I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.
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Histórico de versões[]
- Já não entrega itens bloqueados, e não coloca os itens bloqueados no armário.
- Aumento da velocidade de movimento (de 275 para 280).
- Já não é um item comprável. Agora cada jogador começa com seu próprio entregador gratuito.
- Agora ganham nível sempre que o herói do jogador ganhar um nível.
- Agora ganham visão e movimentação aérea no nível 5.
- Adição de uma nova habilidade, que é desbloqueada no nível 10: Explosão de Velocidade
- Explosão de Velocidade:
- The courier gains a burst of speed for a short duration.
- Velocidade de movimento adicional: 50%
- Duração: 6
- Intervalo entre usos: 120
- Observações: Aplica impeto no entregador, então não pode ser retardado.
- Agora podem colocar Sentinelas Observadoras e Reveladoras a partir do nível 15.
- Escudo: agora requer o nível 20 para ser desbloqueado.
- Já não bloqueia os itens a partir do nível 25. [?]
- Redução da vida máxima (de 75/150 para 70 + 10 por nível).
- Redução da velocidade de movimento (de 380/470 para 275 + 10 por nível).
- Redução da armadura (de 0/10 para 0).
- Redução do alcance de visão (de 350/300 para 200).
- Redução do tempo de renascer (de 120/180 para 50 + 7 por nível).
- Redução da recompensa de ouro (de 125/175 para 25 + 5 por nível).
- Alteração da recompensa de experiência (de 0/349 para 35 + 20 por nível).
- A hero's periodic gold income is now tied to the courier. The player now only gains the periodic gold if the courier is alive, meaning its death stops the gold passive gold income until it revives.
- Reduced passive gold income per minute from 91 to 85 + 2 per level.
- Retornar à Base: remoção da habilidade.
- Using Pegar Itens while not having items in the stash now sends the courier back to the fountain. [?]
- [Não documentado] Pegar Itens now makes the courier also deliver the items after retrieving them from the stash.
- [Não documentado] Retornar Itens now makes the courier move to the team's fountain, even if it has no items in its inventory. [?]
- Entregador Aéreo: aumento da velocidade de movimento (de 460 para 470).
- Entregador
- Redução da recompensa de ouro (de 175 para 125).
- Redução da recompensa de ouro para a equipe (de 175 para 125).
- Entregador Aéreo: aumento da velocidade de movimento (de 450 para 460).
- Entregador: redução do custo (de 200 para 50 de ouro).
- Entregador
- Now automatically upgrades into a Flying Courier upon reaching the 3rd minute mark of the game, instead of requiring a 150 gold cost item.
- Increased restock time from 180 to 36000 seconds.
- Já não pode ser vendido ou destruído.
- Aumento do custo (de 100 para 200 de ouro).
- Aumento da velocidade de movimento (de 350 para 380).
- Couriers can no longer refill Garrafa.
- Couriers are no longer slowed by non-full Bottles by 30%.
- Entregador Aéreo
- Aumento da velocidade de movimento (de 430 para 450).
- Remoção de uma habilidade: Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Speed Burst"..
- Adição de uma nova habilidade: Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Shield".
- Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Shield".:
- Summons a protective shield around the courier.
- Duração: 2
- Intervalo entre usos: 200
- Observações: Turns the courier invulnerable for the duration.
- Reduced Animal Courier respawn time from 140 to 120. [?]
- Reduced Flying Courier gold cost from 200 to 150. (Flying Courier total cost from 300 to 250).
- Entregador
- Aumento do intervalo entre re-estoques (de 7s para 120s).
- Redução do custo (de 120 para 100 de ouro).
- Reduced Flying Courier gold cost from 220 to 200 (Flying Courier total cost from 340 to 300).
- Reduced Flying Courier vision range from 400 to 300.
- Increased Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Speed Burst". speed from 650 to 800.
- Reduced animal Courier gold cost from 150 to 120 (Flying Courier total cost from 370 to 340).
- Flying Courier
- Now take 50% extra damage from melee attacks.
- Increased movement speed from 350 to 430.
- Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Speed Burst".
- Increased speed from 522 to 650.
- Reduced duration from 20 to 4.
- Increased cooldown from 40 to 90.
- Reduced Animal Courier respawn time from 180 to 140. [?]
- Reduced Animal Courier team gold bounty from 175 to 150. [?]
- Animal Courier
- Increased movement speed from 300 to 350.
- Increased health from 45 to 75.
- Flying Courier now has a 180 seconds restock time and starts with 0 stock count.
- Couriers no longer block neutral creeps from spawning.
- Couriers are now slowed by 30% when they carry an empty Garrafa.
- Reduced Animal Courier gold cost from 170 to 150.
- Reduced Flying Courier gold cost from 200 to 220. [?]
- Increased Courier team gold bounty from 150 to 175.
- The team gold bounty can now only trigger while no other couriers of that team are dead.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Go To Secret Shop". ability, which causes the courier to move to the secret shop on its team's side of the map.
- Couriers are now invulnerable near their fountain. [?]
- Animal Couriers are now spell immune like Flying Couriers.
- Removed the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Courier Shield". ability from Flying Couriers.
- Couriers no longer drop items when they die.
- Couriers now respawn 3 minutes after death, the items they have are inaccesible during that time.
- Couriers now give 150 gold to each enemy player, instead of 300 only to the killer.
- Consumable Items no longer automatically fuse with the ones owned by other players in the couriers' inventory. [?]
- Animal Couriers now automatically upgrade to Ficheiro:Flying Courier (Item) icon.png Flying Courier (Item)s when the recipe is bought, instead of requiring to put it in its inventory.
- Couriers are now able to hold Gema da Visão Verdadeira. [?]
- Reduced animal Courier gold cost from 200 to 170 (Flying Courier total cost from 400 to 370).
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Retrieve Items". ability, which causes the courier to pick up all the hero's items within range.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Return to Base". ability, which causes the courier to move back to the team's fountain.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Transfer Items". ability, which causes the courier to deliver items to the hero and then return to the fountain automatically.
- Animal Couriers now spawn 175 units in front of the hero rather than on top of the hero.
- Reduced animal Courier gold cost from 225 to 200 (Flying Courier total cost from 425 to 400).
- Couriers can no longer place Sentinelas Observadoras e Reveladoras.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Return Items". ability, which causes the courier to return to the base and drop all items from its inventory to the respective power circles.
- Buying the recipe again no longer grants the Flying Courier 400 mana.
- Couriers are no longer allowed to pick up the Égide do Imortal.
- Couriers are no longer allowed to buy Sentinela Observadoras from the enemy shop.
- Couriers can now disassemble items.
- Fixed couriers being able to use Pergaminho de Teletransportes.
- Flying Courier
- No longer have a 400 mana pool by default.
- Buying the recipe again now grants the Flying Courier a 400 mana pool.
- Added an ability to the couriers which allows changing the courier's model to any of the other models.
- Fixed a bug when killing heroes with a Flying Courier.
- Flying Courier's Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Courier Shield". now gets dispelled when the courier enters the enemy's fountain area.
- Animal Courier
- Model is now different for Sentinel/Scourge. [?
- Flying Courier
- Model is now different for Sentinel/Scourge. [?
- No longer requires Botas de Velocidade to build (total cost from 925 to 425).
- Reduced vision range from 1800/800 to 400/400.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Courier Shield". ability
- Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Courier Shield".:
- An impenetrable shield surrounds this unit, protecting it from all damage and spells.
- Duration: 7
- Mana cost: 25
- Cooldown: 20
- Notes: Turns the courier invulnerable for the duration.
- Couriers can no longer sell items.
- Animal Couriers can now be upgraded into flying couriers.
- Recipe: Animal Courier (Item) (225), Botas de Velocidade (500), Ficheiro:Flying Courier (Item) icon.png Flying Courier (Item) recipe (200)
- Total cost: 925
- To upgrade an already spawned courier, place the recipe and Boots of Speed into the courier's inventory and press the upgrade button.
- Effects:
- Grants flying movement and increases movement speed from 300 to 350.
- Grants spell immunity.
- Grants Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Speed Burst".: Grants the courier maximum movement speed (522) for 20 seconds. 50 mana cost, 40 seconds cooldown.
- Increases health from 45 to 150 and mana from 0 to 400.
- Increases armor from 0 to 10 and changes armor type from medium to unarmored.
- Grants flying vision and increases vision from 350/350 to 1800/800.
- Removed the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Drop Items". ability.
- Added the Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Drop Items". ability, which causes the courier to drop all items from its inventory.
- Couriers are now ancient type units.
- A player may now have more than 1 courier again.
- Reduced courier collision size from
to 0. - Couriers can no longer be Toss.
- Couriers can no longer be targeted by Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Nightmare"., Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Sacrifice". and Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Death Pact"..
- Lançar: já não pode alvejar entregadores.
- Agora um jogador só pode ter 1 entregador.
- Criação.
Histórico de atualizações[]
- Fixed the Turbo mode courier trying reacting on enemy items in its inventory and spamming deliver every second.
- Fixed The Turbo mode courier trying to deliver Gema da Visão Verdadeira, Pedra de Sangue and Rapieira Divina while not having a free slot for them.
- [Não documentado] Fixed the Turbo mode courier reacting on directional move orders and patrol orders.
- Added a new button to the HUD which makes the courier resume its previous delivery if it was canceled by another player.
- The courier upgrade button in the HUD now shows the time remaining for the automatic upgrade.
- When the courier's delivery fails due to the hero dying, the courier now automatically puts the items in the hero's stash after having returned to the fountain.
- Fixed ALT-clicking on items in the courier saying "ready", instead of "on courier".
- Added ALT-click support on dead couriers to announce their respawn time.
- Fixed some rare cases where items wouldn't combine when arriving from the courier.
- Fixed Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Shield".'s legacy hotkey (R->C).
- Fixed couriers being unable to put items into the stash while carrying a non-full Garrafa.
- Fixed Turbo mode courier not delivering stackable or combinable items when the inventory is full but the items would stack or combine.
- Fixed the Turbo mode courier's permanent invulnerability and haste speed being dispellable.
- Updated all of the courier's ability icons.
- Added item lore.
- Fixed the courier's spell immunity being purgeable.
- Fixed seeing the courier die in an area after it has already been dead for a while when you hadn't seen it die originally.
- Fixed couriers losing track of their orders sometimes if they get purged.
- Fixed courier travelling deeper into the fountain than necessary in order to interact with the stash.
- Fixed a bug where several courier particle systems that occurred on death weren't playing correctly.
- Fixed turn poses, haste animations and hitboxes on more couriers.
- Various courier fixes (hitbox adjustments, "haste" run activity fixes, etc.).
- Couriers no longer morph when they move.
- Fixed the courier sometimes failing to deliver items if the deliver key was pressed soon after an item was purchased.
- Fixed Ficheiro:Flying Courier (Item) icon.png Flying Courier (Item) purchase time in AP.