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Can inject an egg in an enemy unit to create a Spiderite. Lasts 3 seconds. If the unit dies during these 3 seconds, a Spiderite is born.
Дальность применения: 700
Количество паучат: 1
Длительность дебаффа: 3
- Эта способность была переработана в текущую Spawn Spiderite в версии 5.65.
- This ability is on autocast by default. The Spiderling automatically casts this on nearby enemy units which do not have the debuff already.
- Launches a projectile towards the target, which travels at a speed of 1200.
- Upon Broodmother's release in 5.62, instead of spawning Spiderites, this ability spawned another Spiderling, which also had this ability.
- Also upon release, this ability, together with Spawn Spiderlings were castable on allied and even own units.