I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.
O mapa é o campo jogado em todas as partidas de Dota 2. É composto de dois lados, um da facção dos Iluminados e um da facção dos Temidos. Para ganhar, os jogadores devem destruir o Ancestral do lado oposto, a estrutura mais importante no centro da base de cada equipe. O mapa é representado na interface pelo minimapa.
Cada facção ocupa uma metade diagonal do mapa, separados no meio pelo rio. Os Iluminados são situados no canto inferior esquerdo do mapa, enquanto os Temidos são situados no canto superior direito. Os Ancestrais estão localizados dentro das fortalezas no coração do território de cada facção.
O mapa é dividido em três trilhas diferentes, a trilha de cima, de baixo e do meio. Cada uma destas trilhas levam para à base da outra equipe, protegidas por torres ao longo do caminho. Durante o começo da fase das trilhas do jogo, a maioria das jogadas são centralizadas em volta das trilhas.
A trilha de baixo para os Iluminados e a trilha de cima para os Temidos são consideradas trilhas seguras. As criaturas se encontram perto das torres, proporcionando uma maior proteção contra os inimigos. Estas trilhas são recomendadas para iniciantes, já que fornecem alguma proteção adicional contra emboscadas.
O rio separa as duas facções do mapa. É cercado pelo terreno alto que bloqueia a visão dos jogadores de ambos os lados.
Existem dois tipos de Runas que aparecem em intervalos de 2 minutos em diferentes locais no mapa: Runas de Poder e Runas de Recompensas. Como o nome indica , Runas de Poder garantem bônus aos jogadores e Runas de Recompensas uma recompensa em ouro.
Do começo da partida e em diante, Runas de Recompensas vão aparecer em quatro lugares diferentes do mapa, duas no lado dos Iluminados, e outras duas no lado dos Predefinição:Factions .
- Runa de Recompensas: Concede uma quantidade de ouro e experiencia que é baseada com o decorrer do jogo..
Da marca de dois minutos e enfrente, uma Runa de Poder vai aparecer aleatoriamente em um dos dois pontos no rio. Existem seis tipos de runas que podem aparecer:
- Runa de Dano Duplo: Concede 100% de dano base do herói como bônus de dano.
- Runa de Ilusão: Cria duas ilusões do herói.
- Runa de Invisibilidade: Concede invisibilidade depois de um atraso de 1 segundo.
- Runa de Regeneração: Restaura completamente vida e mana. Interrompe se sofrer ataque de outro jogador.
- Runa de Ímpeto: Garante velocidade de movimento máxima e imunidade a Desaceleração.
- Runa Arcana: Causes all spell cooldowns to be reduced by 30% and mana costs to be reduced by 40%.
Roshan é uma criatura extremamente forte localizado na parte noroeste do rio. Se morto, Roshan garante ouro a todo o time, também garante o item Égide do Imortal, que automaticamente ressuscita o portador em sua morte . Mais tarde no jogo, Queijo também pode ser obtido se o Roshan for morto três vezes, o que vai restaurar em muito a vida e mana de um Herói quando usado. Lutar com o Roshan geralmente requer mais de um jogador.
A Floresta se refere à área com árvores entre as trilhas. É onde as criaturas neutras podem ser encontradas, podem ser abatidos pelo ouro e experiência. É possivel subir de nível matando as criaturas na floresta, ao invés de ser nas trilhas. Esta prática é chamada de caçar criaturas.
Estruturas estão espalhadas pelo mapa, e podem ser destruídas pelo time oposto por ouro e experiencia. Para alcançar o Ancestral, estruturas devem ser destruidas do exterior pro interior. Estruturas poder ganhar ivunerabilidade com o Glifo de Fortificação.
Os jogadores podem teletransportar para qualquer estrutura com um Town Portal Scroll ou Boots of Travel.
Each faction has defensive towers placed along the lanes leading to the Ancient. Towers deal single target damage to heroes and creeps. In the early stages of the game, a hero can only take a few hits from a tower before dying, so one must be careful as to not get too close to towers until they have gained enough strength. Towers have True Sight, and can detect invisible enemies.
Shrines have an ability with a 5 minute cooldown. Allied heroes can right-click to activate it, generating a 500 AoE aura that lasts for 5 seconds. The aura provides 120/40 HP/MP regeneration per second (heal values increase during the game by 2 HP / 1 MP per minute). Activates once you are in melee range after right-clicking on it. Shrines ability becomes available to use outside of the base once creeps spawn at 0:00. There are Shrines near each team's Secret Shop and new Ancient Camp locations. each Shrines can be teleported to. Shrines become vulnerable whenever a Tier 3 tower falls for the respective team.
Each base has three pairs of barracks, placed behind towers. One is for melee creeps, and one is for ranged creeps. If the barracks is destroyed, the opposing team's creeps will become stronger. If all 6 barracks are destroyed, all opposing creeps will gain an even larger power-up, which makes them very difficult to defend against. These mega creeps can usually assure victory because of their high health, damage and numbers, and can kill a Hero quickly if they are reckless enough.
Esta é a estrutura principal de ambas as bases. Se uma equipe destruir o Ancestral da outra equipe, o jogo acaba e e equipe que destruiu é a ganhadora. Esta estrutura não ataque e regenerará a vida lentamente com o tempo. É defendido por duas torres e não pode ser atacado até essas torres estejam destruídas.
Existem seis lojas no mapa, três para cada lado.
- Loja da base: Esta loja está localizada na fonte, e vende todos os itens básicos e receitas.
- Loja secreta: Esta loja está perto da trilha mais curta de cada lado. Vende os itens mais caros, são necessários para fazer os itens de final de jogo.
- Loja secundária: Esta loja está localizada na borda da trilha mais longa. Vende alguns itens da loja da base e da loja secreta, principalmente os mais úteis para a trilha.
O Minimapa is located at the corner of the Head-up display. It gives players an overhead view of the entire map, as well as the ability to issue certain commands. Constant awareness of the minimap is crucial to skilled gameplay.
Vision defines which areas of the map is visible to the player's team. Areas that are not visible are covered by the Fog of War. Visions can be granted by allied heroes, units, and wards. Trees, walls, and higher terrain will obstruct vision.
There are six different height levels that have gameplay relevance:
- Rio
- Lowground (mid lanes)
- Highground (base, side lanes)
- Elevated (fountain / few cliffs)
- Cliffs (most other cliffs)
- Valley (side lane tinker ward spots)
One heigh level can be connected to another by a stair (pathable) or a cliff (obstructed).
If an attack projectile is released, the uphill miss Evasion is calculated depending on where the two units are standing on the impact time.
They call me Tiny.
Every time a player sends a move command, the pathing takes care of finding the fastest way possible. The path can be blocked by cliffs, Trees, Iron Branches, other units (also known as Body Block) and Traps.
Cliffs are the major component to limit the movement on the map. They can only be surpassed by Forced Movement, Blinks or Unobstructed Movement. Trees define the lane and jungle contours for the most part. They can be destroyed by various means and allow juking in the Fog of War. Body blocking is very important to keep the creep equilibrium at a favourable position in your Lane or to prevent an enemy from escaping until your allies catch up. Traps are mainly intended to cut off the route for chasing or escaping heroes, but they can be used for unconventional pulling methods as well.
- The map's total size is approximately 15,000 units x 15,000 game units.
Predefinição:Outdated The Dota 2 map is ultimately derived from the Starcraft custom map Aeon of Strife, which also featured multiple lanes and a final objective to destroy. The map's current diagonal format was created for Defense of the Ancients, the Warcraft 3 custom map upon which Dota 2 is based.
Histórico de atualização[]
- Added more trees for TP cover around the Dire towers
- Swapped the Dire secondary jungle ancients and medium camp spots (and improved spawn boxes/stackability)
- The Dire ward spot to the left of the Ancients no longer gives vision over the rune area in front of Roshan
- Slightly adjusted the Dire secondary jungle Runa de Recompensas further back
- Reduced spawnbox size for both Dire hard camps
- Shifted down the spawnbox for the ancient camp (formerly medium camp) in the Dire secondary jungle (so a high ground ward does not block the camp)
- Fixed a rare case where Dire ancients could be stuck between trees when spawning
Just as the Ancients shape the minds of the creatures who worship them, so too do their powers flow through the lanes of the forest, reshaping the lands to reveal new sources of power and lay waste to any notions of safety. Featuring changes to nearly every part of the map, a new Ancient Neutral Creep type, and a set of new allied structures in the jungles, there's a lot to learn and explore.
- Roshan
- Moved Roshan to new area near top Powerup Rune spot
- Roshan attack range increased from 128 to 150
- Roshan armor increased from 5 to 15
- Roshan HP reduced from 8000 to 5500
- Roshan HP gain per 4 minutes reduced from 700 to 460
- Roshan armor gain per 4 minutes increased from 0.7 to 1.1
- Shrine
- Added new building type — Shrine (has 1500 HP, 20 Armor)
- There are Shrines near each team's Secret Shop and new Ancient Camp locations. Shrines can be teleported to. Shrines become vulnerable whenever all Tier 2 towers fall for the respective team.
- Each team also has 5 Shrines inside the base.
- Shrines have an ability with a 5 minute cooldown. Allied heroes can right-click to activate it, generating a 500 AoE aura that lasts for 5 seconds. The aura provides 120/40 HP/MP regeneration per second (heal values increase during the game by 2 HP / 1 MP per minute). Activates once you are in melee range after right-clicking on it. Shrines ability becomes available to use outside of the base once creeps spawn at 0:00.
- Shrines do not grant vision.
- Shrines provide a 150 gold bounty for each player on the team when killed.
- Runes
- Runes are now two different categories: Powerup Runes (Haste, Double Damage, etc.) and Bounty Runes.
- Bounty Runes are no longer located in the River.
- Powerup Rune spawns now occur at only one river location at a time.
- Each of the four jungles now spawns a Bounty Rune every 2 minutes.
- Greevil's Greed Bounty Rune multiplier rescaled from 3/4/5/6x to a constant 2x
- Bottle now only replenishes 2 charges when filled with a Bounty Rune.
- Jungle
- Reworked entire jungle terrain for Radiant and Dire (both primary and secondary jungles), and all connecting routes
- The Primary jungle for each team now has 1 Ancient, 2 hard, 2 medium, and 1 small camp.
- The Secondary jungle for each team now has 1 Ancient, 1 hard, and 1 medium camp.
- Terrain Layout
- Reworked the paths and hiding spots to the left and right of the side lanes
- Reworked many ward spot locations and juke paths
- Added various juke paths near the map edges between tier 1 and tier 2 towers
- Adjusted tree distribution to the left of the top radiant barracks
- Neutrals Changes
- Neutrals spawn time from 0:30/1/2/3/4/etc. to 0:30/1/3/5/7/etc.
- Dying to Neutral creeps now causes your hero to have a minimum respawn time of 26 (equal to level 6 respawn time)
- Ancients are no longer Spell Immune; now have 70% Magic Resistance
- The following abilities do not affect Ancients: Arcane Orb and Chakram
- Neutral creeps now have 1 mana regen
- Swapped order of Ancient Thunderhide abilities (Slam is now 3rd)
- Swapped order of Ancient Black Dragon abilities (Dragonhide Aura is now 3rd)
- New Ancients
- Added a new Ancient Neutral Camp (2 Prowler Acolytes and 1 Prowler Shaman)
- Prowler Acolyte:
- Provides a stacking Aura - Provides 10% Lifesteal and 10 HP regeneration
- Has 0% Magic Resistance, 10 Armor
- Prowler Shaman:
- Passive Auto-Cast - Causes next attack to root the enemy for 2 seconds, preventing movement and dealing 75 DPS. Cooldown: 15
- Active - Can cast in a 300 AoE effect around him, reducing Base Physical Armor by 50% and dealing 200 physical damage.
- Lasts 6 seconds. Cooldown: 12
- Note: Both abilities will be used by neutrals against enemies if there is a nearby hero.
- Has 0% Magic Resistance, 11 Armor
- Other Map Changes
- Tier 4 towers now have the same regeneration as the Ancient.
- Using TP scroll no longer destroys nearby trees.
- Glyph cooldown refresh is now granted 1 second after a Tier 1 tower dies rather than immediately.
- Ancient Building vision increased from 1900/1200 to 2600
- Reduced Effigy building count in each base from 15 to 5
- Adjusted Effigy building positions in the base
- Effigy buildings HP increased from 500 to 1000
- Effigy buildings armor increased from 10 to 12
- Effigy buildings bounty increased from 111 to 125 to the killer
- Fixed Glyph not affecting Effigy buildings
- Tier 2/3/4 towers damage rescaled from 122-182 to 142-162
- Adjusted the position of the bottom Iluminados Tier 2 tower and nearby trees.
- Moved the ramp between the Temidos Secret Shop and the Temidos ancients further back a bit and made it narrower.
- Increased the width of the ramp behind the Iluminados bottom Tier 2 tower.
- Added a new ramp to the left of the bottom Temidos Tier 1 tower.
- Added a new ward spot in the middle of the Temidos jungle.
- Adjusted the spawn box of the right-most Iluminados hard camp near the safe lane.
- Tier 3 Towers/Rax moved very slightly back away from the ramp.
- Adjusted the juke path in the clump of trees to the left of the Temidos Tier 1 mid tower in the area closest to the ramp.
- Added a small hiding spot in the trees to the top left of the Iluminados medium camp near middle.
- Slightly reduced the spawn box of the Temidos offlane Neutral camp.
- Added new paths to the trees on the left of the top Iluminados Tier 1 tower.
- Added pathable areas in the trees below the bottom Tier 2 Iluminados tower.
- Spaced out Iluminados Tier 4 towers slightly.
- Added a small hiding spot to the trees above the bottom Iluminados Tier 2 tower.
- Moved Iluminados mid creep spawn point back a little.
- Removed the tree on the Temidos cliff right above the top Rune.
- Added two extra trees in the Iluminados middle lane to the upper right of the Tier 1 tower
- Rearranged the clump of trees below the far right Iluminados hard camp to modify visibility lines for heroes nearby.
- Added a new hiding spot to the right of the Temidos small camp.
- Fixed Iluminados offlane neutral camp units not always being visible with line of sight in front of them.
- Added Arcane Rune
- Causes all spell cooldowns to be reduced by 30% and mana costs to be reduced by 50%.
- Lasts for 50 seconds.
- Added a new neutral hard camp for each team, near their respective Secret Shops
- Added a small ramp from the Iluminados Secret Shop to the ward spot right above it
- Moved the Iluminados hard camp closer to the Temidos offlane
- Swapped Medium and Hard camp in Iluminados Jungle
- Added a new pathway from Iluminados mid to Iluminados jungle
- Added a ramp connecting the Iluminados jungle to the area near Roshan
- Created a walkable pathway to the Iluminados rune ward
- Created a new juke spot behind the Temidos Secret Shop
- Expanded Terrain around the top Tier 2 Iluminados tower
- Moved the bottom rune up a little bit
- Iluminados middle tier 1 tower has been moved back
- Adjusted Iluminados small camp spawn box
- Added a new ward spot near the Iluminados ancients (does not reveal top rune)
- Created a new pathway leading to the wardspot below the Iluminados Secret Shop
- Moved the Iluminados ramp leading to the top rune further away from the rune (slightly closer to mid lane)
- Moved the Temidos ramp leading to the top rune closer up
- Adjusted the terrain and the ramp going down from the Iluminados Ancients slightly
- Improved jukability in the terrain around the Temidos side shop
- Added a path through the trees at Iluminados offlane sideshop moving south and added juke paths
- Added a new ward spot to the right of the top tier 1 Iluminados tower
- Added a couple of trees to right of the ramp leading down from the Iluminados ancients (covering some vision to the left of it)
- Temidos is now able to enter the jungle through the middle Iluminados ramp and walk to the side without being in range to dispel their smoke
- Added a new pathway above the top Temidos side shop
- Created a new pathway in the middle of the long column of trees at the bottom Iluminados Tier 2 area
- Added a walkable path to the ward spot near bottom rune
- Reduced the size of the pull camp box on the Temidos safelane hard camp
- Added a pathable walkway from the cliff above the top rune to the Temidos area to the right of it
- Added a new pathway to the south of the bottom side shop
- Added a couple of trees in the Temidos base between the mid and top towers along the ledge
- Adjusted juke paths near the Iluminados ward spot near the hard camp
- Added a new juke spot to the south of the bottom Iluminados hard camp
- Added a hiding spot in the Temidos middle lane near the edge of the Secret Shop
- Added some trees below the top Iluminados T2 tower
- Adjusted trees to the left of the Temidos offlane (affecting visibility of heroes coming from the left)
- Added a pathway above the Iluminados Ancient (leading up to the new ward spot)
- Adjusted Temidos secret shop location slightly
- Adjusted the terrain pathing a little bit around the loop where the Iluminados bottom left ward spot is
- Adjusted tree layout of the high ground to the right of the Iluminados middle camp
- Moved Iluminados ramp to the bottom rune back a little bit
- Added hiding spots in the clump of trees above the formerly Iluminados hard camp (now the Iluminados medium camp)
- Nudged the Iluminados small camp down very slightly
- Moved the Iluminados mid medium camp down slightly and adjusted nearby trees
- Added a new hiding spot on the Temidos bottom lane, in the area higher ground to the right of the Temidos Ancients
- Adjusted the position of the Iluminados middle ramp slightly
- Added a new juke spot to the terrain to the right of the Iluminados small camp
- Adjusted tree pathway and added a couple of hiding spots above the top Temidos T2 tower
- Fountain area is now at a higher elevation level.
- Fountain vision increased from 1400 to 1800.
- Fountain attack range increased from 1100 to 1200.
- Fountain True Sight increased from 900 to 1200.
- Reworked terrain surrounding the Roshan area.
- Reworked terrain around the Temidos bottom lane.
- Reworked terrain below the Top Iluminados Tier 1 Tower.
- Reworked the area to the left of the bottom Temidos Tier 2 Tower.
- Moved Temidos bottom Tier 2 Tower back very slightly.
- Added an alternate path to the north of the bottom lane Side Shop.
- Added an alternate path to the right of the bottom Temidos Tier 1 Tower.
- Added a new ward spot near the bottom Temidos Tier 2 Tower.
- Added a new ward spot near the top Iluminados Tier 2 Tower.
- Added a new ward spot between Roshan and the Temidos bottom lane.
- Bottom Lane Temidos creeps now arrive slightly closer to the Temidos Tier 1 Tower.
- Top Lane Iluminados creeps now arrive slightly farther from the Iluminados Tier 1 Tower.
- Added a Bounty Rune:
- Grants 50 XP +5/Min and 50 gold +2/Min.
- Can be bottled.
- Two runes now spawn in the river every two minutes. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune.
- Runes are replaced every two minutes if they are not picked up.