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Mecânica dos heróis

Lua Negra é um evento que ocorreu de 26 de janeiro até 6 de fevereiro de 2017. Os jogadores defenderam o templo Selemene das ondas de invasores, e ganharam pontos especiais do evento, que poderiam ser trocados por recompensas.

Modo de jogo[]

Minimap Dark Moon

O minimapa

  • Uma equipe de 5 jogadores tem que se defender contra um ataque violento de hordas por 15 rodadas. Diferentes inimigos nascem em cada rodada, e a cada nascimento, tornando-se mais fortes a cada rodada.


  • 5 jogadores defendem o templo, no extremo norte, conta ondas de inimigos que nascem de quatro trilhas, que estão espalhadas em todas as outras direções.
  • Quase todas as rodadas têm pequenas unidades que vêm em massas e algumas unidades grandes com habilidades especiais.
  • Duas rodadas são especiais para ganhar uma vantagem econômica, while additional 2 are boss rounds.
  • A experiência é adquirida ao matar unidades (globalmente compartilhada) e pode ser adquirida mesmo morto.
  • O ouro é adquirido por pegar as bolsas de ouro, que os inimigos podem deixar cair ao serem mortos. Cada rodada tem o seu limite de ouro. As bolsas podem ser pegas caminhando sobre elas.
  • Enemies may also randomly drop instant health or mana restoring potions, que podem ser pegos ao andar por cima deles também.
  • Entre cada rodada, os jogadores têm 30 segundos para se reagrupar e configurar os itens antes da próxima rodada começa.
  • O jogo termina prematuramente se o Ancestral for destruído, ou se todos os cinco jogadores morrerem antes da 15ª rodada.


  • Para os detalhes sobre as estruturas, veja aqui.
  • O templo se encontra em direção ao norte do mapa. Faz parte do objetivo e deve ser mantido vivo.
  • Há oito torres que defendem o templo, quatro externas e quatro internas.
  • As torres que sobrevivem até o final de uma rodada, fornecem um bônus de ouro para a equipe.
  • Há três santuários no mapa, cada um possui 180 segundos de intervalo entre usos.
  • Todas as torres e santuários renascem no final de cada rodada.
  • Duas lojas estão presentes no mapa. Uma no meio e a outra mais em cima, próxima do templo.


  • Na morte, uma lápide é deixada onde o jogador morreu. Os companheiros vivos podem clicar com o botão direito sobre a lápide para reviver o jogador. Isto leva um tempo de canalização de seis segundos.
    • Quanto mais jogadores estiverem canalizando a mesma lápide, mais rápido é a canalização.
  • Pegar para reviver pode ser usado, mas há um intervalo entre usos.
  • Todos os jogadores são revividos com vida e mana cheia, no final de cada rodada.

Heróis disponíveis[]

  • Apenas alguns heróis podem ser escolhidos para este evento.
  • Alguns heróis têm as habilidades alteradas, feitas especificamente para este evento.
  • Clique no ícone do herói para ver suas estatísticas, habilidades únicas/modificadas e sua mecânica para este evento.
Atributo Heróis
Strength attribute symbol Força
Axe icon
Lua Negra/Axe
Bristleback icon
Lua Negra/Bristleback
Legion Commander icon
Lua Negra/Legion Commander
Phoenix icon
Lua Negra/Phoenix
Tiny icon
Lua Negra/Tiny
Treant Protector icon
Lua Negra/Treant Protector
Tusk icon
Lua Negra/Tusk
Underlord icon
Lua Negra/Underlord
Agility attribute symbol Agilidade
Ember Spirit icon
Lua Negra/Ember Spirit
Gyrocopter icon
Lua Negra/Gyrocopter
Juggernaut icon
Lua Negra/Juggernaut
Medusa icon
Lua Negra/Medusa
Phantom Assassin icon
Lua Negra/Phantom Assassin
Sniper icon
Lua Negra/Sniper
Shadow Fiend icon
Lua Negra/Shadow Fiend
Venomancer icon
Lua Negra/Venomancer
Intelligence attribute symbol Inteligência
Dark Seer icon
Lua Negra/Dark Seer
Disruptor icon
Lua Negra/Disruptor
Leshrac icon
Lua Negra/Leshrac
Nature's Prophet icon
Lua Negra/Nature's Prophet
Storm Spirit icon
Lua Negra/Storm Spirit
Techies icon
Lua Negra/Techies
Winter Wyvern icon
Lua Negra/Winter Wyvern
Witch Doctor icon
Lua Negra/Witch Doctor
Zeus icon
Lua Negra/Zeus


  • Existe um intervalo de 30 segundos entre cada rodada.
  • Para os detalhes das unidades e suas habilidades, veja aqui.
Rodada Inimigos Quantidade Observações
A Way With Worgs
Dark Moon Round 1 A Way With Worgs
  • Worg
  • Alpha Worg
  • 270 (48/48/48/42/42/42)
  • 36 (0/0/0/12/12/12)
Don't Count Your Chickens
Dark Moon Round 2 Don't Count Your Chickens
  • Tamed Wildwing
  • Acolyte of Dezun
  • 180 (60/60/60)
  • 36 (12/12/12)
  • O Acolytes of Dezun tem Shadow Wave icon Onda Sombria, que cura seus aliados e causa dano nos inimigos que estão em volta dos aliados curados. Tem um longo tempo de uso.
  • Onda Sombria é usada apenas quando um Acolyte tem menos de 50% de vida e quando 2 inimigos estão dentro do alcance.
  • Eles também usam em Wildwings feridos, mas só se as condições mencionadas anteriormente forem encontradas.
Nyx Nyx Nyx
Dark Moon Round 3 Nyx Nyx Nyx
  • Hellbear
  • Zealot Scarab
  • 144 (48/48/48)
  • 18 (6/6/6)
  • Zealot Scarabs têm o Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Empalar"., a linear AoE stun e nuke, com um projétil que viaja lentamente.
  • The Zealots only cast this when at least 2 enemies are within its range. They always launch it towards the closest enemy.
It's Morphlin' Time
Dark Moon Round 4 It's Morphlin' Time
  • Lesser Elemental
  • Greater Elemental
  • 147 (49/49/49)
  • 21 (7/7/7)
  • Greater Elementals tem a Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Forma de Onda"., a linear AoE nuke pseudo-blink.
  • The Elementals only cast this when at least 2 enemies are within its range. They always launch it towards the closest enemy.
Party Fowl
Dark Moon Round 5 Party Fowl
  • Rooster
  • 1
  • The Rooster runs randomly around the map at high movement speed and ignores most movement-impairing effects, including stuns.
  • Some disables may still affect it (see tips).
  • The Rooster cannot attack and cannot die. Dealing damage to it causes it to drop gold bags worth 20 gold.
  • The Rooster teleports away 60 seconds after spawning.
From My Black Grimoire
Dark Moon Round 6 From My Black Grimoire
  • Enthralled Golem
  • Demon Charmer
  • 84 (42/42)
  • 28 (14/14)
  • Enthralled Golems are weak units on their own, but get heavily boosted by the Demon Charmers.
  • Demon Charmers have Shadow Word icon Shadow Word, which they selfishly only cast on themselves when hurt.
  • Demon Charmers also have Upheaval icon Upheaval, which they cast on single enemies' locations.
  • Finally, Demon Charmers have a Granite Aura (Ancient Granite Golem) icon Health Aura, which affects the Enthralled Golems only. Multiple instances do not stack.
  • The aura increases nearby golems' health eightfold and doubles their attack damage and model size.
We're Falling Apart Without You
Dark Moon Round 7 We're Falling Apart Without You
  • Berserk Zombie
  • Enraged Devourer
  • 252 (40/40/40/44/44/44)
  • 21 (0/0/0/7/7/7)
  • Berserk Zombies need to be killed twice, as they come back as Torsos when killed once.
  • As Berserk Zombie Torsos, they have higher attack damage and movement speed, and very high magic resistance, but much less health.
  • The Enraged Devourers have Rage icon Rage, which they cast when near an enemy.
  • The Enraged Devourers also have Feast icon Feast, which passively heals them on each attack and causes them to deal more damage, both based on the target's healh.
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
Dark Moon Round 8 A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
  • Recruit
  • Captain
  • Fleet Admiral
  • Krill-eater
  • Shark-eater
  • Whale-eater
  • 48 (24/24)
  • 12 (6/6)
  • 3 (0/3)
  • 48 (24/24)
  • 12 (6/6)
  • 3 (0/3)
  • Recruits have no abilities. Captains have Torrent icon Torrent.
  • Fleet Admirals have Torrent icon Torrent, X Marks the Spot icon X Marks the Spot and Ghostship icon Ghostship.
  • Torrent is cast when an enemy is nearby, onto the enemy. They do not try to hit as many enemies as possible with it.
  • Ghostship is cast when 2 enemies are close together so that it would hit both when not moving away.
  • The visual indicators of Torrent and Ghostship are visible to everyone.
  • Since none of the units are actual heroes, the Ghostship does not apply the Rum on any one of them.
  • X Marks the Spot is always cast on an enemy when nearby. They do not manually return enemies to the X, so they do not combo it with their other spells.
  • Krill-eaters have no abilities. Shark-eaters have Gush icon Gush.
  • Whale-eaters have Gush icon Gush, Kraken Shell icon Kraken Shell and Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 34: Hero or ability parameter missing..
  • The Gush works like the default Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Gush, with an added knockback.
  • Gush is cast when an enemy is nearby, onto the enemy. They do not try to hit as many enemes as possible with it.
  • Ravage is cast when at least 3 enemies are within its range.
Numerous Launches Detected
Dark Moon Round 9 Numerous Launches Detected
  • I'm A Creep
  • Chaotic Hurler
  • Trapper
  • 70
  • 14
  • 70
  • Chaotic Hurlers have a Ground-Flamebreak icon Attack ability, launching a projectile onto enemy locations, dealing heavy damage and knocking them back.
  • They do not reugularly attack heroes. Their attacks have a very high down time, and they only use it to hit buildings.
  • Choatic Hurlers can Soul Rip icon Disembark additional Creeps and Trappers.
  • Trappers have Earthbind icon Earthbind, which they use to root enemies in place
Dark Moon Round 10 Flock-a-doodle-doo
  • Baby Roshan
  • 60 (12/12/12/12/12)
  • Despite their names, they are actually small chickens, and not baby Roshans.
  • The chickens run randomly around the map at high movement speed and ignore most movement-impairing effects, including stuns.
  • Some disables may still affect them (see tips).
  • The chickens cannot attack and cannot die. Dealing damage to it causes it to drop gold bags worth 7 gold.
  • The chickens die 60 seconds after spawning.
On The Hunt
Dark Moon Round 11 On The Hunt
  • Soulstealer
  • Hunter
  • The Abyss
  • 240 (60/60/60/60)
  • 20 (5/5/5/5)
  • 6 (0/0/0/6)
  • Hunters have Void icon Blinding Gloom, a cone-shaped AoE nuke which slows enemies and heavily impairs their vision. The projectile travels slowly.
  • Hunters also have Hunter in the Night icon Hunter in the Night, moving and attacking faster. Since it's permanent night, this ability is always active for them.
  • The Abyss has Black Hole icon Black Hole.
  • Black Hole is only used when at least 2 enemies are within its range.
Attack Of The Cat Ladies
Dark Moon Round 12 Attack Of The Cat Ladies
  • Tiny Moonrider
  • Nightsilver Prowler
  • 108 (54/54)
  • 26 (0/26)
  • Tiny Moonriders have Ficheiro:Moon Glaive icon.png Moon Glaive, which makes their attacks bounce between enemies.
  • Nightsilver Prowlers have global vision, revealing the entire map for them, making it impossible to juke them.
  • The Prowlers also have Sacred Arrow icon Sacred Arrow, which they launch towards enemies whenever ready.
Albert Was A Chemist
Dark Moon Round 13 Albert Was A Chemist
  • Al, the chemist
  • 6
  • The Chemists have Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Acid Spray"., Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Unstable Concoction"., and Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Chemical Rage"..
  • Acid Spray is cast onto single enemies. The chemist does not try to hit as many enemies as possible.
  • Always casts Unstable Concoction when ready, and attempts to launch it about 1-2 seconds before blowing up.
  • Launches the concoction early when it thinks it has to (e.g. intended target runs away).
  • Casts Chemical Rage when missing a chunk of health.
  • Always uses Shiva's Guard icon Proteção de Shiva and Phase Boots icon Botas de Fase.
It's A Techies Convention
Dark Moon Round 14 It's A Techies Convention
  • Bomber
  • Hurtler
  • 104 (16/16/16/16/20/20)
  • 48 (0/0/8/8/16/16)
  • Bombers have Proximity Mines icon Land Mines, a high damage mine which detonates after being placed with a short delay.
  • Only cast it close to enemies. They do not attempt to hit as many enemies as possible with it.
  • Hurtlers have Blast Off! icon Blast Off, a high damage AoE nuke pseudo-blink which also hurts the caster.
  • Blast Off is cast when an enemy is nearby, onto the enemy. They do not try to hit as many enemies as possible with it.
Who Threatens Our Concentration?
Dark Moon Round 15 Who Threatens Our Concentration
  • Scholar of Koryx
  • Mind of Tornarus
  • Agent of Gallaron
  • The Dark Magus
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1

Itens derrubados[]

  • Alguns itens são derrubados no chão após matar os inimigos. Todos podem ser pegos ao caminhar em cima deles, exceto o Pergaminho de Teletransporte, que precisa ser clicado com o botão direito.
  • Os itens derrubados desaparecem em 15 segundos depois de caírem no chão.
Imagem Item Descrição
Dark Moon Gold Bag Bolsa de Ouro Dá de 7 á 45 de ouro para toda a equipe (exceto na 15ª rodada).
Dark Moon Health Potion Poção de Vida Recupera 20% de vida.
Dark Moon Mana Potion Poção de Mana Recupera 20% de mana.
Dark Moon Town Portal Scroll Pergaminho de Teletransporte Concede um Town Portal Scroll icon Pergaminho de Teletransporte no inventário do herói.



Click on the hero names to view their Dark Moon ability and hero stats details.

Underlord minimap icon Underlord
  • Firestorm icon Firestorm is very strong at dealing with early level mobs. Simply kiting enemies around its AoE will be able to deal with massive groups in the early game.
  • Atrophy Aura icon Atrophy Aura's damage reduction can be very useful, and helps you and your team soak up more damage.
  • Vanguard icon Vanguarda is particularly useful on Underlord, as well as a Battle Fury icon Fúria de Batalha later on in the game.
Ficheiro:Dark Moon/Sniper minimap icon.png Dark Moon/Sniper
  • Assassinate icon Assassinate is useful in taking out big enemies from a distance. It also have the ability to scatter its damage to the enemies behind targeted enemy.
Dark Seer minimap icon Dark Seer
  • Wall of Replica icon Wall of Replica can be used to block off choke points, and help aggro enemies away from buildings.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Ion Shell". deals a great amount of damage to the Bonus Chicken in Round 5, especially when it is cornered.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Vacuum". can be used on Bonus Chicken in Round 5
Disruptor minimap icon Disruptor
  • Kinetic Field icon Kinetic Field holds large groups of enemies together for effective nuking. Also effective against Bonus Chicken in Round 5, Baby Roshans in Round 10.
  • Taking cooldown reduction talent and purchasing Octarine Core icon Núcleo Octarina can allow Kinetic Field icon Kinetic Field to almost permanently hold enemies in place.
Medusa minimap icon Medusa
  • Medusa acts as an aoe killer and a great tank the longer the game goes.
  • Mystic Snake icon Mystic Snake works as a Stone Gaze icon Stone Gaze on the enemies it hits. The mana steal of it is also buffed for the event.
Phantom Assassin minimap icon Phantom Assassin
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Stifling Dagger". works multiple times depending on level.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Phantom Strike". has counterattack if a physical attack is evaded, either with a physical attack against melee enemies, or a dagger against ranged enemies.
Winter Wyvern minimap icon Winter Wyvern
  • Splinter Blast icon Splinter Blast is useful in taking out large number or enemies in an area. While its damage diminishes its deadliness overtime, it can still apply slow debuffs to large crowds of enemies, and its range can let the player lure the enemies away from an area while using Arctic Burn icon Arctic Burn to safely navigate through terrain if the player gets cornered.
  • Cold Embrace icon Cold Embrace can help your team last longer from larger creep waves. Note however that this will render the target immobile, leaving them helpless from magical damage or skills done by the enemy hero creeps and siege tanks.
  • Arctic Burn icon Arctic Burn can be cast on your teammates and can help them get out any creep waves that have trapped them from every side. The spell also increases the attack range of any ranged hero as well as letting them apply frost burn.
  • Winter's Curse icon Winter's Curse is a great crowd control skill that can help kill any special enemies of the player's choice. This spell's stun however does not work on the chicken of Round 5.
Gyrocopter minimap icon Gyrocopter
  • None of Gyro's abilities have been modified for this mode making him a very weak pick.
Techies minimap icon Techies
  • Techies' high defensive ability can often carry the team through a round.
  • Lay down mines as early as possible to keep Towers defended.
  • Can plant a lot of mines (Remote Mines icon Remote Mines) and use Ethereal Blade icon Lâmina Etérea, dealing a lot of damage to The Dark Magus.
Zeus minimap icon Zeus
  • Easily clears wave of high HP creeps with his passive, as well with Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Arc Lightning"..
  • The Dark Magus has 0% Magic Resistance, so Zeus minimap icon Zeus can be useful.
Phoenix minimap icon Phoenix
  • Can unleash huge AoE DPS, as well heal his teammates.
  • Supernova icon Supernova does take damage from the creeps, but takes much more attacks to get destroyed. Therefore, it needs some planning to cast, as a mob of creeps can easily take it out.
  • The attack speed reduction from Fire Spirits icon Fire Spirits greatly diminishes their damage dealt.
  • Fire Spirits icon Fire Spirits has 25% Spell Lifesteal.
Ember Spirit minimap icon Ember Spirit
Tiny minimap icon Tiny
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Craggy Exterior". is replaced by Craggy Exterior icon Trample, an active ability, which gives Tiny minimap icon Tiny bonus movement speed and ability to stun and damage enemies that Tiny move through. The damage is based on his attack damage.
Ficheiro:DaLua Negra/Tusk minimap icon.png DaLua Negra/Tusk
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Walrus PUNCH!". can be useful in Round 6 against Warlocks.
Treant Protector minimap icon Treant Protector
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Living Armor". can be used on buildings.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Living Armor".'s protective layers have been increased tremendously for this map setting, having a maximum of 25 instances at skill level 4. Be wary that although it grants a lot more instances, the huge number of creeps in every wave can still chew through it very quickly.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Overgrowth". fully affects the chickens that spawn on Round 5 and 10. Be sure to cast the spell whenever you can to buy a few seconds worth of additional hits.
Axe minimap icon Axe
  • Berserker's Call works on bonus rounds, giving your team precious seconds to farm more gold.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Battle Hunger". has been reworked for this gamemode, giving a percentage of lifesteal base on skill level on targeted allies hero.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Culling Blade". has the ability to leap forward and deal damage in a small area of effect.
Legion Commander minimap icon Legion Commander
  • Information needed.
Bristleback minimap icon Bristleback
  • Information needed.
Venomancer minimap icon Venomancer
  • Information needed.
Shadow Fiend minimap icon Shadow Fiend
  • Information needed.
Juggernaut minimap icon Juggernaut
  • Blade Fury icon Blade Fury now grants evasion of 20%/40%/60%/80%.
  • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Omnislash". is now named as Secret Blade, creating image in front of the hero and slash toward it, dealing damage including items effect.
Storm Spirit minimap icon Storm Spirit
  • Information needed.
Nature's Prophet minimap icon Nature's Prophet
  • Nature's Call summons powerful tanks that allows the team to focus on heroes or other lanes.
  • Big enemies don't use their spells on Treants. This makes them perfect for tanking enemies with disables while carries pick them off from afar.
  • Wrath of Nature has been buffed and hits a lot more enemies. Buying Cetro de Aghanim gives Nature's Prophet a map full of treants that can take care of lanes on their own.
Leshrac minimap icon Leshrac
  • Information needed.
Witch Doctor minimap icon Witch Doctor
  • His 3rd skill still can deal a lot of damage to big enemies.



  • Sacrificar as torres pode ser aceitável, já que todas as torres renascem no final da rodada.
    • Isto também significa que se uma torre externa for destruída, o glifo é renovado.
  • Itens de regeneração e roubo de vida são cruciais na sustentação da sua equipe.
  • Lembre de usar o Town Portal Scroll icon Pergaminho de Teletransporte para deter rapidamente as ondas que se aproximam no mapa. Compre pergaminho se necessário.
  • Cargas de uma Bottle icon Garrafa não são reabastecidas.
  • Todos os inimigos são considerados criaturas.

Itens desativados ou alterados[]

Item Mudança
Tango icon Tango Removido neste modo de jogo
Ficheiro:Entregador icon.png Entregador Removido neste modo de jogo
Divine Rapier icon Rapieira Divina Removido neste modo de jogo
Helm of the Dominator icon Elmo do Dominador Removido neste modo de jogo
Quelling Blade icon Machado Supressor Preço aumentado para 500 de ouro.
Iron Talon icon Garras de Ferro Preço aumentado para 800 de ouro
Battle Fury icon Fúria de Batalha
  • Preço aumentado para 4800 de ouro
  • Dano da transposição reduzido para 20%
Heart of Tarrasque icon Coração do Tarrasque Regeneração de vida reduzida para 1% da vida máxima por segundo


Dark Moon 2017 Wheel

A roda de recompensa

  • Os pontos são adquiridos jogando.
  • Os bônus diários são concedidos pela primeira partida jogada de cada dia. Cada bônus diário dá aos jogadores 35.000 pontos mais 6 vezes os pontos adquiridos normalmente na partida.
    • Os bônus diários só são concedidos se o jogador passar da 5ª rodada.
Rodada Pontos Total
1ª rodada 48 48
2ª rodada 60 108
3ª rodada 72 180
4ª rodada 88 268
5ª rodada 0 268
6ª rodada 100 368
7ª rodada 118 486
8ª rodada 136 622
9ª rodada 158 780
10ª rodada 0 780
11ª rodada 180 960
12ª rodada 208 1168
13ª rodada 236 1404
14ª rodada 262 1666
15ª rodada 1500 3166


  • Um Emoticon da Lua Negra especial é concedido para os jogadores que terminaram todas as rodadas do evento.
  • 35.000 pontos podem ser gastos para girar a roda de recompensa.
  • Um item cosmético aleatório é concedido pela roleta.
  • Para um lista completa das possíveis recompensas, veja a lista dos itens da Lua Negra.
  • O Roshan Bebê da Lua Negra é exclusivo para este evento, e pode ser obtido na roleta com uma chance muito baixa.
Roshan Bebê da Lua Negra


  • Os tesouros podem ser reciclados no arsenal por 20.000 pontos da Lua Negra.
  • Os itens recebidos dos tesouros abertos não podem ser reciclados.


Artigo principal: Troféu
Troféus da Lua Negra

Três troféus estão disponíveis para o evento da Lua Negra


Por milênios, os guerreiros do Bosque de Noiteprata fazem vigília contra forças vis na véspera da Lua Negra, consagrando-lhes com o título e dever divino na defesa sagrada da Deusa Selemene. Mas agora, com o cair da noite da Lua Nova, os escolhidos de Selemene estão em um sono profundo atrás dos muros do templo, vítimas de uma magia arcana que deixou o templo indefeso.

Com a influência de Selemene cada vez mais fraca, e sombras de inimigos familiares se aproximando do seu domínio, a Deusa da Lua convoca cinco novos protetores para tomarem os lugares dos seus campeões contra a corrupção da Horda da Lua Negra. Você atenderá a este chamado?


  • Este evento está categorizado como New Bloom 2017 nos arquivos do jogo.

Links externos[]
