workshop_import_dir | 0 | The directory you're storing your workshop submissions files in. | |
dota_steam_workshop_preview_mousespeed | 0 | ||
dota_steam_workshop_query_timeout | 10 | Time in seconds to allow communication with the Steam Workshop server. | |
dota_steam_workshop_sourceonly | 0 | Only submit source during imports. Saves you a lot of space in your workshop quota. Recommended that you leave it on. | |
dota_steam_workshop_tempdir | 0 | Temp directory used to unzip imported submissions from the Steam Workshop. | |
dota_steam_workshop_use_p4 | 1 | Automatically submit imported wearables to perforce. | |
dota_stop | |||
dota_suppress_invalid_orders | 0 | Да | |
dota_surrender_on_disconnect | 1 | If enabled, a team will surrender if all players on that team disconnect. | |
dota_surrender_timeout | 360 | Delay after an entire team has disconnected before timing the game out. | |
dota_surrender_timeout_abandoner | 30 | Delay after an entire team has disconnected before timing the game out when someone has abandoned. | |
dota_sv_ogs_itemevents | 0 | When enabled, this will handle logging to ogs of item events, otherwise it will omit this logging. | |
dota_swap_mouse_spellcast | 0 | ||
dota_teamscore_enable | 1 | ||
dota_test_buyback | |||
dota_test_glyph | |||
dota_test_npc | Creates a testing npc. | ||
dota_ti_announcements_left_cycle_time | 8 | ||
dota_ti_announcements_no_team_logos | 0 | ||
dota_ti_announcements_right_cycle_time | 15 | ||
dota_ti_announcements_update_fantasy_time | 30 | ||
dota_ti_announcements_update_time | 30 | ||
dota_ti_onstage_pods | 0 | ||
dota_ti_onstage_side | 0 | ||
dota_ti_onstage_side_stat_rotation_time | 5 | ||
dota_ti_web_redirect | 1 | If enabled, show buttons redirecting to web pages for recent International games. | |
dota_time_of_day_rate | 0 | Да | Rate at which time of day changes relative to game seconds. |
dota_tod_slow_transition_speed | 0 | Да | |
dota_tod_transition_speed | 1 | Да | |
dota_toggle_combatlog | |||
dota_toggle_tree_visualization | |||
dota_tooltip_nohide | 0 | ||
dota_topbar_buyback_time | 10 | ||
dota_trading_show_requests_from | 2 | View trade requests from a certain group only. | |
dota_tree_try_to_make_solid | |||
dota_tutorial_actionpanel | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_camera_location_dist | 500 | ||
dota_tutorial_can_disassemble_items | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_can_sell_items | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_debug | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_disable_bot_situational_items | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_disable_goldtick | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_disable_item_drops | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_disable_stash | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_disable_suggested_items | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_doubletap | |||
dota_tutorial_fadespeed | 150 | ||
dota_tutorial_force_bot_defend | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_force_finish | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_force_learn_ability | -1 | ||
dota_tutorial_force_shop_mode | -1 | Force the shop to list(0) or grid(1), (-1) to not force. | |
dota_tutorial_game | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_heroselection | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_log_bot_game | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_log_hero | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_move_location_dist | 225 | ||
dota_tutorial_percent_bot_exp_decrease | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_percent_damage_decrease | 0 | Да | Percentage decrease to apply on damage on the player character. |
dota_tutorial_prevent_exp_gain | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_prevent_start | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_quick_buy | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_roquelaire_keepdistance | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_roquelaire_useperches | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_see_enemy | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_shop_combine_tree | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_shop_wait_for_leftclick | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_shopleftclick | |||
dota_tutorial_show_tower_damage | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_skip_pregame | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_start | |||
dota_tutorial_start_lesson | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_stash_wait_for_mouseover | 0 | ||
dota_tutorial_stashmouseover | |||
dota_tutorial_state_change_delay | 2 | ||
dota_tutorial_stop_daynightcycle | 0 | Да | |
dota_tutorial_usemodifierforanim | 1 | ||
dota_tutorial_wait_for_double_tap | 0 | ||
dota_ui_stats_chance | 0 | Chance of client tracking UI stats. | |
dota_ui_stats_debug | 0 | Print debug spew for UI stat tracking. | |
dota_unit_alert_radius | 500 | Да | |
dota_unit_alert_range | 1800 | Да | |
dota_unit_anger_cooldown | 2 | Да | |
dota_unit_anger_duration | 2 | Да | |
dota_unit_anger_radius | 500 | Да | |
dota_unit_blocked_angle_threshold | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_blocked_look_ahead_angle_threshold | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_blocked_wait_time | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_blocked_wait_time_long | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_blocked_wait_time_mid | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_cache_npc_searches | 1 | Да | Whether to reuse a unit's search cache every frame to avoid obstruction manager queries. |
dota_unit_damage_event_window | 2 | Да | Window (in seconds) that we track damage events for future health value extrapolation. |
dota_unit_debug_acquisition_range | 0 | Да | Shows the acquisition range for selected units (Green circle) |
dota_unit_debug_attack | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_debug_attack_range | 0 | Да | Shows the attack range for selected units (Red circle). |
dota_unit_debug_vision_range | 0 | Да | Shows the vision range for selected units (Teal circle). |
dota_unit_draw_health_bar | 1 | ||
dota_unit_draw_paths | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_fly_bonus_height | 150 | ||
dota_unit_health_bar_offset | -1 | ||
dota_unit_hero_glows | 0 | ||
dota_unit_interact_flash_duration | 0 | ||
dota_unit_lean_angle | 90 | ||
dota_unit_lean_enable | 1 | ||
dota_unit_lean_rate | 3 | ||
dota_unit_multiple_selection | 0 | ||
dota_unit_short_path_max_search_score | 5000 | Да | |
dota_unit_short_path_max_search_updates | 150 | Да | |
dota_unit_short_path_search_debug | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_show_bounding_radius | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_show_collision_radius | 0 | Да | |
dota_unit_show_missing_selection_boxes | 0 | ||
dota_unit_show_selection_boxes | 0 | Да | Draws selection hitboxes. 0 = off, 1 = non-trees, 2 = trees, 3 = all entities. |
dota_unit_sink_delay | 4 | ||
dota_unit_sink_speed | 50 | ||
dota_unit_use_player_color | 0 | ||
dota_unit_z_speed | 200 | ||
dota_unpause_countdown | 3 | Да | |
dota_update_connected_players_check_time | 1 | Да | How often the server should check if it needs to update the GC in seconds. |
dota_update_connected_players_send_time | 60 | Да | Once we transmit a change to the GC about our game, how long should we wait before checking again (this disregards state change) (incomplete description). |
dota_update_connected_players_send_time_postgame | 10 | Да | This is the same as dota_update_connected_players_send_time but controls how long the duration should be when in the post game.
dota_update_gc_connection_check_count | 2 | Да | How many tries we check if the GC is still connected before terminating due to no response. |
dota_update_gc_connection_check_time | 1200 | Да | How often the server should check the GC is still connected. |
dota_update_gc_server_info | 600 | Да | How often the server should check if it needs to update the GC in seconds. |
dota_upload_replay | Upload a replay file | ||
dota_uploadgame | |||
dota_use_particle_fow | 1 | ||
dota_vcon_autopan | 1 | ||
dota_vcon_edge_tolerance | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_edgeclamp | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_edgespin | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_edgespin_bias | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_edgespin_scale | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_gravity | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_gravity_max | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_gravity_scale | 5 | ||
dota_vcon_recenter | 1 | ||
dota_vcon_recenter_bias | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_recenter_exponent | 1 | ||
dota_vcon_recenter_max | 0 | ||
dota_vcon_recenter_scale | 0 | ||
dota_wait_for_players_to_load | 1 | If set, hero picking will be delayed until all players have loaded. | |
dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout | 120 | Game will start after this time, even if all players haven't loaded yet. | |
dota_water_level | -12 | Да | |
dota_wearables_clientside | 0 | ||
dota_winter_ambientfx | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_hudskin | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelhero | -1 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelnew0 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelnew1 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelnew2 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelorg0 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelorg1 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelorg2 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable0 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable1 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable10 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable11 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable12 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable13 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable14 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable15 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable2 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable3 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable4 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable5 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable6 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable7 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable8 | 0 | ||
dota_workshoptest_modelwearable9 | 0 | ||
dota_xmas_greevil_camp_clear_heal | 0 | Да | How much to heal nearby heroes when a camp of greevils is killed. |
dota_xmas_greevil_camps_active | 3 | Да | Maximum level of neutral greevil camps. |
dota_xmas_greevil_max_spawn_level | 3 | Да | Maximum level of neutral greevil camps. |
dota_xmas_greevil_spawn_interval | 180 | Да | Minimum time for a greevil camp spawn, starting at 0:00. |
dota_xmas_greevil_spawns_per_level | 6 | Да | Number of Greevil spawns before we jump to the next level. |
dotadev_bind | For development: Bind a key to in dota (ALT+key) allowed. | ||
dotadev_binds_show | For development: List all developer binds. | ||
dotadev_unbind | For development: Unbind a key to in dota (ALT+key) allowed. | ||
dotafish_dormant | 1 | Да | Turns off dota fish. |
dotaguide_load | Loads the guide found at game\dota\guides\<guide name>.build
| ||
dp_drag | 0 | Да | |
dp_pull | 0 | Да | |
dp_radius | 100 | Да | |
dp_spirits | 0 | Да | |
drawcross | Draws a cross at the given location. Arguments: x y z | ||
drawline | Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision. Red is collides with something. Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2. | ||
dsp_automatic | 0 | ||
dsp_db_min | 80 | ||
dsp_db_mixdrop | 0 | ||
dsp_dist_max | 1440 | Да | |
dsp_dist_min | 0 | Да | |
dsp_enhance_stereo | 1 | ||
dsp_facingaway | 0 | ||
dsp_mix_max | 0 | ||
dsp_mix_min | 0 | ||
dsp_off | 0 | Да | |
dsp_player | 0 | ||
dsp_reload | |||
dsp_room | 0 | ||
dsp_slow_cpu | 0 | ||
dsp_spatial | 40 | ||
dsp_speaker | 50 | ||
dsp_vol_2ch | 1 | ||
dsp_vol_4ch | 0 | ||
dsp_vol_5ch | 0 | ||
dsp_volume | 0 | ||
dsp_water | 14 | ||
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts | 0 | (SP and bot games only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE). | |
dt_ShowSendTableProps | 0 | (SP and bot games only) - show changed props of a named send table. | |
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts | 1 | (SP and bot games only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization. | |
dti_flush | Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work). | ||
dtwarning | 0 | Print data table warnings? | |
dtwatchclass | 0 | Watch all fields encoded with this table. | |
dtwatchent | -1 | Watch this entities data table encoding. | |
dtwatchvar | 0 | Watch the named variable. | |
+duck | |||
-duck | |||
dump_globals | Dump all global entities/states. | ||
dump_localization_files | List all loaded localization files. | ||
dump_particlemanifest | Dump the list of particles loaded. | ||
dump_visible_buffs | Print out non-hidden buffs. | ||
dumpeventqueue | Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console. | ||
dumpgamestringtable | Dump the contents of the game string table to the console. | ||
dumpsavedir | List the contents of the save directory in memory. | ||
dumpstringtables | Print string tables to console. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
echo | Echo text to console. | ||
econ_show_items_with_tag | Lists the item definitions that have a specified tag. | ||
editdemo | Edit a recorded demo file (.dem ). | ||
editor_toggle | Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor | ||
enable_boneflex | 1 | ||
enable_debug_overlays | 1 | Да | Enable rendering of debug overlays |
enable_skeleton_draw | 0 | Да | Render skeletons in wireframe |
endmovie | Stop recording movie frames. | ||
engine_generatedotamapheightfielddata | 0 | Generate heightfield map data | |
engine_no_focus_sleep | 50 | ||
engine_usedotamap_heightfield_data | 1 | Set to 0 to disable using heightfields when tracing vertical rays (must reload map when changed) | |
english | 1 | If set to 1, running the english language set of assets. | |
ent_absbox | Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar (incomplete description). | ||
ent_attachments | Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is loo (incomplete description). | ||
ent_autoaim | Displays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at (incomplete description) | ||
ent_bbox | Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlay. | ||
ent_cancelpendingentfires | Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire. | ||
ent_create | Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking. | ||
ent_debugkeys | 0 | ||
ent_dump | Usage: ent_dump <entity name> | ||
ent_fire | Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay] | ||
ent_info | Usage: ent_info <class name> | ||
ent_keyvalue | Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID. Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<value> (incomplete description). | ||
ent_messages | Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages (incomplete description). | ||
ent_messages_draw | 0 | Да | Visualizes all entity input/output activity. |
ent_name | |||
ent_orient | Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option (incomplete description). | ||
ent_pause | Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any messages (incomplete description). | ||
ent_pivot | Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class} (incomplete description). | ||
ent_rbox | Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar (incomplete description). | ||
ent_remove | Removes the given entity(s). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at (incomplete description). | ||
ent_remove_all | Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}. | ||
ent_rotate | Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees. | ||
ent_script_dump | Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument (incomplete description). | ||
ent_setang | Set entity angles | ||
ent_setname | Sets the targetname of the given entity(s). Arguments: {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wh (incomplete description). | ||
ent_setpos | Move entity to position. | ||
ent_show_contexts | 0 | Show entity contexts in ent_text display
| |
ent_show_response_criteria | Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / (incomplete description). | ||
ent_step | When ent_pause is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
| ||
ent_teleport | Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name> | ||
ent_text | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text). Arguments: {entity_ (incomplete description). | ||
ent_viewoffset | Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha (incomplete description) | ||
envmap | |||
er_colwidth | 100 | ||
er_graphwidthfrac | 0 | ||
er_maxname | 14 | ||
error_msg_test | Fire a fake hud error message. | ||
escape | Escape key pressed. | ||
exec | Execute script file. | ||
execifexists | Execute script file if file exists. | ||
exit | Exit the engine. | ||
explode | Kills the player with explosive damage. | ||
explodevector | Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value> |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
fadein | fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds. | ||
fadeout | fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds. | ||
fake_meta_xp | Fake meta xp values. | ||
fast_fogvolume | 0 | ||
filesystem_buffer_size | 0 | Size of per file buffers. 0 for none. | |
filesystem_max_stdio_read | 16 | ||
filesystem_native | 1 | Use native FS or STDIO. | |
filesystem_report_buffered_io | 0 | ||
filesystem_unbuffered_io | 1 | ||
filesystem_use_overlapped_io | 1 | ||
filter_live_games_by_hero | 0 | ||
filter_live_games_by_team_games | 0 | ||
find | Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text. | ||
find_ent | Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring> | ||
find_ent_index | Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index> | ||
findflags | Find concommands by flags. | ||
fire_absorbrate | 3 | ||
fire_dmgbase | 1 | ||
fire_dmginterval | 1 | ||
fire_dmgscale | 0 | ||
fire_extabsorb | 5 | ||
fire_extscale | 12 | ||
fire_growthrate | 1 | ||
fire_heatscale | 1 | ||
fire_incomingheatscale | 0 | ||
fire_maxabsorb | 50 | ||
firetarget | |||
firstperson | Switch to firstperson camera. | ||
fish_debug | 0 | Да | Show debug info for fish. |
fish_dormant | 0 | Да | Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive. |
flex_expression | 0 | ||
flex_looktime | 5 | ||
flex_maxawaytime | 1 | ||
flex_maxplayertime | 7 | ||
flex_minawaytime | 0 | ||
flex_minplayertime | 5 | ||
flex_rules | 1 | Allow flex animation rules to run. | |
flex_smooth | 1 | Applies smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes. | |
flex_talk | 0 | ||
flush | Flush unlocked cache memory. | ||
flush_locked | Flush unlocked and locked cache memory. | ||
fog_color | -1 | Да | |
fog_colorskybox | -1 | Да | |
fog_editor | fog_editor | ||
fog_enable | 1 | Да | |
fog_enable_water_fog | 1 | Да | |
fog_enableskybox | 1 | Да | |
fog_end | -1 | Да | |
fog_endskybox | -1 | Да | |
fog_hdrcolorscale | -1 | Да | |
fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox | -1 | Да | |
fog_maxdensity | -1 | Да | |
fog_maxdensityskybox | -1 | Да | |
fog_override | 0 | Да | Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values) |
fog_start | -1 | Да | |
fog_startskybox | -1 | Да | |
fog_volume_debug | 0 | If enabled, prints diagnostic information about the current fog volume. | |
fogui | Show/hide fog control UI. | ||
font_provider_update | Update font provider settings | ||
force_centerview | |||
force_quest_update | 0 | ||
forcebind | Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey). | ||
-forward | |||
+forward | |||
foundry_engine_get_mouse_control | Give the engine control of the mouse. | ||
foundry_engine_release_mouse_control | Give the control of the mouse back to Hammer. | ||
foundry_select_entity | Select the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name. | ||
foundry_sync_hammer_view | Move Hammer's 3D view to the same position as the engine's 3D view. | ||
foundry_update_entity | Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode | ||
fow_client_nofiltering | 0 | Да | 0 = normal, 1 = off |
fow_client_show_stats | 0 | Да | |
fow_client_stats | displays fog of war stats | ||
fow_client_visibility | 0 | Да | 0 = normal, 1 = off, 2 = never seen, 3 = seen |
fow_degree_fade_in_rate1 | 4 | Да | FoW area fade in rate #1 (greater than 1 is faster). |
fow_degree_fade_in_rate2 | 4 | Да | FoW area fade in rate #2 (greater than 1 is faster). |
fow_degree_fade_in_rate_midpoint | 0 | Да | FoW area fade out rate midpoint (0.0 - 1.0). |
fow_degree_fade_out_rate1 | 4 | Да | FoW area fade out rate #1 (greater than 1 is faster). |
fow_degree_fade_out_rate2 | 4 | Да | FoW area fade out rate #2 (greater than 1 is faster) |
fow_degree_fade_out_rate_midpoint | 0 | Да | FoW area fade out rate (0.0 - 1.0). |
fow_server_debug | 0 | Да | |
fow_server_debug_team | -1 | Да | |
fow_server_show_grid | 1 | Да | |
fow_server_show_grid_xy | 0 | Да | |
fow_server_show_occluders | 1 | Да | |
fow_server_show_stats | 0 | Да | |
fow_server_show_viewers | 1 | Да | |
fow_server_stats | Displays fog of war stats. | ||
fow_server_test_tempviewer | Test a temp viewer. | ||
fow_tile_update_time | 0 | Да | FoW tile update time. |
fps_max | 120 | Frame rate limiter. | |
fps_max_splitscreen | 300 | Frame rate limiter, splitscreen. | |
free_pass_peek_debug | 0 | ||
fs_clear_open_duplicate_times | Clear the list of files that have been opened. | ||
fs_dump_open_duplicate_times | Set fs_report_long_reads 1 before loading to use this. Prints a list of files that were opened more than once and ~how long was (incomplete description). | ||
fs_monitor_read_from_pack | 0 | 0 - Off, 1 - Any, 2 - Sync only | |
fs_printopenfiles | Show all files currently opened by the engine. | ||
fs_report_long_reads | 0 | 0 - Off,1 - All (for tracking accumulated duplicate read times) >1:Microsecond threshold. | |
fs_report_sync_opens | 0 | 0 - Off, 1 - Always, 2 - Not during load. | |
fs_syncdvddevcache | Force the 360 to get updated files that are in your p4 changelist(s) from the host PC when running with -dvddev. | ||
fs_warning_level | Set the filesystem warning level. | ||
fs_warning_mode | 0 | 0 - Off, 1 - Warn main thread, 2 - Warn other threads. | |
func_break_max_pieces | 15 | ||
func_break_reduction_factor | 0 | ||
func_breakdmg_bullet | 0 | ||
func_breakdmg_club | 1 | ||
func_breakdmg_explosive | 1 | ||
fx_glass_velocity_cap | 0 | Maximum downwards speed of shattered glass particles. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
g15_dumpplayer | Spew player data. | ||
g15_reload | Reloads the Logitech G-15 Keyboard configs. | ||
g15_update_msec | 250 | Logitech G-15 Keyboard update interval. | |
g_ai_threadedgraphbuild | 0 | If true, use experimental threaded node graph building. | |
g_debug_angularsensor | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_constraint_sounds | 0 | Да | Enable debug printing about constraint sounds. |
g_debug_doors | 0 | ||
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles | 0 | ||
g_debug_ragdoll_removal | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_trackpather | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_transitions | 0 | Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities | |
g_debug_vehiclebase | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_vehicledriver | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_vehicleexit | 0 | Да | |
g_debug_vehiclesound | 0 | Да | |
g_Language | 0 | ||
g_ragdoll_fadespeed | 600 | ||
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount | 2 | ||
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed | 100 | ||
g_ragdoll_maxcount | 8 | ||
game_end_halloween_intro_delay | 10 | ||
game_end_halloween_intro_failure_delay | 2 | ||
game_end_item_anim_delay | 2 | ||
game_end_show_gpm | Print GPM stats during game end | ||
game_end_speech_delay | 1 | ||
game_end_xmas_intro_delay | 2 | ||
game_end_xp_anim_delay | 1 | ||
game_end_xp_anim_duration | 1 | ||
gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons | Gives a list of all currently open lessons. | ||
gameinstructor_enable | 1 | Display in game lessons that teach new players. | |
gameinstructor_find_errors | 0 | Да | Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors. |
gameinstructor_reload_lessons | Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file. | ||
gameinstructor_reset_counts | Resets all display and success counts to zero. | ||
gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown | 4 | Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds. | |
gameinstructor_verbose | 0 | Да | Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions. |
gameinstructor_verbose_lesson | 0 | Да | Display more verbose information for lessons have this name. |
gamemenucommand | Issue game menu command. | ||
gamestats_file_output_directory | 0 | When -gamestatsfileoutputonly is specified, file will be emitted here instead of to modpath | |
gameui_activate | Shows the game UI | ||
gameui_allowescape | Escape key allowed to hide game UI | ||
gameui_allowescapetoshow | Escape key allowed to show game UI | ||
gameui_hide | Hides the game UI | ||
gameui_preventescape | Escape key doesn't hide game UI | ||
gameui_preventescapetoshow | Escape key doesn't show game UI | ||
gameui_xbox | 0 | ||
gc_secret_key | 0 | Secret key for authenticating with the GC | |
getpos | dump position and angles to the console | ||
getpos_exact | dump origin and angles to the console | ||
give | Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name> | ||
givecurrentammo | Give a supply of ammo for current weapon.. | ||
gl_clear | 0 | ||
gl_clear_randomcolor | 0 | Да | Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry. |
global_event_log_enabled | 0 | Да | Enables the global event log system |
global_set | global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD). | ||
glow_outline_effect_enable | 1 | Да | Enable entity outline glow effects. |
glow_outline_width | 6 | Да | Width of glow outline effect in screen space. |
god | Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable. | ||
gpu_level | 0 | GPU Level - Default: High | |
gpu_mem_level | 1 | Memory Level - Default: High | |
-graph | |||
+graph | |||
-grenade1 | |||
+grenade1 | |||
-grenade2 | |||
+grenade2 | |||
guidepanel_promptforrating | 1 | ||
guidepanel_resetnag | Resets the nag count on the guide panel | ||
guidepanel_toggle | Toggles the visibility of the Hero Build panel | ||
guild_refresh | guild_force_refresh |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
hammer_update_entity | Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode. | ||
hammer_update_safe_entities | Updates entities in the map that can safely be updated (don't have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entities (incomplete description). | ||
heartbeat | Force heartbeat of master servers | ||
help | Find help about a convar/concommand. | ||
hide_sf_shop | Hide scaleform shop. | ||
hideconsole | Hide the console. | ||
hidehud | 0 | Да | |
hidepanel | Hides a viewport panel <name> | ||
hl2_episodic | 0 | ||
holdout_start_round | Start the indicated round. | ||
host_flush_threshold | 12 | Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances. | |
host_framerate | 0 | Set to lock per-frame time elapse. | |
host_limitlocal | 0 | Apply cl_rate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection.
| |
host_map | 0 | Current map name. | |
host_profile | 0 | ||
host_runofftime | Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds. | ||
host_showcachemiss | 0 | Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed. | |
host_ShowIPCCallCount | 0 | Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown every frame. | |
host_sleep | 0 | Да | Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame. |
host_speeds | 0 | Show general system running times. | |
host_threaded_sound | 0 | Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix). | |
host_timescale | 1 | Да | Prescale the clock by this amount. |
host_timescale_dec | Decrement the timescale by one step. | ||
host_timescale_inc | Increment the timescale by one step. | ||
host_writeconfig | Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file). | ||
host_writeconfig_ss | Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file) with first param as splitscreen index. | ||
hostfile | 0 | The HOST file to load. | |
hostip | 175817056 | Host game server ip | |
hostname | 0 | Hostname for server. | |
hostport | 27015 | Host game server port | |
http_file_exists | Tests if a remote http file exists. | ||
hud_autoreloadscript | 0 | Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran. | |
hud_drawhistory_time | 5 | ||
hud_fastswitch | 0 | ||
hud_reloadscheme | Reloads hud layout and animation scripts. | ||
hud_saytext_time | 12 | ||
hud_scaleformperf | 0 | ||
hud_sf_is_element_visible | Prints visibility info about an SF HUD element. Can specify a child in the SWF as third argument for further info. | ||
hud_sf_reload | reload scaleform hud element. usage: hud_sf_reload <substring of panel name>
| ||
hud_sticky_item_name | 0 | ||
hud_takesshots | 0 | Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map. | |
hunk_print_allocations | |||
hunk_track_allocation_types | 0 | Да | |
hurtme | Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
impulse | |||
in_forceuser | 0 | Да | Force user input to this split screen player. |
in_lock_mouse_to_window | 1 | If set, mouse will be locked inside the game window. | |
in_usekeyboardsampletime | 1 | Use keyboard sample time smoothing. | |
incrementvar | Increment specified convar value. | ||
inspect | Dump information on all script entities with a given name. You can also specify by number. | ||
inspectheroinworld | Zoom into a selected hero in the world for a closer view. | ||
inventory_frame | Inventory set frame #. | ||
inventory_resize | Force re-layout inventory. | ||
invnext | |||
invprev | |||
ip | 0 | Overrides IP for multihomed hosts. | |
item_debug_validation | 1 | If set, CEconEntity::ValidateEntityAttachedToPlayer behaves as it would in release builds and also allows bot players to take t (incomplete description)
| |
item_editor | item_editor | ||
item_enable_dynamic_loading | 1 | Enable/disable dynamic streaming of econ content. | |
item_land_duration | 350 | ||
item_land_magnitude | 10 | ||
item_land_oscillations | 3 | ||
item_show_whitelistable_definitions | Lists the item definitions that can be whitelisted in the item_whitelist.txt file in tournament mode. | ||
item_testitem | Creates a server-side item of the specified type, and gives it to the player. Does NOT create the item on the Steam backend. | ||
items_game_use_gc_copy | 1 | If set, items_game.txt will be stomped by the GC. | |
itemtest | itemtest | ||
iv_off | Turn off all interpolation variable spew. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
+jlook | |||
-jlook | |||
jointeam | |||
joy_accel_filter | 0 | ||
joy_accelmax | 1 | ||
joy_accelscale | 0 | ||
joy_advanced | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisr | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisu | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisv | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisx | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisy | 0 | ||
joy_advaxisz | 0 | ||
joy_autoaimdampen | 0 | How much to scale user stick input when the gun is pointing at a valid target. | |
joy_autoaimdampenrange | 0 | The stick range where autoaim dampening is applied. 0 = off | |
joy_autosprint | 0 | Automatically sprint when moving with an analog joystick | |
joy_axisbutton_threshold | 0 | Analog axis range before a button press is registered. | |
joy_cfg_preset | 0 | ||
joy_circle_correct | 1 | ||
joy_deadzone_mode | 0 | 0 = Cross-shaped deadzone (default), 1 = Square deadzone. | |
joy_diagonalpov | 0 | POV manipulator operates on diagonal axes, too. | |
joy_display_input | 0 | ||
joy_forwardsensitivity | -1 | ||
joy_forwardthreshold | 0 | ||
joy_inverty | 0 | Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking. | |
joy_lookspin_default | 0 | ||
joy_lowend | 1 | ||
joy_lowmap | 1 | ||
joy_movement_stick | 0 | Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick) | |
joy_name | 0 | ||
joy_pegged | 0 | ||
joy_pitchsensitivity | 1 | ||
joy_pitchsensitivity_default | -1 | ||
joy_pitchthreshold | 0 | ||
joy_response_look | 0 | 'Look' stick response mode: 0 = Default, 1 = Acceleration Promotion | |
joy_response_move | 1 | 'Movement' stick response mode: 0 = Linear, 1 = quadratic, 2 = cubic, 3 = quadratic extreme, 4 = power function(i.e., pow(x,1/sensitivity (incomplete description) | |
joy_response_move_vehicle | 6 | ||
joy_sensitive_step0 | 0 | ||
joy_sensitive_step1 | 0 | ||
joy_sensitive_step2 | 0 | ||
joy_sidesensitivity | 1 | ||
joy_sidethreshold | 0 | ||
joy_variable_frametime | 1 | ||
joy_vehicle_turn_lowend | 0 | ||
joy_vehicle_turn_lowmap | 0 | ||
joy_virtual_peg | 0 | ||
joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack | 0 | Wingman warrior centering hack. | |
joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack | 0 | Wingman warrior hack related to turn axes. | |
joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded | 0 | If 0, the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes. | |
joy_yawsensitivity | -1 | ||
joy_yawsensitivity_default | -1 | ||
joy_yawthreshold | 0 | ||
joyadvancedupdate | |||
joystick | 0 | True if the joystick is enabled, false otherwise. | |
jpeg | Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>. | ||
jpeg_quality | 90 | jpeg screenshot quality. | |
-jump | |||
+jump |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
kdtree_test | Tests spatial partition for entities queries. | ||
key_findbinding | Find key bound to specified command string. | ||
key_listboundkeys | List bound keys with bindings. | ||
key_updatelayout | Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting. | ||
kick | Kick a player by name. | ||
kickid | Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message. | ||
kill | Kills the player with generic damage | ||
killserver | Shutdown the server. | ||
killvector | Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value> | ||
-klook | |||
+klook |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
lastinv | |||
-left | |||
+left | |||
light_crosshair | Show texture color at crosshair. | ||
lightcache_maxmiss | 2 | Да | |
lightprobe | Samples the lighting environment. Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called 'material (incomplete description). | ||
linefile | Parses map leak data from .lin file. | ||
listdemo | List demo file contents. | ||
listid | Lists banned users. | ||
listip | List IP addresses on the ban list. | ||
listmodels | List loaded models. | ||
listRecentNPCSpeech | Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs. | ||
load | Load a saved game. | ||
loadcommentary | |||
loader_defer_non_critical_jobs | 0 | ||
loader_dump_table | |||
loader_spew_info | 0 | 0 - Off, 1 - Timing, 2 - Completions, 3 - Late Completions, 4 - Creations/Purges, -1 - All | |
loader_throttle_io | 1 | ||
loadgame_simulate_fail | 0 | ||
loadout_test_activity_modifiers | 0 | Да | |
locator_background_border_color | 268435456 | The default color for the border. | |
locator_background_border_thickness | 3 | How many pixels the background borders the left and right. | |
locator_background_color | 100663296 | The default color for the background. | |
locator_background_shift_x | 3 | How many pixels the background is shifted right. | |
locator_background_shift_y | 1 | How many pixels the background is shifted down. | |
locator_background_style | 0 | Setting this to 1 will show rectangle backgrounds behind the items word-bubble pointers. | |
locator_background_thickness_x | 8 | How many pixels the background borders the left and right. | |
locator_background_thickness_y | 0 | How many pixels the background borders the top and bottom. | |
locator_fade_time | 0 | Number of seconds it takes for a lesson to fully fade in/out. | |
locator_icon_max_size_non_ss | 1 | Maximum scale of the icon on the screen. | |
locator_icon_min_size_non_ss | 1 | Minimum scale of the icon on the screen. | |
locator_lerp_rest | 2 | Number of seconds before moving from the center. | |
locator_lerp_speed | 5 | Speed that static lessons move along the Y axis. | |
locator_lerp_time | 1 | Number of seconds to lerp before reaching final destination. | |
locator_pulse_time | 1 | Number of seconds to pulse after changing icon or position. | |
locator_split_len | 0 | Да | |
locator_split_maxwide_percent | 0 | Да | |
locator_start_at_crosshair | 0 | Start position at the crosshair instead of the top middle of the screen. | |
locator_target_offset_x | 0 | How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position. | |
locator_target_offset_y | 0 | How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position. | |
locator_text_drop_shadow | 1 | If enabled, a drop shadow is drawn behind caption text. PC only. | |
locator_text_glow | 0 | If enabled, a glow is drawn behind caption text | |
locator_text_glow_color | -1 | Color of text glow. | |
locator_topdown_style | 0 | Topdown games set this to handle distance and offscreen location differently. | |
log | off >. | ||
log_color | Set the color of a logging channel. | ||
log_dumpchannels | Dumps information about all logging channels. | ||
log_flags | Set the flags on a logging channel. | ||
log_level | Set the spew level of a logging channel. | ||
log_verbosity | Set the verbosity of a logging channel. | ||
logaddress_add | Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>. | ||
logaddress_del | Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>. | ||
logaddress_delall | Remove all udp addresses being logged to. | ||
logaddress_list | List all addresses currently being used by logaddress. | ||
-lookdown | |||
+lookdown | |||
-lookspin | |||
+lookspin | |||
lookspring | 0 | ||
lookstrafe | 0 | ||
+lookup | |||
-lookup | |||
lore_fade_in_rate | 400 | ||
lore_fade_out_rate | 400 | ||
lservercfgfile | 0 |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
m_customaccel | 0 | Custom mouse acceleration (0 disable, 1 to enable, 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale). Formula: mousesensitivity = ( raw (incomplete description) | |
m_customaccel_exponent | 1 | Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor. | |
m_customaccel_max | 0 | Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit. | |
m_customaccel_scale | 0 | Custom mouse acceleration value. | |
m_filter | 0 | Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames). | |
m_forward | 1 | Mouse forward factor. | |
m_mouseaccel1 | 0 | Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement). | |
m_mouseaccel2 | 0 | Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement). | |
m_mousespeed | 1 | Windows mouse speed factor (range 1 to 20). | |
m_pitch | 0 | Mouse pitch factor. | |
m_side | 0 | Mouse side factor. | |
m_yaw | 0 | Mouse yaw factor. | |
map | Start playing on specified map. | ||
map_background | Runs a map as the background to the main menu. | ||
map_commentary | Start playing, with commentary, on a specified map. | ||
map_edit | |||
map_networkbackdoor | Run a map using the local network backdoor. | ||
map_noareas | 0 | Disable area to area connection testing. | |
mapcyclefile | 0 | Name of the .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers. | |
maps | Displays list of maps. | ||
mat_aaquality | 0 | ||
mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down | 3 | Да | |
mat_ambient_light_b | 0 | Да | |
mat_ambient_light_b_forced | -1 | ||
mat_ambient_light_g | 0 | Да | |
mat_ambient_light_g_forced | -1 | ||
mat_ambient_light_r | 0 | Да | |
mat_ambient_light_r_forced | -1 | ||
mat_antialias | 0 | ||
mat_autoexposure_max | 2 | ||
mat_autoexposure_min | 0 | ||
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar | 0 | ||
mat_bloomamount_rate | 0 | Да | |
mat_bloomscale | 1 | ||
mat_bufferprimitives | 1 | ||
mat_bumpbasis | 0 | Да | |
mat_bumpmap | 1 | ||
mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize | 128 | Да | |
mat_clipz | 1 | ||
mat_colcorrection_disableentities | 0 | Disable map color-correction entities. | |
mat_colcorrection_editor | 0 | ||
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside | 0 | Да | Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client. |
mat_color_projection | 0 | ||
mat_combined | 0 | ||
mat_compressedtextures | 1 | ||
mat_configcurrent | Show the current video control panel config for the material system. | ||
mat_crosshair | Display the name of the material under the crosshair | ||
mat_crosshair_edit | Open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor
| ||
mat_crosshair_explorer | Open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the vmt file. | ||
mat_crosshair_printmaterial | Print the material under the crosshair. | ||
mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial | Reload the material under the crosshair. | ||
mat_debug | Activates debugging spew for a specific material. | ||
mat_debug_bloom | 0 | Да | |
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects | 0 | 0 = off, 1 = show post-processing passes in quadrants of the screen, 2 = only apply post-processing to the centre of the screen. | |
mat_debugalttab | 0 | Да | |
mat_debugdepth | 0 | ||
mat_debugdepthmode | 0 | ||
mat_debugdepthval | 128 | ||
mat_debugdepthvalmax | 256 | ||
mat_defaultlightmap | 1 | Default brightness for lightmaps where none have been created in the level. | |
mat_depth_blur_focal_distance_override | -1 | ||
mat_depth_blur_strength_override | -1 | ||
mat_depthbias_shadowmap | 0 | ||
mat_diffuse | 1 | ||
mat_disable_bloom | 0 | ||
mat_disable_fancy_blending | 0 | ||
mat_disable_lightwarp | 0 | ||
mat_displacementmap | 1 | Да | |
mat_do_not_shrink_dynamic_vb | 0 | Do not shrink the size of dynamic vertex buffers during map load/unload to save memory. | |
mat_dof_enabled | 1 | ||
mat_dof_far_blur_depth | 1000 | ||
mat_dof_far_blur_radius | 5 | ||
mat_dof_far_focus_depth | 250 | ||
mat_dof_max_blur_radius | 10 | ||
mat_dof_near_blur_depth | 20 | ||
mat_dof_near_blur_radius | 10 | ||
mat_dof_near_focus_depth | 100 | ||
mat_dof_override | 0 | ||
mat_dof_quality | 0 | ||
mat_drawflat | 0 | Да | |
mat_drawTexture | 0 | Enable debug view texture. | |
mat_drawTextureScale | 1 | Debug view texture scale. | |
mat_drawTitleSafe | 0 | Enable title safe overlay. | |
mat_drawwater | 1 | Да | |
mat_dump_rts | 0 | ||
mat_dynamic_tonemapping | 1 | Да | |
mat_dynamiclightmaps | 0 | Да | |
mat_edit | Bring up the material under the crosshair in the editor. | ||
mat_envmapsize | 128 | ||
mat_envmaptgasize | 32 | ||
mat_excludetextures | 0 | ||
mat_exposure_center_region_x | 0 | Да | |
mat_exposure_center_region_y | 0 | Да | |
mat_fastclip | 0 | Да | |
mat_fastnobump | 0 | Да | |
mat_fastspecular | 1 | Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf. | |
mat_fillrate | 0 | Да | |
mat_filterlightmaps | 1 | ||
mat_filtertextures | 1 | ||
mat_flushshaders_async | 0 | Да | Set to one to flush shaders next frame (will automatically be reset to zero). Will only work if dynamic shader compile is enable (incomplete description) |
mat_force_bloom | 0 | Да | |
mat_force_low_quality_shadows | 0 | ||
mat_force_tonemap_scale | 0 | Да | |
mat_forceaniso | 1 | ||
mat_forcedynamic | 0 | Да | |
mat_forcehardwaresync | 1 | ||
mat_frame_sync_enable | 1 | Да | |
mat_frame_sync_force_texture | 0 | Да | Force frame syncing to lock a managed texture. |
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize | 128 | ||
mat_freeze_leafvis | 0 | If set to 1, uses the last known leaf visibility data for visualization. If set to 0, updates every frame based on camera move. | |
mat_fullbright | 0 | Да | |
mat_grain_enable | 0 | ||
mat_grain_scale_override | -1 | ||
mat_hdr_enabled | Report if HDR is enabled for debugging. | ||
mat_hdr_level | 0 | Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps. | |
mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate | 1 | ||
mat_hdr_tonemapscale | 1 | Да | The HDR tonemap scale. 1 = Use autoexposure, 0 = eyes fully closed, 16 = eyes wide open. |
mat_hdr_uncapexposure | 0 | Да | |
mat_hsv | 0 | Да | |
mat_info | Shows material system info. | ||
mat_leafvis | 0 | Да | Draw wireframe of current leaf. |
mat_leafvis_draw_mask | -1 | A bitfield which affects leaf visibility debug rendering. -1: show all, bit 0: render PVS-visible leafs, bit 1: render PVS- an (incomplete description) | |
mat_levelflush | 1 | ||
mat_lightmap_pfms | 0 | Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits. | |
mat_loadtextures | 1 | Да | |
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override | -1000 | ||
mat_local_contrast_enable | 0 | ||
mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override | -1 | ||
mat_local_contrast_scale_override | 0 | ||
mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override | -1 | ||
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override | -1 | ||
mat_lpreview_mode | -1 | Да | |
mat_luxels | 0 | Да | |
mat_managedtextures | 1 | If set, allows Direct3D to manage texture uploading at the cost of extra system memory. | |
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices | 65536 | ||
mat_maxframelatency | 1 | ||
mat_measurefillrate | 0 | Да | |
mat_mipmaptextures | 1 | ||
mat_monitorgamma | 2 | monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD). | |
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled | 0 | ||
mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp | 2 | ||
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max | 255 | ||
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min | 16 | ||
mat_morphstats | 0 | Да | |
mat_motion_blur_enabled | 0 | ||
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity | 1 | ||
mat_motion_blur_falling_max | 20 | ||
mat_motion_blur_falling_min | 10 | ||
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled | 1 | ||
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max | 4 | ||
mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity | 1 | ||
mat_motion_blur_strength | 1 | ||
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor | 0 | ||
mat_norendering | 0 | Да | |
mat_normalmaps | 0 | Да | |
mat_normals | 0 | Да | |
mat_object_motion_blur_enable | 0 | ||
mat_object_motion_blur_model_scale | 1 | ||
mat_paint_enabled | 0 | ||
mat_parallaxmap | 1 | ||
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmax | 50 | ||
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmin | 12 | ||
mat_phong | 1 | ||
mat_picmip | 1 | ||
mat_postprocess_enable | 1 | Да | |
mat_postprocess_x | 4 | ||
mat_postprocess_y | 1 | ||
mat_processtoolvars | 1 | ||
mat_proxy | 0 | Да | |
mat_proxy_warnings | 1 | ||
mat_queue_mode | -1 | The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1 = default, 0 = synchronous single thread, 1 = queued single thread, 2 = queued. | |
mat_queue_priority | 1 | ||
mat_queue_report | 0 | Report thread stalls. Positive number will filter by stalls >= time in ms. -1 reports all locks. | |
mat_reducefillrate | 0 | ||
mat_reduceparticles | 0 | ||
mat_reloadallmaterials | Reloads all materials. | ||
mat_reloadmaterial | Reloads a single material. | ||
mat_reloadtextures | Reloads all textures. | ||
mat_remoteshadercompile | 0 | Да | |
mat_report_queue_status | 0 | ||
mat_reporthwmorphmemory | Reports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures. | ||
mat_reversedepth | 0 | Да | |
mat_savechanges | Saves current video configuration to the registry. | ||
mat_screen_blur_override | -1 | ||
mat_setvideomode | Sets the width, height, windowed state of the material system. | ||
mat_shadercount | Display count of all shaders and reset that count | ||
mat_shadowstate | 1 | ||
mat_show_histogram | 0 | ||
mat_show_texture_memory_usage | 0 | Да | Display the texture memory usage on the HUD. |
mat_showcamerarendertarget | 0 | Да | |
mat_showenvmapmask | 0 | ||
mat_showframebuffertexture | 0 | Да | |
mat_showlightmappage | -1 | ||
mat_showlowresimage | 0 | Да | |
mat_showmaterials | Show materials. | ||
mat_showmaterialsverbose | Show materials (verbose version). | ||
mat_showmiplevels | 0 | Да | Color-code miplevels 2: normalmaps, 1: everything else |
mat_showtextures | Show used textures. | ||
mat_showwatertextures | 0 | Да | |
mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap | 4 | ||
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines | 0 | How much software AA should blur one-pixel thick lines: (0.0 - none), (1.0 - lots). | |
mat_software_aa_debug | 0 | Software AA debug mode: (0 - off), (1 - show number of 'unlike' samples: 0->black, 1->red, 2->green, 3->blue), (2 - show anti-a (incomplete description). | |
mat_software_aa_edge_threshold | 1 | Software AA - adjusts the sensitivity of the software AA shader's edge detection (default 1.0 - a lower value will soften more ( incomplete description). | |
mat_software_aa_quality | 0 | Software AA quality mode: (0 - 5-tap filter), (1 - 9-tap filter). | |
mat_software_aa_strength | -1 | Software AA - perform a software anti-aliasing post-process (an alternative/supplement to MSAA). This value sets the strength o (incomplete description). | |
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui | -1 | Same as mat_software_aa_strength, but forced to this value when called by the post vgui AA pass. | |
mat_software_aa_tap_offset | 1 | Software AA - adjusts the displacement of the taps used by the software AA shader (default 1.0 - a lower value will make the im (incomplete description) | |
mat_softwarelighting | 0 | ||
mat_softwareskin | 0 | Да | |
mat_specular | 1 | Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change. | |
mat_spew_long_frames | 0 | Warn about frames that go over 66ms for CERT purposes. | |
mat_spewalloc | 0 | ||
mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders | Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console | ||
mat_stub | 0 | Да | |
mat_suppress | Supress a material from drawing. | ||
mat_surfaceid | 0 | Да | |
mat_surfacemat | 0 | Да | |
mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents | 0 | Да | |
mat_tessellation_cornertangents | 1 | Да | |
mat_tessellation_update_buffers | 1 | Да | |
mat_tessellationlevel | 6 | Да | |
mat_texture_limit | -1 | If this value is not -1, the material system will limit the amount of texture memory it uses in a frame. Useful for identifying (incomplete description) | |
+mat_texture_list | |||
mat_texture_list | 0 | For debugging, show a list of used textures per frame. | |
-mat_texture_list | |||
mat_texture_list_all | 1 | If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will show all currently-loaded textures. | |
mat_texture_list_all_frames | 2 | How many frames to sample texture memory for all textures. | |
mat_texture_list_content_path | 0 | The content path to the materialsrc directory. If left unset, it'll assume your content directory is next to the currently runn | |
mat_texture_list_exclude | 'load' - loads the exclude list file, 'reset' - resets all loaded exclude information, 'save' - saves exclude list file. | ||
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing | 0 | ||
mat_texture_list_txlod | Adjust LOD of the last viewed texture +1 to inc resolution, -1 to dec resolution. | ||
mat_texture_list_txlod_sync | 'reset' - resets all run-time changes to LOD overrides, 'save' - saves all changes to material content files | ||
mat_texture_list_view | 1 | If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will render thumbnails of currently-loaded textures. | |
mat_texture_tracking | 0 | ||
mat_tonemap_algorithm | 1 | Да | 0 = Original Algorithm, 1 = New Algorithm |
mat_tonemap_min_avglum | 3 | Да | |
mat_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels | 2 | Да | |
mat_tonemap_percent_target | 60 | Да | |
mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil | 0 | ||
mat_triplebuffered | 0 | This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsync'd. | |
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures | 1 | ||
mat_viewportscale | 1 | Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling). | |
mat_viewportupscale | 1 | Да | Scale the viewport back up. |
mat_vignette_enable | 0 | ||
mat_vsync | 0 | Force sync to vertical retrace. | |
mat_wateroverlaysize | 128 | ||
mat_wireframe | 0 | Да | |
mat_yuv | 0 | Да | |
maxplayers | Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server. | ||
mem_compact | |||
mem_dump | Dump memory stats to text file. | ||
mem_dumpstats | 0 | Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame (set to 2 for continuous output). | |
mem_dumpvballocs | Dump VB memory allocation stats. | ||
mem_eat | |||
mem_force_flush | 0 | Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc. | |
mem_force_flush_section | 0 | Cache section to restrict mem_force_flush .
| |
mem_incremental_compact | |||
mem_incremental_compact_rate | 0 | Да | Rate at which to attempt internal heap compation. |
mem_level | 2 | Memory Level - Default: High | |
mem_max_heapsize | 256 | Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in MB). | |
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated | 64 | Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, for dedicated server (in MB). | |
mem_min_heapsize | 128 | Minimum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in MB). | |
mem_periodicdumps | 0 | Write periodic memstats dumps every n seconds. | |
mem_test | |||
mem_test_each_frame | 0 | Run heap check at end of every frame. | |
mem_test_every_n_seconds | 0 | Run heap check at a specified interval. | |
mem_test_quiet | 0 | Don't print stats when memtesting. | |
mem_vcollide | Dumps the memory used by vcollides. | ||
mem_verify | Verify the validity of the heap. | ||
memory | Print memory stats. | ||
miniprofiler_dump | 0 | ||
minisave | Saves game (for current level only!). | ||
mod_check_vcollide | 0 | Check all vcollides on load. | |
mod_combiner_info | Debug spew for Combiner Info. | ||
mod_dont_load_vertices | 0 | For the dedicated server, suppress loading model vertex data. | |
mod_forcedata | 1 | Forces all model file data into cache on model load. | |
mod_forcetouchdata | 1 | Forces all model file data into cache on model load. | |
mod_load_anims_async | 0 | ||
mod_load_fakestall | 0 | Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms. | |
mod_load_mesh_async | 0 | ||
mod_load_showstall | 0 | 1 - show hitches , 2 - show stalls | |
mod_load_vcollide_async | 0 | ||
mod_lock_mdls_on_load | 1 | ||
mod_lock_meshes_on_load | 0 | ||
mod_test_mesh_not_available | 0 | ||
mod_test_not_available | 0 | ||
mod_test_verts_not_available | 0 | ||
mod_touchalldata | 1 | Touch model data during level startup. | |
mod_trace_load | 0 | ||
model_combiner_dumpstats | Dump the stats for the model combiner manager. | ||
model_list | Dump model list to file. | ||
morph_debug | 0 | ||
morph_path | 7 | ||
motdfile | 0 | The MOTD file to load. | |
+movedown | |||
-movedown | |||
+moveleft | |||
-moveleft | |||
+moveright | |||
-moveright | |||
+moveup | |||
-moveup | |||
movie_fixwave | Fixup corrupted .wav file if engine crashed during startmovie/endmovie, etc. | ||
mp_allowNPCs | 1 | ||
mp_allowspectators | 1 | Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. | |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 | ||
mp_chattime | 10 | Amount of time players can chat after the game is over. | |
mp_clan_ready_signal | 0 | Text that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin. | |
mp_clan_readyrestart | 0 | If non-zero, game will restart once someone from each team gives the ready signal. | |
mp_defaultteam | 0 | ||
mp_disable_autokick | Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked. | ||
mp_fadetoblack | 0 | Fade a player's screen to black when he dies. | |
mp_falldamage | 0 | ||
mp_flashlight | 0 | ||
mp_footsteps | 1 | ||
mp_forcecamera | 1 | Restricts spectator modes for dead players. | |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 | ||
mp_fraglimit | 0 | ||
mp_friendlyfire | 0 | Allows team members to injure other members of their team. | |
mp_restartgame | 0 | If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds. | |
mp_teamlist | 0 | ||
mp_teamoverride | 1 | ||
mp_teamplay | 0 | ||
mp_timelimit | 0 | Game time per map in minutes. | |
mp_tournament | 0 | ||
mp_tournament_whitelist | 0 | Specifies the item whitelist file to use. | |
mp_usehwmmodels | 0 | Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU) | |
mp_usehwmvcds | 0 | Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU) | |
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel | 0 | Set to 1 to end the WaitingForPlayers period. | |
mp_waitingforplayers_restart | 0 | Set to 1 to start or restart the WaitingForPlayers period. | |
mp_waitingforplayers_time | 0 | WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds. | |
mp_weaponstay | 0 | ||
multiunit_frame_tall | 48 | ||
multiunit_frame_wide | 48 | ||
multiunit_page_next | Cycle to the next multiunit page. | ||
multiunit_page_prev | Cycle to the previous multiunit page. | ||
multiunit_x_gap | 4 | ||
multiunit_x_start | 0 | ||
multiunit_y_gap | 13 | ||
multiunit_y_start | 0 | ||
multvar | Multiply specified convar value. | ||
muzzleflash_light | 1 |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
name | 0 | Current user name | |
nav_add_to_selected_set | Add current area to the selected set. | ||
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id | Add specified area id to the selected set. | ||
nav_analyze | Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk. | ||
nav_area_bgcolor | 503316480 | Да | RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing. |
nav_area_max_size | 50 | Да | Max area size created in nav generation. |
nav_avoid | Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_begin_area | Defines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder, drag the opposite corner to the desired location and (incomplete description). | ||
nav_begin_deselecting | Start continuously removing from the selected set. | ||
nav_begin_drag_deselecting | Start dragging a selection area. | ||
nav_begin_drag_selecting | Start dragging a selection area. | ||
nav_begin_selecting | Start continuously adding to the selected set. | ||
nav_begin_shift_xy | Begin shifting the Selected Set. | ||
nav_build_ladder | Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor. | ||
nav_check_file_consistency | Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files. | ||
nav_check_floor | Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area. | ||
nav_check_stairs | Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute. | ||
nav_chop_selected | Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas. | ||
nav_clear_attribute | Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set. | ||
nav_clear_selected_set | Clear the selected set. | ||
nav_clear_walkable_marks | Erase any previously placed walkable positions. | ||
nav_compress_id | Re-orders area and ladder ID's so they are continuous. | ||
nav_connect | To connect two Areas, mark the first Area, highlight the second Area, then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a (incomplete description). | ||
nav_coplanar_slope_limit | 0 | Да | |
nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement | 0 | Да | |
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent | 18 | Да | radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners. |
nav_corner_lower | Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area. | ||
nav_corner_place_on_ground | Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground. | ||
nav_corner_raise | Raise the selected corner of the currently marked Area. | ||
nav_corner_select | Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners. | ||
nav_create_area_at_feet | 0 | Да | Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet.
nav_create_place_on_ground | 0 | Да | If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand. |
nav_crouch | Toggles the 'must crouch in this area' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_debug_blocked | 0 | Да | |
nav_delete | Deletes the currently highlighted Area. | ||
nav_delete_marked | Deletes the currently marked Area (if any). | ||
nav_disconnect | To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connected (incomplete description). | ||
nav_displacement_test | 10000 | Да | Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps). |
nav_dont_hide | Toggles the 'area is not suitable for hiding spots' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset | 32 | The offset of the nav drag volume top from center. | |
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset | 32 | The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center. | |
nav_draw_limit | 500 | Да | The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode. |
nav_edit | 0 | Да | Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode. |
nav_end_area | Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it. | ||
nav_end_deselecting | Stop continuously removing from the selected set. | ||
nav_end_drag_deselecting | Stop dragging a selection area. | ||
nav_end_drag_selecting | Stop dragging a selection area. | ||
nav_end_selecting | Stop continuously adding to the selected set. | ||
nav_end_shift_xy | Finish shifting the Selected Set. | ||
nav_flood_select | Selects the current Area and all Areas connected to it, recursively. To clear a selection, use this command again. | ||
nav_gen_cliffs_approx | Mark cliff areas, post-processing approximation. | ||
nav_generate | Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk. | ||
nav_generate_fencetops | 1 | Да | Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops. |
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas | 1 | Да | Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections. |
nav_generate_incremental | Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk. | ||
nav_generate_incremental_range | 2000 | Да | |
nav_generate_incremental_tolerance | 0 | Да | Z tolerance for adding new nav areas. |
nav_jump | Toggles the 'traverse this area by jumping' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_ladder_flip | Flips the selected ladder's direction. | ||
nav_load | Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map. | ||
nav_lower_drag_volume_max | Lower the top of the drag select volume. | ||
nav_lower_drag_volume_min | Lower the bottom of the drag select volume. | ||
nav_make_sniper_spots | Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots. | ||
nav_mark | Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands. | ||
nav_mark_attribute | Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set. | ||
nav_mark_unnamed | Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting. | ||
nav_mark_walkable | Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate (incomplete description). | ||
nav_max_view_distance | 6000 | Да | Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units). |
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length | 64 | Да | |
nav_merge | To merge two Areas into one, mark the first Area, highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it, and invoke the merge comm (incomplete description). | ||
nav_merge_mesh | Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh. | ||
nav_no_hostages | Toggles the 'hostages cannot use this area' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_no_jump | Toggles the 'dont jump in this area' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_place_floodfill | Sets the Place of the Area under the cursor to the curent Place, and 'flood-fills' the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filling (incomplete description). | ||
nav_place_list | Lists all place names used in the map. | ||
nav_place_pick | Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor. | ||
nav_place_replace | Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place. | ||
nav_place_set | Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place. | ||
nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance | 0 | Да | |
nav_precise | Toggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_quicksave | 1 | Да | Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing. |
nav_raise_drag_volume_max | Raise the top of the drag select volume. | ||
nav_raise_drag_volume_min | Raise the bottom of the drag select volume. | ||
nav_recall_selected_set | Re-selects the stored selected set. | ||
nav_remove_from_selected_set | Remove current area from the selected set. | ||
nav_remove_jump_areas | Removes legacy jump areas, replacing them with connections. | ||
nav_run | Toggles the 'traverse this area by running' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_save | Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk. | ||
nav_save_selected | Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh. | ||
nav_select_blocked_areas | Adds all blocked areas to the selected set. | ||
nav_select_damaging_areas | Adds all damaging areas to the selected set. | ||
nav_select_half_space | Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space. | ||
nav_select_invalid_areas | Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set. | ||
nav_select_obstructed_areas | Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set. | ||
nav_select_overlapping | Selects nav areas that are overlapping others. | ||
nav_select_radius | Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set. | ||
nav_select_stairs | Adds all stairway areas to the selected set. | ||
nav_selected_set_border_color | -16751516 | Да | Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing. |
nav_selected_set_color | 1623785472 | Да | Color used to draw the selected set background while editing. |
nav_set_place_mode | Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names. | ||
nav_shift | Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount. | ||
nav_show_approach_points | 0 | Да | Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh. |
nav_show_area_info | 0 | Да | Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing. |
nav_show_compass | 0 | Да | |
nav_show_continguous | 0 | Да | Highlight non-contiguous connections |
nav_show_danger | 0 | Да | Show current 'danger' levels. |
nav_show_light_intensity | 0 | Да | |
nav_show_node_grid | 0 | Да | |
nav_show_node_id | 0 | Да | |
nav_show_nodes | 0 | Да | |
nav_show_player_counts | 0 | Да | Show current player counts in each area. |
nav_show_potentially_visible | 0 | Да | Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area. |
nav_simplify_selected | Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas. | ||
nav_slope_limit | 0 | Да | The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated. |
nav_slope_tolerance | 0 | Да | The ground unit normal's Z component must be this close to the nav area's Z component to be generated. |
nav_snap_to_grid | 0 | Да | Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas. |
nav_solid_props | 0 | Да | Make props solid to nav generation/editing |
nav_splice | To splice, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the splice command to create a new, connected area between them. | ||
nav_split | To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command. | ||
nav_split_place_on_ground | 0 | Да | If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split. |
nav_stand | Toggles the 'stand while hiding' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_stop | Toggles the 'must stop when entering this area' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_store_selected_set | Stores the current selected set for later retrieval. | ||
nav_strip | Strips all Hiding Spots, Approach Points, and Encounter Spots from the current Area. | ||
nav_subdivide | Subdivides all selected areas. | ||
nav_test_node | 0 | Да | |
nav_test_node_crouch | 0 | Да | |
nav_test_node_crouch_dir | 4 | Да | |
nav_test_stairs | Test the selected set for being on stairs. | ||
nav_toggle_deselecting | Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set. | ||
nav_toggle_in_selected_set | Remove current area from the selected set. | ||
nav_toggle_place_mode | Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names. | ||
nav_toggle_place_painting | Toggles Place Painting mode. When Place Painting, pointing at an Area will 'paint' it with the current Place. | ||
nav_toggle_selected_set | Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set. | ||
nav_toggle_selecting | Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set. | ||
nav_transient | Toggles the 'area is transient and may become blocked' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_unmark | Clears the marked Area or Ladder. | ||
nav_update_blocked | Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area. | ||
nav_update_lighting | Recomputes lighting values. | ||
nav_update_visibility_on_edit | 0 | Да | If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility. |
nav_use_place | If used without arguments, all available Places will be listed. If a Place argument is given, the current Place is set. | ||
nav_walk | Toggles the 'traverse this area by walking' flag used by the AI system. | ||
nav_warp_to_mark | Warps the player to the marked area. | ||
nav_world_center | Centers the nav mesh in the world. | ||
nb_allow_avoiding | 1 | Да | |
nb_allow_climbing | 1 | Да | |
nb_allow_gap_jumping | 1 | Да | |
nb_blind | 0 | Да | Disable vision |
nb_command | Sends a command string to all bots | ||
nb_debug_climbing | 0 | Да | |
nb_debug_filter | Add items to the NextBot debug filter. Items can be entindexes or part of the indentifier of one or more bots. | ||
nb_debug_history | 0 | Да | If true, each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory. |
nb_debug_known_entities | 0 | Да | Show the 'known entities' for the bot that is the current spectator target. |
nb_delete_all | Delete all non-player NextBot entities. | ||
nb_force_look_at | Force selected bot to look at the local player's position | ||
nb_goal_look_ahead_range | 50 | Да | |
nb_head_aim_resettle_angle | 100 | Да | After rotating through this angle, the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad. |
nb_head_aim_resettle_time | 0 | Да | How long the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad. |
nb_head_aim_settle_duration | 0 | Да | |
nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate | 100 | Да | |
nb_ladder_align_range | 50 | Да | |
nb_move_to_cursor | Tell all NextBots to move to the cursor position. | ||
nb_path_draw_inc | 100 | Да | |
nb_path_draw_segment_count | 100 | Да | |
nb_path_segment_influence_radius | 100 | Да | |
nb_player_crouch | 0 | Да | Force bots to crouch. |
nb_player_move | 1 | Да | Prevents bots from moving. |
nb_player_move_direct | 0 | ||
nb_player_stop | 0 | Да | Stop all NextBotPlayers from updating. |
nb_player_walk | 0 | Да | Force bots to walk. |
nb_saccade_speed | 1000 | Да | |
nb_saccade_time | 0 | Да | |
nb_select | Select the bot you are aiming at for further debug operations. | ||
nb_shadow_dist | 400 | ||
nb_speed_look_ahead_range | 150 | Да | |
nb_stop | 0 | Да | Stop all NextBots. |
nb_update_debug | 0 | Да | |
nb_update_framelimit | 15 | Да | |
nb_update_frequency | 0 | Да | |
nb_update_maxslide | 2 | Да | |
nb_warp_selected_here | Teleport the selected bot to your cursor position. | ||
net_blockmsg | 0 | Да | 1| name>. |
net_channels | Shows net channel info. | ||
net_compressvoice | 0 | Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only). | |
net_debug_to_file | 0 | ||
net_droppackets | 0 | Да | Drops next n packets on client. |
net_dumpeventstats | Dumps out a report of game event network usage. | ||
net_fakejitter | 0 | Да | Jitter fakelag packet time. |
net_fakelag | 0 | Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds. | |
net_fakeloss | 0 | Да | Simulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets). |
net_graph | 1 | Draw the network usage graph, 2 = draws data on payload, 3 = draws payload legend. | |
net_graphheight | 64 | Height of netgraph panel. | |
net_graphinsetbottom | 429 | net_graph insert from bottom.
| |
net_graphinsetleft | 0 | net_graph insert from left.
| |
net_graphinsetright | -70 | net_graph insert from right.
| |
net_graphinsettop | 0 | net_graph insert from top.
| |
net_graphmsecs | 400 | The latency graph represents this many milliseconds. | |
net_graphpos | 1 | ||
net_graphproportionalfont | 0 | Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not.. | |
net_graphshowinterp | 1 | Draw the interpolation graph. | |
net_graphshowlatency | 1 | Draw the ping/packet loss graph. | |
net_graphsolid | 1 | ||
net_graphtext | 1 | Draw text fields. | |
net_maxcleartime | 4 | Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit). | |
net_maxfilesize | 16 | Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB. | |
net_maxfragments | 1200 | Max fragment bytes per packet. | |
net_maxroutable | 1200 | Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'. | |
net_port_try | 150 | If unable to bind to initial port, how many more to try binding. | |
net_public_adr | 0 | For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x'). | |
net_queue_trace | 0 | ||
net_queued_packet_thread | 1 | Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame. | |
net_scale | 5 | ||
net_showcompression | 0 | Show compression results. | |
net_showeventlisteners | 0 | Show listening addition/removals. | |
net_showevents | 0 | Dump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all). | |
net_showfragments | 0 | Show netchannel fragments. | |
net_showoob | 0 | Show connectionless UDP traffic. | |
net_showpeaks | 0 | Show messages for large packets only: <size>. | |
net_showreliablesounds | 0 | Да | |
net_showsplits | 0 | Show info about packet splits. | |
net_showudp | 0 | Dump UDP packets summary to console. | |
net_showudp_remoteonly | 0 | Dump non-loopback udp only. | |
net_showuser | 0 | Show user command encoding. | |
net_splitrate | 1 | Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame. | |
net_status | Shows current network status. | ||
net_usesocketsforloopback | 1 | Use network sockets layer even for listen server local player's packets (multiplayer only). | |
next | 0 | Да | Set to 1 to advance to next frame (when singlestep == 1). |
nextdemo | Play next demo in sequence. | ||
nextlevel | 0 | If set to a valid map name, will change to this map during the next changelevel. | |
noclip | Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable. | ||
noclip_fixup | 1 | Да | |
notarget | Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs. | ||
npc_ally_deathmessage | 1 | Да | |
npc_ammo_deplete | Subtracts half of the target's ammo. | ||
npc_bipass | Displays the local movement attempts by the given NPC(s) (triangulation detours). Failed bypass routes are displayed in red, s (incomplete description). | ||
npc_combat | Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text). Arguments: {npc_name} | ||
npc_conditions | Displays all the current AI conditions that an NPC has in the overlay text. Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc class_name} / no a (incomplete description). | ||
npc_create | Creates an NPC of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location). Arguments: (incomplete description). | ||
npc_create_aimed | Creates an NPC aimed away from the player of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at (incomplete description). | ||
npc_create_equipment | 0 | ||
npc_destroy | Removes the given NPC(s) from the universe Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking (incomplete description). | ||
npc_destroy_unselected | Removes all NPCs from the universe that aren't currently selected. | ||
npc_enemies | Shows memory of NPC. Draws an X on top of each memory. Eluded entities drawn in blue (don't know where it went) Unreachable (incomplete description). | ||
npc_focus | Displays red line to NPC's enemy (if has one) and blue line to NPC's target entity (if has one) Arguments: {npc_name} / {np (incomplete description). | ||
npc_freeze | Selected NPC(s) will freeze in place (or unfreeze). If there are no selected NPCs, uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments: (incomplete description). | ||
npc_freeze_unselected | Freeze all NPCs not selected | ||
npc_go | Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box). Arguments: -none- | ||
npc_go_do_run | 1 | Set whether should run on NPC go. | |
npc_go_random | Sends all selected NPC(s) to a random node. Arguments: -none- | ||
npc_heal | Heals the target back to full health. | ||
npc_height_adjust | 1 | Enable test mode for ik height adjustment. | |
npc_kill | Kills the given NPC(s). Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at (incomplete description). | ||
npc_nearest | Draw's a while box around the NPC(s) nearest node Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player i (incomplete description). | ||
npc_relationships | Displays the relationships between this NPC and all others. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha (incomplete description). | ||
npc_reset | Reloads schedules for all NPC's from their script files. Arguments: -none- | ||
npc_route | Displays the current route of the given NPC as a line on the screen. Waypoints along the route are drawn as small cyan rectangle (incomplete description). | ||
npc_select | Select or deselects the given NPC(s) for later manipulation. Selected NPC's are shown surrounded by a red translucent box Arguments: (incomplete description). | ||
npc_sentences | 0 | ||
npc_set_freeze | Selected NPC(s) will freeze in place (or unfreeze). If there are no selected NPCs, uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments: (incomplete description). | ||
npc_set_freeze_unselected | Freeze all NPCs not selected. | ||
npc_speakall | Force the npc to try and speak all their responses. | ||
npc_squads | Obsolete. Replaced by npc_combat .
| ||
npc_steering | Displays the steering obstructions of the NPC (used to perform local avoidance). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / n (incomplete description). | ||
npc_steering_all | Displays the steering obstructions of all NPCs (used to perform local avoidance) | ||
npc_task_text | Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all the tasks + break conditions of the selected NPC current schedule (incomplete description). | ||
npc_tasks | Displays detailed text debugging information about the all the tasks of the selected NPC current schedule (See Overlay Text). Arguments: (incomplete description). | ||
npc_teleport | Selected NPC will teleport to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box). Arguments: -none- | ||
npc_thinknow | Trigger NPC to think. | ||
npc_viewcone | Displays the viewcone of the NPC (where they are currently looking and what the extents of there vision is). Arguments: {ent (incomplete description). | ||
npc_vphysics | 0 |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
old_radiusdamage | 0 | ||
openshop_category | Opens shop from clicks on the world shop model, specific tab request. | ||
option_duck_method | 1 | ||
overview_alpha | 1 | Overview map translucency. | |
overview_draw_map | 1 | ||
overview_health | 1 | Show player's health in map overview. | |
overview_locked | 1 | Locks map angle, doesn't follow view angle. | |
overview_mode | 1|2>. | ||
overview_names | 1 | Show player's names in map overview. | |
overview_tracks | 1 | Show player's tracks in map overview. | |
overview_zoom | Sets overview map zoom: <zoom> [ |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
paint_sample_size | 4 | Да | |
paintmap_scale | 1 | Да | |
panel_test_title_safe | 0 | Да | Test vgui panel positioning with title safe indentation. |
particle_render_memory_min_req | 256 | ||
particle_sim_alt_cores | 2 | ||
particle_simulateoverflow | 0 | Да | Used for stress-testing particle systems. Randomly denies creation of particles. |
particle_test_attach_attachment | 0 | Да | Attachment index for attachment mode. |
particle_test_attach_mode | 0 | Да | Possible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'. |
particle_test_file | 0 | Да | Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn. |
particle_test_start | Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file , particle_test_attach_mode and particle.
| ||
particle_test_stop | Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player (incomplete description). | ||
particle_vertex_memory_min_req | 2536 | ||
particles_default_max_recreate_time | 2 | Да | |
particles_recreate_tick_size | 0 | Да | |
password | -2147483648 | Current server access password. | |
path | Show the filesystem path. | ||
pause | Toggle the server pause state. | ||
perfui | Show/hide the level performance tools UI. | ||
perfvisualbenchmark | |||
perfvisualbenchmark_abort | |||
phonemedelay | 0 | Phoneme delay to account for sound system latency. | |
phonemefilter | 0 | Time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes. | |
phonemesnap | 2 | Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes, regardless of duration. | |
phys_enable_query_cache | 1 | ||
phys_impactforcescale | 1 | ||
phys_penetration_error_time | 10 | Controls the duration of vphysics penetration error boxes. | |
phys_pushscale | 1 | ||
phys_speeds | 0 | ||
phys_stressbodyweights | 5 | ||
phys_timescale | 1 | Scale time for physics. | |
phys_upimpactforcescale | 0 | ||
physics_budget | Times the cost of each active object. | ||
physics_constraints | Highlights constraint system graph for an entity. | ||
physics_debug_entity | Dumps debug info for an entity. | ||
physics_highlight_active | Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects. | ||
physics_report_active | Lists all active physics objects. | ||
physics_select | Dumps debug info for an entity. | ||
physicsshadowupdate_render | 0 | ||
physPMC | 0 | ||
picker | Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the play. | ||
ping | Display ping to server. | ||
pipeline_static_props | 1 | ||
pixelvis_debug | Dump debug info. | ||
play | Play a sound. | ||
play_greevil_pitch_adjust | 0 | ||
play_greevil_y_adjust | 0 | ||
playdemo | Play a recorded demo file (.dem ). | ||
playdemo_scripted | Play a demo with an associated markup script. | ||
player_debug_print_damage | 0 | Да | When true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console. |
player_old_armor | 0 | ||
playflush | Play a sound, reloading from disk in case of changes. | ||
playgamesound | Play a sound from the game sounds txt file. | ||
playsoundscape | Forces a soundscape to play. | ||
playuisound | Play a sound from the game sounds txt file in the UI. | ||
playvideo | Plays a video: <filename> [width height]. | ||
playvideo_exitcommand | Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>. | ||
playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt | Plays a video (without interruption) and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>). | ||
playvideo_nointerrupt | Plays a video without ability to skip: <filename> [width height]. | ||
playvol | Play a sound at a specified volume. | ||
pods_force_refresh | Force a refresh on the models drawn in the pods. | ||
portrait_red | 200 | ||
+posedebug | Turn on pose debugger or add ents to pose debugger UI. | ||
-posedebug | Turn off pose debugger or hide ents from pose debugger UI. | ||
position_stats | |||
practice_password | 0 | Password used to filter private practice lobbies. | |
print_colorcorrection | Display the color correction layer information. | ||
progress_enable | |||
prop_active_gib_limit | 999999 | ||
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time | 999999 | ||
prop_crosshair | Shows name for prop looking at. | ||
prop_debug | Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond phys (incomplete description). | ||
prop_dynamic_create | Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}. | ||
prop_physics_create | Creates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}. | ||
props_break_max_pieces | -1 | Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default). | |
props_break_max_pieces_perframe | -1 | Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default). | |
pwatchent | -1 | Да | Entity to watch for prediction system changes. |
pwatchvar | 0 | Да | Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
-query | |||
+query | |||
quit | Exit the engine. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
r_3dsky | 1 | Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes. | |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1 | Да | |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7 | Да | |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0 | Да | |
r_ambientboost | 1 | Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights. | |
r_ambientfactor | 5 | Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor. | |
r_ambientfraction | 0 | Да | Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests. |
r_ambientlightingonly | 0 | Да | Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting). |
r_ambientmin | 0 | Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. it's already sufficiently bright. | |
r_aspectratio | 0 | ||
r_avglight | 1 | Да | |
r_avglightmap | 0 | Да | |
r_bloomtintb | 0 | ||
r_bloomtintexponent | 2 | ||
r_bloomtintg | 0 | ||
r_bloomtintr | 0 | ||
r_cheapwaterend | |||
r_cheapwaterstart | |||
r_cleardecals | Usage r_cleardecals <permanent> .
| ||
r_ClipAreaPortals | 1 | Да | |
r_colorstaticprops | 0 | Да | |
r_debug_sequencesets | -2 | ||
r_debugcheapwater | 0 | Да | |
r_debugrandomstaticlighting | 0 | Да | Set to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging. Must restart for change to take affect. |
r_decal_cover_count | 4 | ||
r_decal_overlap_area | 0 | ||
r_decal_overlap_count | 3 | ||
r_decals | 2048 | ||
r_decalstaticprops | 1 | Decal static props test. | |
r_deferred_additive_pass | 0 | ||
r_deferred_global_light | 1 | ||
r_deferred_height_fog | 0 | ||
r_deferred_simple_light | 1 | ||
r_deferred_simple_projections | 1 | ||
r_deferred_specular | 1 | ||
r_deferred_specular_bloom | 1 | ||
r_depthoverlay | 0 | Да | Replaces opaque objects with their grayscaled depth values. r_showz_power scales the output. |
r_DispBuildable | 0 | Да | |
r_DispWalkable | 0 | Да | |
r_dopixelvisibility | 1 | ||
r_DotaSpecificCullingToggle | Toggle Dota specific culling. | ||
r_drawallrenderables | 0 | Да | Draw all renderables, even ones inside solid leaves. |
r_drawbatchdecals | 1 | Render decals batched. | |
r_DrawBeams | 1 | Да | 0 = Off, 1 = Normal, 2 = Wireframe |
r_drawbrushmodels | 1 | Да | Render brush models. 0 = Off, 1 = Normal, 2=Wireframe |
r_drawclipbrushes | 0 | Да | Draw clip brushes (red = NPC+player, pink = player, purple = NPC) |
r_drawdecals | 1 | Да | Render decals. |
r_DrawDetailProps | 1 | 0 = Off, 1 = Normal, 2 = Wireframe | |
r_DrawDisp | 1 | Да | Toggles rendering of displacment maps. |
r_drawentities | 1 | Да | |
r_drawflecks | 1 | ||
r_drawfuncdetail | 1 | Да | Render func_detail .
r_drawleaf | -1 | Да | Draw the specified leaf. |
r_drawlightcache | 0 | Да | 0 - off, 1 - draw light cache entries, 2 - draw rays |
r_drawlightinfo | 0 | Да | |
r_drawlights | 0 | Да | |
r_drawmodeldecals | 1 | ||
r_DrawModelLightOrigin | 0 | Да | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay | 0 | Да | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance | 500 | Да | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax | 1 | Time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay</cpde> 2 (incomplete description).
| |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin | 0 | Time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2 (incomplete description).
| |
r_drawopaquerenderables | 1 | Да | |
r_drawopaqueworld | 1 | Да | |
r_drawothermodels | 1 | Да | 0 = Off, 1 = Normal, 2 = Wireframe. |
r_drawparticles | 1 | Да | Enable/disable particle rendering. |
r_drawpixelvisibility | 0 | Show the occlusion proxies. | |
r_DrawPortals | 0 | Да | |
r_DrawRain | 1 | Да | Enable/disable rain rendering. |
r_drawrenderboxes | 0 | Да | |
r_drawropes | 1 | Да | |
r_drawscaleform | 1 | ||
r_drawskybox | 1 | Да | |
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp | -1 | ||
r_drawsprites | 1 | Да | |
r_drawstaticprops | 1 | Да | 0 = Off, 1 = Normal, 2 = Wireframe. |
r_drawtracers | 1 | Да | |
r_drawtracers_firstperson | 1 | ||
r_drawtranslucentrenderables | 1 | Да | |
r_drawtranslucentworld | 1 | Да | |
r_drawvgui | 1 | Да | Enable the rendering of vgui panels. |
r_drawviewmodel | 1 | Да | |
r_drawworld | 1 | Да | Render the world. |
r_dscale_basefov | 90 | Да | |
r_dscale_fardist | 2000 | Да | |
r_dscale_farscale | 4 | Да | |
r_dscale_neardist | 100 | Да | |
r_dscale_nearscale | 1 | Да | |
r_dynamic | 1 | ||
r_dynamiclighting | 1 | Да | |
r_emulategl | 0 | ||
r_entityclips | 1 | ||
r_eyeglintlodpixels | 20 | The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint. Is a floating point value. | |
r_eyegloss | 1 | ||
r_eyemove | 1 | ||
r_eyes | 1 | ||
r_eyeshift_x | 0 | ||
r_eyeshift_y | 0 | ||
r_eyeshift_z | 0 | ||
r_eyesize | 0 | ||
r_eyewaterepsilon | 7 | Да | |
r_fade360style | 1 | ||
r_farz | -1 | Да | Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller. |
r_fastzreject | 0 | Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware. | |
r_fastzrejectdisp | 0 | Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
| |
r_flashcombined | 0 | ||
r_flashlight_topdown | 0 | ||
r_flashlightambient | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightbacktraceoffset | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightbrightness | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightclip | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightconstant | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightculldepth | 1 | ||
r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents | 0 | ||
r_flashlightdepthres | 1024 | ||
r_flashlightdepthreshigh | 1024 | ||
r_flashlightdepthtexture | 1 | ||
r_FlashlightDetailProps | 1 | Enable a flashlight drawing pass on detail props. 0 = off, 1 = single pass, 2 = multipass (multipass is PC ONLY). | |
r_flashlightdrawclip | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightdrawdepth | 0 | ||
r_flashlightdrawdepthres | 256 | ||
r_flashlightdrawfrustum | 0 | ||
r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox | 0 | ||
r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox | 0 | ||
r_flashlightfar | 750 | Да | |
r_flashlightfov | 53 | Да | |
r_flashlightladderdist | 40 | Да | |
r_flashlightlinear | 100 | Да | |
r_flashlightlockposition | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightmodels | 1 | ||
r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov | 120 | Да | |
r_flashlightnear | 4 | Да | |
r_flashlightnearoffsetscale | 1 | Да | |
r_flashlightnodraw | 0 | ||
r_flashlightoffsetforward | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightoffsetright | 5 | Да | |
r_flashlightoffsetup | -5 | Да | |
r_flashlightquadratic | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightrender | 1 | ||
r_flashlightrendermodels | 1 | ||
r_flashlightrenderworld | 1 | ||
r_flashlightscissor | 1 | ||
r_flashlightshadowatten | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlighttracedistcutoff | 128 | ||
r_flashlightupdatedepth | 1 | ||
r_flashlightvisualizetrace | 0 | Да | |
r_flashlightvolumetrics | 1 | ||
r_flashoverbudget | 0 | ||
r_flex | 1 | ||
r_flushlod | Flush and reload LODs. | ||
r_ForceRestore | 0 | ||
r_ForceWaterLeaf | 1 | Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling. | |
r_frame_query | 0 | ||
r_frustumcullworld | 1 | ||
r_glint_alwaysdraw | 0 | ||
r_glint_procedural | 0 | ||
r_globallight_singlepass | 1 | Global light is drawn as a single pass. | |
r_hunkalloclightmaps | 1 | ||
r_hwmorph | 0 | Да | |
r_impacts_alt_orientation | 1 | ||
r_itemblinkmax | 0 | Да | |
r_itemblinkrate | 4 | Да | |
r_JeepFOV | 90 | Да | |
r_JeepViewBlendTo | 1 | Да | |
r_JeepViewBlendToScale | 0 | Да | |
r_JeepViewBlendToTime | 1 | Да | |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1 | Да | |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7 | Да | |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10 | Да | |
r_jiggle_bones | 1 | ||
r_lightaverage | 1 | Activates/deactivate light averaging. | |
r_lightcache_invalidate | |||
r_lightcache_numambientsamples | 162 | Да | Number of random directions to fire rays when computing ambient lighting. |
r_lightcache_radiusfactor | 1000 | Да | Allow lights to influence lightcaches beyond the lights' radii. |
r_lightcache_zbuffercache | 0 | ||
r_lightcachecenter | 1 | Да | |
r_lightcachemodel | -1 | Да | |
r_lightinterp | 5 | Да | Controls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation. |
r_lightmap | -1 | Да | |
r_lightstyle | -1 | Да | |
r_lightwarpidentity | 0 | Да | |
r_lockpvs | 0 | Да | Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn. |
r_lod | -1 | ||
r_mapextents | 16384 | Да | Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane. |
r_maxdlights | 32 | ||
r_maxmodeldecal | 50 | ||
r_maxnewsamples | 6 | ||
r_maxsampledist | 128 | ||
r_minnewsamples | 3 | ||
r_modelwireframedecal | 0 | Да | |
r_nohw | 0 | Да | |
r_norefresh | 0 | ||
r_nosw | 0 | Да | |
r_novis | 0 | Да | Turn off the PVS. |
r_occludeemaxarea | 0 | Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use. | |
r_occluderminarea | 0 | Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use. | |
r_occludermincount | 0 | At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are. | |
r_occlusion | 1 | Activate/deactivate the occlusion system. | |
r_occlusionspew | 0 | Да | Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing. |
r_oldlightselection | 0 | Да | Set this to revert to HL2's method of selecting lights. |
r_overlayfadeenable | 0 | ||
r_overlayfademax | 2000 | ||
r_overlayfademin | 1750 | ||
r_overlaypushout | 0 | ||
r_overlaywireframe | 0 | ||
r_particle_demo | 0 | Да | |
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms | 0 | ||
r_particle_timescale | 1 | ||
r_partition_level | -1 | Да | Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it. |
r_PhysPropStaticLighting | 1 | ||
r_pix_recordframes | 0 | ||
r_pix_start | 0 | ||
r_pixelvisibility_partial | 1 | ||
r_pixelvisibility_spew | 0 | ||
r_portalscloseall | 0 | ||
r_portalsopenall | 0 | Да | Open all portals. |
r_PortalTestEnts | 1 | Да | Clip entities against portal frustums. |
r_printdecalinfo | |||
r_proplightingfromdisk | 1 | 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Show Errors. | |
r_proplightingpooling | -1 | Да | 0 - off, 1 - static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset). |
r_propsmaxdist | 1200 | Maximum visible distance. | |
r_queued_decals | 0 | Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled. | |
r_queued_post_processing | 0 | ||
r_queued_ropes | 1 | ||
r_radiosity | 4 | Да | 0 - no radiosity, 1 - radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples), 2 - radiosity with 162 samples, 3 - 162 samples for static props, 6 sam (incomplete description). |
r_RainAllowInSplitScreen | 0 | Allows rain in splitscreen. | |
r_rainalpha | 0 | Да | |
r_rainalphapow | 0 | Да | |
r_RainParticleDensity | 1 | Density of Particle Rain (0 - 1). | |
r_randomflex | 0 | Да | |
r_render_perf_force_flushing | 0 | If 1, a full GPU pipeline flush will occur on every BeginGPUTimingQuery/EndGPUTimingQuery call. | |
r_render_perf_recalibrate | |||
r_render_perf_report_cpu_times | 0 | If 1, GetCompletedGPUTimingQueries() will lie and report CPU times instead of GPU times. | |
r_render_space | 0 | Да | |
r_renderoverlayfragment | 1 | ||
r_rimlight | 1 | Да | |
r_rootlod | 0 | Root LOD. | |
r_ropetranslucent | 1 | ||
r_screen_size_expansion | 0 | ||
r_screenoverlay | Draw specified material as an overlay. | ||
r_screenspace_aa | 1 | ||
r_screenspace_aa_debug_w | 0 | ||
r_screenspace_aa_debug_x | 0 | ||
r_screenspace_aa_debug_y | 0 | ||
r_screenspace_aa_debug_z | 0 | ||
r_screenspace_aa_technique | 0 | ||
r_sequence_debug | 0 | ||
r_shader_srgb | 0 | -1 = use hardware caps. 0 = use hardware srgb. 1 = use shader srgb(software lookup). | |
r_shadow_debug_spew | 0 | Да | |
r_shadow_deferred | 0 | Да | Toggle deferred shadow rendering. |
r_shadow_deferred_downsample | 0 | Toggle low-res deferred shadow rendering. | |
r_shadow_deferred_simd | 0 | ||
r_shadow_half_update_rate | 1 | Updates shadows at half the framerate. | |
r_shadow_lightpos_lerptime | 0 | ||
r_shadow_shortenfactor | 2 | Makes shadows cast from local lights shorter. | |
r_shadowangles | Set shadow angles. | ||
r_shadowblobbycutoff | Some shadow stuff. | ||
r_shadowcolor | Set shadow color. | ||
r_shadowdir | Set shadow direction. | ||
r_shadowdist | Set shadow distance. | ||
r_shadowfromanyworldlight | 0 | Да | |
r_shadowfromworldlights | 1 | Enable shadowing from world lights. | |
r_shadowfromworldlights_debug | 0 | Да | |
r_shadowids | 0 | Да | |
r_shadowmaxrendered | 32 | ||
r_shadowrendertotexture | 0 | ||
r_shadows | 1 | ||
r_shadows_gamecontrol | -1 | Да | |
r_shadows_on_renderables_enable | 0 | Support casting RTT shadows onto other renderables. | |
r_shadowwireframe | 0 | Да | |
r_showenvcubemap | 0 | Да | |
r_showonlyshadowents | 0 | Да | |
r_ShowViewerArea | 0 | ||
r_showz_power | 1 | Да | |
r_skin | 0 | Да | |
r_skybox | 1 | Да | Enable the rendering of sky boxes. |
r_slowpathwireframe | 0 | Да | |
r_snapportal | -1 | ||
r_spray_lifetime | 10 | Number of rounds player sprays are visible. | |
r_ssao | 0 | Enable the rendering of SSAO. | |
r_ssao_gpu_times | 0 | ||
r_ssao_super_expensive | 0 | ||
r_sse_s | 1 | SSE ins for particle sphere create. | |
r_staticlight_streams | 1 | ||
r_staticprop_lod | -1 | ||
r_staticpropinfo | 0 | ||
r_studio_stats | 0 | Да | |
r_suppress_d3dcalls | 0 | ||
r_swingflashlight | 1 | Да | |
r_teeth | 1 | ||
r_threaded_particles | 1 | ||
r_threaded_shadow_clip | 0 | ||
r_threadeddetailprops | 1 | Enable threading of detail prop drawing. | |
r_topdown | 0 | ||
r_twopasspaint | 1 | HAZARD: Only change this outside a map. Enable two-pass paint method. You will need to reload all materials when changing this. | |
r_unlimitedrefract | 0 | ||
r_unloadlightmaps | 0 | ||
r_updaterefracttexture | 1 | Да | |
r_vehicleBrakeRate | 1 | Да | |
r_VehicleViewClamp | 1 | Да | |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 1 | Да | |
r_visambient | 0 | Draw leaf ambient lighting samples. Needs mat_leafvis 1 to work.
| |
r_visocclusion | 0 | Да | Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing. |
r_visualizelighttraces | 0 | Да | |
r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace | 0 | Да | |
r_visualizeproplightcaching | 0 | ||
r_visualizetraces | 0 | Да | |
r_WaterDrawReflection | 1 | Enable water reflection. | |
r_WaterDrawRefraction | 1 | Enable water refraction. | |
r_waterforceexpensive | 0 | ||
r_waterforcereflectentities | 0 | ||
r_worldlightmin | 0 | ||
r_worldlights | 3 | Number of world lights to use per vertex. | |
r_worldlistcache | 1 | ||
ragdoll_sleepaftertime | 5 | After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep. | |
rate | 80000 | Max bytes/sec the host can receive data. | |
rcon | Issue an rcon command. | ||
rcon_address | 0 | Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p). | |
rcon_password | 0 | Remote console password. | |
recompute_speed | Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes). | ||
record | Record a demo. | ||
record_tga_interval | 1 | How often to save screenshots when using startmovie. A value of 1 will save every frame. A value of 2 will save every other f (incomplete description). | |
record_tga_usealpha | 0 | If true, writes out alpha into TGA screenshots when using startmovie. | |
refractfog_center | -16777216 | Да | The epicenter of the refract fog effect (distance is relative to this point). Specified as a string, so '0 0 0' is the origin. |
refractfog_end | 2000 | Да | Objects using vertexlit_sob (with $refractfog 1) will start to fade into the background at this distance from refractfog_center (incomplete description).
refractfog_maxdensity | 0 | Да | The strength of the refract fog effect (0 - minimum (refract fog off), 1 - maximum). 'Refract fog' causes objects using the ver (incomplete description). |
refractfog_start | 1000 | Да | Objects using vertexlit_sob (with $refractfog 1) will start to fade into the background at this distance from refractfog_center (incomplete description).
reload | Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload). | ||
'+reload' | |||
'-reload' | |||
reload_fullbody_portrait_data | Reloads full body portrait data. | ||
reload_materials | 0 | ||
reload_ti_announcements | |||
remote_bug | Starts a bug report with data from the currently connected rcon machine. | ||
removeid | Remove a user ID from the ban list. | ||
removeip | Remove an IP address from the ban list. | ||
render_perf | render_perf | ||
render_test | render_test22222 | ||
report_cliententitysim | 0 | Да | List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off. |
report_clientthinklist | 0 | Да | List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off. |
report_soundpatch | Reports sound patch count. | ||
res_restrict_access | 0 | ||
reset_gameconvars | Reset a bunch of game convars to default values. | ||
respawn_entities | Respawn all the entities in the map. | ||
restart | Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart). | ||
results_row_initial_delay | 0 | ||
results_row_interval | 0 | ||
retry | Retry connection to last server. | ||
'+right' | |||
'-right' | |||
room_type | 0 | ||
rope_averagelight | 1 | Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity. | |
rope_collide | 1 | Collide rope with the world. | |
rope_min_pixel_diameter | 2 | Да | |
rope_rendersolid | 1 | ||
rope_shake | 0 | ||
rope_smooth | 1 | Do an antialiasing effect on ropes. | |
rope_smooth_enlarge | 1 | How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect. | |
rope_smooth_maxalpha | 0 | Alpha for rope antialiasing effect. | |
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth | 1 | ||
rope_smooth_minalpha | 0 | Alpha for rope antialiasing effect. | |
rope_smooth_minwidth | 0 | When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to. | |
rope_solid_maxalpha | 1 | ||
rope_solid_maxwidth | 1 | ||
rope_solid_minalpha | 0 | ||
rope_solid_minwidth | 0 | ||
rope_subdiv | 2 | Rope subdivision amount. | |
rope_wind_dist | 1000 | Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance. | |
roquelaire_land_distance | 200 | Да | |
roshan_halloween_base_health | 15000 | Да | |
roshan_halloween_bonus_health_per_level | 15000 | Да | |
rr_debug_qa | 0 | Set to 1 to see debug related to the Question & Answer system used to create conversations between allied NPCs. | |
rr_debugclassname | 0 | If set, rr_debugresponses will print only response tests where 'classname' corresponds to this variable. Use to filter for a sp (incomplete description).
| |
rr_debugresponseconcept | 0 | If set, rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept (incomplete description).
| |
rr_debugresponses | 0 | Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/failure (incomplete description). | |
rr_debugrule | 0 | If set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system. | |
rr_discrepancycheck | 0 | Set 0 to disable the [RESPONSELIB] warning messages. | |
rr_dumpresponses | 0 | Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart). | |
rr_followup_maxdist | 1800 | Да | 'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance. |
rr_forceconcept | Fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> 'criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2 (incomplete description). | ||
rr_reloadresponsesystems | Reload all response system scripts. | ||
rr_remarkable_max_distance | 1200 | Да | AIs will not even consider remarkarbles that are more than this many units away. |
rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit | 1 | Да | TLK_REMARKs will be dispatched no more than this many times for any given info_remarkable. |
rr_remarkables_enabled | 0 | Да | If 1, polling for info_remarkables and issuances of TLK_REMARK is enabled. |
rr_thenany_score_slop | 0 | Да | When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered (incomplete description). |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
save | Saves current game. | ||
save_async | 1 | ||
save_asyncdelay | 0 | For testing, adds this many milliseconds of delay to the save operation. | |
save_console | 0 | Autosave on the PC behaves like it does on the consoles. | |
save_disable | 0 | ||
save_finish_async | |||
save_history_count | 1 | Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves. | |
save_huddelayframes | 1 | Number of frames to defer for drawing the Saving message. | |
save_in_memory | 0 | Set to 1 to save to memory instead of disk (Xbox 360). | |
save_noxsave | 0 | ||
save_screenshot | 1 | 0 = none, 1 = non-autosave, 2 = always. | |
save_spew | 0 | ||
say | Display player message. | ||
say_student | Display player message to anyone coaching me. | ||
say_team | Display player message to team. | ||
scaleform_avatar_debug | 0 | Show debug text for loading Steam avatars. | |
scaleform_spew | 0 | Allow scaleform log spew. | |
scaleform_update | 1 | Да | 0 = off, 1 = on. |
scene_async_prefetch_spew | 0 | Display async .ani file loading info. | |
scene_clamplookat | 1 | Clamp head turns to a MAX of 20 degrees per think. | |
scene_clientflex | 1 | Do client side flex animation. | |
scene_clientplayback | 1 | Play all vcds on the clients. | |
scene_flatturn | 1 | ||
scene_flush | Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk. | ||
scene_forcecombined | 0 | When playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english. | |
scene_maxcaptionradius | 1200 | Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled). | |
scene_playvcd | Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene. | ||
scene_print | 0 | When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console. | |
scene_showfaceto | 0 | When playing back, show the directions of faceto events. | |
scene_showlook | 0 | When playing back, show the directions of look events. | |
scene_showmoveto | 0 | When moving, show the end location. | |
scene_showunlock | 0 | Show when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running. | |
scene_vcdautosave | 0 | Create a savegame before VCD playback. | |
schedule_match_ready_sound | Plays the sound in windows after a delay of X seconds. | ||
+score | |||
-score | |||
scr_centertime | 2 | ||
screenshot | Take a screenshot. | ||
script | Run the text as a script. | ||
script_add_debug_filter | Add a filter to the game debug overlay. | ||
script_add_watch | Add a watch to the game debug overlay. | ||
script_add_watch_pattern | Add a watch to the game debug overlay. | ||
script_attach_debugger | Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger. | ||
script_attach_debugger_at_startup | 0 | ||
script_break_in_native_debugger_on_error | 0 | ||
script_clear_watches | Clear all watches from the game debug overlay. | ||
script_debug | Toggle the in-game script debug features. | ||
script_dump_all | Dump the state of the VM to the console. | ||
script_execute | Run a vscript file. | ||
script_find | Find a key in the VM. | ||
script_help | Output help for script functions, optionally with a search string. | ||
script_reload | Reload scripts. | ||
script_reload_code | Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script. | ||
script_reload_enity_code | Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts. | ||
script_reload_think | Execute an activation script, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script. | ||
script_remove_debug_filter | Remove a filter from the game debug overlay. | ||
script_remove_watch | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay. | ||
script_remove_watch_pattern | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay. | ||
script_resurrect_unreachable | Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles. | ||
script_trace_disable | Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name. | ||
script_trace_disable_all | Turn off all trace output. | ||
script_trace_disable_key | Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance. | ||
script_trace_enable | Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name. | ||
script_trace_enable_all | Turn on all trace output. | ||
script_trace_enable_key | Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance. | ||
scripted_demo_restart | Play a demo with an associated markup script. | ||
+secondary | |||
-secondary | |||
sensitivity | 3 | Mouse sensitivity. | |
server_game_time | Gives the game time in seconds (server's curtime). | ||
server_gc_status | Check status of connection to the GC | ||
servercfgfile | 0 | ||
set_vgui_language | Set language vgui is using. | ||
setang | Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_Yess ).
| ||
setang_exact | Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_Yess ).
| ||
setinfo | Adds a new user info value. | ||
setmodel | Changes's player's model. | ||
setpause | Set the pause state of the server. | ||
setpos | Move player to specified origin (must have sv_Yess ).
| ||
setpos_exact | Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_Yess ).
| ||
setpos_player | Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_Yess ).
| ||
sf_cardflip_time | 1 | ||
sf_debug_file_opens | 0 | Print file opens to DevMsg. | |
sf_fulldeck_card_scale_max | 0 | ||
sf_fulldeck_card_scale_min | 0 | ||
sf_fulldeck_hide_unavailable | 1 | If set, hide unavailable cards instead of greying them out (dynamic mode overrides). | |
sf_fulldeck_intro_curve | 0 | ||
sf_fulldeck_intro_time | 0 | ||
sf_fulldeck_leftovers_position | 1 | ||
sf_fulldeck_legacy_columns | 7 | ||
sf_fulldeck_legacy_gap_x | 15 | ||
sf_fulldeck_legacy_gap_y | 50 | ||
sf_fulldeck_legacy_rows | 3 | ||
sf_fulldeck_raise_speed | 10 | ||
sf_fulldeck_x_gap_perc | 0 | ||
sf_fulldeck_y_gap_perc | 0 | ||
sf_info | Show Scaleform info. | ||
sf_loadout_rotate_drag | 0 | ||
sf_loadout_rotate_grab_scale | 0 | ||
sf_loadout_rotate_scale | 2 | ||
sf_loadout_tutorial_enable | 0 | ||
sf_texture_cache_print | Print scaleform texture cache info to console. | ||
sf_texture_cache_print_summary | Print scaleform texture cache summary to console. | ||
sf_turntable_curve_16x10 | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_curve_16x9 | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_curve_4x3 | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_curve_5x4 | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_deal_curve_max | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_deal_curve_min | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_deal_time | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_edgescroll | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_end | 1 | ||
sf_turntable_gradient_curve | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_hasitems_allitems | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_indent | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_itemsel_xdelta | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_mousescroll | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_mousewheelscroll | 5 | ||
sf_turntable_moviecards_fromcenter | 3 | ||
sf_turntable_rotation_angle | 85 | ||
sf_turntable_rotation_start | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_scale_curve | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_scale_max | 150 | ||
sf_turntable_scale_min | 80 | ||
sf_turntable_selmove_time | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_testmaxheroes | -1 | ||
sf_turntable_tint_curve | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_ypos | 125 | ||
sf_turntable_ypos_curve | 0 | ||
sf_turntable_ypos_ingame | 145 | ||
sf_turntable_ypos_max | 0 | ||
sfm_record_hz | 30 | ||
shaderstat_viz | Shader Stat visualizer commands. | ||
shake | Shake the screen. | ||
shake_show | 0 | Displays a list of the active screen shakes. | |
shake_stop | Stops all active screen shakes. | ||
shake_testpunch | Test a punch-style screen shake. | ||
shop_nav_to_search | With the shop open, makes the search box active. | ||
shop_nav_to_tab | Switch to a particular shop tab (0 - 12). | ||
shop_select_itemrow | Nuy (or set quickbuy with shift held) a particular displayed row. | ||
show_broadcast | Debug show the broadcaster dialog. | ||
show_ready_up_fail | Shows the ready up fail dialog. | ||
show_sf_shop | Show scaleform shop. | ||
show_shared_units | Show the shared unit control dialog. | ||
+showbudget | |||
-showbudget | |||
showbudget_texture | 0 | Да | Enable the texture budget panel. |
-showbudget_texture | |||
+showbudget_texture | |||
-showbudget_texture_global | |||
+showbudget_texture_global | |||
showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats | Dump all items in +showbudget_texture_global in a text form.
| ||
showbudget_texture_global_sum | 0 | ||
showconsole | Show the console. | ||
+showfantasy | |||
-showfantasy | |||
-showharvest | |||
+showharvest | |||
showhitlocation | 0 | ||
showinfo | Shows a info panel: <type> <title> <message> [<command>]. | ||
+showitems | |||
-showitems | |||
showpanel | Shows a viewport panel <name>. | ||
showparticlecounts | 0 | Display number of particles drawn per frame. | |
-showscores | |||
+showscores | |||
showtriggers | 0 | Да | Shows trigger brushes. |
showtriggers_toggle | Toggle show triggers. | ||
-showvprof | |||
+showvprof | |||
simple_bot_add | Add a simple bot. | ||
singlestep | 0 | Да | Run engine in single step mode (set next to 1 to advance a frame). |
sixense_bind | Bind a concommand to a button. | ||
-sixense_camera_drag | Drag map with the controller. | ||
+sixense_camera_drag | Drag map with the controller. | ||
+sixense_camera_pan | Drag map with the controller. | ||
-sixense_camera_pan | Drag map with the controller. | ||
sixense_clear_bindings | Clear all sixense bindings. | ||
sixense_default_bindings | Clear current bindings and load the defaults. | ||
sixense_delete_binding | Delete a single binding by index. | ||
+sixense_grid | Activate a sixense click grid. | ||
-sixense_grid | Activate a sixense click grid. | ||
+sixense_left_alt | Left alt. | ||
-sixense_left_alt | Left alt. | ||
+sixense_left_click | Left click. | ||
-sixense_left_click | Left click. | ||
+sixense_left_ctrl | Left ctrl. | ||
-sixense_left_ctrl | Left ctrl. | ||
+sixense_left_shift | Left shift. | ||
-sixense_left_shift | Left shift. | ||
sixense_list_bindings | List the sixense bindings. | ||
-sixense_map_ping_mode | Exit mode where clicking on map pings. | ||
+sixense_map_ping_mode | Enter mode where clicking on map pings. | ||
sixense_mouse_set_origin | Center the sixense mouse. | ||
-sixense_right_click | Right click. | ||
+sixense_right_click | Right click. | ||
sixense_set_grid_command | Set the command bound to a click grid cell. | ||
sixense_set_grid_size | Set the dimensions of a click grid. | ||
+sixense_stat_point_mode | Enter mode where pressing ability buttons upgrades. | ||
-sixense_stat_point_mode | Exit mode where pressing ability buttons upgrades. | ||
sixense_write_bindings | Save the sixense bindings to a file. | ||
sk_ally_regen_time | 0 | Time taken for an ally to regenerate a point of health. | |
sk_autoaim_mode | 1 | ||
sk_npc_arm | 1 | ||
sk_npc_chest | 1 | ||
sk_npc_head | 2 | ||
sk_npc_leg | 1 | ||
sk_npc_stomach | 1 | ||
sk_player_arm | 1 | ||
sk_player_chest | 1 | ||
sk_player_head | 2 | ||
sk_player_leg | 1 | ||
sk_player_stomach | 1 | ||
slot0 | |||
slot1 | |||
slot10 | |||
slot2 | |||
slot3 | |||
slot4 | |||
slot5 | |||
slot6 | |||
slot7 | |||
slot8 | |||
slot9 | |||
smoothstairs | 1 | Smooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs. | |
snapto | |||
snd_async_flush | Flush all unlocked async audio data. | ||
snd_async_fullyasync | 1 | All playback is fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives). | |
snd_async_minsize | 262144 | ||
snd_async_showmem | Show async memory stats. | ||
snd_async_showmem_music | Show async memory stats for just non-streamed music. | ||
snd_async_showmem_summary | Show brief async memory stats. | ||
snd_async_spew_blocking | 0 | Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file I/O. | |
snd_async_stream_fail | 0 | Spew stream pool failures. | |
snd_async_stream_spew | 0 | Spew streaming info (0 = Off, 1 = streams, 2 = buffers) | |
snd_buildsoundcacheforaddon | Rebuild sound.cache for named addon. | ||
snd_buildsoundcachefordirectory | Rebuild sound.cache for full path to directory ending with a sound/ folder. | ||
snd_cull_duplicates | 0 | If nonzero, aggressively cull duplicate sounds during mixing. The number specifies the number of duplicates allowed to be player (incomplete description). | |
snd_debug_gaincurve | 0 | Visualize sound gain fall off. | |
snd_debug_gaincurvevol | 1 | Visualize sound gain fall off. | |
snd_defer_trace | 1 | ||
snd_delay_for_choreo_enabled | 1 | Enables update of delay for choreo to compensate for I/O latency. | |
snd_delay_for_choreo_reset_after_N_milliseconds | 500 | Resets the choreo latency after N milliseconds of VO not playing. Default is 500 ms. | |
snd_delay_sound_shift | 0 | ||
snd_disable_mixer_duck | 0 | ||
snd_disable_mixer_solo | 0 | ||
snd_duckerattacktime | 0 | ||
snd_duckerreleasetime | 2 | ||
snd_duckerthreshold | 0 | ||
snd_ducking_off | 1 | ||
snd_ducktovolume | 0 | ||
snd_dump_filepaths | |||
snd_dumpclientsounds | Dump sounds to console. | ||
snd_dvar_dist_max | 1320 | Play full 'far' sound at this distance. | |
snd_dvar_dist_min | 240 | Play full 'near' sound at this distance. | |
snd_filter | 0 | Да | |
snd_foliage_db_loss | 0 | Foliage dB loss per 1200 units. | |
snd_gain | 1 | Да | |
snd_gain_max | 1 | Да | |
snd_gain_min | 0 | Да | |
snd_gamevoicevolume | 1 | ||
snd_gamevolume | 0 | Music volume. | |
snd_getmixer | Get data related to mix group matching string. | ||
snd_list | 0 | ||
snd_max_same_sounds | 4 | ||
snd_max_same_weapon_sounds | 3 | ||
snd_mergemethod | 1 | Sound merge method (0 == sum and clip, 1 == max, 2 == avg). | |
snd_mix_async | 0 | ||
snd_mix_minframetime | 0 | ||
snd_mixahead | 0 | ||
snd_mixer_master_dsp | 1 | ||
snd_mixer_master_level | 1 | ||
snd_moviefix | 1 | Defer sound recording until next tick when laying off movies. | |
snd_musicvolume | 0 | Music volume. | |
snd_mute_losefocus | 1 | ||
snd_noextraupdate | 0 | ||
snd_obscured_gain_dB | -2 | Да | |
snd_op_test_convar | 1 | Да | |
snd_pause_all | 1 | Да | Specifies to pause all sounds and not just voice. |
snd_pitchquality | 1 | ||
snd_playsounds | Play sounds from the game sounds txt file at a given location. | ||
snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff | 1 | Да | |
snd_prefetch_common | 1 | Prefetch common sounds from directories specified in scripts/sound_prefetch.txt .
| |
snd_print_channel_by_guid | Prints the content of a channel from its guid. snd_print_channel_by_guid <guid>. | ||
snd_print_channel_by_index | Prints the content of a channel from its index. snd_print_channel_by_index <index>. | ||
snd_print_channels | Prints all the active channel. | ||
snd_profile | 0 | ||
snd_rebuildaudiocache | Rebuild audio cache. | ||
snd_rebuildlocalizedaudiocache | Rebuild audio cache for all localization. | ||
snd_refdb | 60 | Да | Reference dB at snd_refdist .
snd_refdist | 36 | Да | Reference distance for snd_refdb .
snd_reload_caches | Flush sound caches and reloads them. | ||
snd_restart | Restart sound system. | ||
snd_set_master_volume | Sets the master volume for a channel. snd_set_master_volume <guid> <mastervolume>. | ||
snd_setmixer | Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo. | ||
snd_setmixlayer | Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo. | ||
snd_setmixlayer_amount | Set named mix layer mix amount. | ||
snd_setsoundparam | Set a sound paramater. | ||
snd_show | 0 | Show sounds info. | |
snd_show_channel_count | 0 | Show the current count of channel types. | |
snd_showclassname | 0 | ||
snd_showmixer | 0 | ||
snd_showstart | 0 | Да | |
snd_ShowThreadFrameTime | 0 | ||
snd_sos_allow_dynamic_chantype | 0 | ||
snd_sos_exec_when_paused | 1 | ||
snd_sos_flush_operators | Flush and re-parse the sound operator system. | ||
snd_sos_list_operator_updates | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_print_operators | Prints a list of currently available operators. | ||
snd_sos_show_block_debug | 0 | Да | Spew data about the list of block entries. |
snd_sos_show_client_rcv | 0 | ||
snd_sos_show_client_xmit | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_entry_match_free | 0 | ||
snd_sos_show_operator_entry_filter | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_init | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_prestart | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_start | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_operator_updates | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_opvar_list | 0 | ||
snd_sos_show_queuetotrack | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_server_xmit | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_source_info | 0 | ||
snd_sos_show_startqueue | 0 | Да | |
snd_sos_show_track_list | 0 | ||
snd_soundmixer | 0 | ||
snd_soundmixer_flush | Reload soundmixers.txt file. | ||
snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups | List all mix groups to dev console. | ||
snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers | List all mix layers to dev console. | ||
snd_soundmixer_list_mixers | List all mixers to dev console. | ||
snd_soundmixer_parse_debug | 0 | ||
snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor | Set named mix layer / mix group, trigger amount. | ||
snd_soundmixer_version | 2 | ||
snd_spatialize_roundrobin | 0 | Lowend optimization: if nonzero, spatialize only a fraction of sound channels each frame. 1/2^x of channels will be spatialized. | |
snd_store_filepaths | 0 | ||
snd_surround_speakers | -1 | ||
snd_updateaudiocache | Checks current sound caches based on file sizes and rebuilds any change/new entries. | ||
snd_visualize | 0 | Да | Show sounds location in world. |
snd_voip_center_speaker_vol | 0 | Да | |
snd_voip_left_rear_speaker_vol | 0 | Да | |
snd_voip_left_speaker_vol | 0 | Да | |
snd_voip_right_rear_speaker_vol | 0 | Да | |
snd_voip_right_speaker_vol | 0 | Да | |
snd_voipvolume | 0 | Voice volume. | |
snd_vox_captiontrace | 0 | Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions. | |
snd_vox_globaltimeout | 300 | ||
snd_vox_sectimetout | 300 | ||
snd_vox_seqtimetout | 300 | ||
snd_writemanifest | If running a game, outputs the precache manifest for the current level. | ||
sndplaydelay | |||
sound_device_list | Lists all available audio devices. | ||
sound_device_override | 0 | ID of the sound device to use. | |
soundfade | Fade client volume. | ||
soundinfo | Describe the current sound device. | ||
soundlist | List all known sounds. | ||
soundpatch_captionlength | 2 | How long looping soundpatch captions should display for. | |
soundscape_debug | 0 | Да | When on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that are (incomplete description). |
soundscape_dumpclient | Dumps the client's soundscape data. | ||
soundscape_fadetime | 3 | Да | Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes. |
soundscape_flush | Flushes the server & client side soundscapes. | ||
soundscape_message | 0 | ||
soundscape_radius_debug | 0 | Да | Prints current volume of radius sounds. |
speak | Play a constructed sentence. | ||
speaker_config | 0 | ||
spec_autodirector | 1 | Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating. | |
spec_freeze_distance_max | 200 | Да | Maximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam. |
spec_freeze_distance_min | 96 | Да | Minimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam. |
spec_freeze_time | 4 | Да | Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam. |
spec_freeze_traveltime | 0 | Да | Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam. |
spec_mode | Set spectator mode. | ||
spec_next | Spectate next player. | ||
spec_player | Spectate player by name. | ||
spec_pos | Dump position and angles to the console. | ||
spec_prev | Spectate previous player. | ||
spec_scoreboard | 0 | ||
spec_track | 0 | Tracks an entity in spec mode. | |
+speed | |||
-speed | |||
spike | Generates a fake spike. | ||
ss_enable | 0 | Enables Split Screen support. Play Single Player now launches into split screen mode. NO ONLINE SUPPORT. | |
ss_map | Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players. | ||
ss_splitmode | 0 | Two player split screen mode (0 - recommended settings base on the width, 1 - horizontal, 2 - vertical (only allowed in widescreen) (incomplete description). | |
ss_verticalsplit | 1 | Two player split screen uses vertical split (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead).
| |
ss_voice_hearpartner | 0 | Route voice between splitscreen players on same system. | |
star_memory | Dump memory stats. | ||
startdemos | Play demos in demo sequence. | ||
startmovie | Start recording movie frames. | ||
startupmenu | Opens initial menu screen and loads the background bsp, but only if no other level is being loaded, and we're not in developer. | ||
stash_grab_all | Grab all items from the stash. | ||
stat_dropdown | Select a category in the spectator stats dropdown. | ||
stat_dropdown_cycle | Cycle through the stat dropdown categories in a specified direction (-1 = back, 1 = forward). | ||
stat_dropdown_sort | Cycle through the stat dropdown sort methods. | ||
stats | Prints server performance variables | ||
status | Display map and connection status. | ||
step_spline | 0 | ||
stop | Finish recording demo. | ||
stopdemo | Stop playing back a demo. | ||
stopsound | |||
stopsoundscape | Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds. | ||
stopvideos | Stops all videos playing to the screen. | ||
+strafe | |||
-strafe | |||
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries | 0 | Rebuild dictionary file on every level load. | |
stringtable_usedictionaries | 1 | Use dictionaries for string table networking. | |
stringtabledictionary | Create dictionary for current strings. | ||
studio_queue_mode | 1 | ||
stuffs | Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer. | ||
suitvolume | 0 | ||
surfaceprop | Reports the surface properties at the cursor. | ||
sv_allchat | 1 | Players can receive all other players' text chat, no death restrictions. | |
sv_allow_wait_command | 1 | Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server. | |
sv_allowdownload | 0 | Allow clients to download files. | |
sv_allowupload | 0 | Allow clients to upload customizations files. | |
sv_alltalk | 0 | Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. | |
sv_alternateticks | 0 | If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks. | |
sv_always_full_flush | 0 | Да | |
sv_autosave | 1 | Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers. | |
sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord | 0 | If running a benchmark and this is set, it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark. | |
sv_benchmark_force_start | Force start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. It's better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level. | ||
sv_benchmark_numticks | 3300 | If > 0, then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks. | |
sv_bonus_challenge | 0 | Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type. | |
sv_cacheencodedents | 1 | If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls. | |
sv_Yess | 0 | Allow Yess on server. | |
sv_clearhinthistory | Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player. | ||
sv_client_rate_difference | 20 | cl_rate is moved to within sv_client_rate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_minrate and (incomplete description).
| |
sv_client_max_interp_ratio | 5 | This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_interp_ratio (incomplete description).
| |
sv_client_min_interp_ratio | 1 | This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 (incomplete description).
| |
sv_client_predict | -1 | This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients se (incomplete description). | |
sv_clockcorrection_msecs | 60 | The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase within this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount.
| |
sv_cluster | 0 | Data center cluster this server lives in. | |
sv_consistency | 1 | Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files. | |
sv_contact | 0 | Contact email for server sysop. | |
sv_debug_player_use | 0 | Visualizes +use logic. Green cross = trace success, Red cross = trace too far, Green box = radius success. | |
sv_debugmanualmode | 0 | Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed. | |
sv_debugtempentities | 0 | Show temp entity bandwidth usage. | |
sv_delta_entity_full_buffer_size | 131072 | Buffer size for delta entities. | |
sv_deltaprint | 0 | Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on).
| |
sv_deltatime | 0 | Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls. | |
sv_dota_auto_save_interval | 60 | ||
sv_dota_auto_save_min_players | 8 | Minimum number of players in the game to allow saves. | |
sv_dota_dump_econ_item_stringtable | sv_dota_dump_econ_item_stringtable | ||
sv_dota_dump_modifier_stringtable | sv_dota_dump_modifier_stringtable | ||
sv_dota_speech_announcer_networking | 1 | Да | Set to 0 to prevent announcer speech from being matched on the client; match it on the server instead, like the old way. |
sv_downloadurl | 0 | Location from which clients can download missing files. | |
sv_dump_changelists_stats | Dump serialized entity allocations. | ||
sv_dump_class_info | Dump server class infos. | ||
sv_dump_class_table | Dump server class table matching the pattern (substr). | ||
sv_dump_edicts | Display a list of edicts allocated on the server. | ||
sv_dump_serialized_entities_mem | Dump serialized entity allocations stats. | ||
sv_dumpstringtables | 0 | Да | |
sv_dumptables | 0 | Dump out the tables when packing. | |
sv_enable_delta_packing | 1 | When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, b (incomplete description). | |
sv_enableoldqueries | 0 | Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries. | |
sv_extra_client_connect_time | 15 | Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update. | |
sv_filterban | 1 | Set packet filtering by IP mode. | |
sv_findsoundname | Find sound names which reference the specified wave files. | ||
sv_forcepreload | 0 | Force server side preloading. | |
sv_gameinstructor_disable | 0 | Force all clients to disable their game instructors. | |
sv_gravity | 800 | World gravity. | |
sv_hibernate_ms | 20 | # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating. | |
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui | 20 | # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend. | |
sv_hibernate_when_empty | 1 | Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected. | |
sv_infinite_ammo | 0 | Да | Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo. |
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore | 1 | Да | Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it. |
sv_lan | 0 | Server is a lan server (no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses). | |
sv_log_onefile | 0 | Log server information to only one file. | |
sv_logbans | 0 | Log server bans in the server logs. | |
sv_logblocks | 0 | If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files). | |
sv_logdownloadlist | 0 | ||
sv_logecho | 1 | Echo log information to the console. | |
sv_logfile | 1 | Log server information in the log file. | |
sv_logflush | 0 | Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow). | |
sv_logsdir | 0 | Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored. | |
sv_massreport | 0 | ||
sv_master_share_game_socket | 1 | Use the game's socket to communicate to the master server. If this is 0, then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to comm (incomplete description). | |
sv_max_queries_sec | 3 | Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address. | |
sv_max_queries_sec_global | 3000 | Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere. | |
sv_max_queries_window | 30 | Window over which to average queries per second averages. | |
sv_maxclientframes | 128 | ||
sv_maxcmdrate | 30 | (If sv_minrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_rate .
| |
sv_maxrate | 0 | Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited | |
sv_maxreplay | 0 | Maximum replay time in seconds | |
sv_maxroutable | 1200 | Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use. | |
sv_maxupdaterate | 30 | Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. | |
sv_memlimit | 0 | Да | If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit. |
sv_mincmdrate | 5 | This sets the minimum value for cl_rate . 0 == unlimited.
| |
sv_minrate | 5000 | Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited. | |
sv_minupdaterate | 15 | Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. | |
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities | 32 | ||
sv_multiplayer_sounds | 20 | ||
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 | ||
sv_noclipduringpause | 0 | Да | If Yess are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.). |
sv_noclipspeed | 5 | ||
sv_npc_talker_maxdist | 1024 | NPCs over this distance from the player won't attempt to speak. | |
sv_parallel_packentities | 0 | ||
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot | 0 | ||
sv_password | 0 | Server password for entry into multiplayer games. | |
sv_pausable | 0 | Is the server pausable. | |
sv_playerperfhistorycount | 20 | Number of samples to maintain in player perf history. | |
sv_precacheinfo | Show precache info. | ||
sv_pure | Show user data. | ||
sv_pure_kick_clients | 1 | If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client. | |
sv_pure_trace | 0 | If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file. | |
sv_pvsskipanimation | 1 | Skips SetupBones when npc's are outside the PVS. | |
sv_querycache_stats | Display status of the query cache (client only). | ||
sv_rcon_banpenalty | 0 | Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication. | |
sv_rcon_log | 1 | Enable/disable rcon logging. | |
sv_rcon_maxfailures | 10 | Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned. | |
sv_rcon_minfailures | 5 | Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned. | |
sv_rcon_minfailuretime | 30 | Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications. | |
sv_regeneration_force_on | 0 | Да | Yes to test regenerative health systems. |
sv_regeneration_wait_time | 1 | ||
sv_region | 255 | The region of the world to report this server in. 255 means default. | |
sv_replaysdir | 0 | Directory to store replays in. | |
sv_savedir | 0 | Folder in the game directory where save games will be stored. | |
sv_savereaddir | 0 | If set save games will be read from this directory instead of sv_savedir. | |
sv_savewritedir | 0 | If set save games will be written to this directory instead of sv_savedir. | |
sv_script_profile | 0 | ||
sv_script_think_interval | 0 | ||
sv_search_key | 0 | When searching for a dedicated server from lobby, restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key. | |
sv_shared_team_pvs | 1 | PVS is shared between teams. | |
sv_show_usermessage | 0 | Shows the user messages that the server is sending to clients. Setting this to 2 will show the contents of the message. | |
sv_showhitboxes | -1 | Да | Send server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE: this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only). |
sv_showladders | 0 | Show bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.) | |
sv_showlagcompensation | 0 | Да | Show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated. |
sv_showtags | Describe current gametags. | ||
sv_shutdown | Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed. | ||
sv_skyname | 0 | Current name of the skybox texture. | |
sv_sound_discardextraunreliable | 1 | ||
sv_soundemitter_filecheck | Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files. | ||
sv_soundemitter_flush | Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only). | ||
sv_soundemitter_spew | Print details about a sound. | ||
sv_soundemitter_trace | -1 | Show all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to. (-1 = for nobody, 0 = for eve) (incomplete description). | |
sv_soundemitter_version | 2 | Да | Specfies what version of soundemitter system to use. |
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo | Print soundscapes. | ||
sv_specaccelerate | 5 | ||
sv_specnoclip | 1 | ||
sv_specspeed | 3 | ||
sv_stats | 1 | Collect CPU usage stats. | |
sv_stickysprint_default | 0 | ||
sv_stressbots | 0 | If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing. | |
sv_strict_notarget | 0 | If set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs. | |
sv_sync_client_updates | 1 | Send clients updates at the same time. This saves CPU because the server will encode and calc deltas on less frames. | |
sv_syncupdaterate | 30 | Syncronized update rate. | |
sv_tags | 0 | Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma. | |
sv_temp_baseline_string_table_buffer_size | 131072 | Buffer size for writing string table baselnes. | |
sv_temp_entity_buffer_size | 65536 | Buffer size for temp entities | |
sv_test_scripted_sequences | 0 | Tests for scripted sequences that are embedded in the world. Run through your map with this set to check for NPCs falling through (incomplete description). | |
sv_teststepsimulation | 1 | ||
sv_thinktimecheck | 0 | Check for thinktimes all on same timestamp. | |
sv_threaded_init | 0 | ||
sv_timeout | 65 | After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. | |
sv_timeout_when_fully_connected | 15 | Once fully connected, player will be kicked if he doesn't send a network message within this interval. | |
sv_timeout_when_fully_connected_tournament | 5 | Once fully connected in a tournament game, player will be kicked if he doesn't send a network message within this interval. | |
sv_turbophysics | 1 | Turns on turbo physics. | |
sv_unlockedchapters | 1 | Highest unlocked game chapter. | |
sv_update_master_server | 1 | Should we update the master server. | |
sv_validate_edict_change_infos | 0 | Verify that edict changeinfos are being calculated properly (used to debug local network backdoor mode). | |
sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale | 8 | ||
sv_visiblemaxplayers | -1 | Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients. | |
sv_voicecodec | 0 | Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension. | |
sv_voiceenable | 1 | ||
sys_minidumpexpandedspew | 1 | ||
sys_minidumpspewlines | 500 | Lines of crash dump console spew to keep. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
telemetry_demoend | 0 | When playing demo, stop telemetry on tick #. | |
telemetry_demostart | 0 | When playing demo, start telemetry on tick #. | |
telemetry_filtervalue | 500 | Set Telemetry ZoneFilterVal (MicroSeconds). | |
telemetry_framecount | 0 | Set Telemetry count of frames to capture | |
telemetry_level | 0 | Set Telemetry profile level: 0 being off. Hight bit set for mask: 0x8#######. | |
telemetry_pause | 0 | Pause Telemetry. | |
telemetry_resume | 0 | Resume Telemetry. | |
telemetry_server | 0 | Set Telemetry server. | |
template_debug | 0 | ||
test_CreateEntity | |||
test_dispatcheffect | Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Default: (incomplete description). | ||
test_EHandle | |||
test_entity_blocker | Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player. | ||
test_ExitProcess | Test_ExitProcess <exit code> - immediately kill the process. | ||
test_freezeframe | Test the freeze frame code. | ||
test_halloween | |||
test_halloween_2 | |||
test_hide_disp | test_hide_disp | ||
test_InitRandomEntitySpawner | |||
test_league_pass | Test pass. | ||
test_Loop | Test_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally. | ||
test_LoopCount | Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times. | ||
test_LoopForNumSeconds | Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> | ||
test_minimap | -16777216 | ||
test_onstage_item_drop | |||
test_outtro_stats | |||
test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy | |||
test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue | Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue | ||
test_ProxyToggle_SetValue | |||
test_RandomChance | Test_RandomChance <percent chance, 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percentage (incomplete description). | ||
test_RandomizeInPVS | |||
test_RandomPlayerPosition | |||
test_RemoveAllRandomEntities | |||
test_RunFrame | |||
test_SendKey | |||
test_SpawnRandomEntities | |||
test_StartLoop | Test_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to. | ||
test_StartScript | Start a test script running.. | ||
test_Wait | |||
test_WaitForCheckPoint | |||
testhudanim | Test a hud element animation. Arguments: <anim name>. | ||
testscript_debug | 0 | Debug test scripts. | |
texture_budget_background_alpha | 128 | How translucent the budget panel is. | |
texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction | 0 | Number between 0 and 1. | |
texture_budget_panel_global | 0 | Show global times in the texture budget panel. | |
texture_budget_panel_height | 284 | Height in pixels of the budget panel. | |
texture_budget_panel_width | 512 | Width in pixels of the budget panel. | |
texture_budget_panel_x | 0 | Number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel. | |
texture_budget_panel_y | 450 | Number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel. | |
tf_escort_score_rate | 1 | Да | Score for escorting the train, in points per second. |
think_limit | 10 | Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded. | |
thirdperson | Switch to thirdperson camera. | ||
thirdperson_mayamode | Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls. | ||
thirdperson_platformer | 0 | Player will aim in the direction they are moving. | |
thirdperson_screenspace | 0 | Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left. | |
thirdpersonshoulder | Switch to thirdperson-shoulder camera. | ||
thread_test_tslist | |||
thread_test_tsqueue | |||
threadpool_affinity | 1 | Enable setting affinity. | |
threadpool_cycle_reserve | Cycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2. | ||
threadpool_reserve | 0 | Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool. | |
threadpool_run_tests | |||
ti3_test_download | |||
ti_onstage_frame_tall | 600 | ||
ti_onstage_frame_wide | 384 | ||
timedemo | Play a demo and report performance info. | ||
timedemo_end | -1 | Ends timedemo on given tick. | |
timedemo_start | -1 | Starts timedemo on given tick. | |
timedemo_vprofrecord | Play a demo and report performance info. Also record vprof data for the span of the demo. | ||
timedemoquit | Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit. | ||
timerefresh | Profile the renderer. | ||
tir_maxpitch | 15 | Да | TrackIR Max Pitch. |
tir_maxroll | 90 | Да | TrackIR Max Roll. |
tir_maxx | 4 | Да | TrackIR Max X. |
tir_maxy | 6 | Да | TrackIR Max Y. |
tir_maxyaw | 90 | Да | TrackIR Max Yaw. |
tir_maxz | 1 | Да | TrackIR Max Z. |
tir_start | 0 | TrackIR Start. | |
tir_stop | 0 | TrackIR Stop. | |
tmppickups | |||
toggle | Toggles a convar on or off, or cycles through a set of values. | ||
toggleconsole | Show/hide the console. | ||
toggleshoppanel | Toggles shop. | ||
toolload | Load a tool. | ||
toolunload | Unload a tool. | ||
trace_report | 0 | ||
tracer_extra | 1 | ||
tutorial_cleanup_post | |||
tutorial_experience_closed | |||
tutorial_speech_end | |||
tutorial_start_lesson | Jump to the passed tutorial lesson. | ||
tutorial_testui | |||
tutorial_tip_dismissed | |||
tv_allow_camera_man | 1 | Auto director allows spectators to become camera man. | |
tv_allow_static_shots | 1 | Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots. | |
tv_autorecord | 0 | Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos. | |
tv_autoretry | 1 | Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout. | |
tv_chatgroupsize | 0 | Set the default chat group size. | |
tv_chattimelimit | 0 | Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds. | |
tv_clients | Shows list of connected SourceTV clients. | ||
tv_debug | 0 | SourceTV debug info. | |
tv_delay | 120 | SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds. | |
tv_delaymapchange | 0 | Delays map change until broadcast is complete. | |
tv_deltacache | 2 | Enable delta entity bit stream cache. | |
tv_demo_starttick | 0 | ||
tv_dispatchmode | 1 | Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0 = never, 1 = if appropriate, 2 = always. | |
tv_dota_auto_record | 0 | If enabled, a demo will automatically be recorded for every game. | |
tv_dota_auto_record_stressbots | 0 | If enabled, a demo will automatically be recorded for stressbot games. | |
tv_enable | 0 | Activates SourceTV on server. | |
tv_enable_delta_frames | 1 | Indicates whether or not the tv should use delta frames for storage of intermediate frames. This takes more CPU but significant (incomplete description). | |
tv_grouprelaydatareliable | 0 | When enabled, this will collect all information for relay sending into a single datagram to ensure that the data stays together. | |
tv_grouprelaydataunreliable | 0 | When enabled, this will collect all information for relay sending into a single datagram to ensure that the data stays together. | |
tv_grouprelaydatavoice | 0 | Similar to tv_grouprelaydata , but controls whether or not the voice channels should be routed into the grouped data for the rel (incomplete description).
| |
tv_listen_voice_indices | 0 | Bitfield of ent indices to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none. | |
tv_maxclients | 128 | Maximum client number on SourceTV server. | |
tv_maxrate | 50000 | Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited. | |
tv_msg | Send a screen message to all clients. | ||
tv_name | 0 | SourceTV host name. | |
tv_nochat | 0 | Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators. | |
tv_overridemaster | 0 | Overrides the SourceTV master root address. | |
tv_password | 0 | SourceTV password for all clients. | |
tv_port | 27020 | Host SourceTV port. | |
tv_record | Starts SourceTV demo recording. | ||
tv_relay | Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast. | ||
tv_relay_quit_after_game | 1 | Quit after a game has been relayed, do not hibernate. | |
tv_relay_quit_on_connection_failure | 1 | Quit after an unsuccesful relay connection. | |
tv_relay_rate | 120000 | Default rate for relays. | |
tv_relay_secret_code | 1 | When enabled, this will use a uniquely generated server code to authenticate relay to relay connections. This code is coordinate (incomplete description). | |
tv_relaypassword | 0 | SourceTV password for relay proxies. | |
tv_relayvoice | 1 | Relay voice data: 0 = off, 1 = on. | |
tv_retry | Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy. | ||
tv_secret_code | 1 | When enabled, this will use a uniquely generated server code to authenticate relay connections. This code is coordinated via the (incomplete description). | |
tv_snapshotrate | 20 | Snapshots broadcasted per second. | |
tv_status | Show SourceTV server status. | ||
tv_stop | Stops the SourceTV broadcast. | ||
tv_stoprecord | Stops SourceTV demo recording. | ||
tv_timeout | 300 | SourceTV connection timeout in seconds. | |
tv_title | 0 | Set title for SourceTV spectator UI. | |
tv_transmitall | 0 | Transmit all entities (not only director view). | |
tv_window_size | 16 | Specifies the number of seconds worth of frames that the tv replay system should keep in memory. Increasing this greatly increases (incomplete description). |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
ui_posedebug_fade_in_time | 0 | Да | Time during which a new pose activity layer is shown in green in +posedebug UI.
ui_posedebug_fade_out_time | 0 | Да | Time to keep a no longer active pose activity layer in red until removing it from +posedebug UI.
ui_volume_max | 1 | ||
unbind | Unbind a key. | ||
unbindall | Unbind all keys. | ||
unload_all_addons | Reloads the search paths for game addons. | ||
unpause | Unpause the game. | ||
update_addon_paths | Reloads the search paths for game addons. | ||
url_execute | Executes url-based commands, used for incoming commands from url-based launches when the game's already running. | ||
use | Use a particular weapon. Arguments: <weapon_name>. | ||
-use | |||
+use | |||
use_item_client | Use the item in the indicated slot. <hero name> <slot name>. | ||
user | Show user data. | ||
users | Show user info for players on server. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
v_centermove | 0 | ||
v_centerspeed | 500 | ||
vcollide_wireframe | 0 | Да | Render physics collision models in wireframe. |
vehicle_flushscript | Flush and reload all vehicle scripts. | ||
version | Print version info string. | ||
vgui_drawfocus | 0 | Report which panel is under the mouse. | |
vgui_drawkeyfocus | 0 | Report which panel has keyboard focus. | |
-vgui_drawtree | |||
+vgui_drawtree | |||
vgui_drawtree | 0 | Да | Draws the vgui panel hiearchy to the specified depth level. |
vgui_drawtree_bounds | 0 | Show panel bounds. | |
vgui_drawtree_clear | |||
vgui_drawtree_draw_selected | 0 | Highlight the selected panel. | |
vgui_drawtree_freeze | 0 | Set to 1 to stop updating the vgui_drawtree view. | |
vgui_drawtree_hidden | 0 | Draw the hidden panels. | |
vgui_drawtree_panelalpha | 0 | Show the panel alpha values in the vgui_drawtree view. | |
vgui_drawtree_panelptr | 0 | Show the panel pointer values in the vgui_drawtree view. | |
vgui_drawtree_popupsonly | 0 | Draws the vgui popup list in hierarchy(1) or most recently used(2) order. | |
vgui_drawtree_render_order | 0 | List the vgui_drawtree panels in render order. | |
vgui_drawtree_resource | 0 | Show resource file for each panel. | |
vgui_drawtree_scheme | 0 | Show scheme file for each panel. | |
vgui_drawtree_visible | 1 | Draw the visible panels. | |
vgui_drawtree_zpos | 0 | Show panel z pos. | |
vgui_dump_panels | vgui_dump_panels [visible]. | ||
vgui_message_dialog_modal | 1 | ||
vgui_queued_rendering | 0 | ||
vgui_spew_fonts | |||
vgui_togglepanel | Show/hide vgui panel by name. | ||
video_mode_screenshots | Dump screenshots at all supported video modes. | ||
viewanim_addkeyframe | |||
viewanim_create | viewanim_create | ||
viewanim_load | Load animation from file. | ||
viewanim_reset | Reset view angles! | ||
viewanim_save | Save current animation to file. | ||
viewanim_test | Test view animation. | ||
viewmodel_fov | 54 | Да | |
viewmodel_offset_x | 0 | ||
viewmodel_offset_y | 0 | ||
viewmodel_offset_z | 0 | ||
violence_ablood | 1 | Draw alien blood. | |
violence_agibs | 1 | Show alien gib entities. | |
violence_hblood | 1 | Draw human blood. | |
violence_hgibs | 1 | Show human gib entities. | |
vis_force | 0 | Да | |
vismon_poll_frequency | 0 | Да | |
vismon_trace_limit | 12 | Да | |
vm_debug | 0 | Да | |
vm_draw_always | 0 | ||
voice_all_icons | 0 | Draw all players' voice icons. | |
voice_avggain | 0 | ||
voice_buffer_debug | 0 | ||
voice_chat_bubble_show_volume | 1 | Visualize the volume transmitted with the icon displaying speech. | |
voice_chat_bubbles | 1 | Whether to draw chat bubbles int the UI or not. | |
voice_clientdebug | 0 | ||
voice_debugfeedback | 0 | ||
voice_debugfeedbackfrom | 0 | ||
voice_enable | 1 | Toggle voice transmit and receive. | |
voice_fadeouttime | 0 | ||
voice_forcemicrecord | 1 | ||
voice_gain_downward_multiplier | 100 | ||
voice_gain_max | 5 | ||
voice_gain_rate | 1 | ||
voice_gain_target | 16000 | ||
voice_head_icon_height | 20 | Voice icons are this many inches over player eye positions. | |
voice_head_icon_size | 6 | Size of voice icon over player heads in inches. | |
voice_inputfromfile | 0 | Get voice input from 'voice_input.wav' rather than from the microphone. | |
voice_local_icon | 0 | Draw local player's voice icon. | |
voice_loopback | 0 | ||
voice_maxgain | 10 | ||
voice_minimum_gain | 0 | ||
voice_mixer_boost | 0 | ||
voice_mixer_mute | 0 | ||
voice_mixer_volume | 1 | ||
voice_modenable | 1 | Enable/disable voice in this mod. | |
voice_overdrive | 2 | ||
voice_overdrivefadetime | 0 | ||
voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold | 0 | Да | |
voice_profile | 0 | ||
voice_record_steam | 0 | If true use Steam to record voice (not the engine codec). | |
voice_recordtofile | 0 | Record mic data and decompressed voice data into voice_micdata.wav and voice_decompressed.wav .
| |
voice_scale | 1 | ||
voice_serverdebug | 0 | ||
voice_showchannels | 0 | ||
voice_showincoming | 0 | ||
voice_steal | 2 | ||
voice_threshold | 2000 | ||
voice_thresold_delay | 0 | ||
voice_volume_duck | 1 | ||
voice_vox | 0 | Voice chat uses a vox-style always on. | |
voice_vox_current_peak | 0 | Current peak value (out of 16k) of the incoming voice stream. | |
voice_writevoices | 0 | Saves each speaker's voice data into separate .wav files. | |
voice_xsend_debug | 0 | ||
-voicerecord | |||
+voicerecord | |||
voicerecord_toggle | |||
volume | 1 | Sound volume. | |
vox_reload | Reload sentences.txt file. | ||
voxeltree_box | View entities in the voxel-tree inside box <Vector(min), Vector(max)>. | ||
voxeltree_playerview | View entities in the voxel-tree at the player position. | ||
voxeltree_sphere | View entities in the voxel-tree inside sphere <Vector(center), float(radius)>. | ||
voxeltree_view | View entities in the voxel-tree. | ||
vphysics_threadmode | 1 | ||
vprof | Toggle VProf profiler. | ||
vprof_adddebuggroup1 | Add a new budget group dynamically for debugging. | ||
vprof_cachemiss | Toggle VProf cache miss checking. | ||
vprof_cachemiss_off | Turn off VProf cache miss checking. | ||
vprof_cachemiss_on | Turn on VProf cache miss checking. | ||
vprof_child | |||
vprof_collapse_all | Collapse the whole vprof tree. | ||
vprof_counters | 0 | ||
vprof_counters_show_minmax | 0 | ||
vprof_dump_counters | Dump vprof counters to the console. | ||
vprof_dump_groupnames | Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console. | ||
vprof_dump_oninterval | 0 | Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console. | |
vprof_dump_spikes | 0 | Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump. | |
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group | 0 | Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes. | |
vprof_dump_spikes_hierarchy | 0 | Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes. | |
vprof_dump_spikes_node | 0 | Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes. | |
vprof_dump_spikes_terse | 0 | Whether to use most terse output. | |
vprof_expand_all | Expand the whole vprof tree. | ||
vprof_expand_group | Expand a budget group in the vprof tree by name. | ||
vprof_generate_report | Generate a report to the console. | ||
vprof_generate_report_AI | Generate a report to the console. | ||
vprof_generate_report_AI_only | Generate a report to the console. | ||
vprof_generate_report_budget | Generate a report to the console based on budget group. | ||
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy | Generate a report to the console. | ||
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only | Generate a minimal hierarchical report to the console. | ||
vprof_generate_report_map_load | Generate a report to the console. | ||
vprof_graph | 0 | Draw the vprof graph. | |
vprof_graphheight | 256 | ||
vprof_graphwidth | 512 | ||
vprof_named | |||
vprof_nextsibling | |||
vprof_nodespike | |||
vprof_nodespike_min | |||
vprof_nodespike_mult | |||
vprof_off | Turn off VProf profiler. | ||
vprof_on | Turn on VProf profiler. | ||
vprof_parent | |||
vprof_playback_average | Average the next N frames. | ||
vprof_playback_start | Start playing back a recorded .vprof file. | ||
vprof_playback_step | While playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick. | ||
vprof_playback_stepback | While playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick. | ||
vprof_playback_stop | Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file. | ||
vprof_prevsibling | |||
vprof_record_start | Start recording vprof data for playback later. | ||
vprof_record_stop | Stop recording vprof data. | ||
vprof_remote_start | Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication). | ||
vprof_remote_stop | Stop an existing remote VProf data request. | ||
vprof_report_oninterval | 0 | Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up a full report to the console—more detailed than vprof_dump_oninterval .
| |
vprof_reset | Reset the stats in VProf profiler. | ||
vprof_reset_peaks | Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler. | ||
vprof_scope | 0 | Set a specific scope to start showing vprof tree. | |
vprof_scope_entity_clientthink | 0 | Set to 1 to generate individual VPROF nodes for each client entity's think function. | |
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys | 0 | ||
vprof_scope_entity_thinks | 0 | ||
vprof_server_spike_threshold | 999 | ||
vprof_server_thread | 0 | ||
vprof_think_limit | 0 | ||
vprof_to_csv | Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv. | ||
vprof_unaccounted_limit | 0 | number of milliseconds that a node must exceed to turn red in the vprof panel. | |
vprof_verbose | 1 | Set to one to show average and peak times. | |
vprof_vtrace | Toggle whether vprof data is sent to VTrace. | ||
vprof_vtune_group | enable vtune for a particular vprof group ('disable' to disable). | ||
vprof_warningmsec | 10 | Above this many milliseconds render the label red to indicate slow code. | |
vtune | Controls VTune's sampling. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
+walk | |||
-walk | |||
wc_air_edit_further | When in WC edit mode and editing air nodes, moves position of air node crosshair and placement location further away from player (incomplete description). | ||
wc_air_edit_nearer | When in WC edit mode and editing air nodes, moves position of air node crosshair and placement location nearer to from player. | ||
wc_air_node_edit | When in WC edit mode, toggles laying down or air nodes instead of ground nodes. | ||
wc_create | When in WC edit mode, creates a node where the player is looking if a node is allowed at that location for the currently select (incomplete description). | ||
wc_destroy | When in WC edit mode, destroys the node that the player is nearest to looking at. (The node will be highlighted by a red box). | ||
wc_destroy_undo | When in WC edit mode restores the last deleted node. | ||
wc_link_edit | |||
weapon_showproficiency | 0 | ||
wipe_nav_attributes | Clear all nav attributes of selected area. | ||
workshop_concurrent_fileinfo_requests | 5 | ||
writeid | Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg .
| ||
writeip | Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg .
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
xbox_autothrottle | 1 | ||
xbox_steering_deadzone | 0 | ||
xbox_throttlebias | 100 | ||
xbox_throttlespoof | 200 | ||
xc_crouch_debounce | 0 | ||
xload | Load a saved game from a 360 storage device. | ||
xlook | |||
xmove | |||
xsave | Saves current game to a 360 storage device. |
Command | Default Value | Cheat? | Help Text |
z_ragdoll_impact_strength | 500 | ||
-zoom | |||
+zoom | |||
zoom_sensitivity_ratio | 1 | Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in. |
- ↑ ai_debug_los – Valve Developer Community
- ↑ ai_disable – Valve Developer Community
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 ai_show_connect – Valve Developer Wiki
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 Console Command List/A – Valve Developer Wiki
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Console Command List/C – Valve Developer Wiki
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Valve developer's comment on cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate for Dota 2
- ↑ Dota 2 Update – June 5th, 2013