Dota 2 Вики
Dota 2 Вики
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История версий[]

  • Формула бонусного опыта за серию убийств изменена с (ДлинаСерии² − ДлинаСерии + 8XP) × УбитогоГерояУР на (1,25 × ДлинаСерии² − 2,5 × ДлинаСерии + 10XP) × УбитогоГерояУР.
  • Формула бонусного опыта за серию убийств изменена с (ДлинаСерии − 1) × 10XP × УбитогоГерояУР на (ДлинаСерии² − ДлинаСерии + 8XP) × УбитогоГерояУР.
  • Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Ability_ID на строке 62: Не найдено данных Cargo для "Watch Tower".
    • Changed experience gain formula from 20XP/min − 50XP to 2XP/min.
    • Reduced experience gain interval from 600 to 60.
    • Compared to the previous version at 10/20/30/40 minutes, total ExperienceXP given per player changed from 150/500/1050/1800XP to 110/420/930/1640XP.
  • Increased hero kill base experience bounty from 40XP to 100XP.
    • Formula: 40XP + DeadHeroXP × 0.13 to 100XP + DeadHeroXP × 0.13.
  • Increased lane creep deny experience for the denied team from 40% to 50%.
  • Increased leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 9 from 780XP to 890XP.
    • For level 10 from 810XP to 930XP.
    • For level 11 from 840XP to 970XP.
    • For level 12 from 870XP to 1010XP.
    • For level 13 from 900XP to 1050XP.
  • Changed kill streak experience bonus from 500XP + (220XP)(StreakLength - 2) to (StreakLength - 1) × 10XP × DeadHeroLVL.
    • Where 3 ≤ StreakLength ≤ 10.
  • Increased kill streak experience bonus from 400XP + (200XP)(StreakLength - 2) to 500XP + (220XP)(StreakLength - 2).
    • Where 3 ≤ StreakLength ≤ 10.
  • Removed all Experience Опыт Талант talents.
  • Watch Tower icon Watch Tower
    • Changed experience gain formula from 15XP × Minute to 20XP × Minute - 50XP.
    • Increased experience gain interval from 300 to 600.
    • The experience gain now increases in 10 minute intervals, instead of being smoothed down to 1XP.
  • Reduced hero kill experience factor from 0.14 to 0.13.
    • Formula: 40XP + DeadHeroXP * 0.14 to 40XP + DeadHeroXP * 0.13
  • Reduced Watch Tower icon Watch Tower extra team experience per minute from 18XP to 15XP.
  • Reduced Watch Tower icon Watch Tower extra team experience per minute from 25XP to 18XP.
  • Increased hero max level from 25 to 30.
    • Experience needed for level 26/27/28/29/30 is 3500/4500/5500/6500/7500XP.
    • The DeadHero experience bounty is maxed out at level 25 like before.
  • Added Outposts.
New Watch Tower icon Watch Tower
Extra team experience per minute: 25
Experience gametime interval: 300
  • Increased lane creep deny experience for the denied team from 35% to 40%.
  • Increased kill streak experience bonus from 200XP + 150XP(StreakLength - 2) to 400XP + (200XP(StreakLength - 2).
    • Where 3 ≤ StreakLength ≤ 10.
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • Experience needed for level 5 reduced from 600XP to 580XP.
    • Experience needed for level 6 reduced from 620XP to 600XP.
    • Experience needed for level 19 to level 25 increased from 1400/1490/1500/1750/2000/2250/2500XP to 1500/1590/1600/1850/2100/2350/2600XP.
  • Tome of Knowledge icon Enlighten
    • Increased cooldown from 0 to 300.
    • Н
      Bonus experience gained per previous tome now starts with the third used tome, instead of the second. [?]
  • Increased lane creep deny experience for the denied team from 30% to 35%.
  • Increased lane creep deny experience for the denied team from 25% to 30%.
  • Increased leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 8 from 640XP to 720XP.
    • For level 9 from 660XP to 750XP.
    • For level 10 from 680XP to 780XP.
    • For level 11 from 800XP to 810XP.
    • For level 12 from 820XP to 840XP.
    • For level 13 from 840XP to 870XP.
  • The denying team no longer gains 25% of the creep's Experience Опыт bounty.
    • Creep denies now give the denier 20% of the Gold Золото bounty.
  • Killing Streaks now give an experience bonus ranging from 200 to 1250.
Kill Streak Formula:
Streak Length
0, 1, 2
Streak Name
killing spree
mega Kill
wicked sick
monster kill
beyond GODLIKE
Streak Value
  • Reworked and the simplified assist kill experience bonus formula. [?]
Bonus XP
Old Formula
(20XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.138 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(15XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.138 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(10XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.12 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(7XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.09 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(5XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.072 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
New Formula
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 2 increased from 200XP to 230XP.
    • For level 3 reduced from 400XP to 370XP.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 1300 to 1500.
  • Increased total experience from creep wave (the 4 creeps) from 210XP to 240XP.
  • Reduced lane creep deny experience for the denied team from 70% to 25%.
  • Reduced denied experience gained by the denier from 30% to 25%.
  • Neutral creeps killing lane creeps is now considered the same as the enemy creeps killing them — it's not a deny, and gives full experience. You must deny the creep yourself to deny its experience.
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 2 reduced from 240XP to 200XP.
    • For level 3 increased from 360XP to 400XP.
  • Reduced the fixed portion of the DeadHero experience bounty for first 5 DeadHeroLVL from 100/120/140/160/180XP to 30/60/90/120/150XP.
    • No changes to kill assist experience formula.
    • No changes to DeadHeroLVL experience bounty for level 6 and 7, it remains at 200XP and 220XP.
    • The increments now continues to +100XP per level as usual after level 7.
  • Reduced leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 21 from 1600XP to 1500XP.
    • For level 22 from 1900XP to 1750XP.
    • For level 23 from 2200XP to 2000XP.
    • For level 24 from 2500XP to 2250XP.
    • For level 25 from 2695XP to 2500XP.
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 1 to level 6 increased from 200/300/400/500/600XP to 240/360/480/600/620XP.
    • For level 9 to level 13 rescaled from 700/720/740/1200XP to 800/820/840/900XP.
The total experience requirement to go from level 1 to 6 has been increased by 300XP.
The total experience requirement to go from level 9 to 13 is still 3360XP, but the lower levels require more experience points.
  • Reduced kill experience bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes in radius from 0.138/0.138/0.12/0.09/0.072 to 0.124/0.124/0.108/0.081/0.065. [?]
  • Increased Tome of Knowledge icon Enlighten bonus experience gained per previous tome consumed from 100XP to 135XP.
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 6 to level 12 rescaled from 615/630/645/660/675/775XP to 640/660/680/700/720/740XP.
    • For level 12 to level 20 rescaled from 1175/1200/1225/1250/1275/1375/1400/1425XP to 1200/1225/1250/1275/1300/1325/1400/1490XP.
    • For level 25 reduced from 27500XP to 27220XP.
The total experience requirement to go from level 6 to 12 has been increased by 140XP.
The total experience requirement to go from level 12 to 20 has been increased by 140XP.
Overall, the same total experience is needed requirement to reach level 25.
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • No change for the first 5 levels.
    • Experience required to reach level 12 (in 7.00) is the same as level 11 (in 6.88).
    • Experience required to reach level 18 (in 7.00) is the same as level 16 (in 6.88).
    • Experience required to reach level 25 (in 7.00) is the same as level 23.
Notes: See here for more information. Overall, less experience is needed to reach max level with smoother increments.
  • Smoothen out experience progression from level 8 to level 13 to be always incrementing.
    • From 800/1000/1000/600/2200/800XP to 645/660/675/775/1175/1200XP.
  • The DeadHero experience bounty is now fixed for the first 7 DeadHeroLVL 100/120/140/160/180/200/220XP (then continues +110XP per level as usual).
    • The overall DeadHero experience bounty has been increased.
  • Lane creeps now grant 50% experience when killed by neutral creeps, instead of 35%. [?]
  • Tome of Knowledge icon Enlighten
    • Increased base experience bonus from 425XP to 500XP.
    • Now grants an additional 100XP per previously tome consumed by the team. [?]
  • Lane creeps now grant 35% experience when killed by neutral creeps, instead of 20%. [?]
  • Lane creeps now grant 20% experience when killed by neutral creeps, instead of 0%. [?]
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 8 increased from 600XP to 800XP.
    • For level 9 reduced from 1200XP to 1000XP.
  • The first two Руна богатства Руна богатства spawn no longer gives 100XP. [?]
  • Created Tome of Knowledge icon Tome of Knowledge.
  • Ancient Creeps now split experience with all heroes within the radius instead of just to the team that killed them.
  • Towers no longer have a 25XP bounty.
  • Reduced the fixed portion of the DeadHero experience bounty for first 5 DeadHeroLVL from 100/120/160/220/300XP to 100/120/140/160/180XP (then continues +100XP per level as usual).
  • Reduced kill assist experience bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes in radius from 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12 to 0.23/0.23/0.2/0.15/0.12.
  • Reduced kill assist experience bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes in radius from 0.5/0.35/0.25/0.2/0.15 to 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12.
  • Changed denied creeps experience bounty from a flat 36XP to 50% of experience bounty.
  • Reworked the assist kill experience bonus formula.
Bonus XP
6.78 Formula
20XP × DeadHeroLVL + 120XP
15XP × DeadHeroLVL + 90XP
7XP × DeadHeroLVL + 30XP
5XP × DeadHeroLVL + 20XP
4XP × DeadHeroLVL + 15XP
6.82 Formula
(20XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.5 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(15XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.35 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(10XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.25 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(7XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.2 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
(5XP × DeadHeroLVL) + (0.15 × DeadHeroXP × DiffXP)
  • Team Experience Difference (DiffXP) is defined as
Новая способность Bottle (Bounty) icon Богатство
Grant bonus Experience and Gold.
Initial experience: 50
Extra experience per 5 minutes: 5
Initial team gold: 40
Extra gold per 5 minutes: 10
Notes: Can be bottled.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 1200 to 1300.
  • Non-Ancient Neutral Creeps now split experience with all heroes within the radius instead of just to the team that killed them.
  • Increased denied experience awarded radius from 1000 to 1200. [?]
  • Rescaled leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 11 reduced from 6500XP to 6000XP.
    • For level 12 increased from 7700XP to 8200XP.
  • Rescaled kill assist experience formula:
Bonus XP
6.69 Formula
6XP × DeadHeroLVL + 15XP
5XP × DeadHeroLVL + 10XP
6.78 Formula
5XP × DeadHeroLVL + 20XP
4XP × DeadHeroLVL + 15XP
  • Reduced leveling up experience requirements:
    • For level 7 reduced from 2700XP to 2600XP.
    • For level 8 reduced from 3500XP to 3200XP.
      • It still requires a total of 4400XP to reach level 9.
  • Hero kills now always grant experience to the hero of the player regardless of distance.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 1000 to 1200.
  • Reworked the kill assist Experience Опыт / Gold Золото system.
    • Most recent versions (since 6.55) have an extra portion of the XP/Gold that is not a pure split like standard experience usually is. [1] [2]
Bonus XP
6.68 Formula
15XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP
15XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP
14XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP
13XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP
12XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP
6.69 Formula
20XP × DeadHeroLVL + 120XP
15XP × DeadHeroLVL + 90XP
7XP × DeadHeroLVL + 30XP
6XP × DeadHeroLVL + 15XP
5XP × DeadHeroLVL + 10XP
  • Increased hero kill base experience from 12XP × DeadHeroLVL to 12XP × DeadHeroLVL + 50XP.
  • Increased hero kill base experience from 8XP × DeadHeroLVL to 12XP × DeadHeroLVL.
  • The non-splitting XP/Gold bonuses are now doubled for EM like the rest of the Experience Опыт / Gold Золото bounty system is.
  • Added 8XP × DeadHeroLVL as hero kill experience bonus in an area.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 900 to 1000.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 850 to 900.
  • Reduced kill experience awarded radius from 900 to 850.
  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 800 to 900.

Patch History[]

  • Fixed an experience bug that was introduced in 7.25b that caused streaks to give much more experience than intended.
  • The ExperienceXP/min of hero will stop being calculated after they reach level 25.
  • Fixed the overlay so that the experience bar is now always visible.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the experience bar not being aligned properly on non-hero units.
  • Update 2
    • Alt now displays the ExperienceXP progression values.
  • Alt+Keyboard White Mouse Left Нажатие ЛКМ shows the remaining ExperienceXP needed until next level.
  • Fixed the area ExperienceXP being calculated before the direct experience was given out.
  • Removed the hero ExperienceXP bonus when picking after the game has started.