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Bastão de Atos B | |||||||||||||
A essência de Atos, o Lorde da Praga, está guardada nesta varinha de aparência simples. | |||||||||||||
2750 (850) N/D
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Bastão de Atos é um item comprável na loja da base, na categoria magia.
Informações adicionais[]
Erro Lua: Erro: não foi encontrado nenhum campo com o nome "bonus_spell_damfwqfqwfqwfqwfqwage" em nenhuma das tabelas da base de dados especificadas..
Em inglês: Cripple
Enraíza o alvo por 2 segundos.
Enraíza o alvo por 2 segundos.
- O projétil percorre em uma velocidade de 1500.
- Enraíza o alvo, impedindo-o de ser movimentar e usar certas magias de mobilidade.
- Fornece Visão Verdadeira sobre o alvo, mas só quando o alvo não estava invisível, ou dentro do atraso de desvanecimento, ao ser atingido.
- Lançamentos sucessivos no mesmo alvo não se acumulam, mas renovam a duração.
Heróis recomendados[]
- Incapacitar tem uma boa sinergia com Pé Frio, visto que, o enraizamento é demorado o suficiente para garantir que o alvo seja congelado no lugar.
- Incapacitar também força o alvo a ficar dentro do alcance de Vórtex de Gelo por mais tempo, permitindo-o – e seus aliados – bombardear o alvo mais rápido.
- Cripple will make sure an enemy does not run away from Campo Cinético before it is set-up.
- Cripple will help you reach an enemy in order to use Relance on them.
- Cripple will make all slow moving or delayed spells easier to land such as: Pulso Eletromagnético, Tornado, Explosão Ensurdecedora, Meteoro do Caos and Raio Solar.
- Cripple will help you close the distance between you and your enemy in order to cast Parede de Gelo.
- Forjar Espírito will have a much easier time staying close to your enemy due to cripple.
- Cripple will make landing Baforada Dupla and Caminho de Gelo much easier.
- Cripple will force enemies under Macrópiro stay on it longer, thus taking more damage.
- Cripple will make landing Impacto de Luz Solar much easier, due to its effect delay.
- Cripple helps you land more autoattacks in case your target is trying to run away, working with the attack speed from Alma Ardente.
- Cripple helps Outworld Devourer to get a few more guaranteed hits with Esfera Arcana on the target, while the intelligence bonus also boosts Arcane Orb's and Eclipse da Sanidade's damage, since their damage is mana/intelligence-based.
- Cripple will make landing Orbe Ilusório much easier, due to its slow travel time.
- Cripple will also help you get close to an enemy to use Fenda Minguante on them, if you want to save Orbe Ilusório.
- Using cripple on an enemy chasing you will make it much harder for them to catch you.
- Using cripple right after an enemy is stunned from Espiral dos Sonhos will make them much easier to kill.
- Gancho de Carne is much easier to land, if cast right as the cripple projectile hits.
- Cripples allows you to close the distance on an enemy to Desmembrar them.
- Cripple will help Razor lock down a target and drain more damage using Elo Estático, if they were trying to escape.
- Cripple will also help with making sure that he gets the maximum amount of damage from Campo de Plasma and force them to take some hits from Olho da Tempestade.
- Cripple will help illusions summoned from Disrupção catch up to their target
- Cripple can be cast right after Disrupção in order to offer even more lockdown.
- Silencer often has trouble keeping up to people. Cripple will make it much easier for you to keep up with your enemies and hit them with Glaives da Sabedoria.
- Cripple synergizes extremely well with Relâmpagos Místicos, rooting an enemy long enough for the spell to deal almost all of its damage. Selo Ancestral further increases the damage dealt and also prevents the enemy from using abilities to fight or flee while rooted.
- Cripple also helps compensate for Energia Arcana's slow travel speed, holding a target in place for the spell to impact more quickly and keeping them in range long enough for Skywrath Mage to cast multiple Arcane Bolts. The bonus Intelligence also increases Arcane Bolt's damage.
- Using cripple when an enemy is near a tree will be a smart idea in order to get the most damage out of your abilities.
- Crippled enemies will stay longer in Chakram, thus taking more damage.
- Cripple will help the golem summoned from Oferenda Caótica keep up to targets.
- Cripple paired with Fosso da Malícia will enable Underlord to chain root Enemies under Chuva de Meteoros.
- Because Visage has no disables other than a slow, Rod of Atos will greatly help disabling an opponent when it's getting damaged from Visage's familiars.
- Root is a great disable to make a melee hero unable to reach his target and attack and later to force them to use their Bastão Preto da Realeza while out of position.
- This item can be combined with a Espinho Sangrento and/or a Necronomicon to get more attacks off.
- Combine it with an Lança Furacão to push away your target then root him for preventing your enemy from attacking or escaping.
- The item can be used for ganking, chasing survivors after a team fight, or to escape.
- The very long cast range makes the Rod of Atos an effective item to disable an enemy Esfera de Linken from afar, although it requires the projectile to connect.
- The particle effects of Cripple include runes resembling the Elvish scripts from The Lord of the Rings, a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien (specifically the alphabet bee or umbar in Tengwar).