Dota 2 Вики
Dota 2 Вики
Обновления (последнее) Обновление от 6 мая 2017 Обновление от 8 мая 2017 Обновление от 9 мая 2017


Список изменений

  • Fixed a bug where Battle Point Tributes would give you double the listed amount.

Обновление 2

  • Ogre Magi's Sailor's Fortune quest requirement for "hit enemies with your weapon" has been changed from 50/100/150 to 20/40/60.
  • Small model and animation updates to the new Monkey King Immortal.
  • Small particle updates to the Monkey King Immortal.
  • Fixed the TI7 Tournament tab description having a random Steam Workshop link.
  • Fixed net graph not being available when spectating the game.
  • Added a Low Quality Dashboard change for the Reef's Edge ad on the front page. If you have LQ turned on, then you will now see a fall back image instead of the animated scene.

Обновление 3

  • Bugs that were crashing the game when you were trying to open the Battle Pass were fixed.