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Esfera de Linken
Linken's Sphere icon
Esta esfera mágica já protegeu um dos heróis mais famosos da história.
5050 (1200)
Ativo Transferir Bloqueio de Magias
Passiva [?] Bloqueio de Magias
Bônus [?] +13 de Força
+13 de Agilidade
+13 de Inteligência
Desmontável? Não
Alerta aliados? Não
Esfera de Linken (5050)Components3
Orbe Supremo (2
Perseverança (1
Receita (1200)

Esfera de Linken é um item comprável na loja da base, na categoria armaduras. No entanto, só pode ser completado com itens da loja secreta.

Informações adicionais[]

Erro Lua em Módulo:Item_stats na linha 59: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil).


Bloqueio de Magias
A si
Em inglês: Spellblock
Bloqueia uma magia direcionada a você a cada 13 segundos.
Cooldown: 13


  • Não bloqueia magias usadas por aliados.
  • Não bloqueia Ion Shell icon Carapaça Iônica, Toss icon Lançar e Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Bola de Neve"..
  • For a list of blocked spells, see Spell Block.

Transferir Bloqueio de Magias
Em inglês: Transfer Spellblock
Remove temporariamente o Bloqueio de Magias do portador do item e o transfere para uma unidade aliada por 13 segundos.
Alcance de uso: 700
Duração do efeito: 13
Cooldown: 13
Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. The buff can be transfered to illusions, however it does not block a spell for them.
Efeito positivo Item Sphere Target: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.


  • Não pode ser usado em si próprio.
  • Multiple instances of the buff work fully independently from each other.
    • This means it is possible to cast two instances on the same allied hero, and each buff can block one spell.
    • This also means that when an ally places the Linken's buff on a hero that has its own Linken's Sphere, both can block a spell. The allied buff is used up first in this case.
  • Puts Linken's Sphere on cooldown upon transferring the buff. During this period, it does not block spells on the owner.
  • Goes into cooldown once again when the buff blocks a spell on the targeted allied hero.
  • Does not go into cooldown when the buff did not block a spell and expired.

Blocked abilities[]

Artigo principal: Spell Block

Heróis recomendados[]

Principal: Morphling minimap icon Morphling, Weaver minimap icon Weaver e Medusa minimap icon Medusa

Situacional: Ancient Apparition minimap icon Ancient Apparition, Gyrocopter minimap icon Gyrocopter, Ember Spirit minimap icon Ember Spirit, Storm Spirit minimap icon Storm Spirit, Nyx Assassin minimap icon Nyx Assassin, Mirana minimap icon Mirana, Clinkz minimap icon Clinkz, Lina minimap icon Lina, Luna minimap icon Luna, Naga Siren minimap icon Naga Siren, Underlord minimap icon Underlord e Queen of Pain minimap icon Queen of Pain


  • Although Heroes that solely have single-target abilities (like Bane minimap icon Bane and Lion minimap icon Lion) seem like they would be rendered harmless with Linken's, this actually means they would be able to bypass the Spell Block much more easily than Heroes with only one single-target spell (like Lina minimap icon Lina or Wraith King minimap icon Wraith King), as Linken's Sphere only blocks one spell at a time.
  • As such, when facing against an enemy with Linken's Sphere, it's best to use a cheap, spammable spell like Stifling Dagger icon Adaga Sufocante or Fade Bolt icon Choque Enfraquecedor to put the item on cooldown so that you or an ally can then use more powerful spells like Reaper's Scythe icon Foice da Morte or Doom ability icon Condenar.
  • It is wise to place the Spell Block buff on your allied initiator or carry to prevent them from being disabled immediately when charging into the enemy team.
  • It is good to purchase this item on Heroes that use invisibility or are going to buy items that grant it, as the Spell Block can prevent some spells, such as Corrosive Haze icon Neblina Corrosiva, from revealing the Hero. If the enemy lacks any detection but has strong burst damage, the Spell Block may also prevent some disables or ultimates from locking and bursting down your Hero before your fade time, or at least give you a warning that you are about to be targeted.
  • This item can be useful on heroes with quick escape options such as Weaver minimap icon Weaver, Ember Spirit minimap icon Ember Spirit, Clinkz minimap icon Clinkz or Storm Spirit minimap icon Storm Spirit, as Linken's Sphere can easily make you almost immune to enemy ganks by blocking any enemy's spell - protecting you from a potential disable and also giving you an early warning that the enemy is coming, allowing you to make your escape.
  • Projectile-based spells are always blocked upon impact. This makes them easier to blocked for an ally, than spells with instant effect, because the Spellblock buff can be placed on the targeted ally before the projectile hits.
  • Linken's Sphere is a good combination with Black King Bar icon Bastão Preto da Realeza, because it can force enemy hero to cast his most powerful singe-targeted ability on you.

Items Synergy[]

Counter Items[]

  • Force Staff icon Cajado de Força: it is the cheapest item able to disable a Linken's Sphere.
  • Rod of Atos icon Bastão de Atos: it is not as cheap as force staff, but its active has the longest casting range of all the items who can disable Linkens's Sphere, which allows its wearer to disable Linken's Sphere from afar
  • Skull Basher icon Esmagador de Crânios: Linken's Sphere doesn't protect from bashes.
  • Abyssal Blade icon Lâmina Abissal: Though expensive, can disable a Linken's Sphere through Spell Immunity.


  • Linken's Sphere is named after Linken, a character from World of Warcraft, who is in turn named after Link, the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda franchise.
  • As Linken's Sphere was originally created, it was named "Linken's Mirror". Its ability was Spell Mirror, which was basically a chance-based Echo Shell from Lotus Orb icon Orbe de Lótus. The item was reworked into the present version in 6.09.

