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Para o item chamado Monkey King Bar, veja Bastão do Rei Macaco.

Habilidades antigas
Monkey King
Monkey King icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
18 + 2,8
22 + 3,7
20 + 1,8
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 560 1 340 1 900 2 180
Regen. de vida 1,5 3,3 7,22 10,02 11,42
Mana 75 315 615 831 939
Regen. de mana 0 1 2,26 3,16 3,61
Armadura 2 5,67 14,3 20,47 23,55
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,72 1,02 1,24 1,35
Dano 29‒33 51‒55 102‒106 139‒143 158‒162
Resistência mágica 25%
▶️ Velocidade de movimento 305
▶️ Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 0,6
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 300
Velocidade de projétil Instantânea
Animação de ataque 0,45+0,2
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 8
Tamanho de colisão 8
Tipo de gib Padrão

Sun Wukong, o Monkey King, é um herói de Agilidade com ataque corpo a corpo.


Monkey King minimap iconSun Wukong, o Monkey King
▶️ "There's a lot of stories about the Monkey King. Some of 'em are even true."
Por 500 anos a montanha o pressionou, apenas a sua cabeça fora do esmagador peso da prisão de pedra invocada pelos deuses ancestrais para evitar a rebelião dos seus filhos. Musgo cresceu entre as linhas da sua face exposta, tufos de grama brotaram das suas orelhas; a sua visão consistia de flores selvagens surgindo do solo onde estavam as suas bochechas. Muitos pensaram que ele estava morto, atormentado pelos deuses por travar uma guerra contra os céus até que nada além da sua lenda sobrevivesse. Porém, como em toda história, o Monkey King não podia morrer.

Então ele esperou. Perdurou até os deuses vierem oferecer uma chance de absolvição. E quando deram o preço, Sun Wukong aceitou: ele acompanharia um jovem acólito em uma peregrinação secreta, protegendo-o de demônios e outros perigos na jornada, além de guiar o homem para casa em posse de uma relíquia cobiçada. Fazendo isso e obedecendo as ordens do humano em serviço dessa missão sagrada, Wukong provaria-se reformado.

Para variar, Wukong cumpriu as suas promessas com honra, sendo liberto dos pecados das suas insurreições passadas. O acólito, que aprendeu bastante com essas dificuldades, retornou para o seu templo, relíquia em mãos; Wukong — finalmente em bons termos com os deuses — contentou-se por um breve período em abrir mão da sua antiga sede por aventuras e glória. Mas o Monkey King nasceu para as travessuras... e nunca é tarde para ofender os deuses.


Pancada Ilimitada
Boundless Strike icon
Em inglês: Boundless Strike
O usuário expande o seu cajado e o bate contra o chão, atordoando inimigos em linha e causando dano crítico com base no seu ataque. Tem Impacto Verdadeiro.
Animação de uso: 0,4+0,5
Alcance de uso: 1 200
Comprimento do efeito: 1 200
Largura do efeito: 150
Dano crítico: 150%/175%/200%/225% (Talento 200%/225%/250%/275%)
Duração do atordoamento: 0,4/0,8/1,2/1,6
Cooldown: 22
Mana: 100
Efeito negativo Boundless Strike Stun: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
O lendário Jingu Bang cresce de acordo com a vontade do seu mestre, assegurando que nenhum inimigo consiga escapar do alcance do Monkey King.


  • Boundless Strike's effects are instantly applied within its whole area. There is no travel time.
  • The effect starts 75 range in front of Monkey King and has an actual length of 1125, adding up to 1200 effective length.
    • It can hit units up to 1350 range away (starting distance + length + width).
    • It can also hit units 75 range behind Monkey King, due to its radius and starting position.
  • Causes Monkey King to perform an instant attack on all hit enemies. The stun is independent from these attacks.
    • These attacks have True Strike, and can therefore never miss. They also ignore disarms.
    • Can proc any attack modifier on all of the hit targets normally, with cleave being the only exception.
    • Also procs Jingu Mastery icon Maestria do Jingu, placing the debuff on all hit enemy heroes, or adding to the counter if already debuffed.
    • Despite the audio, Daedalus icon Dédalo has still only a chance to proc. Boundless Strike does not guarantee chance-based effects to proc.
    • Since Boundless Strike has an ensured critical hit, crits with a lower value have no effect if they proc (higher crit value takes priority).
  • Jingu Mastery loses a charge whenever Boundless Strike is cast, regardless of whether it hits a unit or not.
    • The bonus attack damage is applied to all hit targets, and it does lifesteal for each hit target, despite using up only one charge.
  • The strike first applies the debuff, then the damage.
  • The sound during the cast animation is audible to everyone.

Dança da Árvore
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast. Não pode ser usada enquanto enraizado ou acorrentado. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Tree Dance icon
A si / Árvores
Em inglês: Tree Dance
O usuário salta para uma árvore e se empoleira no topo dela. Enquanto empoleirado, ele ganha a habilidade Salto Primal — um salto de ataque canalizado. Caso a árvore seja destruída, ele cai e fica atordoado por 4 segundos. Sofrer dano de unidades controladas por jogadores ou Roshan enquanto no chão reinicia o intervalo entre usos da Dança da Árvore.
Animação de uso: 0,3+0
Alcance de uso: 1 000 (Talento 1600)
Intervalo entre usos ao sofrer dano: 3
Visão na árvore: 800 (Talento 1100)
Visão na árvore de noite: 400 (Talento 700)
Duração do atordoamento ao cair: 4
Cooldown: 1,2
Ignora imunidade a magias. The stun upon falling off of a tree pierces spell immunity.
Não pode ser usada enquanto enraizado ou acorrentado. Getting rooted while already leaping does not cancel the leap.
Efeito positivo Bounce Leap: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Tree Dance Activity: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Bounce Perch: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Tree Dance Hidden: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Unperched Stunned: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
Sun Wukong dança com agilidade sobre a copa das árvores, sempre distante do alcance dos braços.


  • Monkey king leaps to the target tree at a speed of 700, reaching the tree within up to 1.43 (Talento 2.29) seconds.
  • Leaps in an arc, with a top height of 192. During the leap, other units may pass below Monkey King.
  • Although it visually looks like Monkey King is above the ground while perched, he still is considered to be on the ground. The height is part of the animations.
  • Tree Dance has several different cooldowns which activate at different times.
    • Upon cast, the leap duration is added to the cooldown, resulting in a cooldown of 1,3 to up to 2,63 (Talento 3,49) seconds, based on the distance.
    • Upon reaching the tree, it goes on cooldown for 1,2 seconds, which matters only if the cast cooldown was skipped (with e.g. Chakra Magic icon Magia do Chakra).
    • Upon unperching with a move or attack command, it goes on a 1,2-second cooldown. Does not go on cooldown when unperched in other ways.
    • Upon taking player-based or Roshan icon Roshan-based damage greater than 0 while on the ground (excluding damage flagged as HP Removal), it goes on a 3-second cooldown.
    • All of these cooldowns are unaffected by percentage-based cooldown reductions. Flat reductions and cooldown resets work.
  • During the leap, Monkey King is disabled, unable to perform any actions. The last given order gets queued up and executed as soon as he lands.
  • During the leap and while on a tree, Monkey King gains flying vision, but has his vision reduced to 800/400 (Talento 1100/700).
  • While perched on a tree, Monkey King is hidden from sight. He can only be seen with flying vision.
    • He can also be seen when standing 2 levels of ground higher than the tree Monkey King sits on, allowing wards to spot him when the ward is on an elevated ward spot.
    • However, he cannot be seen when getting hurled in the air by spells (e.g. Toss icon Lançar). Only standing on high ground may grant vision over him.
  • While on a tree, Monkey King can perform any action normally, with some of them unperching him, while others do not.
  • While on a tree, Tree Dance can be cast again, targeting another nearby tree. All trees within cast range are highlighted with a white glow.
  • Monkey King only gets stunned if his tree he leaps towards, or he sits on, gets destroyed. Getting unperched in other ways (e.g. forced movement) does not result in a stun.
  • The Tree Dance activity modifier only appears during the leap and is responsible for the jump animation.

Salto Primal
Primal Spring icon
Em inglês: Primal Spring
O usuário salta do alto da sua árvore, causando retardo e dano a inimigos na área de aterrissagem. O dano e retardo são proporcionais à duração da canalização.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Alcance de uso: Global
Distância máxima do salto: 1 000
Raio: 375
Canalização máxima: 1,6
Dano máximo: 140/210/280/350 (Talento 540/610/680/750)
Retardo de movimento máximo: 20%/40%/60%/80%
Duração do retardo: 4
Cooldown: 19/17/15/13
Mana: 100
Não pode ser usada enquanto enraizado ou acorrentado. Getting rooted while already channeling or leaping does not cancel the spell.
Efeito positivo Bounce Leap: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Tree Dance Activity: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Spring Slow: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Saltando da segurança da cobertura para o meio dos seus inimigos, Sun Wukong ataca sem pena.


  • This ability is only active during the cast time of Tree Dance, during the leap from the ground onto a tree and while on a tree.
    • It is inactive while leaping from a tree to another tree, and while on the ground.
  • Since Tree Dance disables Monkey King during the leap, casting Primal Spring while leaping to a tree queues up the order, so that it is cast immediately once on the tree.
  • Leaps towards the target area at a speed of 1300, reaching it in up to 0.77 seconds, based on distance.
  • The damage and slow are based on the time spent channeling, meaning their potency increases per each server tick (0.03 seconds) spent channeling, up to 54 times.
    • The damage increases by 2,642/3,962/5,283/6,604 (Talento 10,189/11,509/12,83/14,151) per server tick, starting immediately, reaching 142,6/214/285,3/356,6 (Talento 550,2/621,5/692,8/764,2) damage in 1,6 seconds.
    • The slow increases by 0,4%/0,8%/1,1%/1,5% per server tick, also starting immediately, reaching 20%/40%/60%/80% slow in 1,6 seconds.
  • Hitting the same enemy multiple times with Primal Spring refreshes the slow duration, but does not update the slow value based on channel time.
  • Primal Spring first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • During the leap, Monkey King still remember last given order and complete it once landing happens.
  • If forced movement affect MK while jump happening, all Primal Spring's effect will be cancelled completely.
  • The visual effects at the target area during the channeling are visible to allies only.
  • The channeling sound is audible to enemies, even through the fog of war.
  • The Tree Dance activity modifier only appears during the leap and is responsible for the jump animation.

Salto Prematuro
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast.
Spring Early icon
Sem alvo
A si
Em inglês: Spring Early
Não há nenhuma descrição para esta habilidade.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Cooldown: 0


  • Immediately ends the channeling of Primal Spring, causing Monkey King to jump earlier.
  • Cannot be shift-queued.

Maestria do Jingu
Jingu Mastery icon
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Em inglês: Jingu Mastery
Os ataques do usuário despertam o poder do Jingu Bang. No quarto ataque no mesmo herói, o usuário ganha quatro ataques sobrecarregados que causam dano adicional e roubo de vida.
Ataques necessários: 4
Cargas: 4
Dano adicional: 60/90/120/150 (Talento 135/165/195/225)
Roubo de vida: 15%/30%/45%/60%
Duração do contador: 10
Duração do efeito: 35
Disabled by Break. Disables both the adding of the counter and the buff on Monkey King.
Efeito positivo Quadruple Tap Bonuses: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Efeito negativo Quadruple Tap Counter: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Sempre sensível ao temperamento do seu mestre, o Jingu Bang irradia poder quando o fervor de combate de Sun Wukong chega ao máximo.


  • Each successful attack done on an enemy hero while Monkey King does not have the damage and lifesteal buff places the debuff, or adds one to its counter if it already has the debuff.
  • Only actual enemy heroes (including clones) can receive the debuff. Illusions and creep-heroes do not count. Allied heroes do not count either.
  • The debuff's duration gets refreshed on each hit. The 4 hits do not all require to happen within 10 seconds.
  • Boundless Strike icon Pancada Ilimitada's instant-attack also counts and is able to place the debuff/add to the debuff's counter.
  • Upon hitting the same target 4 times, the debuff on the target disappears and Monkey King receives the attack damage and lifesteal buff.
  • A charge gets used upon successfully attacking any unit, including buildings, wards and allied units, always applying the bonus damage.
  • When leveling up Jingu Mastery while wielding the buff, the attack damage bonus and lifesteal updates after using one charge.
  • The lifesteal does not work against buildings and allies, but works against any other unit, including wards.
  • Stacks additively with other sources of lifesteal.
  • Boundless Strike also uses Jingu Mastery's effects, hitting all enemies with the bonus damage and the lifesteal, but only using up one charge per cast.
    • Even when not hitting any enemy, Boundless Strike still takes one charge of Jingu Mastery.

Mischief icon
Sem alvo
A si
Em inglês: Mischief
Altera a forma do usuário para enganar adversários, usando o ambiente ao seu redor como inspiração para o disfarce. Sofrer dano, atacar ou usar quaisquer itens ou habilidades quebra o disfarce.
Animação de uso: 0+0,53
Velocidade de movimento (padrão): 200
Velocidade de movimento (como entregador): 380
Raio de busca: 350
Damage Immunity Duration: 0,2
Cooldown: 20
Efeito positivo Transform: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Cuidado com aquela árvore.


  • This is an innate ability and does not need to be skilled. It is not bound to any ability, but to Monkey King himself.
  • Interrupts Monkey King's channeling spells, move orders and attack orders upon cast.
  • When within 350 range the team's courier, it transforms Monkey King into the courier.
  • When a tree is within 350 range upon cast, it transforms Monkey King into that tree instead. If multiple trees are within range, a random one of them is chosen.
  • When within 350 range of a rune spot, it transforms Monkey King into a random rune suitable for that rune spot.
  • After Roshan icon Roshan's first death, Mischief transforms Monkey King into the Aegis of the Immortal icon Égide do Imortal when cast inside his pit.
    • After his second death, it may also transform him into Cheese icon Queijo. After his third death, it may also transform him into Refresher Shard icon Fragmento Restaurador.
  • Monkey King's movement speed is set to 200 while transformed (380 when transformed as a courier). Besides with hastes, his movement speed cannot be altered by anything.
  • Monkey King's selection box adapts to the disguise models. However, his collision size does not change.
  • Monkey King's minimap icon is hidden to the enemy while disguised. In addition, his over-head health and mana bar is hidden to everyone, including the player.
  • Auto-attack ignores the Monkey King, so that lane creeps, neutral creeps, towers and fountains do not automatically attack him.
    • Units of players which have auto-attack enabled do not attack him automatically either, but can be forced to attack him. The ground-attack move also ignores him.
    • Monkey King is still fully affected by every spell. He can be targeted normally. Attachable particle effects of spells still attach to him.
  • During the initial 0,2, Mischief fully negates damage, causing several on-damage effects to not trigger.
  • Damage greater than 0 dispels the effect. Does not get dispelled by damage flagged as HP Removal.

Reverter Forma
Revert Form icon
Sem alvo
A si
Em inglês: Revert Form
Reverte o usuário para a sua forma original.
Animação de uso: 0+0,53
Cooldown: 1


  • Interrupts Monkey King's channeling spells, move order and attack order upon cast.
Wukong's Command formation

The soldiers' formations.

Comando de Wukong
Wukong's Command icon
Em inglês: Wukong's Command
O usuário invoca uma formação de soldados circular que se espalha a partir da sua posição. Caso o Monkey King saia da área os seus soldados se dispersam. Os soldados possuem o ataque do usuário e só alvejam heróis. O usuário e todos os seus soldados causam dano adicional até a habilidade acabar.
Animação de uso: 1,2+0,37
Alcance de uso: 550
Raio do primeiro anel: 300
Raio do segundo anel: 750
Raio do terceiro anel: 0 (Talento 1100)
Raio de comando: 780 (Talento 1130)
Passive Spawn Radius: 0 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 300)
Passive Spawn Interval: 0 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 3,5)
Número de soldados no primeiro anel: 5
Número de soldados no segundo anel: 9
Número de soldados no terceiro anel: 0 (Talento 7)
Tempo base de ataque dos soldados: 1,3
Armadura adicional: 12/18/24 (Talento 112/118/124)
Duração máxima: 13
Cooldown: 130/110/90
Mana: 100
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Spawns a monkey soldier near you every 3.5 seconds. Soldiers do not spawn while invisible or on trees.
Efeito positivo Fur Army Damage Bonus: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
O Monkey King arranca tufo de pele para soprar nos seus inimigos, encantando cada fio para se transformar em cópia de si mesmo.


  • Upon cast, 14 (Talento 21) clones of Monkey King spawn which immediately walk to their determined spot in the formation.
  • The clones walk at a speed of 700 and have unobstructed movement, walking through cliffs and trees.
  • The formation they take is always the same except when space is limited by the edges of the map.
    • The first ring soldiers form a pentagon within a 300 radius circle, with the tip always facing north.
    • The second ring soldiers form a nonagon within a 750 radius circle, with the tip always facing north as well.
    • (Talento The third ring soldiers form a heptagon within a 1100 radius circle, with the tip always facing north as well.)
  • The soldiers are invulnerable and considered hidden (although visible), making them immune to almost every spell.
  • The soldiers are hero clones of Monkey King, copying all attributes of Monkey King, with some special exceptions. They are not illusions.
    • Their base stats adapt on every resummon (e.g. permanent stat loss due to Glaives of Wisdom icon Inteligência Roubada or Essence Shift icon Troca de Essência).
    • Their attack speed is locked so that they always attack once every 1,3 seconds. Attack speed buffs and slows do not affect them.
    • Evaded attacks do not count. They keep attacking until they successfully hit, before going back to their inactive state.
    • Their day and night vision is reduced to 600. They provide the vision while walking to their spot and while standing there.
    • The clones only attack enemies they see. Invisible enemies and enemies inside the Fog of War within the circles are not attacked.
    • The clones also copy most of Monkey King's items, and are therefore able to use attack modifiers and bestow auras he had upon cast.
    • The clones copy Abyssal Blade icon Lâmina Abissal and Skull Basher icon Esmagador de Crânios, but are unable to bash with them.
    • The clones do not copy Aegis of the Immortal icon Égide do Imortal, Gem of True Sight icon Gema da Visão Verdadeira and Ficheiro:Entregador icon.png Entregador.
    • The permanent Ficheiro:Aghanim's Scepter ability icon.png Cetro de Aghanim Sintetizado buff is copied as well.
    • However, other permanent buffs (e.g. Moon Shard icon Fragmento Lunar, Duel icon Duelo) are not copied.
    • Since their attack speed is locked, Echo Sabre icon Sabre Ecoante does not allow them to quickly attack twice. The slow is still applied though.
    • Jingu Mastery icon Maestria do Jingu does not work for the clones. They neither add stacks on enemies, nor gain the buff if Monkey King had it upon cast.
    • Since the soldiers use regular attacks, their damage is reduced by damage block.
  • The soldiers only attack enemy heroes, clones, creep-heroes and illusions which are inside the circle.
    • Other units and any unit outside the circle are fully ignored, even when within attack range of a soldier.
  • If Monkey King moves more than 780 (Talento 1130) range away from the center of the circle, or when he dies, the soldiers disappear and the spell ends.
  • Recasting Wukong's Command while a previous cast is still active immediately ends the previous cast.
  • The passive spawns from Aghanim's Scepter icon Cetro de Aghanim are on a recharge time, not an interval.
    • This means when it finishes recharging, but Monkey King is in a state that doesn't allow passive spawns, it spawns the soldier as soon as circumstances allow it.
    • Soldiers do not spawn while affected by the Tree Dance icon Dança da Árvore bounce leap and bounce perch modifiers, during Mischief icon Travessura, while fully invisible, or while dead.
    • Unlike soldiers from a regular cast, passively spawned soldiers can attack any unit, but require Monkey King to be within 500 range of them to attack buildings.


Talentos do herói
Circulo adicional para Wukong's Command icon Comando de Wukong25+100 de armadura para Wukong's Command icon Comando de Wukong
+400 de dano para Primal Spring icon Salto Primal20+50% de critico para Boundless Strike icon Pancada Ilimitada
+75 de dano para Jingu Mastery icon Maestria do Jingu15+600 alcance de uso Tree Dance icon Dança da Árvore
+20 de velocidade de ataque10+300 unidades de visão para Tree Dance icon Dança da Árvore

Itens recomendados[]

Itens iniciais:

Começo da partida:

Meio da partida:

Minutos finais:

Itens situacionais:


Funções: Carregador Carregador Escapista Escapista Desativador Desativador Iniciador Iniciador
Complexidade: ★★☆
Estilo de jogo: Having survived every encounter with the wrathful gods, the immortal Sun Wukong returns to do what he does best: cause endless Mischief. Tricky and deceptive, the Monkey King takes the shape of a tree, and lies in wait to Boundless Strike the unsuspecting with his extendable staff. He leaps nimbly from treetop to treetop, scouting the ideal location to crash down on enemies with Primal Spring. A tuft of hair—plucked from his head—scatters into the wind, transforming into legions of soldiers. Under Wukong's Command, the clone army makes certain that no foe ever leaves the field without battling the Monkey King himself.


Sounds icon


Lore icon
Old Abilities icon
Habilidades antigas
Changelogs icon



  • Monkey King's name, lore and abilities are based on Sun Wukong, the legendary hero from the Chinese classic Journey to the West.
    • In the novel, the Monkey King wields the Ruyi Jingu Bang, a flexible magical staff that can change size and length.
    • The name for Mischief icon Travessura in Dota 2's Chinese client is "Seventy-two Transformations" (七十二变, Qī shí èr biàn), a reference from the novel to Sun Wukong's ability to change into numerous forms.
    • Wukong's Command icon Comando de Wukong is based on one of the Monkey King magical powers from the novel. He creates clones of himself from his hair, which he pulls from the back of his head, and blows into the wind.
  • Monkey King is the first original hero made for Dota 2. All previous heroes were ported from DotA.
  • Monkey King is based on early concepts developed during the DotA era.
    • An easter egg boss fight versus Monkey King was added to the 6.79 DotA map to hint at his upcoming release.[1]
    • Monkey King's stats were revealed in the version 6.80 beta, but he was never added to the release version.[2]
  • Monkey King shares design similarities with Phantom Lancer minimap icon Phantom Lancer, who may have been based on the earlier concepts of Monkey King.
    • Monkey King's rivalry line against Phantom Lancer, ▶️ "Honestly, I don't see the resemblance.", acknowledges this.
  • Several early ability concepts were considered for Monkey King's Dota 2 release, including a "pickpocket" ability.
  • The Banana icon Banana item, which only appeared in private lobbies, may have been an early hint to Monkey King's release. The item was removed on the same patch as Monkey King was released.
  • Monkey King's default weapon is based on the in-game item, Monkey King Bar icon Bastão do Rei Macaco.
  • Mischief icon Travessura's lore line Watch out for that tree is a reference to George of the Jungle, a classic comedy film.
  • The Monkey King concept has been widely used throughout the ARTS/MOBA genre, with other Monkey King heroes appearing in League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Vainglory, Strife, SMITE, and Paragon.
  • The emblem on a ground made by Primal Spring icon Salto Primal is called a bagua, which is a Daoist symbol that represents the fundamental principles of reality.
  • Monkey King's was voiced in his teaser trailer by Matthew Mercer, who also voiced the Monkey King hero from Heroes of Newerth. However, his voice actor was later changed to Bill Millsap.
  • Monkey King's Chinese voice actor is Shihong Li, who also voiced Monkey King in the famous 1986 TV show, Journey to the West.
  • The sound effect played during Wukong's Command icon Comando de Wukong (▶️) comes from a Balinese music and dance called kecak. Accompanied by male chorus, this ritual song depicts a battle where a group of monkeys (Vanara) helped Prince Rama to fight the evil King Ravana.
  • One of Monkey King's lines directed at Storm Spirit, "I've seen Xin and Kaolin. Where's your other brother?" implies the existence of a fourth spirit, presumably water.


External links[]

