Predefinição:Tabs Mirana
Entrando em batalha[]
- ▶️ Mirana.
- ▶️ u Mirana and Sagan!
- ▶️ Priestess!
- ▶️ Your Priestess has arrived!
- ▶️ We're here.
- ▶️ Our presence was requested?
- ▶️ We have arrived.
- ▶️ u Mirana and Mount, attending.
- ▶️ Let the battle commence.
- ▶️ Tonight, we ride.
- ▶️ Look, my pet. Prey!
- ▶️ Look, Sagan! Prey!
- ▶️ It's in the bag!
Iniciando a batalha[]
Intervalo de 6 segundos
- ▶️ To the battle!
- ▶️ On the prowl…
- ▶️ Forward, pet!
- ▶️ We ride!
- ▶️ Leap forward!
- ▶️ Agreed!
- ▶️ Good idea!
- ▶️ Yes!
- ▶️ On track!
- ▶️ Of course!
- ▶️ As you will it.
- ▶️ Since you command it…
- ▶️ Forward by bounds!
- ▶️ u The moon lights my way!
- ▶️ u Moon, light our path!
- ▶️ u Moon, shine on our endeavor!
- ▶️ Good idea!
- ▶️ Hm.
- ▶️ Ah.
- ▶️ Ah.
- ▶️ Mm hm.
Intervalo de 6 segundos
- ▶️ Attack!
- ▶️ Cower before us!
- ▶️ Cringe, you cur!
- ▶️ Scatter while you can!
- ▶️ Fair warning—your death has arrived!
- ▶️ Die, mongrel!
- ▶️ Whimper, dogs!
- ▶️ Run like the dogs you are!
- ▶️ Evil curs!
- ▶️ Tuck your tail and run, you mutt!
- ▶️ Mutts!
- ▶️ Chhhhh!
- ▶️ Urrr!
- ▶️ Ah!
Ordenando usar uma magia[]
Apenas quando a distância é no mínimo 2x o alcance de uso, intervalo de 4 segundos
Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Starstorm".
Quando usado
75% de chance
10% de chance
- ▶️ Stars, rain down upon mine enemy!
Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Sacred Arrow".
Acertando um herói
Acertando um herói com 5 segundos de atordoamento
- ▶️ Bullseye!
Acertando uma criatura
Acertando o Roshan
- ▶️ Just what are you hiding, Roshan?
- ▶️ I could have hit Roshan with my eyes closed.
- ▶️ Poor Roshan.
- ▶️ An easy shot.
Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Moonlight Shadow".
Quando usado
- ▶️ u To shadows and to nothing—Disappear!
- ▶️ Vanish!
- ▶️ Allies, disappear!
- ▶️ Shadows, take us!
- ▶️ u Moonlight Shadow conceal us!
- ▶️ u We walk the Hidden Path!
- ▶️ Vanish!
- ▶️ Shadows, take us!
Subindo de nível[]
- ▶️ Such power is ours!
- ▶️ The inner light dawns!
- ▶️ Such strengths shall be ours!
- ▶️ We ride in perfect union.
- ▶️ This grows interesting!
- ▶️ He he he ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Yes!
- ▶️ Ah!
- ▶️ Ah!
- ▶️ Ah!
Matando um inimigo[]
- ▶️ Another put down!
- ▶️ Nicely done!
- ▶️ They should have run while they had the chance.
- ▶️ It was not luck but skill!
- ▶️ Pathetic whelp.
- ▶️ You had no place here.
- ▶️ Seeing stars?
- ▶️ Trespasser!
- ▶️ You have learned nothing.
- ▶️ You make a fine crater.
- ▶️ Your phase ends.
- ▶️ Your hopes fade to night.
- ▶️ He he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ahh he he he he he.
- ▶️ Ah he he he he!
- ▶️ He he he he he he he he.
- ▶️ He hm hm hm hm hm.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Matando um inimigo especifico
50% de chance
- ▶️ Luna, haven't you got better things to do?
- ▶️ I expected more from you, Luna.
- ▶️ Hold your ambitions, Luna.
- ▶️ Selemene trusted in you. I did not.
- ▶️ Luna, you shouldn't get catty.
- ▶️ It is only natural that the moon should rule the tide.
- ▶️ My arrow pierces the wind.
- ▶️ u What's this? A ranger caught off her guard?
- ▶️ Ah! My pet loves venison.
- ▶️ You'll make a fine hearth rug.
- ▶️ And now you are kitty litter.
- ▶️ Your nights are at an end.
25% de chance
- ▶️ A mounted bow will always claim victory.
- ▶️ Sagan has been eyeing your mount all day.
- ▶️ If you must dominate a beast to your cause, you have already lost.
5% de chance
- ▶️ Carl, meet Sagan.
Primeira morte
- ▶️ First blood! It was ours all along.
Encontrando um aliado[]
Durante o começo do jogo, dentro de um raio de 1000
- ▶️ r Luna, come. We hunt!
- ▶️ r Drow, you are cold as the night.
- ▶️ r Clinkz! We meet in a show of fury!
Intervalo de 60 segundos
- ▶️ The prize is mine!
- ▶️ This one's mine!
- ▶️ Perfect.
- ▶️ Perfect!
- ▶️ Not a penny wasted!
- ▶️ Thus you pay.
- ▶️ Toward victory!
- ▶️ Sparkles, like the stars.
- ▶️ For the hunt.
- ▶️ The cost of kibble.
- ▶️ Purrr.
Precisa que um jogador inimigo veja dentro de um raio de 1000, intervalo de 60 segundos
- ▶️ Denied!
- ▶️ Nice try!
- ▶️ Snatched from the jaws of defeat!
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Denied.
- ▶️ Oh no.
- ▶️ Oh no!
- ▶️ We say no.
- ▶️ We say no.
- ▶️ You have no right.
- ▶️ You have no right.
- ▶️ That is ours.
- ▶️ That is ours!
- ▶️ Ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha!
Adquirindo um item[]
Adquirindo um item especifico
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Aghanim's Scepter| ]] r Ah, scepter!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Aghanim's Scepter| ]] r A lunar gift!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Blink Dagger| ]] r Blink dagger!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Blink Dagger| ]] r Sharp as the moon's crescent.
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Butterfly| ]] r Butterfly!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Diffusal Blade| ]] r Diffusal Blade!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Assault Cuirass| ]] r Assault Cuirass!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Desolator| ]] r Desolator!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Monkey King Bar| ]] r Monkey King Bar!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Manta Style| ]] r Manta Style!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Eye of Skadi| ]] r Eye of Skadi!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Daedalus| ]] r Daedalus!
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Aegis of the Immortal| ]] Immortality!
25% de chance
- ▶️ [[|20px|link=Aegis of the Immortal| ]] Death cannot stop us!
- ▶️ No!
- ▶️ I'll never bow!
- ▶️ Damn you!
- ▶️ We die!
- ▶️ Death with honor!
- ▶️ Stars, take me!
- ▶️ Lucky shot…
- ▶️ No!
- ▶️ Ahhhh!
- ▶️ We admit no defeat!
- ▶️ What is this?
- ▶️ You'll not stop us that easily!
- ▶️ Again we ride.
- ▶️ Leap to it!
- ▶️ Once more into the breach!
Engarrafando runas[]
Ativando runas[]
- ▶️ 300 The prize is mine!
Dano Duplo
- ▶️ Haste!
25% de chance
- ▶️ Swifter than ever!
- ▶️ Illusion!
25% de chance
- ▶️ Invisibility!
25% de chance
- ▶️ We go unseen!
- ▶️ Regeneration!
25% de chance
- ▶️ Let the healing begin!
Habilidades no intervalo[]
Primeira tentativa em 10 segundos
Segunda tentativa em 10 segundos
Terceira ou mais tentativas em 10 segundos
Sem mana suficiente[]
Primeira tentativa em 10 segundos
Segunda tentativa em 10 segundos
Terceira ou mais tentativas em 10 segundos
Sofrendo dano[]
Intervalo de 3 segundos
25% de chance
- ▶️ 120 I'm under attack!
5 cliques consecutivos no herói
- ▶️ Mee-ow!
- ▶️ Purrrrrrr…..
- ▶️ I hope no one here is allergic…to defeat.
- ▶️ Here, kitty-kitty-kitty….
- ▶️ Nice kitty…very nice kitty…
- ▶️ Nothing stirs the blood like battle. It's better than catnip!
- ▶️ I devoted my life to studying the stars for this?
- ▶️ Once this battle is over, my friend, you may leap to the moon as you will.
- ▶️ The stars are in alignment, and our victory is certain.
- ▶️ How long must we ride before we're summoned again to the Nightsilver Woods?
- ▶️ I had a vision of this place in the Temple of Mene, but I had no idea it was a prophecy.
Respostas de conversa[]
Sumiu na trilha
thx, thanks, ty, ou aliados usando certas magias em um jogador, intervalo de 30 segundos
/laugh, haha, lol, intervalo de 15 segundos
Fim da partida[]
- ▶️ Our victory was written in the stars!
- ▶️ ha ha ha ha! Goddess rejoice!
- ▶️ u Yes!
- ▶️ Yes! Ha ha ha ha heh heh! Time to celebrate!
Ganhar um item cosmético[]
- ▶️ A gift from the night!
- ▶️ Selemene smiles upon me.
Raro e acima
- ▶️ Ah! Given by the moon in its fullness!
- ▶️ u Urrr.