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Feast icon

Roubo de vida permite que a unidade atacante ganhe vida ao causar dano em um inimigo, que inclui qualquer modificador de ataque com o dano de ataque. A habilidade de roubo de vida pode ser adquirida por itens, habilidades passivas ou auras de outras unidades.

A quantidade de vida que uma unidade ganha com o roubo de vida é calculado por uma porcentagem do dano real feito na unidade atacada. Isto significa que não há cura para o dano excessivo causado a uma unidade, então se um dano de ataque excede a vida atual do alvo ao matá-lo, a cura é baseada na vida do alvo.

Todas as fontes de roubo de vida acumulam-se aditivamente uma com a outra.

Fontes de roubo de vida[]

Interações com outras habilidades[]

  • Lifesteal is calculated after critical strikes, which means that lifesteal heals more on attacks that crit.
  • Illusions do not benefit from lifesteal. However, the particle effects of lifesteal do appear on them. This is to make lifesteal not instantly give away that they are illusions.
  • Secondary targets of instant attacks can be lifestealed off as long as the instant attack is able to carry attack modifiers.
  • If an attack modifier directly adds the damage it deals to the attack damage (like bashes), its damage can lifesteal:

Roubo de vida mágico[]

Artigo principal: Roubo de vida mágico

Spell lifesteal allows the hero to heal from spell damage they deal. Just like attack damage lifesteal, spell lifesteal is calculated by a percentage of the actual damage done to units. This means it does not heal for overkill damage dealt to a unit, so if a spell's damage exceeded the target's current health and killed it, the heal is based on the target's remaining health.


Some lifesteal abilities work differently from regular lifesteal. Their mechanics are unique to the spell they are provided by.

  • Feast icon
    Roubo de vida: 4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5% (Talento 6.5%/7.5%/8.5%/9.5%)
    Heals based on the attacked unit's current health, it does not depend on damage dealt to the target.
  • Open Wounds icon
    Roubo de vida: 50% (Talento 100%)
    Duração: 8
    Heals everyone for all the damage they deal to the debuffed target, including spell damage.


Histórico de atualizações[]

  • Fixed interaction between lifesteal and negative attack damage, where lifesteal would cause the attacker to lose health.

Veja também[]
