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Набор комментаторов: Kunkka и Tidehunter
Cosmetic icon Kunkka & Tidehunter Announcer Pack
Набор 21105
Редкость: Mythical
Слот: Набор комментаторов

Этот предмет заменяет стандартного комментатора и комментатора серий убийств на просоленные голоса вечно спорящих недругов. Доступные языки: английский и китайский.
Valve icon
Набор комментаторов: Kunkka и Tidehunter
Комментатор: Kunkka и Tidehunter
Мега-убийства: Kunkka и Tidehunter

Предметы набора

Набор комментаторов: Kunkka и Tidehunter
Набор комментаторов: Kunkka и Tidehunter
Основная статья: Kunkka
Основная статья: Tidehunter

Данный предмет выдается владельцам боевого пропуска при достижении 75 уровня.


Шанс 50%, только для All Pick, Least Played, Limited Heroes и Mid Only

Игровой режим

All Pick

All Random

Captain's Draft

Captain's Mode


Easy Mode

Least Played

Mid Only

One vs One

Random Draft

Reverse Captain's Mode

Single Draft

Другие режимы
Limited Heroes и другие возможные будущие режимы игры

Выбор героя



Осталось времени на выбор

Шанс 5%

Шанс 2%

Выбор закончен

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ Don't you dare pick Tidehunter. Hahah. What? Kunkka!

Выбор определённых героев

Шанс 50%

Шанс 30%

Шанс 20%

Шанс 5%

Шанс 1%

Начало битвы

Приготовьтесь к битве

Шанс 30%

  • ▶️ Prepare to make way! Who made you captain? It's pronounced Admiral.

Времени до битвы

Шанс 40%

Битва начинается

Шанс 5%

  • ▶️ п Time for another go-round, Tidehunter! Bring it on, sea dog!


First Blood

Double Kill

Triple Kill

Ultra Kill


Killing Spree


Mega Kill


Wicked Sick

Monster Kill


Holy Shit


Смерть всей команды
Ваша команда
Шанс 30%

  • ▶️ The sea is an unforgiving mistress.
  • ▶️ An ocean of life will feast on your carcass.

Вражеская команда

Для зрителей

Все мертвы

  • ▶️ Down she goes with all souls lost. Hahaha, my kind of fight.

Командные объявления

Ваши Силы Света Силы Тьмы Противник

Шанс 30%

  • ▶️ п Roshan's dead. Stop me if you've heard this one.

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ п They killed Roshan. He lives in a rough neighborhood. Time to move?

Шанс 30%

  • ▶️ п Roshan falls again. Like Kunkka will!

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ п Roshan's pit'd be a lot safer in the ocean. Can't ford an ocean!

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

Верхние казармы

Центральные казармы

Нижние казармы

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня


Верхняя башня

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's top tower is under attack.
  • ▶️ п Dire's top tower needs some friends. Same as you, Tidehunter.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's top tower is about to take the plunge.

Центральная башня

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle tower is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle tower is under pressure.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle tower is drowning.

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom tower is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom tower won't last long.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom tower is about to flounder.

Верхние казармы

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's top barracks are under attack.
  • ▶️ 120 Someone should help Dire's top barracks.
  • ▶️ п The waves are breaking against Dire's top barracks.

Центральные казармы

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle barracks are under attack.
  • ▶️ 90 Dire's middle barracks might fall. It's a spout of violence.
  • ▶️ п Is this how Dire's middle barracks fall?

Нижние казармы

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom barracks are under attack.
  • ▶️ 30 They're wrecking Dire's bottom barracks.
  • ▶️ 10 By the board, Dire's bottom barracks are under attack.

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня

  • ▶️ 15 Dire's bottom shrine is under attack.



Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

Верхние казармы

Центральные казармы

Нижние казармы

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня

Верхняя башня

  • ▶️ Radiant's top tower has fallen.
  • ▶️ п Radiant's top tower just got sent to the bottom. Really, Tidehunter?

Центральная башня

  • ▶️ Radiant's middle tower has fallen.
  • ▶️ 60 Radiant's middle tower just keeled over.

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ Radiant's bottom tower has fallen.
  • ▶️ 60 Radiant's bottom tower has rung its last bell.

Верхние казармы

Центральные казармы

Нижние казармы

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ Dire's bottom tower has fallen.
  • ▶️ п Dire's bottom tower couldn't withstand the tide.

Верхние казармы

Центральные казармы

Нижние казармы

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

Верхние казармы

Центральные казармы

Нижние казармы

Верхняя внешняя святыня

Нижняя внешняя святыня


Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

  • ▶️ Radiant's middle tower has been denied.
  • ▶️ Radiant just smothered their own middle tower.

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ Radiant's bottom tower has been denied.
  • ▶️ Radiant scum denied their bottom tower.

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ Dire's bottom tower has been denied.
  • ▶️ Those Dire swine denied their bottom tower.

Верхняя башня

Центральная башня

Нижняя башня

  • ▶️ Radiant structures are fortified.
  • ▶️ п Radiant fortified their structures. Attack the heroes?
  • ▶️ п Radiant think fortification can save them. Any port in a storm!
  • ▶️ Dire structures are fortified.
  • ▶️ п What's this? Dire fortified their structures?


  • ▶️ п Fortified structures can't be breached. I could!

Шанс 40%

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ The Dire Ancient is decommissioned! Radiant take the day!

Шанс 40%

Шанс 15%

  • ▶️ Dire does it! The Radiant Ancient is dead in the water.


Шанс 15%

Шанс 10%

  • ▶️ п Time to get your head above water. Grow some gills.

Периоды бездействия

Шанс 5%, в середине игры и далее

Шанс 3%, в середине игры и далее

  • ▶️ п This game has certainly run aground.
  • ▶️ п Looks like we've run against the ash breeze. It's dead calm.
  • ▶️ п This is like swimming in slack water.
  • ▶️ п You layabouts! Swab the back-head grating!
  • ▶️ п Maybe I'll take up beachcombing. Take me with you.
  • ▶️ п What's the word from the crow's nest? It's dead calm.


Шанс 50%

  • ▶️ п Man overboard! Heave to!
  • ▶️ п Someone's connection just drowned.
  • ▶️ п Hahaha. I wreck any undersea cable I get my hands on.
  • ▶️ п If they're wearing a corkshirt, they'll pop up soon enough.
  • ▶️ п They always float to the top eventually. Just wait a minute.
  • ▶️ п Now is the time for diplomacy. That's rich coming from you, Kunkka.

Шанс 50%

  • ▶️ 300 Finally came up for air!
  • ▶️ 300 Welcome back, landlubber. Get any salt in your lungs?

Выход из игры
Шанс 50%

  • ▶️ п Jumping ship, you traitorous dog?
  • ▶️ п Sea slime has more backbone than a quitter.
  • ▶️ п A quitter, ay? Throw him in the brig!
  • ▶️ п The sea hates a coward.
  • ▶️ п A captain should go down with the ship. My thoughts exactly!

Снятие паузы

Шанс 50%

Покупка специального предмета

Шанс 25%


All Pick

Least Played

Limited Heroes

Mid Only

Игровые режимы
All Pick
Шанс 30%

Шанс 20%

All Random
Шанс 20%

Captain's Draft
Шанс 20%

Captain's Mode
Шанс 30%

Шанс 20%

Least Played

  • Правила реплик предполагают для режима Least Played дополнительную реплику, но правило для неё отсутствует.

Mid Only
Шанс 20%

One vs One
Шанс 20%

  • ▶️ п How about… Tidehunter versus Kunkka.

Random Draft
Шанс 20%

Reverse Captain's Mode
Шанс 20%

Single Draft
Шанс 20%

Шанс 5%

  • ▶️ п The right crew makes all the difference!
  • ▶️ п I wouldn't take any advice from Kunkka!

Дополнительное время
Шанс 2%

  • ▶️ п Don't think so much. Just roll with it.

Шанс 25%, союзники

  • ▶️ 300 There'll be singing and dancing tonight!

Шанс 25%, враги

  • ▶️ 300 Hauled in the net and bludgeoned on deck!

25%, для зрителей

  • ▶️ 300 Hang the rascals from the yardarm!
  • ▶️ 300 I'm hungry enough to eat FIVE walruses.

Holy Shit
Шанс 25%, союзники

  • ▶️ 300 I should find you a colossal squid!

Шанс 25%, враги

  • ▶️ 300 Learn how to swim before you sail in deep water.

Шанс 25%, для зрителей

Смерть всей команды
Для игроков
Вражеская команда сил Света

  • ▶️ п Cold as the blackest sea, Tidehunter.
  • ▶️ п It's just what I always wanted.
  • ▶️ п Your heart's as cold as your hide, Tidehunter.

Вражеская команда сил Тьмы

Для зрителей
Команда сил Света

Команда сил Тьмы

Курьер убит
Шанс 50%, курьер сил Света, для игроков

Шанс 50%, курьер сил Тьмы, для игроков

Шанс 50%, любой курьер, для зрителей

  • ▶️ п They're fishing for guppies with cannon fire.
  • ▶️ п I could eat one of those.
  • ▶️ п Swallowed up by a bigger fish. And then by me.

Строение атаковано
Шанс 25%, башни

Шанс 20%, башни

Шанс 15%, башни

25%, barracks

  • ▶️ п Do something! Anything!
  • ▶️ п Are you hungry enough to win this? mid barracks only

Шанс 20%, казармы

  • ▶️ п Barracks don't rise again.
  • ▶️ п You're heading for heavy seas, mate.
  • ▶️ п When it rains, it pours. It's monsoon season! top barracks only
  • ▶️ п Charting a course for defeat! That's Kunkka's specialty. bottom barracks only

Шанс 25%, крепость игрока

  • ▶️ п Your chances are sinking faster than Kunkka's fleet.
  • ▶️ п This one's going right down the bilge.

Шанс 25%, любая крепость, для зрителей

  • ▶️ п We're nearly done here. I say when we're done, Kunkka.

Шанс 15%, любая крепость, для зрителей

  • ▶️ п Good thing Ancients don't scream. You surprise me, sometimes, Tidehunter.

Строение разрушено
Ваше строение
Шанс 25%, башни

Шанс 25%, казармы

Шанс 30%, святыни

Вражеские строения
Шанс 25%, башни

Шанс 20%, башни

  • ▶️ п I love the smell of ambergris in the morning.
  • ▶️ п And no lazy jack to catch it!

Шанс 25%, казармы

Шанс 30%, святыни

Для зрителейs
Шанс 20%, казармы сил Света

Шанс 20%, казармы сил Тьмы

  • ▶️ п A team that gives up their barracks earns no rum.
  • ▶️ п Like stabbing fish in a barrel.
  • ▶️ п That set their gameplan adrift.

Шанс 30%, святыни сил Света

Шанс 30%, святыни сил Тьмы

Башня добита
Ваша башня
Шанс 30%

Шанс 25%

  • ▶️ п Will you look at that? Not if you're asking.

Вражеская башня
Шанс 30%

Шанс 25%

  • ▶️ п Talk about a fail boat! Ugh. Hahahaha!

Шанс 50%

  • ▶️ п Once they're done with the Ancient, we can start on Kunkka.
  • ▶️ п That's my kind of crew. Says Abraham the sailor.

Шанс 50%

Для зрителей
Шанс 40%, крипы сил Света

  • ▶️ п It's about time to jump ship, perhaps. Coward.
  • ▶️ п I'm hungry enough to eat one of those. Truly, a one-track mind.

Шанс 40%, крипы сил Тьмы

  • ▶️ п Radiant's ship is into the eye of the wind.
  • ▶️ п This one's about to sink beneath the waves.