Dota 2 Вики
Обновления (последнее) Обновление от 11 ноября 2011 Обновление от 17 ноября 2011 Обновление от 18 ноября 2011


Источник: Dota 2 Update Released

Список изменений



  • Fixed Maelstrom/Mjollnir procing on denies/wards/sieges.
  • Fixed Helm pf the Dominator life-stealing off ward type units
  • Fixed Ring of Basilius aura not working on siege units.
  • Fixed Janggo aura not working on siege units.
  • Fixed item critical strikes working against wards.
  • Fixed item selling exploit where heroes could transfer sharable items and sell them back within the sell-back time.
  • Cleaned up juke lanes in dire top lane.


  • Fixed a bug with courier purchasing, where trying to complete an item would not take into account items held by the courier.
  • Fixed a quick-buy bug. With Mekansm displayed, buying a branch, then headdress would result in a branch missing from the list.
  • Added a setting to disable screen shaking.
  • Fixed double clicking Force Staff not working if you are Repelled.
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit and Dust of Appearance purchase announcement not appearing when an ally buys them.
  • Fixed Omniknight and Dragon Knight legacy keys.
  • Enabled Warlock for Captain's Mode
  • Error messages will no longer appear if some unit in your multi-unit selection cannot perform the requested order.
  • Practice Lobbies now appear on dota tv (can be selected to private in game setup).
  • Fixed not being able to access the home shop after a respawn.
  • Creeps under the control of a player now draw using that player’s color on the minimap.
  • Fixed towers that are denied in the FoW still drawing for the other team on the minimap.
  • Made overhead gold values not fade out as quickly when your controlled hero is high level.
  • Added a new function (defaulted to Space Bar) that moves the camera to the last pinged location (if you press it again afterwards it goes back to your hero).




  • Fixed bug where bots would stand under the tower in the lane they were pushing when it had backdoor protection activated. Now they should move back to their lane front.
  • Bots no longer assume that humans will fully help out when they're deciding whether to do Рошан.
  • Revised Windrunner's Shackle Shot and Windrun usage - they won't trigger as much when doing a casual retreat.
  • In late-game, bots are more likely to go to side shops to get what they need (especially TP scrolls).
  • Bots are no longer controllable by spectators.
  • Improved the logic for deciding when to give up on an attack target that they haven't touched in a while.
  • Fixed issue where bots would attack creeps rather than defend their tower from enemy heroes.
  • Reworked how bots push lanes, they should be less likely to tank towers and should be in appropriate positions more often now.
  • Fixed bug where heroes would leave their tower too easily when not fully recharged.
  • Bots will now use a bottled regen rune rather than retreating all the way back to base to heal.
  • Fixed bug in Zeus's Thundergod's Wrath usage that caused with him to killsteal with it too much.
  • Bots should be better about harassing heroes during the laning phase - melee heroes should no longer be able to last-hit with impunity.
  • Revised sniper bot skill build to be less push-oriented and more gank/dps oriented.
  • Reduced spamminess of bots announcing the defense of a lane.
  • Made bots better about retreating to retrieve their items.