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Atualizações (última) | ← Atualização de 16 de julho de 2016 | Atualização de 26 de julho de 2016 | Atualização de 27 de julho de 2016 → |
Notas da atualização
- Corrigido o pulo de Omnitalho no Espirito do Elder Titan
- Corrigido Grevas Guardiãs não regenerando heróis escondidos (por exemplo Disrupção)
- Corrigido o não funcionamento do suicídio da Pedra de Sangue durante Bola de Relâmpago
- Fixed spell effects not working properly when first appearing while cast in fog of war
- The Dota 2 window now flashes when you enter the hero picking phase
- Added a new option to bring Dota 2 to the foreground when the hero picking phase begins
- Corrigidos vários bugs recentes com itens cosméticos
- Corrigido o não funcionamento dos Locutores durante Seleção de herói
- Refeito as vozes russas de Pudge e Lina
- Rerecorded several lines for Russian voices: Shadow Fiend, Legion Commander, Default Announcer
- Added several Russian language voices: Alchemist, Anti-Mage, Bloodseeker, Bristleback & Bristleback Announcer, Crystal Maiden Announcer, Doom, Earth Spirit, Earthshaker, Ember Spirit, Keeper of the Light, Meepo, Nyx Assassin, Omniknight, Phantom Lancer, Riki, Slardar, Templar Assassin, Ursa, Witch Doctor
- Added loadout slot for Underlord's armor, head, head item, weapon, and ambient effects.
- Added particle file for Underlord's eyes ambient effect.
- Fixed portrait positioning for Medusa's equipment weapons.
- Updated response rules for Bristleback and Broodmother on Runa Arcana pickup.
- Mudou o nome do Weekend Battle Cup para The International 2016 Weekend Battle Cup Ticket.
- Removed Team Showcase strings.
- Added Professional teams icons.
- Added maximum frames per second allowed to settings.
- Added support for displaying Hero Damage, Hero Healing and MMR Change to the Match Details page.
- Added backend support for MVP data for The International 2016 games.
- Added backend support for Oracle's Falsa Promessa and Fim da Fortuna to be displayed for the on-screen projection effects at The International 2016.
- Bloodseeker's Fúria por Sangue damage type has been removed from magical to none.
- Elder Titan's Espírito Astral is now immune to Omnitalho.
- Fixed Bloodstone's Pocket Deny not killing the user when cast while invulnerable.
- Arcane Boots's Replenish Mana, Mekansm's Restore and Guardian Greaves's Mend now affects hidden allies.
Passe de Batalha do The International 2016
- Axe Initiator Challenge Berserker's Call count requirement changed de 15/25/35 para 12/20/28.
- Windranger Double Shackles quest count requirement changed de 3/5/7 para 3/4/5.
- Windranger Focus Fire Attacks quest count requirement changed de 50/100/200 para 50/100/150.
- Conteúdo:
2ª atualização
- Bug fixes to the Bane and Slark immortals released with Immortal 3.
- A very basic hero entry for Underlord has been added with item slots as Weapon, Head Accessory, Armor, Taunt, Ambient Effects and Head.
- Gold and Silver Cards always have different Stat Bonuses, even if you already own one of that player. Recycle with care.
- You will be able to make Predictions for the entire TI6 Main Event bracket on August 6, 2016 for Battle Points.
- Fixed a couple of minor typos here and there and some capitalization issues.