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Акт II: Жуткие глубины
Siltbreaker Act 2 Zone Map Labeled Preview

Fully labeled map (Full size) Missing 1 chef's note. Tell us where it is here.


  • Players must progress through separate zones to complete the campaign.
  • Each zone has three difficulty tiers, represented by three stars.
  • A star ranking is given out at the end of each zone depending on certain criteria met.
  • Players can pass through a zone without earning any stars.
  • Click on a zone's name for full information regarding units, objects, drop rates and more.

Bitter Ridge

Bitter Ridge
Siltbreaker Bitter Ridge Header
Discovered in an attempt to find easier passage down the mountain, Bitter Ridge offers nowhere to go but up.
Задания Враги

Frostbite Tundra

Frostbite Tundra
Siltbreaker Frostbite Tundra Header
While visited by the occasional bold trader, this tundra's deadly inhabitants ensure continued backwater status.
Задания Враги
  • Найдите Whitecap Lake меньше чем за 9:00 / 7:30 / 4:00.
  • Убейте как минимум 10 / 20 / 30 Frostbitten Shamans. (Награда: 50XP и 50 золота)
  • Ваша команда должна иметь не больше 5 / 2 / 0 смертей.
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 1000 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 1250 каждому

Whitecap Lake

Whitecap Lake
Siltbreaker Whitecap Lake Header
The Whitecap fish camp is merely an outpost of a larger settlement found farther up the mountain.
Задания Враги
  • Спасите как минимум 10/20/30 пингвинов (Награда: 500XP и 500 золота)
  • Убейте как минимум 1/2/3 Alpine Growlers (Награда: 600XP и 600 золота)
  • Ваша команда должна иметь не больше 5/2/0 смертей
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 1125 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 1500 каждому

The Brumal Aerie

The Brumal Aerie
Siltbreaker The Brumal Aerie Header
Usually a waypoint between Whitecap and Azura, this small clearing recently caught the eye of a nesting icewyrm.
Задания Враги
  • Одержите победу над Karaul Silverwing за 7:00/5:00/3:00 минуты.(Награда: 500XP и 500 золота)
  • У вашей команды должно быть не более 5/2/0 смертей.
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 200 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 375 каждому

Azura Overlook

Azura Overlook
Siltbreaker Azura Overlook Header
Well within the safe haven of Azura's patrols, this powder pathway is a downhill dream.
Задания Враги


Azura Overlook
Siltbreaker Azura Overlook Header
Resettled by a group of colonists out of Cobalt after a long abandonment, Azura is a village still very much threatened by the encroaching wilds.
Задания Враги

Iceblight Plateau

Iceblight Plateau
Siltbreaker Iceblight Plateau Header
Home to winds capable of sheering hide from bone, few survive the trek across this blighted plateau.
Задания Враги
  • Найдите вход в Frozen Crag за 10:00/8:00/4:00 минуты.
  • Убейте по крайней мере 4/6/8 ледяных гигантов. (Награда: 400XP и 400 золота)
  • У вашей команды должно быть не более 5/2/0 смертей.
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 1250 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 2000 каждому

The Frozen Crag

The Frozen Crag
Siltbreaker The Frozen Crag Header
Though some folk in Azura long to journey to their ancient mountaintop home, those who try to pass through the crag are seldom seen again.
Задания Враги
  • Одержите победу над Storrega за 8:00/6:00/4:00 минуты. (Награда: 500XP и 500 золота)
  • У вашей команды должно быть не более 5/2/0 смертей.
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 250 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 750 каждому

Crypt of the Odobenus Legion

Crypt of the Odobenus Legion
Siltbreaker Crypt of the Odobenus Legion Header
Where once halls rang with songs and laughter, now shades beckon the long hereafter.
Задания Враги

1. Дойдите до тронной залы за 14:00/10:00/6:00.

2. У вашей команды должно быть не более 5/2/0 смертей.

  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 2125 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 3750 каждому

The Odobenus Onslaught

The Odobenus Onslaught
Siltbreaker The Odobenus Onslaught Header
Long after all other mortal thoughts have faded from memory, the revenants of the Odobenus Legion keep vigil over their ancient throne room.
Задания Враги
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 750 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 1625 каждому

Reef's Edge

Reef's Edge
Siltbreaker Reef's Edge Header
When compared to the crushing depths and unseen horrors lurking beneath the base of Dark Reef, there is relative safety in the shallows.
Задания Враги
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 3250 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 4750 каждому

The Shoal

The Shoal
Siltbreaker The Shoal Header
In the waters around Dark Reef, even sunlit shallows are not free from the dangers of the deep.
Задания Враги
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 1250 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 1500 каждому

Sunken Passage

Sunken Passage
Siltbreaker Sunken Passage Header
From outward appearances, a simple undersea grotto. This protected passage into Dark Reef is known to very few.
Задания Враги

Dark Reef Prison

Dark Reef Prison
Siltbreaker Dark Reef Prison Header
Renowned as a murderous den of the sea-bred's worst criminals, thanks to Warden Grimwater's diligence, Dark Reef operates with clockwork efficiency.
Задания Враги
  • Максимальное количество золота за убийства: 3750 каждому
  • Максимальное количество опыта за убийства: 5500 каждому

Siltbreaker's Vault

Siltbreaker's Vault
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker's Vault Header
Though Warden Grimwater wanted no part in Siltbreaker's capture, nowhere else was so suited to hold him as Dark Reef.
Задания Враги


  • Каждый раз при достижении контрольной точки игроки получают один заряд возрождения, вплоть до 5 зарядов.
  • Игроки могут возрождать друг друга нажимая на надгробие умершего игрока.
  • Игроки могут выкупиться, и возродиться на последней контрольной точке. Это расходует два заряда возрождения.
  • Life Rune может быть поднята для получения одного заряда возрождения.


  • A limited selection of heroes are available for this campaign.
  • Some heroes have altered abilities made specifically for this event.
  • Click on a hero's icon to see their custom stats and abilities for this event.
Атрибут Герой
Strength attribute symbol Сила Dragon Knight icon Legion Commander icon Omniknight icon Sven icon Tidehunter icon Tiny icon Treant Protector icon
Agility attribute symbol Ловкость Drow Ranger icon Gyrocopter icon Luna icon Shadow Fiend icon Templar Assassin icon Troll Warlord icon Viper icon Weaver icon
Intelligence attribute symbol Интеллект Dazzle icon Jakiro icon Leshrac icon Lina icon Windranger icon Witch Doctor icon Zeus icon
Убран Abaddon icon


  • Siltbreaker uses the default Dota 2 items, with a few tweaks. A couple of items are completely disabled, while a very few received modifications. Four new consumable items, three new tomes, 17 new permanent items (refered to as "Artifacts") and one quest item are added as drop-only items, and one special item is added as a purchasable gamble item.
  • Most buyable items can be found as drop-items after killing enemies or breaking environmental objects and opening chests.
  • They can also be purchased at various shops scattered across the campaign. Most items can be sold at shops.
  • Dropped items last for 30 seconds on the ground before they despawn. This excludes quest items, Life Runes and Artifacts.
  • Items are fully sharable with allies (including NPCs).

Новые предметы

These items cannot be purchased, but are dropped from enemies, except for the quest item.

Изображение Предмет Описание
Файл:Event Gold Bag.png Gold Bag Grants a set amount of gold to all players.
(instantly used on pick up)
Файл:Event Health Potion.png Health Potion Restores 20% health to all players.
(instantly used on pick up)
Файл:Event Mana Potion.png Mana Potion Restores 20% mana to all players.
(instantly used on pick up)
Файл:Event Life Rune.png Life Rune Grants an additional life to the player that picked it up.
(instantly used on pick up)
Siltbreaker Artifact Coin icon Artifact Coin Needed to use Artifacts.
Siltbreaker Book of Strength icon Book of Strength Permanently grants +3 to the user.
Siltbreaker Book of Agility icon Book of Agility Permanently grants +3 to the user.
Siltbreaker Book of Intelligence icon Book of Intelligence Permanently grants +3 to the user.

Выпадающие предметы инвентаря

Shop Consumables Icon Расходуемые Shop Attributes Icon Атрибуты Shop Armaments Icon Вооружение Shop Arcane Icon Мистика Unknown Потайные
Shop Common Icon Общее Shop Support Icon Поддержка Shop Caster Icon Магия Shop Weapons Icon Оружие Shop Armor Icon Броня Shop Artifacts Icon Артефакты

Секретный лавочник

  • Один секретный лавочник скрыт на карте.
  • Он продаёт Siltbreaker Gallaron's Gamble icon Gallaron's Gamble за 750 золота, которые содержат случайный предмет инвентаря или ловушку (похожи на сундуки с сокровищами, находящиеся на карте)..
Image Name Location Screenshot
Файл:Siltbreaker Dark Magus.png The Dark Magus After exiting from The Odobenus Onslaught, turn left and cut down a tree blocking the path to
a dark tunnel. Move to the left through the tunnel and then upwards to find the shopkeeper.
Siltbreaker Act 2 Shopkeeper 1 Screen

Недоступные предметы

The following items cannot be purchased, built or found in this game mode:

Модифицированные предметы

All items are fully sharable with allies. Besides this, the following items have been further modified:

Изображение Предмет Модификация
Battle Fury (4100) Battle Fury
  • Reduced cleave damage from 40% to 20%.
Enchanted Mango (65) Enchanted Mango
  • Can be sold.
Heart of Tarrasque (5200) Heart of Tarrasque
  • Reduced health regeneration from 7% to 1%.
Tango (90) Tango
  • Cannot be bought.


  • Artifacts can be used to provide various benefits in the campaign.
  • Artifacts are obtained in the armory as a cosmetic item by random drop in game. These items can then be used in-game via the artifacts tab with Artifact Coins.
  • Artifacts appear as golden treasure boxes when dropped on the ground.
  • Artifacts are assigned and bound to a player upon dropping, and cannot be shared.
  • Artifacts are permanent and can be used across multiple games.
  • Players must be above a certain level for artifacts to function.
  • Click on an artifact's name to see more detailed information.
Иконка Название Требуемый уровень Эффект Стоимость артефакта Шанс выпадения Выпадает из
Siltbreaker Ambient Sorcery icon Ambient Sorcery 9
  • Passive: Ambient Sorcery Reduces nearby units' magic resistance by -15%
  • Bonus Int +10
35 -%


Ice Giant

Сундук сокровищ

Siltbreaker Amorphotic Shell icon Amorphotic Shell 16
  • Passive: Division When you take an attack greater than 25 damage, you have a 20 to spawn a friendly amoebite for 20 seconds
  • Bonus Str: +30
  • Bonus Int: +20
  • Bonus Agi: +10
75 Giant Amoeboid
Siltbreaker Cloak of the Bear icon Cloak of the Bear 6
  • Aura: Rough Bearskin Provides 10 bonus magic resistance to nearby allies
  • Bonus Magic Resist (Self): +25
30 -%


Big Bear

Сундук сокровищ

Siltbreaker Craggy Coat icon Craggy Coat 13
  • When the wearer takes damage, there is a 25% to retaliate with a thrown boulder, which deals 125 and stuns for .6 seconds.
  • Bonus Str: +20
  • Bonus Armor +10
60 Storegga
Siltbreaker Glimmerdark Shield icon Glimmerdark Shield 21
  • Active: Gleam Gain immunity to physical damage, but receive 100% magic damage. Lasts 6 seconds
  • Bonus Str: +20
  • Bonus Agi: +20
  • Bonus Int: +20
  • Bonus Health Regen: +80
  • Bonus Armor: +40
160 Siltbreaker
Siltbreaker Gravel Foot icon Gravel Foot 13
  • Bonus Movement Speed: +50
  • Bonus All Stats: +8
  • Bonus HP Regen: +8
  • Damage Block: 25
55 Storegga
Siltbreaker Ice Dragon Maw icon Ice Dragon Maw 7
  • Your attacks have a 25% chance to freeze the target for 2 seconds.
  • Bonus Damage: 20
  • Bonus Attack Range: 100
40 Karaul Silverwing
Siltbreaker Lifestone icon Lifestone 14
  • Active: Health Pact Converts 60 health into 70 mana every 0.5 seconds.
  • Bonus HP regen: 10
50 Giant Amoeboid
Siltbreaker Ogre Seal Totem icon Ogre Seal Totem 5
  • Active: Ogre Seal Flop Flop like an ogre seal, doing 250 damage and stunning for 1.0 second on each bounce
  • Bonus Str: +8
  • Bonus HP: +200
75 -%


Ogre Seal

Сундук сокровищ

Siltbreaker Precious Egg icon Precious Egg 8
  • If an attack would deal lethal damage, it has a 33% chance to leave the wearer at 1 health.
  • Bonus All stats: +7
45 Karaul Silverwing
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker's Dredged Trident icon Siltbreaker's Dredged Trident 23
  • Passive: Critical Strike Grants each attack a 35% chance to deal 350% additional damage.
  • Bonus Damage: +160
190 Siltbreaker
Siltbreaker Slippers of the Abyss icon Slippers of the Abyss 19
  • Active: Aqueous Rush Increase movement speed by 200ms for 4 seconds.
  • Bonus Movement: +90
  • Bonus Str: +15
  • Bonus Agi +15
  • Bonus Attack: +100
130 Siltbreaker
Siltbreaker Stonework Pendant icon Stonework Pendant 15
  • Spells now cost hit points equal to 2x their mana cost, and the wearer gains bonus hit points and health regen equal to the size of their mana pool and mana regen
  • Spell lifesteal: +10%
65 Storegga
Siltbreaker Violet Blade icon Violet Blade 16
  • Passive: Devastation Your attacks reduce the target's armor by -14 for 15 seconds
  • Bonus Damage: +80
70 -%


Spectral Tusk

Сундук сокровищ

Siltbreaker Wand of the Brine icon Wand of the Brine 20
  • Active: Brinefoam Puts a friendly unit in a protective healing bubble for 3 seconds
  • Bubble heal per tick: 150
  • Tick interval: .5
  • Bonus Int: +50
  • Bonus Mana Regen percent: 250
110 Siltbreaker
Siltbreaker Winter's Embrace icon Winter's Embrace 6
  • Physical attackers have their attack speed and movement speed slowed for 3 seconds
  • Bonus Armor: 4
  • Bonus Int: 12
  • Movement Speed slow: -30
  • Attack Speed Slow: -30
35 Karaul Silverwing



  • Players with Battle Pass level 165 or higher will receive two Файл:Siltbreaker Reward icon.png Siltbreaker Rewards for every zone they complete with 3 stars.
  • Claiming the Level 165 Bonus Siltbreaker Treasures reward will retroactively grant bonus treasures for any zones that had been previously 3 starred.
Критерий Награда
1 звезда 200 боевых очков
2 звезды 400 боевых очков
3 звезды


  • Like normal matches, players can receive drops after each game.
  • Players who complete the campaign will earn a special emoticon.


Основная статья: Трофеи
Название Описание Трофей
Siltbreaker: Act II Reef Warden Awarded for defeating the final boss during Act II of the Siltbreaker campaign. Siltbreaker Act II Trophy 1 Siltbreaker Act II Trophy 2 Siltbreaker Act II Trophy 3
1 звезда (50) 2 звезды (100) 3 звезды (150)


Иконка Название Активность Боевых очков
Siltbreaker Achievement Note SECRET RECIPE Find all 7 Gastromancer Notes in Siltbreaker: Act II 500
Siltbreaker Achievement II Warden Note JAILHOUSE POET Find all 11 Warden Notes in Siltbreaker: Act II 500
Siltbreaker Achievement Heroes THRICE WENT ROUND Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 3 different heroes 250
Siltbreaker Achievement Heroes THE EIGHTFOLD PATH Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 8 different heroes 500
Siltbreaker Achievement Heroes MOB BOSS Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 14 different heroes 1000
Siltbreaker Achievement Stars I GOT THIS MANY Earn 20 stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II 500
Siltbreaker Achievement Stars MORE IS BETTER Earn 25 stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II 1000
Siltbreaker Achievement Stars NO STAR TOO FAR Earn 30 stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II 2000
Siltbreaker Achievement Shopkeeper FROM THE GREAT MYSTERY Find the Secretive Shopkeeper 500
Siltbreaker Achievement II Penguin WHEEEEEEEEEEE! Ride a Penguin for at least 18 seconds in Siltbreaker: Act II 500
Siltbreaker Achievement II No Artifacts SKINNY DIPPING! Complete Siltbreaker: Act II without purchasing any Artifacts 1000
Всего возможно очков: 8,250
(8 уровней)

Записки Кулинара

Записки Warden

Смотрите: Записки Warden



