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For recipes used in crafting cosmetic items, see Crafting.
Default recipe icon

Ícone padrão

Recipes are a type of item that does nothing on its own, but when combined with the right ingredients allows heroes to create more powerful items.

Recipes cannot be directly found in the shop, but can be purchased by selecting certain items that require that specific recipe to complete. By viewing a specific item in the shop, its hierarchy is displayed, both above and below it. Below the item is the ingredient hierarchy required to assemble it, while above it is the ingredient hierarchy that shows what it can be used to assemble.

Recipes are always purchasable, though they are just harmless and pointless pieces of paper occupying inventory slots. Generally it is better to first purchase items that have some properties.

There are auto combine items which do not require a recipe scroll as the items combine automatically to create it. Examples of these items are Perseverance icon Perseverança, Butterfly icon Borboleta, and Oblivion Staff icon Cajado do Oblívio.

Some items have multiple recipes. For example, Dagon icon Dagon level 1 costs {{#show:Dagon 1|?item cost#}} gold and its recipe costs {{#show:Dagon|?recipe cost#}}. Purchasing another recipe upgrades this item to level 2, purchasing another one upgrades it to level 3 and so on, for a maximum of 5 levels. The recipe costs {{#show:Dagon|?recipe cost#}} gold for each level.

Drum of Endurance icon Tambor de Resistência works with charges (6 charges), and purchasing its recipe again ({{#show:Drum of Endurance|?recipe cost#}} gold) refills them, no matter how many of them were used.

With items such as Bloodstone icon Pedra de Sangue, where charges cannot be replenished to their original levels just by purchasing another Recipe, it is sometimes worthwhile to sell the item, buy another (at half price) and have all the charges back from when you purchased the item the first time.

Item hierarchy example

Perseverance's item hierarchy: Its components are Anel de Vida and Pedra do Vazio, and it is used to build Orbe Restaurador, Esfera de Linken, Orbe de Lótus and Fúria de Batalha.

Itens de receita[]

Item (custo total) Custo da receita
Alabarda Celestial (3 Alabarda Celestial (3.650) 200
Anel da Alma (770) Anel da Alma (770) 200
Bastão de Atos (2 Bastão de Atos (2.750) 850
Bastão Preto da Realeza (4 Bastão Preto da Realeza (4.050) 1.450
Bênção de Aghanim (6 Bênção de Aghanim (6.000) 1.800
Botas de Teletransporte 1 (2 Botas de Teletransporte 1 (2.500) 2.000
Botas de Teletransporte 2 (4 Botas de Teletransporte 2 (4.500) 2.000
Braçadeira (515) Braçadeira (515) 215
Bracelete de Mordiggian (2 Bracelete de Mordiggian (2.380) 550
Brasão Solar (3 Brasão Solar (3.975) 400
Broquel (800) Broquel (800) 200
Cachimbo de Introspecção (3 Cachimbo de Introspecção (3.425) 1.200
Cajado de Força (2 Cajado de Força (2.300) 1.000
Cetro Divino de Eul (2 Cetro Divino de Eul (2.750) 650
Cocar (525) Cocar (525) 175
Coração do Tarrasque (5 Coração do Tarrasque (5.200) 400
Couraça de Combate (5 Couraça de Combate (5.250) 1.300
Cristális (2 Cristális (2.130) 500
Dagon 1 (2 Dagon 1 (2.700) 1.250
Dagon 2 (3 Dagon 2 (3.950) 1.250
Dagon 3 (5 Dagon 3 (5.200) 1.250
Dagon 4 (3 Dagon 4 (3.750) 1.250
Dagon 5 (5 Dagon 5 (5.000) 1.250
Dédalo (5 Dédalo (5.330) 1.000
Disco dos Éons (3 Disco dos Éons (3.100) 1.100
Elmo do Dominador (2 Elmo do Dominador (2.175) 300
Esfera de Linken (5 Esfera de Linken (5.050) 1.200
Esmagador de Crânios (2 Esmagador de Crânios (2.950) 900
Espinho Sangrento (7 Espinho Sangrento (7.205) 1.000
Fallen Sky (4 Fallen Sky (4.875) 0
Grevas Guardiãs (5 Grevas Guardiãs (5.475) 1.800
Kaya (2 Kaya (2.050) 600
Lâmina Abissal (6 Lâmina Abissal (6.650) 1.550
Lâmina de Prata (5 Lâmina de Prata (5.550) 600
Lâmina Difusora (3 Lâmina Difusora (3.150) 700
Lança Furacão (4 Lança Furacão (4.650) 450
Lente do Éter (2 Lente do Éter (2.350) 600
Machado Ilusório (4 Machado Ilusório (4.700) 500
Mão de Midas (2 Mão de Midas (2.250) 1.750
Mekansm (2 Mekansm (2.225) 900
Mjollnir (5 Mjollnir (5.600) 900
Necronomicon 1 (2 Necronomicon 1 (2.400) 1.300
Necronomicon 2 (3 Necronomicon 2 (3.700) 1.300
Necronomicon 3 (5 Necronomicon 3 (5.000) 1.300
Oferenda de Vladmir (3 Oferenda de Vladmir (3.130) 500
Orbe Restaurador (5 Orbe Restaurador (5.100) 1.700
Orquídea Malevolente (4 Orquídea Malevolente (4.075) 775
Pingente Sagrado (2 Pingente Sagrado (2.900) 850
Proteção Carmesim (3 Proteção Carmesim (3.700) 750
Proteção de Shiva (4 Proteção de Shiva (4.750) 650
Receptáculo Espiritual (2 Receptáculo Espiritual (2.975) 750
Resplendor (5 Resplendor (5.150) 1.350
Sange (2 Sange (2.050) 600
Talismã Nulo (515) Talismã Nulo (515) 215
Tambor de Resistência (2 Tambor de Resistência (2.000) 800
Tiara Assombrada (515) Tiara Assombrada (515) 215
Trident (6 Trident (6.150) 0
Urna das Sombras (875) Urna das Sombras (875) 310
Varinha Mágica (450) Varinha Mágica (450) 150
Véu da Discórdia (2 Véu da Discórdia (2.050) 700
Yasha (2 Yasha (2.050) 600

Itens com várias receitas[]

Item Número de níveis
Boots of Travel 1 icon Botas de Teletransporte 2
Necronomicon icon Necronomicon 3
Dagon icon Dagon 5


Upgrader icon


  • The symbol in the middle of the default recipe icon is that of the Combine, the antagonists from the Half-Life series. Given that the purpose of the recipe items is to "combine" others into a new item, it seems quite appropriate that this symbol be used.
  • Prior the gameplay patch 5.65, upgradable items did not use any recipe scrolls. Instead, smaller upgradable items were combined by basic item components, while some medium and most bigger upgradable items used an item called Upgrader. The Upgrader itself had absolutely no effect at all and had a cost of 1500 gold. It acted as a common "recipe scroll" for many items.

Version history[]

  • Lâmina Difusora No longer upgradeable. No longer has charge limits. Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
  • Recipe items no longer sell for 80% of their price (now 50% like regular items).
  • Recipes sell for 80% of the cost, helps with misclicks.

