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Источник: Dota 2 Update - November 7, 2017
Список изменений
Обновление 1
Игровой процесс
- Fixed a case where player input would not be registered. If you see any further cases of this, please provide matchid and time.
- Fixed Backtrack talent being disabled by Break
- Fixed players not getting a TP scroll on start if they were disconnected
- Tree Toss can now be point targeted (impacts first unit along the way)
- Fixed X Marks The Spot self target being reduced by your own status resistance (status resistance in general only works on enemy debuffs)
- Fixed Stormbolt being inconsistently reduced by status resistance depending on the units in the AoEil and Punch.
- Fixed the radius of Heartstopper Aura being 900 instead of 700.
- Fixed Pangolier's position on the post game screen portrait.
- The following heroes now have Attack Speed Activity Modifiers (values that trigger different activity modifiers a.k.a animations) and Movement Speed Modifiers.
- Juggernaut:
- Shadow Fiend
- Sniper
- Phantom Assassin
- Viper
- Troll Warlord
- Abaddon
- Oracle
- Winter Wyvern
- Arc Warden
- Abyssal Underlord
- Monkey King (also has for Attack Range)
- Pangolier
- Dark Willow
- Dark Willow now has her own custom particles for loadout.
- Fixed an animation issue with Ice Blast Release on Ancient Apparition.
- Fixed an animation issue with Troll Warlord's Whirling Axes (Throw)
Внутриигровой интерфейс
- Fixed Pangolier's position on the post game screen portrait.
- Fixed some HUDs not displaying correctly for heroes that can have more then 4 skills.
- "Select All Other Units" no longer selects Uncontrollable Illusions. (It would intefere with Anti-Mage controlling Manta Style).
Обновление 2
Игровой процесс
- Fixed Necronomicon Level 1 Manacost not being 50.
- Fixed the burn DPS of Meteor Hammer being 60/115 instead of 50/90.
- Fixed the movement speed of Venomancer being 270 instead of 275.
- Fixed the damage of Heat Seeking Missile being 120/200/280/360 instead of 125/200/275/350.
- Fix a bugged interaction between Morphling's Morph and Dark Seer's Wall.
Модели, текстуры, анимации и звуки
- Created two different sound events for Invoker's Cataclysm so the audio is clearly defined for the spell effect.
Обновление 3
- Fix to Rubick's Telekinesis crashing the server.
- Item builds for Tiny have been updated.