Dota 2 Вики
Обновления (последнее) Обновление от 19 марта 2020 Обновление от 20 марта 2020 Обновление от 25 марта 2020


Примечание: Не указана ссылка на источник.

Список изменений

  • Добавлена панель турнира WePlay на заглавную страницу.

Игровой процесс

  • Removed outdated notes from Battle Fury icon Battle Fury's tooltip box regarding armor and spell immunity interactions.
  • Fixed Necronomicon icon Necronomicon showing wrong Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon Archer Aura values on level 2 and 3.
  • Increased Crimson Guard icon Crimson Guard health regen bonus from 10.5 to 12, to match its components.
  • Fixed Bloodrage icon Bloodrage still using the old heal values (13%/17%/21%/25%) when killing creeps, instead of 10%/15%/20%/25%.
  • Fixed Puck minimap icon Puck's attack damage being reduced by 4 in the last patch, instead of the intended 2.
  • Fixed Vengeful Spirit minimap icon Vengeful Spirit's max attack damage being too high by 2 since 7.23c.
  • Fixed Sniper minimap icon Sniper's max attack damage being too low by 1 since the last patch.
  • Fixed Havoc Hammer icon Havoc's knockback distance and area damage values being accidentally swapped in the last patch.
  • Fixed Shapeshift icon Shapeshift's cooldown and mana cost being wrongly changed in the last patch.
  • Fixed Riki minimap icon Riki's level 20 right talent being wrongly increased by 0.3 in the last patch.
  • Fixed Templar Assassin minimap icon Templar Assassin's movement speed being wrongly reduced by 5 in the last patch.