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Witch Doctor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Casco Paralisante
Launches a cask of paralyzing powder that ricochets between enemy units, stunning and damaging those it hits.
Animação de uso: 0,35+0,37
Cast Range: 700
Bounce Distance: 575
Number of Bounces: 2/4/6/8
Damage: 75/100/125/150
Hero Stun Duration: 1
Creep Stun Duration: 5
Cannot directly target spell immune enemies. Can bounce to spell immune enemies. Does not stun or attempt to damage spell immune enemies.
Blocked fully when primary or secondary target. Blocked upon impact. Does not stop bouncing when blocked.
The Witch Doctor recycles the bones of fallen friends and foes, using the powder as part of his arsenal of charms and alchemy.
- Modified values: Cooldown and mana cost.
- The cask travels at a speed of 1000 and cannot be disjointed.
- The projectile bounces in 0.3 second intervals.
- Can bounce on the same unit multiple times, but only when another target was hit between the bounces.
- Cannot bounce on invisible, invulnerable or hidden units, but can bounce on units in the Fog of War.
- Can deal up to 150/300/500/750 damage to a single unit (before reductions).
- All bounces together can deal up to 225/500/875/1350 damage (before reductions).
- Creep-heroes are treated as heroes.
Vudu Restaurador
Animação de uso: 0+0
Heal Radius: 500
Mana Cost per Second: 8/12/16/20
Heal per Second: 16/24/32/40
Zharvakko's hocus pocus is not limited only hexxing his opponents and is quite adept at curing ailments.
- Modified values: Mana cost.
- The toggling of Voodoo Restoration is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
- Voodoo Restoration does not interrupt channeling spells upon toggling.
- Disabling Witch Doctor does not turn Voodoo Restoration off. However, he cannot turn it off himself while disabled either.
- Heals for 5.28/7.92/10.56/13.2 and costs 2.64/3.96/5.28/6.6 mana in 0.33 second intervals, starting 0.33 seconds after toggled on.
- The heal is provided by an aura. Its buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- Modified values: Affects enemy heroes changed to affect enemies.
- Checks the affected units' current health 4 times, once as the curse is applied, and then every 4 seconds for the duration.
- The burst damage is entirely based on the difference between the hero's current health and its health as the curse got applied.
- This means the bigger the difference of current health and health upon receiving the debuff gets, the more damage the bursts do.
- Vice versa, the lower the difference gets, the lower is the damage of the bursts, so getting healed during it reduces its damage.
- It also means it does not matter how affected units lose health, as it directly compares its health values, not damage values.
- This is how much of the lost health is re-dealt as damage by the curse, depending on when the health was lost during the curse (0-4/4-8/8-12 seconds) (before reductions):
- Level 1: 16%/35%/56%
- Level 2: 24%/53%/91%
- Level 3: 32%/74%/130%
- Level 4: 40%/96%/174%
- Deals its own damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is applied, resulting in 12 damage instances.
- Together with the bursts, it deals a total of 15 damage instances.
- The bursts happen 0.1 seconds before each 4th damage tick, so the bursts happen after the 3rd, 7th, and 11th damage tick.
- With no other sources of health loss or heals, Maledict can deal up to 109.9/249.6/423.1/634.8 damage to a unit (before reductions).
- Does not affect invulnerable and hidden units. Affects invisible units.
Sentinela da Morte | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sentinela Ancestral | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sentinela da Morte
Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes within 700 range. Lasts a maximum of 8 seconds.
Animação de uso: 0,35+0
Cast Range: 600
Max Channel Time: 10
Bounce Distance: 650
Witch Doctor performs a ritualistic dance, one that haunts the dreams of those who live to recount it.
- Modified values: Can attack non-heroes. Max channel time, mana cost, number of bounces and damage.
- The Death Ward automatically attacks enemy heroes within its attack range, using default auto-attack rules.
- It is possible to manually give the ward an attack target by just right-clicking an enemy hero in range.
- Giving an attack order while having Witch Doctor and the ward selected, does not cause the channeling to be canceled.
- It is also possible to stop the ward from attacking by ordering it to stop (only works when the auto-attack option is turned off).
- The damage source is the ward itself, meaning certain on-damage effects react on the ward rather than on Witch Doctor.
- The primary attack can be disjointed and can miss, doing so prevents the projectile from bouncing.
- However, after having bounced at least once, it can no longer miss, but can still be disjointed.
- When disjointed, it does continue to bounce and can even bounce back to the disjointing hero.
- Does not bounce on invisible units or units in the Fog of War. One projectile can never hit the same unit twice.
- With its 0.22 second attack rate, it can attack up to 45 times. With the bounces, it can deal 90/135/180 ( 180/225/270) damage instances.
- With the current attack rate and damage, it can deal up to 272.7/409.1/545.5 ( 409.1/545.5/681.8) damage per second to a single hero.
- When all attacks and bounces hit, it can deal up to 5400/12150/21600 ( 16200/27000/40500) damage (before reductions).
- Death Ward's attack damage is not reduced by Damage Block.
- Provides 1200/800 range ground vision for 5 seconds at its location after the channeling stops.
Talentos do herói | ||
+20 de cura para Vudu Restaurador | 25 | +175 de alcance de ataque para Sentinela da Morte |
+15% de resistência mágica | 20 | +8 de armadura |
+12 a todos os atributos | 15 | +75 de dano |
+20% de experiência obtida | 10 | +200 de vida |
- Replaced talents: -35s respawn time replaced by +12 all stats.
- Upgrading health increases maximum health capacity and keeps the current health percentage.
- The armor and attack damage are added as bonus armor and bonus attack damage, and therefore do not benefit illusions.
- Respawn reductions cannot reduce respawn time below 1 second.
- The magic resistance stacks multiplicatively with other sources of magic resistance.
Histórico de atualização[]
Atualização de 31 de janeiro de 2017
- Adicionado na Lua Negra.