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Pangolier icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
17 + 2,5
18 + 3,2
16 + 1,9
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 540 1 240 1 740 1 980
Regen. de vida 0,25 1,95 5,45 7,95 9,2
Mana 75 267 579 807 927
Regen. de mana 0 0,8 2,13 3,08 3,56
Armadura 1 4 11,47 16,8 19,47
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,69 0,96 1,15 1,24
Dano 33‒39 51‒57 95‒101 127‒133 143‒149
Resistência mágica 25%
▶️ Velocidade de movimento 305
▶️ Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 1
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 150
Velocidade de projétil Instantânea
Animação de ataque 0,33+?
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 8
Tamanho de colisão 24
Tipo de gib Padrão

Donté Panlin, o Pangolier, é um herói de Agilidade com ataque corpo a corpo.


Pangolier minimap iconDonté Panlin, o Pangolier
▶️ "The honorable Donté Panlin, at your service."
Os homens e mulheres membros dos Galantes de Nivan levam uma vida de esgrima, acrobacias em candelabros e romances espalhafatosos. E embora todos sigam o lema de que "Uma vida de aventuras é a única vida digna de se viver", as façanhas de Donté Panlin são capazes de surpreender até mesmo os espadachins mais hedonistas.

Não há nenhum monstro que ele não derrotará. Nenhuma criatura que ele não cortejará. Nenhum tirano que ele não resistirá. E nenhum nobre estará a salvo da sua língua afiada.
Phil LaMarr (respostas)


Swashbuckle targeting

Swashbuckle's vector targeting interface

Investida Sagaz
Não pode ser usada enquanto enraizado ou acorrentado. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Swashbuckle icon
Ponto-alvo / Vetorial
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Em inglês: Swashbuckle
Alvo vetorizado. O Pangolier avança para o alvo inicial, atacando em seguida todos os inimigos na direção arrastada com várias estocadas rápidas.

Há a chance de ativar Perfurador de Corações durante o ataque.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Alcance de uso: 1 000
Alcance do ataque: 900 (Talento 1200)
Largura do corte: 125
Dano por estocada: 24/42/60/78 (Talento 64/82/100/118)
Número de estocadas: 4
Intervalo entre estocadas: 0,1
Cooldown: 20/16/12/8 (Talento 17/13/9/5)
Mana: 80/90/100/110
Efeito positivo Swashbuckle Stunned: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Swashbuckle: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
A lâmina do Pangolier é ainda mais afiada do que a sua língua.


  • Casting Swashbuckle during Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento". immediately cancels Rolling Thunder.
  • Pangolier dashes towards the targeted point at a speed of 2000. Can dash over impassable terrain and through trees.
  • After the dash, Pangolier performs 4 slashes towards the targeted direction.
    • Slashes in 0.1 second intervals, starting immediately upon reaching the target point, taking 0,3 seconds in total.
  • During the dash and the 4 slashes, Pangolier is stunned, and therefore unable to act.
  • Causes Pangolier to perform instant attacks on all hit enemies.
    • These attacks have True Strike, and can therefore never miss. They also ignore disarms.
    • Can proc any attack modifier (including Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Questão de Sorte".) on all of the hit targets normally.
    • Procs Echo Sabre icon Sabre Ecoante on all hit targets without putting the item on cooldown.
    • Cleave effects are based on the hit enemies position, damaging a trapezoid area the opposite direction where the attacks came from.
    • Despite the audio, the slashes do not hit ethereal units, so that attack modifiers may not proc.
    • Also applies instant attacks on all enemies Pangolier directly dashes through.
  • Sets Pangolier's damage to the given values. This means attack damage bonuses and reductions are completely ignored.
  • All slashes together can deal up to 96/168/240/312 (Talento 256/328/400/472) damage per hit enemy (before reductions).
  • The slashes can hit units up to 1025 range away from Pangolier after the dash.
    • When used at max cast range, can hit units up to 2025 range away from the original cast location.
  • Choosing the damage increasing talent during an active cast immediately updates the damage of the remaining slashes.

Escudo Estrondoso
Shield Crash icon
Sem alvo
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Em inglês: Shield Crash
O usuário salta para o ar e cai de volta no chão, causando dano a inimigos ao seu redor. Para cada inimigo atingindo, o usuário recebe uma porcentagem de redução de dano sofrido por uma breve duração.

O movimento é mantido caso Escudo Estrondoso seja usado durante o Rolamento, permitindo que o usuário passe por paredes e desníveis.
Animação de uso: 0+0,37
Raio: 500
Dano: 75/150/225/300
Redução de dano por herói: 9%/12%/15%/18%
Distância do salto: 225
Duração da redução de dano: 10
Duração do salto: 0,4
Duração do salto durante Rolamento: 0,75
Cooldown: 19/17/15/13 (Talento 2)
Mana: 90/100/110/120
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Causes Shield Crash to cast a 2-attack Swashbuckle in every 90 degrees around your hero.
Efeito positivo Shield Crash Jump: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Shield Crash Buff: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
É apenas no meio dos seus inimigos que o Pangolier realmente prospera.


  • Pangolier jumps 225 range forwards when cast, 250 range high. While in the air, other units can pass below him.
  • During Rolling Thunder, Shield Crash only moves on the z axis (vertical movement), and does not move him on the x and y axis (horizontal).
    • However, due to how vertical and horizontal movement stack with each other, it does not interfere with spells which move Pangolier on the x and y axis.
    • This means when cast during Rolling Thunder, he effectively jumps in an arc, using the height of the jump and the velocity of Rolling Thunder.
  • During the short jump, Pangolier is stunned, and therefore unable to act. However, he is not disabled when jumping during Rolling Thunder.
  • When Rolling Thunder expires during the jump of Shield Crash, its duration gets expanded based on how long the jump takes, so that the velocity is kept until landing.
    • However, when Rolling Thunder is ended manually during the jump, via its sub-spell, the velocity is lost, so that Pangolier falls straight down.
  • The actual length of the jump depends on the terrain. This means jumping onto a higher/lower ground results in a shorter/longer jump. This does not affect the jump distance.
  • The area damage hits all enemies within range, but the buff only counts hit heroes.
  • Does not count illusions for the buff, but does count clones. Treats creep-heroes as creeps.
  • This is how much resistance he has with a certain amount of heroes hit on each level.
    • Level 1: 9%/18%/27%/36%/45%
    • Level 2: 12%/24%/36%/48%/60%
    • Level 3: 15%/30%/45%/60%/75%
    • Level 4: 18%/36%/54%/72%/90%
  • The visual effect (5 shields circling) around Pangolier has 3 different states, based on how many enemies were hit.
    • With one or two enemies hit, the 5 shields are small and have no extra effects.
    • With three enemies hit, the shields are bigger and gain a light yellow flame-like effect.
    • With four or more enemies hit, the yellow flame gets much stronger.
  • When recast while still having the buff from a previous cast, it refreshes, and the damage resistance updates if more enemy heroes were hit, but not if less were hit.
  • If Pangolier is stunned mid jump, he will not apply the damage or gain the damage resistance buff upon landing, but the skill will still go on cooldown
  • The cast backswing increases to 0.54 during Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento"..
  • When upgraded, the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Investida Sagaz". is applied instantly upon cast, not upon landing.
    • The location of the effect is set upon cast as well, and does not follow Pangolier.
    • The angle is based on Pangolier's facing angle, with the other Swashbuckles being 90° apart from each other.

Questão de Sorte
Pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Disabled by Break. Não ignora imunidade a magias.
Lucky Shot icon
Em inglês: Lucky Shot
Pangolier rolls the dice and lets fate decide the outcome for his enemies. Grants a chance to slow, apply Disarm and reduce armor.
Chance: 17%
Retardo de movimento: 40%
Redução de armadura: 3/4/5/6
Duração: 2/3/4/5
Efeito negativo Luckyshot Disarm: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.


  • O ataque aplica o efeito negativo, depois o dano.
  • Múltiplas ativações no mesmo alvo não se acumulam, mas renovam a duração.
  • Questão de Sorte usa distribuição pseudo-aleatória.

Rolling Thunder icon
Sem alvo
A si / Inimigos
Em inglês: Rolling Thunder
O usuário se envolve em uma bola resistente a magias e rola em frente. Durante o rolamento, ele recebe velocidade de movimento adicional e pode passar por entre árvores, porém faz curvas com dificuldade. Atingir inimigos os arremessa para trás, causando dano e atordoando ao atingir o chão.

Colidir com paredes ou desníveis causará uma pausa momentânea enquanto e faz o usuário começar a rolar para o outro lado.
Animação de uso: 1,2+0
Raio de colisão: 150
Dano: 200/275/350
Velocidade de rolamento: 600
Taxa de rotação por segundos em graus: 120
Taxa de rotação extra após começar o Rolamento/quicar/saltar: 165
Distância do arremesso inimigo: 150
Duração do salto inimigo: 0,4
Duração do atordoamento inimigo: 1/1,25/1,5
Duração do Rolamento: 8 (Talento 10)
Cooldown: 70 (Talento 35)
Mana: 100/150/200
Efeito positivo Gyroshell: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Gyroshell Ricochet: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Gyroshell Bounce: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Gyroshell Timeout: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Gyroshell Stunned: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
Onde os seus ancestrais buscavam apenas refúgio, o Pangolier enxergou oportunidade…


  • Applies spell immunity for the duration and a basic dispel upon cast.
  • For better readability, the turn rate during Rolling Thunder is given as degrees per second, instead of radians per 0.03 seconds.
    • 120 degrees per second equal a turn rate of 0,063.
  • The turn rate is boosted by an additional 165 degrees upon beginning to roll, upon hitting a cliff or wall, or upon landing after Shield Crash.
    • This boost lasts for 0.25 seconds. It effectively increases the turn rate to 0,149 for that time.
  • Pangolier takes a maximum of 180° turns per move order he gives. This means he does not move in a circle around one targeted point.
    • Pangolier's final path and direction pre move order depends on a vector from Pangolier's position to targeted point, which is always parallel with the path.
  • Upon colliding with unpathable terrain, Pangolier stops for 0.2 seconds and then starts rolling the direction he came from.
    • Can also collide with the pathing blockers created by Power Cogs icon Engrenagens Elétricas, Fissure icon Fissura and Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Fragmentos de Gelo"..
    • When colliding with trees, they get destroyed instead and Pangolier continues rolling without stopping.
    • Does not collide with buildings or wards, he simply rolls through them.
  • Pangolier is not disabled while rolling and can use any items and abilities normally.
  • The roll speed is fixed and cannot be altered in any way.
  • Every enemy (except for Roshan icon Roshan) coming within 150 of Pangolier while rolling gets damaged, knocked back, and stunned.
    • The damage and knockback happen immediately on contact. The stun is applied right after the knockback, although the knockback itself is disabling as well.
    • Enemies are knocked 150 range away from Pangolier over 0,4 seconds. Can knock enemies over impassable terrain.
    • This means the disable lasts a total of 1,4/1,65/1,9 seconds.
    • The Timeout debuff prevents units from getting hit by Rolling Thunder again. Its duration equals the combined duration of the knockback and the stun and cannot be altered.
  • Primeiro aplica o dano, depois os efeitos negativos.

Parar Rolamento
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast.
Stop Rolling icon
Sem alvo
A si
Em inglês: Stop Rolling
Animação de uso: 0+0
Apenas Donté Panlin diz a hora de parar.


  • Replaces Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento". for its duration or until used.


Talentos do herói
-35s de intervalo entre usos para Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento".25-3s de intervalo entre usos para Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Investida Sagaz".
+20 de Strength attribute symbol Força20+40 de dano para Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Investida Sagaz".
+2s de duração para Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento".152s de intervalo para Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Escudo Estrondoso". durante o Rolamento
+25 de velocidade de movimento10+1,5 de regeneração de mana

Itens recomendados[]

Itens iniciais:

Começo da partida:

Meio da partida:

Minutos finais:

Itens situacionais:


Funções: Carregador Carregador Bombardeador Bombardeador Desativador Desativador Resistente Resistente Escapista Escapista Iniciador Iniciador
Complexidade: ★★☆
Estilo de jogo: Fond of wine, women, and danger, the gallant Donté Panlin goes wherever adventure calls. Dropping into the fight with a Shield Crash, the Pangolier Swashbuckles his way to glory as he fends off attacks with his scaly plates. His rapier's pointed tip finds the weakness in any armor, delivering Heartpiercing blows that strike to the core. Curling up into an impenetrable ball, the rascally rogue's Rolling Thunder plows through the battlefield, slamming foes aside and clearing the path to victory.

Counters icon
Desvantagens e


Responses icon
Sounds icon


Lore icon
Changelogs icon



  • Pangolier is sometimes labeled in the game files as Armadillo, and other times as Pangolin.
  • Pangolier speaks some French phrases, and has a French accent.
  • A swashbuckler is an heroic archetype in European adventure literature that is typified by the use of a sword and chivalric ideals.
  • Pangolier's character was likely partially inspired by The Three Musketeers' D'Artagnan (for his mannerism, hot-hotheadedness and French phrases) and Zorro.
  • Some of Pangoliers abilities have different names in the game files:
    • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Investida Sagaz".: Swash
    • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Escudo Estrondoso".: Thump
    • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Rolamento".: Shell, Gyroshell
    • Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Parar Rolamento".: Shell Stop
  • Rolling Thunder was the name of an American bombing campaign during the Vietnam War.
  • Pangolier's response to killing Kunkka minimap icon Kunkka ▶️ "What to do with a drunken sailor? Simple. Stab him in the heart." refers to the famous folk song/sea shanty Drunken Sailor (Also known as What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?).
  • Pangolier's response to meeting Death Prophet minimap icon Death Prophet as ally ▶️ "Try to look on the bright side of life." is a reference to Eric Idle's famous song Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, featured in the classic Monty Python movie Life of Brian IMDB.
  • Pangolier's response to meeting ally Lion minimap icon Lion ▶️ "Which level of hell is your favorite, Lion? I prefer the second. Or perhaps the seventh." alludes to Dante Alighieri's famous work: Divine Comedy. There are Nine Circles of Hell in Dante's work: the second is Lust, and the seventh is Violence, indicative of Pangolier's personality. Pangolier's name Donté Panlin also bears resemblance to Dante Alighieri.
  • Pangolier's rivalry response towards Witch Doctor minimap icon Witch Doctor ▶️ "In my professional opinion? You're dead." is a direct quote from the Medic from Team Fortress 2.[1]


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