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Atualizações (última) | ← Atualização de 22 de março de 2016 | Atualização de 24 de março de 2016 | Atualização de 25 de março de 2016 → |
Fonte: Spring Cleaning, Atualização 2
Notas da atualização
Atualizações Principais
- Agora você pode ver a caixa de aparição das criaturas neutras quando selecionado a Sentinela Observadora e Sentinela Reveladorapara colocar no mapa, ajudando a bloquear ou desbloquear os campos das criaturas de forma mais efetiva. Você também pode alterar a opção para exibir essas caixas quando se pressiona a tecla ALT.
- Use o novo Grupo de Atalhos para Controlar as Câmeras para ligar os locais específicos do mapa com uma tecla especifica. Segure a tecla Control e pressione a tecla de sua escolha para definir a posição do mapa. Um vez definido, pressione a tecla para mover a câmera para esse local. Pressiona a tecla novamente para mover a câmera de volta ao herói.
- Para ajudar a fazer o Menu de Configurações mais fácil de navegar, nós tivemos que reorganizar o layout de várias configurações, e realocamos várias das outras Opções Avançadas e Atalhos Avançados.
- O Arsenal foi atualizado com uma nova seção para ver os itens adquiridos recentemente, justamento com um par de outras pequenas melhorias para aumentar a sua usabilidade.
- O número de espaço no Arsenal foi aumentado de 1.080 para 10.000, e o máximo de espaço foi aumentado de 24.000 para 34.000.
- Agora você pode fazer combinações diferentes nas teclas de habilidades especificamente para cada herói em Configuração > Menu de atalhos.
- Talvez você queria dar o Bote com Q, jogar o Gancho de Carne com T, ou Devastar com Y. Crie combinações únicas para todos os seus heróis favoritos para atender as necessidades do seu estilo de jogo.
- A aba da Loja dentro do cliente foi atualizada com uma recurso para Pesquisar. Pesquise tesouros de eventos, ingressos de torneios, e muito mais. Para pesquisar a coleção da Loja do Dota 2, e tudo mais, sem precisar sair do cliente.
- Para melhorar a indicação da direção das unidades inimigas (unidades dos Temidos, especificamente) que está enfrentando, o clássico ícone X das unidades no mini-mapa foram mudadas para setas.
- Selecionar uma torre agora vai mostrar o alcance do ataque da torre e mostrar quem é o alvo dela.
- Além disso, você pode clicar na alteração em Opções > Configurações de interface para adicionar essa informação das torres no seu ALT mais outra tecla.
- Agora há opções para separar o silenciamento das comunicações entre voz e texto. Ao abrir o placar e clicar no ícone de Texto ou Voz perto do nome do jogador para, caso queria, silenciar, podendo alternar as opções quando quiser.
Interface do Usuário
- Adicionado uma nova configuração UI no mini-mapa
- Reorganized the settings panel UI
- All non-machine specific settings are now saved in the Steam Cloud
- Fixed being unable to search for a match while spectating
- Various fixes to Directed Camera
- Enabled binding mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down, and mouse 3 as hotkeys (including ALT variations of them)
- Hovering over a unit's stats panel now visually shows their attack radius
- Fixed strings modified in Custom Games carrying over to other games
- Added range indicator for items on hover
- Updated all abilities to show range indicator on hover
- Added an option to make your HP bar different from your allies to make it easier to notice your hero (Green for you, yellow for allies, red for enemies)
- Added a right click option to the armory preview in the top right to Unpack and Equip directly
- There is now an option to invert Quickcast to cast on button release rather than press
- Added support (Ctrl-Shift click) for appending to the quickbuy panel to add individual items
- Item tooltips (including shop tooltips) show active cooldowns (This allows you to see if e.g. Pergaminho de Teletransporte has a cooldown for you before you buy one)
- Fixed graphs flatlining during game pauses
- After clicking on a keybind control, it will present you with an X button which can be used to unbind that key — double-clicking a keybind control will also unbind it
- Fixed the Match Details page to update properly when it's waiting for a pending replay to become available
- Fixed inability to switch camera while paused in replays
- Using Voice Chat in the dashboard now more clearly shows who is talking
- Fixed a rare case where two heroes could be picked at the same time in Ranked All Pick
- Improved the Watch Tab responsiveness and behavior when it gets match content
- Fixed text-muted players still being able to draw on the minimap
- Fixed red background on dashboard in play panel when in low priority
- Updated the Watch Tab to refresh automatically to find new matches
- Added a slider to adjust the self cast timeout threshold
- Added a UI setting for minimap misclick threshold
- Added a UI setting for disabling camera zoom
- You can now hover over creeps stats to see their detailed information
- Reworked the Auto Attack option UI
- Fixed the Attributes tooltip being stuck on the screen sometimes
- Fixed various scenarios where you could be unable to accept a party invite
- Added a button to mute your mic from the dashboard
- Fixed MMR not updating in the profile right after you win/lose a ranked game
- Fixed disconnect warning text being stuck in the top right
- Fixes to various Mac and Linux specific problems
- Fixed various bugs with Korean IME
- Re-enabled musical stingers when receiving new items
- Unbundling items no longer adds them to the new acquired items in the armory hover
- Effigies and Barracks now name the player that killed them in the chat log
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause Item icons to be stuck on your cursor
- Fixed a bug with demo hero while accepting a match
- Updated lobby game mode listings to make it clear which All Pick is the Ranked version of All Pick
- Fixed various bugs when clicking on a username's link in a chat room
- Fixed the stop coaching button not working
- Fixed Coaches not appearing in friends list
- The chat cheat
now also refreshes any active cooldowns - The chat cheat
now ignores units in the spawn blocking area and creates the neutrals - The chat cheat
no longer requires the full item name, it will instead match to a substring to create the item - Added a chat cheat
that levels your hero to the max and skills all your abilities - Fixed a case where the game could hang at a black screen when changing video settings
- Fixed Picada Venenosa debuff tooltip showing garbled numbers
- Changed the 'Control Group Tab' bind to 'Next Unit' and 'Prev Unit' binds to facilitate use with the mouse wheel
- Fixed issue with tournament brackets showing incorrect brackets when loading a different tournament's bracket first
- Fixed Patrol key not working with League of Legends key templates
- Fixed Player icons in the loading screen for custom games with more than 12 players
- Fixed a number of cases where Rubick stealing spells in quick succession could cause ability keybinds to get scrambled
- Fixed selecting text right to left not letting you copy
- Added AoE targeting Cursor to Incendiar
- Adjusted the range aoe indicator to be more visually accurate from the camera perspective
- Fixed being unable to search for Charms
- ALT-chorded keys can now be bound by custom games, use ALT+ in your key definition in addoninfo.txt
- Joining a party switches your active channel to your party channel
- Added Team MMR to Team Management Popup
- Default death stinger will always play on death regardless of music settings (Added an option to turn it off)
- Fixed minor UI glitch when clicking on game history settings and navigating elsewhere
- Added a new 'Immediate Camera Grip' feature, activatible in the Settings menu — this feature causes the camera to drag immediately when the Camera Grip key is pressed, instead of having the drag start only on a left click while the Camera Grip key is pressed
- Fixed the
command - Fixed Lobby search being case sensitive
- Fixed a case where ticket names will be mislabeled
- Fixed Compendium buttons sometimes not appearing when looking at tickets on the profile
- Fixed The International 2013 ticket being pinned to the top left
- Adjusted the input field for Effigy text to not allow more text than will display
- Fixed crashes due to memory fragmentation over long play sessions
- Fixed a bug with stun application timing that could cause you to teleport to the fountain while stunned
- Fixed Auto Attack after spell to not trigger on various other non-spell activities (like placing wards)
- Fixed seeing the courier die in an area after it has already been dead for a while when you hadn't seen it die originally
- Fixed bots being stuck trying to ward near cliffs
- Fixed various effects malfunctioning when the target moves in and out of FoW (causing things like the Enfeitiçar effect to play multiple times when the target reappears)
- Assists now get counted whenever you place debuff on an enemy hero that dies
- Assists now get counted whenever you place a buff on a hero that kills an enemy hero
- Fixed Lifestealer having the wrong HP bar color when Infestaring Ancients
- Fixed Raio Solar having a delay on updating the visual location of the ray
- Fixed Parede de Gelo debuff lingering on heroes that become Spell Immune
- Fixed Intocável lingering when attempting to attack units other than Enchantress
- Fixed Lycan's ult wolf changing into a headless Lycan model on death
- Added a new setting to make summoned units always auto attack
- Towers can now be targeted in FoW without giving the invulnerability error
- Attack Speed changes during an attack now causes the animation and attack timings to update dynamically
- Fixed a bug where units would occasionally walk back to their previous location after teleporting
- Fixed various bugs with receiving a party invite and a match found at the same time
- Fixed various attack animation prediction exploits (such as Coup de Grace)
- Enabled Quickcast to work with non-hero units and neutrals
- Fixed being unable to use Garrafa, Manga Encantada or Tangoes on Spirit Bear
- When using Auto-Attack after spell, you no longer auto-attack when denying allied units
- Fixed Botas de Teletransporte canceling when upgrading to Level 2
- Equipped taunts will now automatically play in-game under a variety of rare circumstances
- Fixed Roshan's model size after hex
- Fixed Legacy Keys on allied disconnected heroes
- Fixed it being possible to have multiple teleports to a tower without increasing the teleportation time
- Fixed a backdoor bug possible with Chen's creeps
- Spiderlings and Spiderites can now be set to two different control groups
- Lycan, Visage and Warlock summoned units can now be independently bindable
- Added Hero Responses for Runa Arcana for the following heroes:
- Abaddon
- Alchemist
- Ancient Apparition
- Anti-Mage
- Arc Warden
- Axe
- Bane
- Batrider
- Beastmaster
- Bloodseeker
- Bounty Hunter
- Brewmaster
- Nature's Prophet
- More will be added over time.
- Added an Empty Garrafa ground model
- Fixed various sleep based spells not behaving like stuns with regards to queuing actions for when sleep ends
- Fixed various systemic issues with Auras not updating when different owners of the aura apply it
- Fixed Quickcast not working with Tango
- Fixed Coturnos do Poder not disassembling to its original components
- Fixed Sentinela Antimagia damage not disabling Blink
- Fixed couriers losing track of their orders sometimes if they get purged
- Added the ability to shift+control group selection/deselection of units
- Alt clicking on an item with levels, like Dagon or Necronomicon, now displays the level
- Fixed Explosão Ensurdecedora max level not starting off the waves in the direction of your cursor
- Fixed courier travelling deeper into the fountain than necessary in order to interact with the stash
- Canceling Nature's Prophet teleportation now interrupts the sound
- Fixed Roshan to update his health immediately on the upgrade timer, rather than the next time he spawns
- Fixed screen space damage indicator triggering on non-damage events (like toggling Power Treads)
- Fixed Raio Solar beam tracking when casting Rasante de Ícaro
- Fixed Spiderlings killing nearby trees when they die
- Fixed some visual inconsistencies with Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Bola de Neve". appearance after the target has already been impacted
- Fixed Assimilar/ Infestar to work correctly (force the unit out) with Realocar/ Revocar/ Teste de Fé
- Added Disable Help support to Golpe Geológico and Chamas Purificantes
- Fixed Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Bola de Neve". visual not following invisible units properly
- Fixed backdoor production not being removed by magic immune or invulnerable creeps
- Fixed Io Spirits not hurting Spirit Bear
- Fixed Familiars ignoring Auto Select on Summon setting
- Familiars are now properly affected by movement speed changes and disables such as stuns or roots
- Fixed Proteção Carmesim stack interval not being updated after recent changes
- Fixed a bug where Olhos na Floresta trees would prevent nearby trees from regrowing
- Fixed Maim not working against Spirit Bear
- Fixed Investida Sombria not ending when dying to Explosão de Gelo
- Fixed Multilançamento Incendiar's interaction with Esfera de Linken
- Fixed Lycan retaining the speed buff on respawn if he is killed during the transformation period
- Fixed Mordida Incapacitante not affecting illusions
- Fixed Explosão de Gelo AoE visual being inaccurate sometimes
- Fixed Conexão buff duration being incorrect on the target when using Realocar
- Fixed recasting Exorcismo not causing existing ghosts to return to you and heal
- Fixed Orquídea Malevolente buff not remembering the damage properly when another Orchid buff instance is added to the same unit
- Fixed Orbe de Lótus interaction with Sifão Espiritual
- Fixed Lâmina Infernal being disabled by Break
- Fixed Drenagem de Mana with Lente do Éter
- Added 3D skybox support
- Fixed Macrópiro with Lente do Éter
- Fixed multiple instances of Cajado de Força on the same target not working properly
- Fixed selling back items while dead in the range of the Secret Shop
- Fixed Rubick not flying properly with Rastro de Chamas/ Cauterização Ártica
- Fixed Incendiar not affecting the AoE if the target becomes Spell Immune before it lands
- Fixed Rubick not using the riding staff animation with Cauterização Ártica
- Fixed a case where refreshing buffs from different owners could cause the buff to stop working if the original source doesn't exist anymore
- Fixed players not getting a new hero if they disconnected during the respawn process in ARDM
- Fixed Fragmento Lunar Buffs not transferring to new heroes in ARDM
- Fixed Cetro de Aghanim Buffs not transferring to new heroes in ARDM
- Fixed enemies being able to receive a Maldição de Averno buff by denying an affected unit
- Fixed certain abilities being able to deal damage through Escudo Afótico if Escudo Afótico was cast during their effect (e.g. Espinho de Terra, Empalar)
- Fixed Escudo Afótico becoming stronger from negative damage
- Fixed Divisor de Solos giving vision at the center of the map
- Fixed Divisor de Solos with Lente do Éter
- Fixed Multilançamento Incendiar affecting units in FoW
- Fixed Sifão Espiritual with Orbe de Lótus
- Fixed spell stealing to consistently work on subspells ( Retornar, Lançar Mistura Instável, etc.)
- Fixed Teleport from Pergaminho de Teletransporte canceling when a directly targeted tower dies
- Fixed Glyph interrupting Troca de Fase
- Fixed cases where Orbe de Lótus reflected spells would incorrectly apply their effects through Spell Immunity: Fome de Batalha, Drenagem Cerebral, Pesadelo, Fenda da Realidade, Teste de Fé, Relance, Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Cauda de Dragão"., Golpe Geológico, Encantar Resquício, Vazamento de Mana, X Marca o Local, Encantar, Explosão Congelante, Abrir Feridas, Queima de Mana, Decrepitar, Erva Daninha, Palavra Sombria, Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Expurgar"., Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Queima de Mana"., Necronomicon Mana Burn, Cetro Divino de Eul
- Fixed Cetro de Aghanim Buraco Negro dealing slightly less damage than intended
- Fixed Esfera de Linken cooldown being higher when targeting allies
- Fixed Atirar na Cabeça damage going through Spell Immunity
- Fixed Clockwerk's alternate death animation not working
- Chamado da Natureza gives an error if there are no trees to convert
- Fixed Doom Shards not being treated as your own units for purposes of bounty and kills
- Fixed a bug when Fatal Bonded Meepo clones die
- Fixed Espírito Astral not returning control to your hero when the spirit expires
- Fixed Ofuscada not reacting properly to Spell Immune units
- Fixed Botas de Teletransporte's visual effect being purgeable
- Fixed Tecer Teia subability proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed Serpente Mística ending if it hits an invisible unit
- Fixed Orbe de Lótus interaction with Cetro de Aghanim Gosma Nasal Viscosa
- Fixed Botas Serenas triggering when attacks land on dead units
- Fixed Lâminas Psíquicas triggering when attacks land on dead units
- Fixed Explosão de Gelo subskill proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed Omnitalho being affected by Damage Block
- Fixed Sede de Sangue not being castable on Invulnerable allies/buildings
- Fixed a rare case where Spiderlings could fail to summon spiderites
- Fixed various very minor inconsistencies with Attack Modifier targeting rules and checks on Cast, Projectile Start and Projectile Land
- Fixed Dança das Sombras not granting passive bonuses if affected by vision spells like Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Amplify Damage".
- Vitalidade Interior now correctly applies its non-attribute based component to non-hero units
- Fixed Debandada not applying to invulnerable allies
- Fixed a 0 charge Tambor de Resistência still being castable (even though it doesn't do anything)
- Fixed being able to cast Raio Solar while you are using Rasante de Ícaro
- Fixed Stone Form stunning and damaging units if the Familiar died while landing
- Fixed Investida Sombria getting interrupted when toggling wards
- Fixed Quebra de Vida sometimes killing Huskar
- Fixed a few crashes related to Orbe de Lótus
- Fixed Investida Sombria not destroying trees at the end of the charge
- Corrigido comportamento Punho da Tempestade quando o alvo primário é escondido em cima do impacto
- Fixed Timbersaw attaching to trees behind him if he doesn't hit anything with chain
- Fixed Tempestade de Areia being canceled by purge
- Fixed bugs with refreshing Mjollnir's Static Charge buff
- Fixed Espiral dos Sonhos tether being incorrect visually if the targets get purged
- Fixed recasting Barrier not resetting the Barrier's damage capacity
- Fixed Truques do Ofício not ignoring Pesadelod units
- Fixed multiple Torrentes behavior
- Fixed Sede de Sangue buff being temporarily purgeable
- Fixed Pisão Ecoante excluding Ancients from consideration
- Fixed Onda Sombria sometimes counting your hero towards the limit
- Fixed Eidolons that split after being converted to a different team still create one Eidolon for Enigma
- Fixed Intocável slow malfunctioning if the enemy attacks an illusion of Enchantress first before immediately attacking Enchantress
- Fixed Resquício Flamejante proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed a case of Bristleback getting an infinite duration Caminho do Guerreiro Stack
- Fixed Lápide Zombies malfunctioning against Illusions
- Fixed the greyscale Lone Druid Bear effect getting stuck
- Fixed Laço Flamejante damage debuff being purgeable
- Fixed a rare case where Ímpeto Fortalecedor could stop working
- Fixed Spiderling's Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Picada Venenosa". sometimes not crediting you for the kill
- Fixed Poof sound not stopping when the ability is stopped
- Fixed a visual effects bug when Orbe de Lótus reflects Algemas
- Fixed visual issues with Mísseis Termoguiados in FoW
- Fixed multiple instances of Torrente not working properly
- Fixed Investida Fantasma triggering while dead
- Fixed Techies kill counter
- Fixed Picada Venenosa debuff tooltip
- Fixed Raio Solar ending on purge
- Fixed Multilançamento not being disabled under Break
- Fixed Break not disabling collecting souls with Necromaestria
- Fixed Armadilha Psiônica subskill proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed Exorcismo not autoattacking Spell Immune
- Fixed Desoladora to apply its effect on attack landing, not attack starting — still applies before damage is calculated
- Fixed Sede de Sangue autocast not working if Ogre Magi gets purged
- Fixed Ofuscada buff being purgeable
- Fixed Caminho do Guerreiro not being disabled by Break
- Fixed a case where the game could end if all living heroes died while other players still had heroes respawning in the fountain in ARDM
- Fixed Ether Blast being castable on Spell Immune Allies (even though it did not have any effect)
- Fixed Espírito Astral excluding Ancients from consideration
- Fixed Canção da Sereia subskill proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed a very small window where towers could be vulnerable every 3 seconds
- Fixed Estado Natural not dynamically updates its armor reduction if the target's attributes change
- Fixed various units Spell Immunity being dispellable (Couriers, Ancient Thunderhide, Ancient Black Dragon, Plague Wards)
- Fixed Rubick retaining Golem de Carne e Osso after death
- Fixed Assombrar buff on Assombrar illusions being dispellable
- Fixed some minor targeting behavior inconsistencies with Botas de Teletransporte level 1
- Fixed Lâmina Infernal being able to be targeted on Spell Immune enemies even though it has no effect
- Fixed visual bugs with Toque Arrepiante in FoW
- Fixed placing wards inside buildings
- Fixed various copy and paste glitches in chat rooms
- Fixed stolen Incendiar not getting Multilançamento bonuses
- Fixed Núcleo Octarina with Botas Serenas
- Fixed bug where the Cetro de Aghanim tooltip doesn't show the stats is provides if you don't own it already
- Fixed Neutral Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 45: Could not find Cargo data for "Armadura de Gelo". not giving Graveto Mágico charges
- Fixed Elo Estático vision debuff being purgeable
- Fixed Núcleo Octarina behavior with Carapaça Iônica
- Fixed Ruptura dealing continuous 0 damage instances
- Fixed Mistura Instável subskill ( Lançar Mistura Instável) granting Graveto Mágico charges
- Fixed Canção da Sereia subskill proccing Graveto Mágico
- Fixed interaction between Lifesteal and negative attack damage
- Fixed Cloak and Dragonhide auras being dispellable
- Fixed Finalização Cáustica behavior with Meepo Clones
- Fixed Quebra de Vida Immunity not lasting long enough
- Fixed Riki's Manto e Adaga being only partially disabled by Break
- Fixed Botas de Teletransporte's effect being a debuff and being purgeable
- Fixed Cetro de Aghanim Tempo Emprestado effect lingering
- Added Tinker to the Item Workshop
- Added Bane to the Item Workshop
- Added Night Stalker to the Item Workshop
- Updated the reference files for the following Item Workshop heroes: Abaddon, Crystal Maiden, Clockwerk, Death Prophet, Dragon Knight, Elder Titan, Juggernaut, Leshrac, Lich, Lone Druid, Ogre Magi and Terrorblade — New and Updated Workshop Reference Files can be downloaded at http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements
- Fixed particle placement for Voidhammer
- Fixed display of many autographs
- Fixed Arcana texture display for some Legion Commander items — items will still not display the Arcano texture effect if artists have not provided a proper detail mask
- Fixed disconnected particle flames on Rubick's Staff of the Cunning Augur
- Fixed disconnected particles for the head of the Flowering Treant
- Fixed a bug where several courier particle systems that occurred on death weren't playing correctly
- Fixed Greater Treant scaling for Flowering Treant, Evergreen Stalker and Call of the Dendrochron
- Fixed disconnected eye particles for Chaos Knight Baleful Reign and Rising Chaos items
- Fixed idle animation looping on Venomancer Deathbringer wards
- Fixed item transparency support for all heroes — addresses alpha problems on Phantom Assassin Dame de Carreau items, some Legion Commander items and others
- Fixed skinning on some static Tidehunter weapons that were incorrectly skinned to chain cloth
- Fixed TI2 Lockjaw courier coin particles so they display on the ground
- Fixed some sentry wards playing death animations when previewing placement
- Fixed the ability to unlock Smeevil courier styles that require mammoth, bird and crab unlock items
- Fixed various mesh skinning issues, including Undying teeth and Windranger's Gilded Falcon Cloak
- Fixed cloth on Crystal Maiden's Arcana and her other capes
- Fixed portraits for Lycan, Nightstalker's Black Nihility, Visage's Tolling Shadows and Juggernaut's Kuurishiminari ward
- Fixed orientation of Luna's Rider's Eclipse Glaive
- Fixed animation layers on custom Dragon Knight dragon attacks
- Fixed missing decal on default Dazzle sleeve
- Fixed turn poses, haste animations and hitboxes on more couriers
- Fixed Axe Blood Chaser weapon chain stretching too far on Counter Helix ability
- Fixed rein cloth on Abaddon default and custom items
- Fixed injured animation modifiers for Lone Druid's Spirit of Calm panda spirit bear
- Fixed hand skinning and posing for Omniknight's loadout animation
- Fixed missing Death Prophet skirt shreds or shred animation for skirt items
- Fixed loadout framing for many older wards
- Added missing death and Savage Roar animations to several Lone Druid True Forms
- Added LOD0 backfaces to several default hero items to improve display in loadout
- Enabled facial flex on several Outworld Devourer, Clockwerk and Windrunner head items
- Updated Team Empire item branding and added this to Razor's Empire of the Lightning Lord set
- Updated icons for many items to be centered for the Reborn square icon format, be more consistent and include particles
- Updated/Adjusted hitboxes for Juggernaut Healing Wards
- Fixed appearance of Bleak Hallucination gem, as well as other Ethereal Gems that render translucent models
- Fixed Shards of Exile's Prisão Astral effect to correctly display when the prison will be finished
- Item Workshop Tool: Hero ability model submissions are now accessible under the "Hero Item..." category in the tool — they are listed together with the wearable items for each hero
- Item Workshop Tool: SMD file support has been discontinued for workshop models and animations — existing SMD submissions can be processed, but new submissions must use either FBX or DMX file formats
- Item Workshop Tool: Adjusted the material that will be applied to new workshop couriers — Spec Exponent has been changed from 16 to 30, Spec Intensity has been changed from 1 to 3 — already-submitted couriers can use this by updating the existing submission
- Item Workshop Tool: Added workshop tool support for Chaos Knight helmet and mount attachment editing
- Item Workshop Tool: New and updated workshop hero reference files are now FBX binary for compatibility with Blender
- Item Workshop Tool: Team Banners added to Team Logo submission type
- Workshop Tools: Added particle system names to particle system debug rendering
- Workshop Tools: Improved performance on debug overlay rendering
- Workshop Tools: Fixed a crash when trying to preview or open the phantomlancer_spirtlance particle system
- Workshop Tools: Fixed an issue with the workshop importer where the flying version of couriers could not be previewed
- Workshop Tools: Enabled animation scrubbing in the workshop importer preview
- Workshop Tools: Added an option to hide the grid in the workshop importer preview
- Workshop Tools: Added an option to hide default particles in workshop importer preview
- Workshop Tools: Fixed a bug with sheet files not refreshing in tools
- Workshop Tools: Fixed a bug where PET would sometimes not display the correct animation when using activity overrides with the Render Models operator
Atualização 2
- Fixed the ability range indicator not showing up when using Quickcast on key up
- Fixed a bug where some keys could be bound in the settings menu even though they weren't compatible combinations
- Fixed casting Puf on enemy units
- Fixed a bug with "Enable Unique Keys per Cast Type for Items" and "Enable Quickcast" on items.
- Added the auto repeat right mouse option to the advanced options page and substantially slowed down the frequency of the generated clicks
- Fixed lvlmax chat cheat command
- Fixed a bug with summoned units auto attack setting
- Fixed a number of cases where item usage could trigger auto attacks
- Fixed a crash with Garrafa on Spirit Bear
- Fixed Manga Encantadaes on Spirit Bear
- Fixed some Untouchable issues
- Fixed Cauterização Ártica giving flying vision to Rubick
- Fixed some Roubo de Habilidade bugs with subskills
- Enabled -givebots to use item substrings
- Fixed Rapieira Divina/ Gema da Visão Verdadeira dropping on death for Arc Warden
- Fixed a bug with the range finder where if you hovered over a target that was not valid for the item you had selected, then part of the finder would become invisible.
- Fixed cast range preview for items in your inventory
- Fixed an issue with Infestar and Io
- Fixed split Eidolons not giving credit for kills to their owner
- The -spawnneutrals cheat command no longer ignores neutral units blocking camps
- Fixed a bug with purging Batrider's Laço Flamejante
- Fixed various heroes missing parts of the model
- Fixed an issue with health bar size scaling
Atualizações de Economia
Não Liberado
Dota TV Ticket
- Manila Major
New Battle Passes
- Spring 2016
New Terrains
- Spring Terrain
Unreleased New Taunts
- Taunt: Master Juggles
Loadout Slots
- The loadout slot for Arc Warden's Spark Wraith has been removed.
Outros Itens
- Frozen Chains TI6 Immortal: Lich
- Rainbow Spear: Possible Phantom Lancer Immortal
- Solar Forge: Possible Phoenix Immortal
- Crimson Pique: Possible Weaver Immortal
- Omniknight TI6 Immortal
- A ton of older and expired tournament tickets have been removed for sale from the Dota 2 store.
Atualizações String
Weekend Tournaments
- A bunch of supporting strings have been added for something called "Weekend Tournaments".
- Users can find lobbies for these games.
- There are four currently set finding phases: Generic, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Grand Finals.
- The Play button also has new added strings to indicate when you're looking up for a Weekend Tournament match.
- A bunch of new supporting strings for all that was added in the update.
- Support has been added for the Spring Major 2016 tournament tabs and etc.
Atualizações no Áudio
- In the mixer, the volume of VO has been increased from 0.5 to 0.6 and the music pack layer is no longer blended.
- Minor tweaks to the volume effects when Silencer ultimate is cast.
Atualizações de Herói
- Underlord has been removed from the heroes file.
- A bunch of supporting changes to all that was mentioned in the changelog.
Atualizações no Console
- There were many new and modified commands but most of them were only to accommodate the new changes added this patch.